
What is the largest sum you spent in one night at one or multiple club(s)

Friday, December 28, 2007 1:15 AM
I am cheap - $400 :) You?


  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    Professor, this subject comes up every once in a while. I think it is in poor taste to ask or discuss what an individual spends on entertainment. With that said, I am going to play nice and say in the neighborhood of $2000.00 a long while ago in Vegas with some winnings. It was over one evening one club. More recently I limit myself to $600.00 for a typical strip club visit.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I don't care for the question either, but that is only because I can't brag. :) Anyway, $400 doesn't sound cheap to me. :) Anyway, imho, ask whatever questions you want even if some people think it is in "poor taste." $600 for a typical strip club visit sounds very generous. I wonder if you're hanging out at my local dive handing out $20s like they were singles? :) Those guys were impressive.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I've probably blown $2,000 on some occasion. I'm not proud of it. More likely clubbing budget for ONE night is as low as $20, and then up to around $200 to $300, and a "big spender" night would be $500.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Back in the days before I knew any better: $1200. I spent it across three clubs. But I now know that I could have three girls come over and fuck me (and each other!) all night long for that price.
  • around 160
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    $1300 one night, one club, one dancer $2700 over several days, one club, one dancer Of course, I reformed a bit since then
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I really don't remember. I'll guess at $500-600. I am not much into VIP sessions. I have done 3 in Atlanta clubs and each cost me less than $200 for 1/2 hour. At my favorite club I probably average $300 per visit. I could go in, find a favorite dancer, get messy pants for less than $80 and leave. But I go for a full days session of fun. Make that 3 days of fun and price it at $900-1200. Every month.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I can't say for sure, but while I was doing my road trips back in 2006, I think I hit about 10 or 12 clubs in one day, probably spending close to $1200 for ALL expenses. Myself, even being a strip club junkie, I just am too damn frugal to spend a whole bunch of $$$$ in one day. However, now that I think about it more, I may have topped that $1200 mark while celebrating my 60th birthday at Columbia PP with shadowcat. My goal was same as his on his 65th birthday. One lap dance for each year I lived (60). But, it took two days to complete that feat, so it doesn't count as far as $$$$ spent in one club, one day.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I think $400 is a lot of money for one night even at multiple clubs. I believe I may have blown that much before in one night though. I can have a whole lot of fun with multiple dancers for a lot less.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    No question bothers, offends me, annoys me, or is poor taste, IMHO. That said, a couple of times I've done about $500. The most, as I recall, was about $700. So, about 4-5 times over my self imposed $100-$150 limit. Not too bad for over 30+ years.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Brother Bones: Once again I have to correct you. It was on my 62nd birthday. I am considering doing it again on my 66th next month but there is no way I could do it in one day. Maybe 2. More likely 3. That would cost me a max of $660 but I have been promised some freebies. I would have to average 22 dances per day. That may be tough to do. Given the high mileage that I am used to. I will play it by ear.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Don't give out on me now housemom! LOL Tell the ladies to keep it simple for the first 10 dances, then go from there! If they start pulling 'the pipe' early, just start thinking of a big dive into an ice cold ocean!..... with sharks! LOL I know exactly what you mean on the high mileage. Make a 4 day trip out of it! Get off twice a day, so at the end you would have accomplished 8 nuts on one trip, provided you don't OTC with you know who!
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    It must have been a little over a $1000 at multiple strip clibs in one night...there certainly was a lot of sex going on that nite! I'd say I range more around $200 for most strip club trips (per club visited) that I take these days.
    17 years ago
    The most I've ever spent is a little over $200 - I never take more than that with me because I don't think spending time with strippers is worth any more than that.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Ok, this tasteless question got me off my ass. One club, 4 hours, one vip room, 2 girls, $1,800. And there was no way in hell it was worth it. Any time I have topped $300 in one evening in a club, I leave feeling foolish. Best times have been with regular, spending maybe $150 in the club. Cheapest club experience in which I drank, sampled several ladies, and got my rocks off was about $50 (in 2007 no less), and I was there for almost 2 hours. Now that's value!
  • thedirk444
    17 years ago
    About $400 in Myrtle Beach a couple of years ago and not worth it. Best value ever was in 2007 at PP Greenville. Total of $47 for HJ, entry fee, and a drink. What a country!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    harrydave - That club must have been The Exotic Pearl, no doubt! Great mileage with the right dancer and very inexpensive.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I've dropped over $1k in one night, on several occasions. Probably $1,500-ish is the top end.
  • hornytoad085
    16 years ago
    I once spent $1,700 at a club in Vilnius after mistakenly thinking the exchange rate was 25 to the USD (which is what it was in Russia and Slovakia) versus 2.5 (which is what it was in Lithuania and Poland). But $300 is normally my tops, and I normally try to keep it between $150-200.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    Most was around $700 in one night,at one club. Nowadays, I try to keep visits to $300 max, but preferably in the $200-250 range.
  • ShotDisc
    16 years ago
    I have never spent more than $150 dollars at one time in a SC. Not even for the bareback FS, BBBJ and other assorted goodies. Never needed to.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    My max for one club in one night was $3700 - would have spent more but the club closed. I had run into a guy earlier who owed me $7k that I never actually expected to see again, and to my surprise he gave me $5k in cash, so it was "free" money anyway. Probably about $1k of the money I spent was giving money to girls to tip other girls for me on stage. I have to say, it was loads of fun! Nowadays I'll pretty much cap it at $600 or so, probably spending an average of $300 on a typical visit. I was a Cheetah in Atlanta once when Motley Crue dropped $20k there, though - they tipped their waitress $1,000 - it was a pretty crazy scene. O.
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