
Sweet Advice Received From Strippers . . .

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:36 PM
"If you are going to treat a girl well, then you don't have to pay." "You're confused about the concept. This is a stripclub not a dating service." "Looks are irrelevant." (Numerous times; not always sweet.) "These hoes just want your money." "You need to be finding a real woman, near your own age." I'm sure there are more and perhaps it was the tone or context the advice was given under, but each statement was sweet at the time. More salacious was the comment that "There is NO shortage of dick, but tongue, especially good tongue, that's another matter." :) Surprising: "I a majored in English Literature at Princeton University, but I can also talk like an uneducated imbecile, if that is what you desire." She did speak very fine erudite English, damn bettern than mine. :) She was perfect; except for sagging titties. :(


  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    "Some of these young girls think they will get a lot of privates because they are cute. 'Cute' don't mean shit. All a guy cares about it what you will do for his dick."
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    Basically sage comments but one has me a little confused. I thought these were 'real' women and, legal age seems close enough for me.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi clubman2, Most of the dancers that I know don't consider themselves to be "real" women. :) See, every day they meet these pathetic squares and the fact of the matter is that generally these squares are NO match for a pro-dancer. The customers generally are incompetent. In the extreme. Some of these dancers view me as a kindly old square. I'm glad they feel that way. Even Gambling dancer, who I've known around 7 years is a little confused----am I a nice old guy? or part of the hood from the old days?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    BTW, the reason she is a little confused is that if I'm from the hood, then I'm treating damn too well. But, then I don't act like a normal square. She didn't care for my views on pimping in the least. She thinks that I'd be doing the girls a favor; sad thing is she is right. :(
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Correction: BTW, the reason she is a little confused is that if I'm from the hood, then I'm treating her damn too well. But, then I don't act like a normal square. She didn't care for my views on pimping in the least. She thinks that I'd be doing the girls a favor; sad thing is she is right. :(
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    jablake lol I understand completely. I almost feel sorry for the guys who dont know how to act or treat the ladies but then it just makes it that much better for me
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    There was a dancer named Baby Doll over at the old Baby Dolls (name has changed at least 6 times and I'm not even sure if it is open for business). I became very close to her over a period of years and when she wanted to dump her pimp, she asked me if I would take over. NO!!! I think you need a certain coldness to do that job especially with the lower cost girls. Yes, she made good money; even then I think it takes a certain coldness or $$$ signs in your eyes. Even with her, she believed that unless I was willing to be a pimp it makes a lot more sense to find a "real" women: One that isn't slick and jaded from work. She wanted to fix me up with her baby sister, but I wasn't to give her a dime or be too giving. Just treat her the way a lady should be treated sans the money, gifts, fancy dinners, etc.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    One of my favorites couldn't read. I didn't realize that until I bought her some books that would help her reach her goals. She started crying (she thought the books were bad?) and took off. I'm thinking women are CRAZY. :) I offered to teach her, but she said that I was the last person on Earth she wanted that from. She had extremely low self-esteem and claimed that working as a dancer actually made her feel better. She didn't have any idea how hot she was to certain men and it surprised her that men were willing to pay for her. She had a crude homemade tattoo on one of her beautiful titties with the word LOVE. Her interest in money was pretty much zero. Surprisingly, she did have intelligence and was capable of learning. Don't know what the trouble with reading was besides not attending school--too dangerous. That was one very sweet dancer, but way too nice for her own good.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Oh, her advice to me: "Love is the most important thing in the world." Sorry, but I think that is your hormones talking or your mom's brainwashing. :(
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    "You're confused about the concept. This is a stripclub not a dating service." This is pretty close to what I was thinking after one dancer started talking to me. She was new to dancing. Started giving me all kinds of personal information that I really did not want to know especially right before I got a dance from her. I guess she didn't realize that telling me about her kids, their ages, etc. and her personal situation in life right before a lap dance isn't really a turn on. I would have preferred she tell me this info after a lap dance if she wanted to tell it to me. Instead of letting me fantasize, she fills my head with knowledge of her getting divorced, her 3 kids, their ages, etc. right before she does a lap dance I already agreed to get. She was new to dancing though.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I don't understand the typical North American female's obsession with the notion of "real" versus "fake." Those adjectives seem so misleading. To me, every single human whom I meet inside a strip club is "real." Further, I am well aware that it is highly likely that we all of us, inside a strip club or not, are doing our best to GET SOMETHING from other people, and we probably will also DO SOMETHING that involves CHANGING OUR BEHAVIOR in order to get them to do what we want, or give us what we want. Here is a link to "fake" people who nevertheless are quite hot and sexually stimulating to me: [view link] Here is a link to pictures of a "real" person whom many deride as "overly fake": [view link] I don't get how "fake" can be "real" and what women are actually on about, when they say "she's too fake." What they mean is "her sales pitch is transparently false, while mine is false but convincingly so, such that you aren't aware that I'm trying to mislead you and therefore you are less uncomfortable about my dishonesty than about hers," don't they? In other words, "She's bad at lying but I'm a better hypocrite than her," right?
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    One thing a LOT of women have said to me, inside strip clubs and out: I want a sensitive man. There is some odd kind of biker-sensitivity that they're keen on; it has something to do with being tough but dark eyed, I think.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Book Guy: I think they mean you ride in a bike gang, have been to jail for assault, have a drinking problem, are verbally and, possibly, physically abusive, but they did see you act uncharateristically kindly to a baby or animal or baby animal once, so they know there is alot of good in you.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I never heard the "sensitive man" bit in person. I must be meeting the right type of ladies. :) I have heard from strippers and other women that I'm "too nice." A major character flaw. :( But, easily dispelled. :)
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I'm getting sick of feminine hygiene ... I mean, feminine hypocrisy.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    It all starts with that one simple word, "Hy ..."
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    not only is "Hy" not a simple word, it's not a word at all.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    ... jump in there any time ...
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