
Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, July 27, 2008 4:58 PM
DRUGS!!!Using them ITC scares the hell out of owners/managers. At my favorite club the only times that the vice squad has ever come in is to check up on drug use/trafficking. They could care less about what is going on in the back rooms. I have one favorite dancer that has been suspended twice for using cocaine ITC but she is back working. My #1 favorite dancer 3 months ago got kicked out for doing heroin. I ran into her at the local Waffle House a while back. She is trying to get back in but so far no luck. Is heroin worse than cocaine or is there more to this that I don't know about?


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Remember at one time the "experts" claimed cocaine wasn't addictive. I don't think I've ever heard a similar claim about heroin. I met a husband and wife who were serious heroin addicts; at least he was. The husband was an extremely interesting fellow. He must have been arrested over 100 times---it was just amazing. He considered it a big joke. I assumed he was working for the government as a snitch and besides with his addiction I doubt it took much to break him. Although they were both heavy users, the husband definitely was much more addicted than the wife. In fact, the wife could do without during hard times to support her husband. She considered herself an addict, but yet she didn't "have" to have it.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Yes, heroin is considered the worst drug. Check [view link] I see meth is not on the chart, but I know it's got some ridiculously low success rate for beating an addiction. The withdrawal will also be longer than heroin withdrawal (I am not sure which is more intense).
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I think it depends on the jurisdiction and the local enforcement practices. In Holland the mention of marijuana doesn't scare anyone, for instance ... No, really, more seriously, there are places in the USA where prostitution in a strip club is tolerated but drugs aren't, and places where drugs are tolerated but prostitution isn't. I kind of am guessing, that a quick hit of a certain upper drug in the dressing room, is largely expected of most dancers at many clubs in my current city, but most of those same clubs would be VERY unlikely to allow dancers to do ITC prostitution-type services. So, here, I think (though I can't really prove it) drugs are more tolerated than prostitution. In other cities I have definitely experienced something quite different -- in Houston, for instance, there are high-tolerance clubs which allow both activities to go on, and low-tolerance clubs which allow neither, but I didn't really experience clubs which are a one-but-not-the-other like New Orleans is. By the way, I'm not a drug user. At least, not of illegal substances. I don't even like marijuana's effects on me, and can recall about four times when I was younger, that I felt like I was the "stick in the mud" or "party pooper" because I got all paranoid and bored and uninterested. I've tried harder drugs a few times -- LSD twice in grad school; and a few hallucinogens when I was rooming with a sociology-anthropology grad student who had "ethnic" links (Hispanic spirit healers) to hook him up. But I didn't really like any of them. I've never tried (and don't intend to) cocaine or heroin. But I know how to identify their effects, because I've seen plenty of addicts and quasi-addicted regular users at the court buildings in my functions there. So, though I'm not IN THE MARKET for drugs, I think I'm familiar enough with them to identify what's going on. On the other hand, I'm in the market for prostitution. I'm a quasi-addicted regular user ... :P ... So, all of that to say, I think my reportage here is pretty accurate. In Memphis, at the old Platinum Plus before the raid, you could get prostitution services pretty easily, at least solicitations for OTC and probably some types of activity ITC in the back room. Getting drugs depended on the given dancer, and mostly there weren't dealers who got involved with that sort of thing IN the club, at least not with me, as much as they did a link-up OUTSIDE the club. The club, therefore, was more tolerant of prostitution than of drugs, in general. And all these clubs are UTTERLY tolerant of immigration issues. Someone doesn't have a green card? Her problem ...
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    Drugs. Drugs are considered a bigger problem than prostitution because drugs are more likely to be tied into organized [view link] the very least, the dancer has a connection from whom she is getting the shit, and she may be selling it "on consignment" from someone else. A girl turning tricks in a strip club is very likely just a "lone wolf" trying to maximize her effective hourly billing rate, and so, while there is a violation of the law, it starts and stops with her. All of this leads to an environment in which a club is more likely to be closed down for drugs than prostitution, and management acts accordingly in terms of the kind of discipline it metes out for each. Sierra, for example, may be fired for dealing smack at a club, while Tiffany, caught giving a guy a blow job in the private area, may simply be admonished that, when she performs fellatio, she should assume a bodily position in which the john's unit is not visible to people passing by the booth (that actually happened in a club I used to go to).
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Yep, also probably a juris-my-dick-tion thing too. It's easy to imagine that if a strip club became a drug hub the DEA would be all to eager (and certainly able) to bust the doors down and shut down the place down for good.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I would like to know where shadowcat gets his "numbers" from. I always thought the primary reason girls got fired was from letting their looks go. Maybe because he was being strung along by an addict, his thoughts on the subject are prejudiced.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    I've been going to my favorite club for over 20 years and I've seen dancers get fired for many of the reasons mentioned here (and more) -- drugs, blow jobs in the VIP, getting fat, missing too much work, disruptive boyfriends in the club, fighting with other dancers, arguing with the manager, refusing to get naked on stage....I could on and on. But I would have to agree - Drugs, fo sure #1 reason.
  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    drugs or drunk, take you pick
    16 years ago
    I think most clubs treat drugs use and prostitution pretty much the same - they know they're going to occur, that they're part of the strip club culture, but they try to maintain some contol so that it isn't too blatant. Either one is likely to get the club shut down if it's done too openly. But both are good for business if done discretely and kept under control.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    It's probably on a club-by-club basis. One of the clubs I used to go to had the local pot dealer as the owner (before he got busted and the place closed down), so if they got their drugs from him, surely they would still have a job. But in general, its almost got to be drugs.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    parodyman: What "numbers" are you referring to re Shadowcat's post? He posted a topic from his observation of what has happened to the dancer he referred to in his post. She was doing BBBJ's & whatever else in the dance areas with no problems with club management but doing drugs in the club got her booted out the door. I was in the club he refers to one nite when the local lawmen came in looking for drug use only. Now if they had observed some unseemly activities in the dance areas I'm sure that would have presented problems for club management as well but it was a drig sweep of not only strip clubs but other nightclubs as well.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Our mentally challenged pal Shrek-it-out is at it again. Before I address his foolishness I’d like to thank him for yet another opportunity to make him look like a chump in front of his peers. He makes this so easy. “parodyman: What "numbers" are you referring to re Shadowcat's post? He posted a topic from his observation of what has happened to the dancer he referred to in his post. She was doing BBBJ's & whatever else in the dance areas with no problems with club management but doing drugs in the club got her booted out the door. I was in the club he refers to one nite when the local lawmen came in looking for drug use only. Now if they had observed some unseemly activities in the dance areas I'm sure that would have presented problems for club management as well but it was a drig sweep of not only strip clubs but other nightclubs as well.” Well Shrek when your old pal shadowcat creates a topic with a header that reads, “Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?” He appears to be asking a question. He answers the question with this, “DRUGS!!!” Having answered his own question he is implying he has some knowledge of why dancers are fired. Has he done an exit interview with each dancer in the entire country? Has he compiled data regarding the instance of drug use being the deciding factor in a dancer’s dismissal? Or is he talking out of his ass? I know that shadowcat wants so badly to be an expert on something. But fools like you who take him at his word are worse. Are you incapable of reasoning things out for yourself? You are supporting his blanket statement using nothing more than your combined experiences. In the real world the combined experience of two old fools like the both of you isn’t even worth the jokes that could be made. Also Shrek so you do not walk away from this with nothing to show for it I wanted to point out that “nite” is an arbitrary respelling of night and not a proper word. You do get points for getting “nightclubs” correct in the very next sentence. Then you blew your points by inventing a new word “drig”. What the fuck is “drig”? Please Shrek in the future shy away from things that are too complicated for you. This will help keep your embarrassment to a minimum.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "1. Drig 3 thumbs up Heroine [sic] induced viagra that must be injected through the scrotum. Highly addictive." *** [view link] *** Heroin is a substitute for viagra? Neat. And, LEO did a "drig sweep"? Way bad. Sounds like discrimination against persons, impotent or suffering from erectile dysfunction especially, who drig or have drig supplies. Wow, TUSCL can be educational. ;)
    16 years ago
    I don't think you can separate the two - I think drug use and prostitution in clubs are closely related. The more you have of one, the more you are likely to have of the other in any given club.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I utterly disagree. I think drug use is nearly across-the-board 100% prevalent. Aside from the silly arguments about alcohol and tobacco -- which are physically detrimental, addictive substances, regularly abused by strippers -- there are the more reasonable points to be made about illegal stimulants. Cocaine, crack, and "uppers" are used at nearly every strip club I've ever been to. I'd say drugs are nearly 100% prevalent at strip clubs. But getting a BJ in the parking lot or in the back room is highly unlikely at some clubs, and totall de-rigeur at others. In other words, the drug use and the prostitution availability aren't correlated at all, in my experience.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I agree with FONDL and BookGuy. I would say some kind of drug use by strippers is close to 100% (including things like weed, coke, E, and, what seems most popular these days: prescription drugs). Not sure what % of strippers are addicts, but I would guess it's a single digit percentage... However, I think if you consider the addicts, they are much more likely to do prostitution than normal girls. (Especially true of oxycontin addicts). And if you look at the ones who do do prostitution, you will be quite surprised that they aren't doing it with you because of your charm and good looks. It's far more likely it's to get their fix. Most hard core addicts have a good way of hiding it behind a veil of niceness, and I think many regulars would be surprised when they learned about the addiction after always having thought she was such a nice girl. (P.S. Be careful of nice girl addicts. Sure they will be nice to you, but they also won't hesitate to steal from you to get their next fix.) Anyway, strong correlation, but not 100%.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl is another fool pulling fake or made up statistics out of his ass. If you don't know something please don't make shit up just so you can post.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Just for clarity, I mean I think there is a strong correlation between drug addiction (especially for opiates) and prostitution, but as BG seems to be say not much of one between light drug use and prostitution.
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