

I've never been offered the opportunity to partake in either of these activities ITC. The closest that I've come to that ITC, is a dancer inserting her finger, then offering the coated finger to me. OTC, it has happened several times.

My question is, do you got offered either of these ITC, and if so, do you do so without any worries of STDs, etc? OTC? The last time I engaged in this OTC, I was paranoid for weeks that I had been exposed to something. Every little itch or tingle on my lips or tongue sent waves of panic throughout my body. THAT was with a dancer that I felt VERY sure that she wasn't giving it up to everyone and that she wasn't carrying anything - and she smelled so clean and fresh and PERFECT down there.

I would think one would be more susceptible to diseases when engaging in DATY / DATO than actual penile penetration, unless you have open sores on your member. Is that true?

What precautions can one take besides not engaging in those activities? The ONLY precaution that I've ever heard of is the use of a dental dam, but that surely removes the excitement and pleasure for me, and is probably pretty damned insulting to the girl, as well. At that point, she'd probably stop all proceedings and leave.


  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    First, if she's giving up to you, she IS giving it up to everyone. Just assume that.

    Secondly, if you read up on it, you'll find that for the most part DATY is much less likely to give you something REALLY bad (like HIV) than actual fucking, though it can be a means of transmitting herpes, which would (no pun intended) suck.

    I'll agree a dental dam is about as unsexy as it gets (at least as unsexy as those horrible clogs liberal women wear, or whatever the Hell those clompy shoes are called), and I'd rather eschew DATY than munch on a piece of latex. A good alternative is to finger the girl - in VIP I'll have her laying back on my lap, legs spread wide open while I play with her clit and lips and finger-fuck her to a few orgasms. If she licks her juice from my fingers, that's always a plus too.

    Yes, I've eaten my fair share of pussy in VIP rooms (and OTC) but let's face it, that pussy is public property. And frankly eating a girl out in VIP - which practically guarantees that you're in some weird position - is a good way to injure your neck ;) Fingers are just easier.

    Obviously with a dancer you're in a good position to judge at least the apparent health of her pussy (it's shaved and spread inches from you, after all) and if there's the slightest smell or any sores, steer clear of that thang!

    17 years ago
    As I've said many times here before, I have no interest in a stranger servicing me, either inside or outside of a club. I have even less interest in me servicing her.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    At the time, besides me, I don't think she (referring to my prev-ATF) was giving it up to anyone other than her on-again-off-again BF. Of course I can never be sure, but everything indicates that I was her first OTC partner and I believe it was I that corrupted her.

    After having reacquainted myself with her last fall, after about a year's absence, I'm pretty sure that her situation and practices have changed enough so that I wouldn't stick my tongue - or any other part of my anatomy inside her again. I'm fairly sure she's doing meth, and walking on the wild side, now. Such a shame.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Fondl: Just to clarify, I don't consider DATY servicing her, although I DO hope she is enjoying it. I get pleasure out of it myself... it's a definite turn on to give someone else pleasure, and the fact that she is allowing me to venture into "forbidden" territory, is also a bigger turn on. Now, if I were not getting anything out of the act, I would say that I was servicing her.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    DATY should probably only be used only if 1. you are absolutely sure the woman is free of herpes 2. (for whatever reason. e.g, maybe your in in love with the girl) you want the girl to fall in love with YOU. Supposedly Brazilian girls find it easy to fall in love with guys giving them DATY service (which I find hard to believe - but I heard it from a very good source)
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I like eating pussy for the pleasure it gives me. I've done it many times in clubs, including at the stages of several East St. Louis clubs. Although it's usually too furtive and brief to constitute a "service" for her, that's all it takes to give me a nice thrill.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    I used to do quite a bit of mutual DATY in the recent past, but like DougS, I started to freak out & panic anytime I got a cold sore or if my tongue started feeling funny. I also worried about bringing something home to my partner.....so, nowadays I have my glazed donuts at home.

  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I used to do it all the time with a couple of my former favorites, but they have since moved on. It was always good with both of them, especially the one who turned out to be married. I never worried about it with either of them, especially the unmarried one, because she wasn't especially popular and I never saw her go to the champagne room, where we would go at it, with anyone else except this one old guy who was even more of a regular than me. A couple of the other ladies, though, are different and I worry, but sometimes I think that is just me worrying too much.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    This is a timely topic for me, since I partook for the first time in a club about a month ago. This occurred with a dancer who has been my "principal" dancer at this particular club for about a year and a half. During that time, her main activity has been to rub The Associate outside my closed pants. There hasn't been any real "extra" activity, although sometimes she lets me finger her. However, about a month ago, we just got very carried away during an extended session (I had bought her time by the 1/2 hour, rather than by the song), and I pulled aside her thong and started to eat her out. (The post above is correct...it does involve some uncomfortable contortion). SHe really got into it, or seemed to (who can tell with strippers), and was grabbing my hair, moaning, and humping against my face.

    Until reading this thread, I never even thought about the possibility of catching something from her, nor am I worried about it now. I figure that if it took 1 1/2 years for me to get that far, she probably isn't opening the restaurant for everyone. On the other hand, I'm not as aggressive as some men are, and it may that one can suck on that cooch simply by being a little more forward than I am inclined to be. I have done OTC with a couple of strippers, and have eaten them out with no concern--and, so far, no resulting problems.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    As you probably know if you can clock these women (i.e. know when their monthly cycle (day 0) starts) and you happen to able to schedule your private sessions with her between approximately days 14 through about day 18, you will have a much better time.

    Odds are high she was in this "in heat" ovulation zone when she got "carried away"- so you might now know her clock within a margin of 5 days, which could be useful going forward
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I did a very limited bit with an ATF OTC, never in the club. I didn't wory too much, but I've always had a reluctance to risk something. If I recall correctly the chances of catching anything other than Herpes without an open sore (except for crabs, hence the good part of the shaving trend) is pretty small. The chances of HIV are almost nil without blood to blood or fluid to blood contact, the chances of a man contracting HIV from hetrosexual contact (in this country) are vanishingly small. Still there is a lot between HIV and herpes I wouldn't want, and as Lopaw notes I was pretty freaked whenever I thought I had a weird taste or numbness on my tongue. It's also a pretty timely topic fof me, not the DATY, but for the contact that goes beyond a high school petting session and the risks involved.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "catching anything other than Herpes.."

    Catching herpes for a married guy - then it might as well be AIDS
  • Dain
    17 years ago
    I got a little DATY in Washington, a lot in San Francisco, and a little in Los Angeles. Mostly in the latter, I got it OTC. For the past few years, however, I've been afraid of diseases.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    When the opportunity to engage in this activity is offered to me, I think it all comes down to familiarity and my comfort level with her - more specifically how I perceive the chances are that she's carrying something that I might catch.

    If I were dancing a girl for the first time and she was already sticking her mound within tongue shot, red flags would be waving in my mind telling me "don't do that.. it's not a good idea!" I'd like to think that I'd listen to that inner voice and stay safe, but in my most recent club escapade, after prolonged heavy contact and extensive DFKing, along with promises of OTC later to come that night, had the dancer offered that treat to me, I probably would've obliged.

    Interestingly, everyone touched upon the DATY aspect of the question... no one mentioned the "other". DATO, also known as "rim job, "Dining At The O" or analingus, is something that I've never performed on anyone, but (no pun intended) I HAVE been on the receiving end (no pun intended), and let me say that it's quite pleasurable.

    I'm not even sure that I could bring myself to try. Let me tell you, I'd have to be totally sure that it was... well... clean enough to eat off of. It'd have to appear extremely clean both by visual inspection and by fresh smell. However, the girl that performed it on me didn't hesitate, though I DO take care to make sure I am clean EVERYWHERE, including there... and I DO actually shave that whole region, crack and all. It was a memorable experience, and I'd like to give that experience to a certain ATF at some time in the future.
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    Thanks for that last post. Although I knew what DATY is, I didn't know what DATO stands for. I needed the enlightenment. BTY, I've never had any desire to try DATO. I recently got to briefly lick a dancers pussy in a private dance but it was only very brief and on the second song. I only paid for two songs but, thinking back on it, I should have paid for more to see if anything more might develop. I have a feeling it might have. This was in a remote area of Wisconsin and the dancer was from the Twin Cities. She said it was too bad I didn't visit her there because she did FS there. SS? Probably, but it wouldn't have cost me a bundle to find out more. Live and learn. There might have been OTC possibilities but I didn't want to stay til closing. Had to get up early the next morning.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    It all depends on your level of tolerance and your willingness to have faith. I have done a fair share of DATY in clubs and have done some DATO in real life. If done with the right person, under the right circumstances it can be very sexy.
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