
Comments by ozymandias (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Giving the benefit of the doubt, there was certainly a confluence of events working against you - now it turns out the lights were off, hence the impression of shadowing - made worse by a bungled effort to make things "right" or "fair". Sometimes the universe decides to fuck with people - see the Book of Job for an example - and when it does it's a good idea to lay low for a awhile. Time to say "fuck it" and man-up and put it all behind you. You live in a town literally crammed with rental pussy, and you have 50 more clubs to choose from - that's 2000 dancers, easily. Just find a new one!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is a THICK stripper?
    Kind of an odd example, but Mary Lou Rettin (the Olympic gymnast) was "Thick". Rosie O'Donnell is (gag) fat. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strips as an affair substitute
    I agree to a point. The problem is that most strippers are, frankly, pretty unprofessional - they get as caught up and confused as the customer in many cases. I know it's happened between certain dancers and me. IN that sense, the affair is "real" not "substitute". An escort tends to be better at compartmentalizing the sex from the emotional involvement. It feels like an affair for the appointment (if she's "GFE") and then it ends. Substitute. Now, if you mean just sitting in a club chatting with the girl then sure, I can see how that's a substitute for the flirtation element of an affair. When it leaves the club though, it becomes just as real as an office or any other kind of affair. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Sooo, yeah... the management are racists and liars now. Hmmm... wow. Uh, I'd seriously recommend just dropping the whole issue because it's become *pretty weird*. DEFINITELY time to find a new club... O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cost of living should affect dance prices
    True, but the southeast also has on average the lowest wages in the nation. Prices tend to settle at what people can afford, of course, so it always makes sense to take advantage of poorer areas when you travel. Why do you think sex tourism is in places like Thailand and Cambodia?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    Escorting. I know a 20 year old girl who just bought a $700,000 house in San Diego (yes, a charming bungalow LOL) - she's escorted since 18 in Las Vegas, and has two other girls she manages in addition. I know a Korean AMP girl I used to see who saved all the money she made - she now owns the top AMP in Atlanta (she bought out her employers), owns a couple of Asian malls on Buford Highway, and has real estate holdings back home in Pusan (jointly with her sister, who did the same thing). Ran in to her the other day at the Armani store at Phipps Plaza... she drives a white SL 500. When I was seeing her to fuck (we're platonic friends now) she was making maybe $200k a year, and that was in the mid-90s. Apart from entertainers, women entreprenuers and high-income professionals, the richest women I know were whores. I've never known a woman to actually come out ahead stripping, apart from maybe landing a dumb, yet rich, husband. Those dollar bills just spend too easily, is my usual observation. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strips as an affair substitute
    It can be too personal to be a safe "affair substitute"... indeed, it can develop into an actual affair. Trust me on this, I know of what I speak ;) ESCORTS are an affair substitute. Well, and AMP girls. Pay your fee, fuck her an hour, and leave. Rinse and repeat as needed. Steer clear of SWs though - wouldn't it suck to have your wife bail you out of jail, suddenly realizing where she got that vaginal infection? Thankfully, I DON't know of what I speak there, but I can imagine worst case scenarios! O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Oh and to the OP... Customer right? Well, the same rights as they have at Lowe's or McDonalds - none at all. A private business can do what they damn well please. And you say the manager isn't doing his "managerial job" banning you after 7:30pm - I agree wholeheartedly. He should ban you from the club, period. He SHOULD be looking after his girl! At one point you mention "you aren't taking legal action". No fucking kidding! "Your honor, I had an amazing time fucking/sucking/fingering/whatever this chick in VIP and I DEMAND recompense!" Can't wait to read about that one in Creative Loafing's "News of the Weird". Just please stay out of the "blotter". My advice - stay out of clubs a couple of months, take the $2-3 grand you save up and head to Bangkok or Costa Rica, bang a dozen hot 19 year olds who can't even speak English (no risk of a confusing relationship) and come back with renewed perspective for what "adult industry" girls are for - fun. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    So anyway, who was this dancer? Must be some VIP ride ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Age and date of first sc or equivalent experience.
    When I was a Freshman at Georgia Tech I worked part time delivering pizzas. I delivered a Pizza to the Cheetah III (as it was then called) when I was 17. That was an experience ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you ever thought you were invisible in a club before?
    I WISH I were more invisible... be nice to go to a club and be left alone except when you call a girl over. Mostly I feel like I have a big neon "Human ATM Below" sign floating over my head ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strippers with kids
    This youtube vid is perfect for this thread ;) http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZrhmCrXQGOg O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip clubbing and the weather. Go or not?
    I never plan ahead to go to a club. Usually I just have some time to kill, or maybe I'm headed home and traffic is bad (which is "always" in ATL), and I'll just pop into a club and see what's up. So yeah, I might go if it's stormy just to be out of traffic. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If your stocks drop a lot, does it affect your strip club spending?
    Has no impact on my spending - for me, securities are for equity growth, not income. But then, I'm relatively young (30s) and in a growth mode - older hobbyists facing retirement or fixed income might use a different calculus. A really big loss (like late 90s, post-9/11, or from the liquidity problems of the last few weeks) might certainly curb the appetite for hobbies, but again it has no real impact on my spending. If things ever get to a point where value is falling with no prospect of recovery, THEN I'd be worried, though there'd be bigger problems in the world than stocks at that point lol. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Paying more than the advertised/posted Lap Dance fee
    I used to, when I first started going to clubs. I also used to sometimes tip larger bills than ones at the stage, like fives or tens occasionally, the idea being that I'd get the dancer's attention better. I tip well in restaurants, because I tend to go to the same ones often and I like to develop a reputation as a "good customer" because it pays off in the long run with better service - it was natural to try to extend that ethos to strip clubs. I find it doesn't work in strip clubs however. Tipping generously when she's on stage, for example, is useless because half the time she doesn't even realize you're slipping her a five or ten - so you should stick with ones. As far as tipping her for the dances, its pointless to tip extra because there is always going to be some idiot who tips more - drunk guys with a load of cash paying $100 per dance for example, trying to be "ballers" or whatever. Unless you can be the BIGGEST tipper, it won't earn any extra notice - so the smart play is to just pay base cost. I never, ever pay a dancer for time she's spent sitting with me. I pay only for dances, and I never give a "for time spent" tip at the end of a long evening. I've done it both ways, and there is NO improvement of service with extra tips for paying for idle time. So why do it? O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Rank the 5 senses for enjoying a lapdance.
    There is nothing sensible about a good lapdance! That's the tyranny of the Little Head right there, but may as well enjoy it ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regretting the truth
    Actually I made one exception to my rule, and it's a case-in-point. There used to be a girl who danced at Pink Pony in ATL (a little asian spinner) who I got to know very, very well - not "OTC" or whatever but much more friendly. Over a couple of years we hung out a lot as "buds", I knew her best friends, her brother, her parents. She was lazy and just sort of danced on and off, and after knowing her awhile I ONLY knew her outside, ie. I never went to see her dance, and so on. Well one day she was riding with me in my car and mentioned she needed to pay a cell phone bill and would I take her by the Cingular place on the way back to her apartment. I didn't feel like it so I just had her give me the cash, and I said she could just pay it online with my Amex (she didn't have any credit cards) - now this was someone I'd been through a lot with, someone very close to me by now, so I just gave her my card number etc. so she could pay it. Needless to say, the stripper in her took over and she couldn't resist then buying a bunch of Von Dutch apparel online using my card. Naturally I disputed the charges. I considered having her arrested - wirefraud and interstate theft would have made some nice felonies - but settled with just removing her from my contact list. The very act of saying "hey, I'll strip for a living" indicates that a woman has zero self-esteem... and if someone doesn't respect herself, she won't respect you, either. Get a nice grind out of them and fuck them, but that's about it. O
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regretting the truth
    I would never divulge any kind of "real" info to a stripper - I put them in the same category as escorts in that regard. I can't recall ever telling a stripper my last name, for example. It's not her calling the office or SO that would worry me - it would be her junkie boyfriend and her robbing my house lol. These girls, fun as they are in the club or OTC in a hotel bed, are trash, and it's wise not to forget that! O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    In my experience dancers, on the whole, don't handle rejection well. I'm very tactful declining a dance though, which helps - key thing is to allow them to save face. Usually I ask her name, mention I'm waiting on someone, then thank her for asking me and assure her "maybe later". O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    In my experience they are, but obviously they're going to run the gamut. I mean, the only one's I've fucked have been the freaky ones anyway, so not exactly a cross-section. Plenty of them are lesbians though, so at least from the male perspective I'd guess they're not too fun in bed. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do some strippers want to do more than the club/law allows?
    In my experience yes, the dancers usually try to thwart the club rules and, by extension, the law. I don't think it's solely to make money, necessarily - sometimes a 'hoe just has to be a 'hoe. Human nature ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    husbands/boy friends in the club...
    In general I think husbands/bfs are forbidden - definitely a good policy overall. Hard to enforce? sometimes. There are some very canny bouncers around when it comes to reading body language though. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    About 15 years ago I was hanging out with a couple of "Cheetah girls" (dancers at the Cheetah in Atlanta) at the apartment of one of the girls - it was early evening I think. The apartment girls gets a call (landline, not many cellphones back then), talks a few minutes and looks upset - it turns out one of their coworkers has died from a gunshot wound, evidently by suicide. So calls are made, and over the next hour a few more Cheetah girls arrive, and they're all talking about this but of course, being dancers, in a sense they don't actually know each other that well - so there is some confusion over her real vs. dance name, and finally to clarify they are discussing her body, even the "look" of her pussy, and gradually people are nodding "oh, her" and the like. I myself am unsure who this is, tho a couple of girls assure me I know her. So a few days later these girls, and a few others, are headed to south Georgia to go to the funeral... and I can't help but to call it comical, a number of these girls are in what can only be described as "stripper funeral attire", black miniskirts and the like. You know how a too-large boob job looks even more ridiculous clothed and out in the world? several of these girl have mountains jutting out in front of them. We all went down in a van to the service - a few girls are still getting clarification on who this was. Never realized how anonymous dancers were, even to one another! So the service is Baptist, and the body is on view - and I have no idea who she is. Im relieved (the girl I DO know is alive, evidently) but I keep my ignorance from the others of course, and at this point Im just going through the motions. The dead girls mother is there, heavily medicated. All these Baptists are looking quite askance at this crew of sleazy looking girls who've arrived from Atlanta, and the strippers become upset when the Baptist preacher is heard lamenting the "city lifestyle" that led this poor girl to her death, and likely damnation. Certainly the most surreal funereal I've been to. O.