
is this a classic stripper boyfriend or what?

Pink site from "Sophia Starina" who's recently posting on the "No more SC's for me" thread where the OP actually dared to suggest most strip clubs in America were becoming an increasingly poor value with the "majority" of dancers showing little if any gratitude toward club patrons, and today Ms Sophia (ironically) calling some male poster a "misogynist douche bag."

Here's her boyfriend post from earlier in the year:


What a weird situation.

This fellow I've been dating for about a month invites me down to Florida to spend some time on his boat, cruise around the Caribbean, etc. I agree for the most part and the conversation continues. He mentions how customs in the Bahamas is very lax and how he has machine guns on the boat. Then he says "I'm going to shoot you, and feed your body to the sharks, my little pumpkin." WTF??? This came out of nowhere, and I have to assume that he was joking, but still! Fucking Creepy! He's already previously mentioned that with his money (he's considerably wealthy) and connections that he can get away with pretty much anything, including murder.
I can't get the visions of attractive blondes being killed by wealthy guys out of my head. Nicole Brown Simpson, Natalie Holloway, Lana Clarkson, etc. I would like to avoid being the next CNN headline.

Should I break it off or am I overreacting?



  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I would hardly call it classic. I would call it extreme. I know so many dancers that are in bad relationships. I have helped a few but I can't help them all. For you young guys looking for an opening with a stripper for a real deal. It can happen. Just be there when the breakup happens. I quote Yoda "husbands and boyfriends come and go." I'm too old for this shit. I don't want an S/O. I just want a fuck buddy when the situation is right. I have seen the Japanese version of the robot sex doll. Bring it on before I get too old...
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    You can be there when the breakup happens but the real question is, do you really want to be? I'm not trying nor do I ever remember trying to make a dancer be my girlfriend. I unfortunately have enough experience to know many dancers do have many social problems or have family and friends with social problems that they sometimes seem to have to deal with. I mean by social problems things such as drugs or lazy ass friends. The other thing is some young strippers may not know what real work is and actually believe dancing is hard work. I call hard work working in the heat on a 7 day swing shift on a very busy manufacturing line or doing farm work on a hot summer day.
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    Run, don't walk to the nearest exit. Even if he is full of shit, he has a real sick sense of humor.
  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    In my experience, the "classic stripper boyfriend" is a young, unemployed guy who is "forming a band soon".

    17 years ago
    He used to have a job but got fired because his unreasonable asshole boss expected him to show up every day and actually do some work and not always be hung over. No more of that for him. Now he just sells some drugs when he can get hold of them.
  • Jpac73
    17 years ago
    Just because you are there when she breaks up with her boyfriend doesn't mean she wants you as her next boyfriend. She might be so emotionally hurt that she doesn't want to date anyone for a while.

    Casualguy: I agree with you that some of the young stripper don't know what hard work is about. I had this one stripper who is 25yearsold tell me that she only made 300dollars one night. I was like well that isn't bad, she then replied stated "I was at the club for 12hours that day". I still thought in my mind that some people work 12hours and don't make but 100dollars if that so why are you complaining??
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    OZY...LOL got to agree with you on the unemployed guy with the guitar who is forming the band. My wife used to be a stripper and her ex's all had guitars, as well as most of her co-workers boyfriends or husbands. One girl even confided in me that she just wished her deadbeat husband would drop dead since he was so worthless. Sad but true.
    17 years ago
    A lot of these girls grew up in families where nobody worked. Working isn't normal to them.
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