Tat Banned/Restricted Clubs??
Any place that interests me.
A comment by duo about covering her tat(s) got me to recall my recent club visits. (Last 2 yrs.) I'm hard pressed to recall any club that completely banned tats. Though, 2 high end Los Angeles clubs (4 Play and Bare Ellegance) have a large number of dancers who don't have any tats, or else relatively small/discrete tats. For sure, I haven't seen any dancers at those 2 clubs whose body resembles a psychedelic poster or a Grimms fairy tale illustration. I recall a moderately tatted dancer at 4 Play who was very talented and acrobatic on the pole.
Going back 2-5 years, my memory isn't so lucid, yet I'm not 100% sure these next listed clubs are tat free, but they stand out as not being too heavily inked:
1) Lodge- Dallas
2) Mens Club- Dallas
3) Babes- Scottsdale- ( Recall a dancer who had studded imbedded jewelry pattern on her back)
4) Borbon Street Circus- Phoenix- (A very gorgeous dancer had a sleeve tat)
5) Mons Venus- Tampa- Have seen tatted dancers there for a long time, though didn't see a heavily inked one
until recently.
There are some high end Atlanta and Vegas clubs that I haven't been to in over 10 years- tat mania hadn't gained that much traction then- clubs like Cheetahs, Olympic Gardens, etal may have changed since then.
Your clubs and observations........
Going back 2-5 years, my memory isn't so lucid, yet I'm not 100% sure these next listed clubs are tat free, but they stand out as not being too heavily inked:
1) Lodge- Dallas
2) Mens Club- Dallas
3) Babes- Scottsdale- ( Recall a dancer who had studded imbedded jewelry pattern on her back)
4) Borbon Street Circus- Phoenix- (A very gorgeous dancer had a sleeve tat)
5) Mons Venus- Tampa- Have seen tatted dancers there for a long time, though didn't see a heavily inked one
until recently.
There are some high end Atlanta and Vegas clubs that I haven't been to in over 10 years- tat mania hadn't gained that much traction then- clubs like Cheetahs, Olympic Gardens, etal may have changed since then.
Your clubs and observations........
Should be all clubs IMO. :)
Atlanta Cheetah has been reported as one. I cannot confirm this because I haven't been there in over 10 years. I prefer going to clubs that offer more than just eye candy.
I think tats should be *required* for all strippers and any clubs that ban tattoos or require the dancers to cover them up should be banned and their property confiscated and given to somebody who has more taste and isn't afraid of a little self-expression.
Tats and piercings don't make the girl, they just make her more interesting, more desireable and more sexually attractive. Bad girls are better.
Since it has been several posts since someone has named clubs that ban, or otherwise minimize tats, we can conclude that such clubs are rare these days. Duo further enlightened me to methods to cover up tats, much like a car dealer might cover up rust or accident damage.
I simply find any tattoos on either gender totally UNATTRACTIVE.
As to "Taste", I agree 200%. LOL
So says gmd. My tastes & opinions don't answer to his arrogance.
or not...
minnow - after seeing this thread I made a note to check out the daytime talent today @ Bare Elegance and sure enough I saw maybe 3 tiny ankle tats on the more than 15 dancers working there. I mentioned the general lack of ink to a dancer that I was sitting with and she said that they are still very strict about not hiring girls with large amounts of tats at BE. Sometimes when i feel a need for tats, piercings and general alt funnery, I head down to Jumbo's Clown Room. Boy, you can find anything & everything there....except lap dances :(
or not..."
Sounds good to me.
"only *one* person on this board is allowed to arrogantly spout his own prejudices and preferences as if they were laws of nature..."
If you're referring to ME, my opinions are no more "Laws of Nature" than yours are gmd. If my opinions were "Law", I'd know EXACTLY what to do with them. LMAO!
Only the Tattoed Lady had tats back in the fifties. Yeah, twice.