
Comments by chitownlawyer (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    In part to borrow some of the responses above: 1. What Book Guy said--basically, the Jennifer Love Hewitt type; 2. What ironcat said--old girlfriends, or girls I wanted to be girlfriends; and 3. Latinas.
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    16 years ago
    run in
    As someone else said, you both have something on the other. In your social setting, it's the equivalent of Mutually Assured Destruction. I sometimes see colleagues at strip clubs. We typically ignore each other in the club, and never mention anything to each other about it. Sometimes guys will approach me, and occasionally ask me to join them--I comply, but I hate to do it. And in these cases, we also never mention it outside the club. Just pray that this guy doesn't decide to "bare all" during "Testimony Night", and invite you, from the altar, to "come clean", too. However, I would think that is very unlikely.
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    16 years ago
    Are we all getting a lot more for our dollar in this economy?
    Cougar, judging by the clubs you have reviewed, we seem to live in the same area. I am certainly familiar with the clubs in northern Washington Park. Although over the last year I have increasingly been "outsourcing" this type of entertainment South of the Border, I may have to head down Route 111 to see if I can find some of the bargains that you are describing. However, the Christmas Week murder outside Dollie's gives us all a little bit to think about...
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    Here's the update from 12/22: *********************************** Witnesses describe beating outside Washington Park strip club; victim on life support BY CAROLYN P. SMITH - News-Democrat WASHINGTON PARK -- Two of the four people of interest police were looking for in connection with a bludgeoning that left a 35-year-old St. Louis man hospitalized and on life support, went to the Police Department on Sunday afternoon to tell police what they saw early Saturday. And, now, police are looking for an older model, turquoise Cutlass, believed to be a 1990s model in connection with the case. "This vehicle, believed to have Illinois plates was seen leaving the parking lot headed in the same direction that the suspect was running.-We believe that vehicle picked the suspect up. It had two people in it," Detective Kim McAfee said. McAfee said after talking with the two persons of interest Sunday, "We learned that-the victim was struck by the suspect as he was-heading to the entrance to Dolly's Playhouse on 62nd Street and Forest Boulevard." "The suspect, with a weapon in his hand, chased the victim to the door.-The witnesses observed the victim getting beat and also heard gunshots," McAfee said. The persons of interest, whose names were not released, wanted to help the victim, but didn't because the suspect had a gun. "The driver attempted to get out, but the passenger told him it was unsafe because the suspect had a weapon," McAfee said. Asked why the individuals didn't at least call the police, McAfee said he didn't know. Police are still seeking the male and female-in the Cutlass.-McAfee said police are hopeful the videotape they have will lead them to the individuals. "They know who they are.-We are looking for them to come in to the Police Department.-And, we are out looking for them, too," McAfee said. Anyone with any information regarding this case is urged to call the Washington Park Police Department at 874-0115 or CrimeStoppers at 866-371-TIPS. The victim, McAfee said, "as far as I know is still on life support, pending organ donation."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    46/13 Arbeeguy, I am steadily weaning away from strip clubs...but it is by taking quarterly trips to the red light district in Tijuana. Not sure that's a real improvement...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any PLAYMATE? -any era
    Tiffany Taylor Azizi Johari (a little jungle fever)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone...?
    Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who are the best informants in a club?
    My experience has always been best, where that have one, with the VIP "troll" who you have to deal with before going into VIP ( for example, in those clubs where you have to buy a wristband.) Those guys have hooked me up for everything from toe-curling privates to OTC.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any celebrity?
    Salma Hayek Jennifer Love-Hewitt
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone a pornstar
    Here's a third vote for Nikki Dial.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waffle Houses...
    I think of Waffle Houses as sort of a Red State thing, like Cracker Barrels. Even though I live in what is technically a "blue state", since it usually votes Democratic in presidential elections, the reality is that 101 of the 102 counties in Illinois are "red", so we have Waffle Houses (and Cracker Barrels) all over. Waffle Houses are good places to see strippers in one of their natural environments since, like a lot of strip joints, they are situated close to interstates (Waffle Houses are there to be close to one of their natural constituencies, truckers--strip clubs are by the interstates because they are frequently zoned away from every other area), and because they, along with Denny's, are frequently the only places open when strippers get off work and want to eat.
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    16 years ago
    The News Isn't All Bad...
    The problem with the proposed statute is that every SF law enforcement officer and prosecutor takes an oath to uphold the laws of the State of California. The statute, which prohibits these state officers from fulfilling their oaths, or at least cuts them off from any money providing them the means to do it, would be struck down on that basis.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?
    Drugs. Drugs are considered a bigger problem than prostitution because drugs are more likely to be tied into organized crime.At the very least, the dancer has a connection from whom she is getting the shit, and she may be selling it "on consignment" from someone else. A girl turning tricks in a strip club is very likely just a "lone wolf" trying to maximize her effective hourly billing rate, and so, while there is a violation of the law, it starts and stops with her. All of this leads to an environment in which a club is more likely to be closed down for drugs than prostitution, and management acts accordingly in terms of the kind of discipline it metes out for each. Sierra, for example, may be fired for dealing smack at a club, while Tiffany, caught giving a guy a blow job in the private area, may simply be admonished that, when she performs fellatio, she should assume a bodily position in which the john's unit is not visible to people passing by the booth (that actually happened in a club I used to go to).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    28, when I visited two strip clubs during my bachelor party. After that, I took a break of 5 years, and did not return until I was 33, when I started taking a lot of business trips to Houston, Tampa, LA, etc., and I added strip clubs to my evening entertainment while on the road.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?
    Tijuana escorts. Never experienced US escorts, for fear of then experiencing sex with my cellie. Of the broad categories of paid sex I have experienced, the quality of the sex, generally, has been as follows: Tijuana escorts US dancers Tijuana bar girls No sex, however, has been better than the sex I have had in the context of romantic relationships.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    I have met strippers outside the club on numerous occasions. Every time that the stripper proposed the meeting, it happened, assuming that I wanted it to happen, as well. Every time that I have proposed the meeting, it didn't happen. Fortunately, I have been approached a fair number of times, more frequently as I became a regular at certain clubs. Keep in mind that my only interest in OTC is sex for money. My marriage is great in every way except sexually. Because I would just as soon stay married, and am not looking for emotional attachments outside of marriage, I do not seek any romantic/social OTCs. That having been said, I have established relationships with strippers that have involved us telephoning/texting just to BS when we weren't in a hotel room fucking. But pay-for-play was the primary focus of the relationship, and that's how I wanted it, and continue to want it to be. I had a strange experience in a club the other night...sitting with two strippers, one who I have met outside the club a couple of times, the other dancer someone who I am meeting this coming week. The first dancer was telling the other one what I like in bed, what positions, etc. Perhaps when I got up to use the can, she also told the other girl how I was in bed....but I was spared getting that blow to my ego in person
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sweet Advice Received From Strippers . . .
    "Some of these young girls think they will get a lot of privates because they are cute. 'Cute' don't mean shit. All a guy cares about it what you will do for his dick."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    80-year-old Vegas stripper still does it 'classy' (Has anyone ever seen her?)
    "I saw her perform she doesnt really strip just struts." That is not a bad thing. I, for one, would not consider myself to be cheated by the fact that she did not get undressed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Have You Fucked?
    This depends on how you account for the girls in the TJ clubs, who are not really strippers, but simply whores. If you count the TJ club girls as strippers, there have been, in the last year, five of those, plus a stripper in Dallas. For the life time record, there have been seven TJ strippers, and five strippers in US clubs--three in the club, two outside the club. This counts actual penetrative vaginal sex, not blow jobs or hand jobs. I'm not sure that I could accurately account for those.
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    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Have You Fucked?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    Umm...there might have been a certain element of satire in my last post.
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    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    This is a trick question. A man cannot be a slut. The word "slut" is used to describe a woman who is wanting in chastity--that is, fidelity in marriage, celibacy (continence) in singlness. And this is the natural way of the world. A man whose partner is pregnant needs to know that the child in question is his, lest he commit the evolutionary tragedy of using his resources to support another man's offspring. Therefore, female faithfulness is not merely a cultural construct...it is the way of the Created World. On the other hand, a man's biological destiny is to create as many little Himselves as possible. Therefore, frequent and varied sexual activity (preferably procreative, although it is certainly appropriate to view non-procreative sexual activity, oral, anal, etc., as salutory "practice" for the real thing) is not only permissible, it is part of the Divine plan. (I have to rest here at the thought of the enormity of it all). Male sexual activity is to be encouraged on a linear "more is better" basis. Therefore, there is no "excessive" male sexuality, so there is no such thing as a male slut. Or, to put it in syllogistic form: Major premise: A "slut" is a person who engages in sexual activity to excess. Minor premise: No male person can engage in sexual activity to excess. Conclusion: Therefore, no male person can be a slut. At the common law, there was an offense of "common scold", which referred to a meddlesome, quarrelsome, unruly woman. A man could not be prosecuted as a "common scold"; by definition, the offense only applied to women (the only common law offense restricted to a particular gender). Being a slut is like that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    David9999: I hesitate to post this, because some people will get some pleasure from reading it, which I'm not really interested in giving. On the other hand, I was raised with the idea that inquiries deserve a response, and since you chose this forum for your inquiry (rather than, say, PM-ing me), your response will come in this forum. I read and post on this website to share information on strip clubs and related places, and on related topics. I have never gotten involved in some of the inter-personal sniping that occurs on this website, because that's not why I am here, and I don't do it in my "real" life either (unless it occurs in the context of professional activities). For that reason, I am not going to get involved in this matter. It does not reflect any personal animus toward you or anyone else, nor does it reflect any desire to give "aid and comfort" to those who like to spar with you. It is just that, from my point of view, your request is incredibly off-topic, and outside of the scope of those activities that I pursue on this board. Since, despite all of the other areas in my life which are controlled by others, I still have some modicum of control over my involvement on this board, I am declining to participate in your proposed activity. If you want to talk about strip clubs, strippers, etc., let me know. That's what I like to talk about on this board, and why I post here. Any abusive or critical response to this message will result in my putting your name on my "ignore" list.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    What's the purpose of this exercise? What are you trying to establish/prove?
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    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    Ok, I've read this...what's up?