
I just got my ass chewed out by a stripper at my favorite club.

Atlanta suburb
This is not my first time. It is the 4th. The 1st was about 4 years ago. I got into it with a stripper on club chat. The fences have been mended. I just saw her the other day. As I was tipping her on stage I told her congratulations on the new baby in 5 months. She wanted to know how I knew that. I told her that the house mom knows everything.

The 2nd time was about 3 years ago. It started on club chat and spilled over to this general discussion board. The fences have again been mended. The last time I saw her, a few months ago, She was more than happy to see me and getting divorced.

The 3rd time was about 6 months ago. In the club. Jackie_O pissed me off and I printed her name in my review as a dancer to avoid. She got wind of it and came up to me to bitch and threaten me with physical violence. I don't scare easily. I have not seen her since.

The latest and greatest happened last Tuesday in the club. A non favorite dancers name was mentioned on another topic on this discussion board by another poster. Nothing derogatory was said about her. In fact, since her name had already been mentioned, I gave her what I thought was a compliment. Tuesday I gave her a copy of the topic thinking that she would find it interesting. Boy was I wrong. A little while later, I was sitting, talking to one of my favorites and she came over and read me the riot act. I got the whole pink site. Condensed into 5 minutes. I just took it. No point in arguing a lost cause. Her biggest complaint was that her name had been used on TUSCL. "I live and work here. I have a family to support(doesn't say much about her husband). You are all a bunch of perverts that jack off on the internet. The girls that dance for you are all sluts. They don't look or smell like me. If I ever see my name on TUSCL again you are going to get it."

After she left, the fav that I was sitting with said "You did not deserve that." I gave her a copy of it to read. She took it over to a part of the club that had better reading light. While reading it the BITCH went up to her and bad mouthed me. My fav told her to fuck off. That I was her friend. The BITCH then came back over to me and gave me another 1 minute instant replay. She managed to get 3 dancers to ignore me. No big loss. None were on my favorites list. The fav that was with me during this time overheard 2 dancers bad mouthing me in the dressing room(non favorites). She defended me and said that she wanted to take the knife out of her locker and stab them. I reassured her that I was a big boy and could take care of myself and the BITCH was not worth it. I am sure that the BITCH is still bad mouthing me to any stripper that will listen to her. I won't post her name here because I am Soooo scared but any of you that join me at the club will get the name.

BTW, Toni and Nicki asked me to post their names on here. Said that they could use the business. They don't post on the pink site. Had to do it, Bones.


  • rob0411
    17 years ago
    Planning on joining you on 10/26.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    It's not like we don't have email. She's bad mouthing all of us who use the web site. I will make sure not to get a dance from her when I visit the club. She sounds a bit confused as well. I didn't think this web site is that important or attracting that many customers to the club in Columbia. However if I'm wrong, then this web site is very important to business there and she's bad mouthing all the customers who use this web site and go visit the club. Either way I don't want a dance from her.

    I don't go around talking about TUSCL. I'm lucky if the dancers I meet have heard about the more popular sites such as www.youtube.com not considering tiny little ones like this one.
  • ClevelandTom
    17 years ago
    Here's what you do.

    Leave a note on her car and when she leaves at night, quietly follow her. Pull up to her at an intersection and honk you horn, wave hello and then turn the other way. If she says anything to management, make sure you make multiple phone calls to the club to protest your innocence and write as many letters as needs.

    Ooops. . . I'm sorry. I'm on the wrong thread.

  • gt80rider
    17 years ago
    ummmm...... if you are printing off pages from here and showing them to strippers, you need to get a new hobby...

    strip bars are there for our enjoyment.... not for you to go into just to cause drama....

    have your fun... go home... post your experience... repeat... there is not "printing" involved...
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I find it amazing they know this site exists and they care that much about what's written. Besides, if they bothered to read the disclaimer at the bottom, they would realize its a work of fiction.
  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    I have a rule that I never, ever discuss one stripper with another. That includes telling one stripper what another told me - I just keep it to myself. I might use the information to manipulate her (if I knew a certain thing was a big turn-on for a girl, for example) but I'd never actually mention it.

    I also never, ever kiss-and-tell.

    Basically, "don't get involved" is my mantra in clubs.

    So far, so good ;)

    17 years ago
    O, that's a good rule. I've always been the same way. Not only in clubs but pretty much in the real world too. I almost never tell one person much about what another says because all it does is cause trouble. You just never know how some people are going to react, regardless of how innocuous you might think something is. Too many people always put the worst possible interpretation on anything that's said.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    gt: This is not for every one. I only do it in my favorite club and only with my favorite dancers. I have been doing it for 6 years. My mistake this time was because she was not one of my favorites. 2nd string. 25% of the dancers that work there know me as shadowcat or candyman, or John and now even as house mom. Over the years this has built up a trust between us. I know SHIT. I know who is married, who is pregnant, who is in jail and who just got out of jail. I know who the drug users are and which dancer/s are their suppliers. I know who got fired for being too fat and who got fired for doing EXTRAS. I know who will do me OTC for money and who will meet me OTC for lunch/dinner. I had one dancer give me her parents telephone number in Richmond VA. I have the cell phone number of a current dancers husband. Top that. I know who is getting divorced and why and who just got married and who just had a baby and who just went through rehab. I know that T----'s sister just married S----n's ex husband. I have one favorite that wants me to bring her a copy of the TUSCL glossary. She did not understand ROB. I know who the latest club slut is. I know who the BI dancers is. Has admitted it to me, She is married with a 2 yo baby. I know who chandler's favorite was, when he visited. Last week I asked one of my favorites why you girls get involved with such losers(guys) Her reply "Tell me about it!"
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