
Comments by chitownlawyer (page 3)

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    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    About a year ago, I started to transition from frequent (weekly or more) local strip club trips to two day long trips to Tijuana. After my first trip to TJ, it became increasingly more difficult to go to non-brothel strip clubs (I was always interested in the extras anyway). Of course, going to TJ means flying. My average total tab for a TJ trip, assuming that I cannot combine it with business or some other trip, is $1000 to $1200. I try to go every three months. Of that total charge, about half is travel and hotel, and the other half is bar fees for the girl and "fichas", or drinks you are expected to buy for the girls. I went last week during a trip to Northern California, and the total damage was about $625.00, so that pulled down my average expenditure. I would estimate my total expenditure this year will be about $4,500, half for sex, and half for getting to the sex. I still go to my local strip club, but only about once a month, and on average spend less than $100 per visit. I used to spend $225-250 per visit.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL names..
    Because I practiced law in Chicago for a couple of years at the beginning of my career.
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    16 years ago
    When money gets tighter, are strip clubs your #1 source to cut back on?
    I've pissed away about half the money I've ever had in my life. THe rest, I've spent on strippers.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Best Airport Mongering where?
    Sorry, BookGuy, I didn't read the question closely enough. I have only been there--while taking a rental car back to a place by the Tampa airport--but I do not understand it to be an extras club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Best Airport Mongering where?
    Baby Dolls/The Lodge/The Men's Club in Dallas...about five minutes from Love Field. Thee Dollhouse in Tampa...about the same drive from Tampa Internat'l. Bare Elegance in LA...about 15 minutes from LAX.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    By the way, going to TJ has eliminated a lot of the fun I used to have in going to strip clubs. I usually go to a club looking for extras. It is difficult to go back to a US club, trying to suss out from a dancer's attitude, flirting, etc., whether she will be good in the back room, after you have been to Tijuana, where all the guesswork is taken out of the process, and you stand in a barroom crowded with latinas, some of them model-beautiful, knowing to a moral (immoral?) certainty that you can fuck any of them at will for $73.00--or, if the street girls are more your taste (totally different from street whores in the US), for a total of $30.00-40.00.
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    16 years ago
    Indeed, Tijuana is not Florence. You would not go there to savor the physical beauty of the place. Don't forget the sad old Indio women selling chicklets.
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    16 years ago
    I can only report on the basis of my last experience in TJ, which was about ten days ago. I arrived mid-afternoon on a Sunday and cross the border without incident. I checked into a nice hotel that used to be a Holiday Inn, about a half mile from the border. I then went to the red-light district, stopped in at Adelita's, the main hooker bar, and took a girl upstairs. I then walked around the Zona for a while, and got three tacos, that I ate without any ill-effect at any time. While I was getting an excellent $2 shoe shine, a street girl struck up a conversation with me, and we ended up "arriba." After that experience, I roamed the Zona for a while, and visited some bars in which I was the only gringo, with no problem. No one gave me any shit. In the last of the bars I went to, I picked up a working girl, and we went back to my hotel room, for the third encounter of the night. After a nice time, she excused herself, I retired in my hotel, and was up and across the border at 4:30 am, and on a plane home at 6:45 from San Diego. No problems at all...no banditos accosted me, and no pinchey police shook me down. The most physical danger I was in was walking down the infamous "alley", where the street girls hang out in front of cheap hotels. As you walk by, the girls go, "tssk! tskk!" to get your attention, and grab your sleeve or jacket to get you to slow down enough to look. That was the most, and only, unwanted physical contact that I got...and that contact wasn't entirely unwanted. I don't in any way discount any horror stories that any one may tell about TJ. I am a fairly big guy (deceptively so...I have zero athletical ability),and I am also in my mid-40s. I always walk with purpose, as opposed to acting in a way that would make someone think I was lost, or just wondering around randomly looking for sugggestions. I heard some come-ons that may have involvld drugs, but I just walked on without response or reaction. I also sip my beers, so I am never drunk while in the Zona. I think a combination of my age and sobriety keeps the policia away. The only physical pain I experienced in connection with the trip was a couple of days after I got home, when I had pain in the muscles in my shoulders, back, and ass from all the unaccustomed use of the muscles during the repetitions of the conjugal act. All I can say is that my three experiences in TJ over the past 18 months is virtually that of an adult Disneyland. I have scene heavily-armed SWAT-type cops in pursuit of somebody, but that was outside the red light district. The next time I am in the Zone, I might get assaulted by some bad guys and killed. But, based on my own experience, I have never seen any more danger than in the nearest big town to me, St. Louis, a place that I do not hesitate to visit.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    who wants to vent? Every stripper that ever pissed you off...
    Yesterday I had my first bad experience with a dancer...in 10+ years of going to strip clubs (talk about a charmed life!!!). The dancer in question, a very hot woman, gave me three great dances...then claimed that we had had _five_ dances. When I fought her on the count, she backed down...to four. She then tried to overcharge me on the per dance price (at this club, it's already $40/per...pricey enough without her adding to it). Finally got things settled with her, and left the club. I went to a shopping mall to pick up sosme things...and noticed that this 5'10 dancer had left a fine dust of some sort of body make up from the knees of my pants up to my shirt collar. This is the only time I have ever felt scammed by a dancer. Thank God that this weekend I am headed South of the Border, where everything is explicit, and there is none of this subtle pas-de-deux of indirection, suggestion, innuendo, etc.
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    16 years ago
    More on Att'y Maag and the Granite City IL CraigsList sting...
    Book Guy, with respect to condom use, I think that "GFE" means condom only during vaginal penetration, and perhaps anal penetration. BB full service is, I think, referred to as "PSE" (porn star experience).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    Your current deal is incredibly good. If you can get her to go for $300/day plus expenses. you are a blessed man. However, it sounds like it is a real possibility, given the circumstances you have described. A dancer once quoted me $500 for the same package you envision. I was, however, headed to Dallas, and determined that I would prefer to sample the local goods instead of BYOB. If I had been headed to Salt Lake City, I probably would have come to a different conclusion. What a country!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    The rubber was still good, but after two years the wallet was ruined by that raised circle.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A sad, but common, strip club tale
    None of this is new. See the novel, _Maggie, A Girl of the Streets_, by Theodore Dreiser, which came out in about 1915, and discusses the transformation of an innocent Iowa farm girl into a hardened sex worker in Chicago. To quote another ancient, once-respected source of authority, "There is nothing new under the sun."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    I think this is wishful thinking. A tongue ring means the dancer is impressionable and likely to be led by current fads rather than establishing her own sense of fashion/style--or, in other words, is similar to 85% of women from the ages of 18-25. Nothing more. Sorry.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Why go to the trouble of meeting them when you can Tivo the Jerry Springer show, and see them on _your_ schedule?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs
    Nothing that happens in a strip club has anything to do with reality. As long as you see the experience as pure fantasy, and understand that it is not related to your real life, you should be fine.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Soft core or hard core?
    If you have a choice between a dancer who offers hot, meaningless sex and one who offers hot sex with the possibility of emotional involvement and a meaningful relationship, I say go for the hot, meaningless sex every time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for old timers
    "Because of the U.S. Sumprene Court nude clubs cannot serve alcohol. " This statement is overly broad. The Supreme Court has held that, as part of the reasonable restriction of exotic dancing, a unit of government with jurisdiction over strip clubs MAY ban the sale of alcohol in establishments that offer nude dances. FOUNDER is right. There are many places in the country where one can find nude dancing and alcohol in the same space.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    DATY in the VIP
    P.S.: My comments in the prior post about escorts referred to the TJ variety, not US escorts, with whom I have no experience.
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    16 years ago
    DATY in the VIP
    I love DATY. To this day, I can't believe that I refused my h.s. girlfriend for a year and a half because I thought it was "gross." (Silly girl, she should have just cut me off from her blow jobs, and I'm sure I would have relented in a matter of hours.) I do agree that pussies are ugly, but I just don't look, and I am so near-sighted that by the time I get close enough to see it, my face is buried in poon. Finally, in college, a girl didn't ask, just pushed my face down. For the first ten seconds, I thought I would die. After that, I never wanted to come back up... (Note: A friend of mine who thought he was gay confirmed that impression in college when he threw up while going down on a girl...to each his own.) Enough with nostalgia... I have gone down on four dancers, but the physical circumstances break down into two categories. First, in those private rooms that have big chairs, I have sat upright in the chair as the dancer stood on the seat of the chair, feet on either side of my legs, and lowered her pussy onto my waiting face. The other set-up is as found at Oasis in Atlanta (funny you should mention that one, Chitown...), in which there is a bed or futon. In this situation, I laid on my back while the dancer straddled my face, standing on her knees, my favorite DATY position. At one of the clubs, not Oasis, the dancersat facing away from me and jacked me off as I ate her out. A memory that will doubtless flash before my face as I lie dying.... Minnow, I appreciate your kind words about my Tijuana reviews, but I would not go down on a TJ bar girl, unless I knew I was her first customer of the night. You can tell this if they take your money, hold it in their fist, kiss the money, and make the sign of the cross. This is apparently a superstition that it said to guarantee a good night's take. Even then, you don't know if her man at home did her before sending her out to work. I would have no hesitation going down on an escort, as they are pretty low mileage, and many are only with one guy in a day. I'm going down to TJ (and going down _in_ TJ) in two weeks, and looking forward to it immeasurably... Under no circumstances would I go down on a TJ street girl, although they are said to be much cleaner than streetwalkers in the US, and articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals seem to bear this out.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Economics affecting strip clubs in your area now?
    Mileage at the club that I typically frequent has gone through the roof. I am getting propositioned for OTC by about half of the new girls that I meet, and there are a lot more new girls. I hesitate to ascribe this to the economy, although I don't know any alternative explanation, other than the fact that I have been going to that club long enough that girls may be comfortable with me, know that I am not a cop, etc.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer names
    I've known Asian dancers named Jade. I once knew a woman who was a loan officer in a bank named Nikki Sinn.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    "So do the harsh comments of a tiny minority cause you to STOP" The harsh comments of a vast majority would not stop me from doing what I want to do. But then, I'm a lawyer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Family vs Strippers
    I believe the saying is, "Bro's before Ho's."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    For those who travel to Mexico ...
    This article has important and valid information, but will not keep me from TJ in the future, nor will it cause me to increase my vigilance...nor could it, because during the two times I have been in TJ, my "security alert" has been at the highest level, flashing Code Red. After two times in TJ, it would be presumptuous and silly for me to claim to be an expert. The first time I went was in the middle of the night...I took a cab to the border at 9:00 pm, and was back in my hotel room at the San Diego airport by 2:00 a.m. The second time, I crossed the border right at dusk, and was crossing back into the US as the sun was coming up. I have never seen TJ during daylight hours, which might be a blessing. However, on both occasions, I never walked more than fifteen feet outside...only from the doorway of my last destination to catch a cab to my next venue. During my trip in January, I stayed at a high end hotel in a good part of town. The cab dropped me off in front of Adelita's, and I got a cab in front of the little taquieria where I had a late supper. The only time I walked any disance was when an Internet friend (another gringo) came to get me at Adelita's, and we walked together across the street and maybe 40 feet laterally to Bar Tropical. I have never gone to the "tourist trap" area on Avenida La Revolution, only the "red light district." I would never dream of walking from the border, or from my hotel, to La Zona Rosa, although some do during daylight hours. I'd much rather pay the cabbie $5 for the peace of mind. When in TJ, I mind my own business, keep my head down, and am very respectful. One sociological note I have picked up in my life...the less money that people have to measure their worth, the more they value respect. In a rich country, a wealthy man doesn't really care if you snub him, or are rude to him...he's got his $20MM stock portfolio to assure him of his wealth. In poorer areas of the US, and definitely in the developing world (based on my experiences in El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and now Mexico), you have to show respect constantly, and lay it on with a trowel. And I do. I don't mind giving a $5 to the guy who shows me to a table, and I find it helps. I am in my middle 40s, and look it. I am 6'2" and about 220. ALthough in fact I have absolutely no physical grace or athletic skill, to someone who doesn't know me, I think I am big enough to persuade them to try the next mark, unless they have some reason to go after me in particular..and I can't imagine what that would be. While practicing law in Chicago as a young man, I learned to keep to myself, and to avoid hawkers who seem to be targeting you. I was raised "up the hill" from East St. Louis/Washington Park, and have been in those districts long enough to know how to carry myself with an attitude that is simultaneously non-provocative and non-wimpy (in other words, come across as neither an asshole nor a victim). I have heard that the TJ police tend to harass the younger guys rather than the older guys. Some say this is because younger guys are more likely to be drunk. Other people say that this is because younger guys are more likely to be intimidated. In any event, I haven't triggered their strike zone yet. I am not a jeans and t-shirt type (don't own a pair of jeans), so when I am in TJ, like anywhere else, I am likely wearing an oxford dress shirt (with the cufflinks, Chandler), a pair of tan chinos, and a sports jacket. I think I look like a middle- aged nortamericano who is looking to get laid and go home (as is accurate), rather than someone who is looking to score drugs or otherwise cause trouble. I don't think that I look overly affluent, although during post-coital recovery, one puta said to me, "are you a lawyer"? I keep different denominations of bills in different pockets, so I can pay for a $4 dollar bill or tip the waiter a $1 without pulling out the larger bills that I will later use to pay the putas. If I need to assemble my money at one time, I go into the bar's bathroom to do so, with the stall door closed. Based on the above, I have had no trouble during my first two trips to TJ. Although "past results are no guarantee of future returns", they are the best thing I have to go on. So, I will continue to go to TJ, being very vigilant and keeping the main thing the main thing...PANOCHA. In all sincerity, I do appreciate and heed the counsel of members of this board who have advised me, either on the board or via PM, of the dangers of going to TJ. Even though I continue to go there, the advise is helpful. On the other hand, I am always amazed by the number of members of this board who talk about "just calling an escort" in the US, as though they are ordering in a pizza. Frankly, if I am availing myself of the services of a prostitute, I feel that I am in much more danger from the police in my home area than in TJ, as the local cops may well arrest me for soliciting a prostitute (one of my colleagues is awaiting trial now...got caught in a CraigsList sting.) And if I get pinched for something in TJ, I am much more likely to be able to get out of it with a $50 or a $100, or even a $20...and no newspaper coverage, no booking and trial, no Supreme Court disciplinary commission, etc.