
Tat Banned/Restricted Clubs??

avatar for minnow
Any place that interests me.

A comment by duo about covering her tat(s) got me to recall my recent club visits. (Last 2 yrs.) I'm hard pressed to recall any club that completely banned tats. Though, 2 high end Los Angeles clubs (4 Play and Bare Ellegance) have a large number of dancers who don't have any tats, or else relatively small/discrete tats. For sure, I haven't seen any dancers at those 2 clubs whose body resembles a psychedelic poster or a Grimms fairy tale illustration. I recall a moderately tatted dancer at 4 Play who was very talented and acrobatic on the pole.

Going back 2-5 years, my memory isn't so lucid, yet I'm not 100% sure these next listed clubs are tat free, but they stand out as not being too heavily inked:

  1. Lodge- Dallas

  2. Mens Club- Dallas

  3. Babes- Scottsdale- ( Recall a dancer who had studded imbedded jewelry pattern on her back)

  4. Borbon Street Circus- Phoenix- (A very gorgeous dancer had a sleeve tat)

  5. Mons Venus- Tampa- Have seen tatted dancers there for a long time, though didn't see a heavily inked one

                    until recently.

There are some high end Atlanta and Vegas clubs that I haven't been to in over 10 years- tat mania hadn't gained that much traction then- clubs like Cheetahs, Olympic Gardens, etal may have changed since then.

Your clubs and observations........


last comment
avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

"Tat Banned/Restricted Clubs"

Should be all clubs IMO. :)

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

Whatever happened to freedom of expression? If the dancers at a certain club have too many tattoos, then you, as the consumer, can vacate the premise and move on to a location with dancers that better suit your tastes.

avatar for shadowcat
11 yrs ago

Other than georgemicrodong, most of us dislike tattoos on women and although not usually deal breakers, given a choice we will pick the one without the ink. Some clubs that pride themselves on having good eye candy know this and therefore discriminate on hiring.

Atlanta Cheetah has been reported as one. I cannot confirm this because I haven't been there in over 10 years. I prefer going to clubs that offer more than just eye candy.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 yrs ago

I like tats on dancers but hate piercings, especially in the tongue.

avatar for rickdugan
11 yrs ago

Most Manhattan clubs limit or prohibit tats. Apparently there are some skin coverup options that some girls use to deal with this.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 yrs ago

Hard to find any girls that do not have any tats. I do not understand tats. Maybe one or so but tattoos everywhere are becoming more commonplace and I do not understand. I guess it is like a sore tooth or scab .. you just can't stop messing with it even though it hurts.

avatar for minnow
11 yrs ago

rick- Not Manhattan, KS?? I rather thought so. Great, another shattered illusion. I guess I'll stick with the dancer with a small pelvic butterfly tat since the dancer that "looks" to be non-tatted may actually be a walking Haight-Ashbury poster IRL.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

This thread should really be titled "Lame ass boring clubs" or "Clubs to fall asleep in" or "Clubs where a stick up your ass won't be considered unusual."

I think tats should be required for all strippers and any clubs that ban tattoos or require the dancers to cover them up should be banned and their property confiscated and given to somebody who has more taste and isn't afraid of a little self-expression.

avatar for goodsouthernboy
11 yrs ago

^^^lol at George, that's funny man...

avatar for Experimental
11 yrs ago

I don't mind tats on dancers but I will admit the large majority of them get bad tats that look terrible. Or they get I LOVE FRED tramp stamp and you come to find out FRED was 6 boyfriends ago and the JOE on her shoulder was 3 boyfriends ago and the I LOVE PETER right above the kitty isn't an expression of hetro-sexuality.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

I'd LOVE a club where tattoos & piercings beyond earrings are BANNED. I know I wouldn't run into gmd! LMAO

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

The fact that I like tats and think pussies who are afraid of them should stay home and wank instead of cluttering my strip clubs with their whinging doesn't mean I don't like girls who have none. The fact that I like the kind of girl who gets her nipples pierced and lets me twist those studs around and make her feel a little pain does not mean I hate I pierced girls.

Tats and piercings don't make the girl, they just make her more interesting, more desireable and more sexually attractive. Bad girls are better.

avatar for ime
11 yrs ago

I like women w/ tattoos but the quality of tattoos is matters, shitty tattoos quality and placement count for something. A girl w/ a full sleeve will always get my attention. Partly for me it's because of girls i dated in past and other non-strip club related subcultures i self identify with.

avatar for minnow
11 yrs ago

I'm not changing title of thread for gmd. I don't think a preference for non-tatted dancers makes one a pussy, or means that they are "afraid" of tats. It just might indicate that such an individual has good taste.

Since it has been several posts since someone has named clubs that ban, or otherwise minimize tats, we can conclude that such clubs are rare these days. Duo further enlightened me to methods to cover up tats, much like a car dealer might cover up rust or accident damage.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

" It just might indicate that such an individual has good taste"

I simply find any tattoos on either gender totally UNATTRACTIVE.

As to "Taste", I agree 200%. LOL

avatar for duomaxwell
11 yrs ago

I'm going to cover my tattoos up for a couple of nights at work and see what effects it has, if any, on my earnings.

avatar for jester214
11 yrs ago

I don't have much of an issue with tattoos, I just think very few women get them in a very aesthetically pleasing manner. On rare occasion I think they can actually accentuate good looks... A giant tiger on the breast, not so much.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

Well done tattoos are the epitome of good taste. Anyone who says otherwise has, by definition, lousy taste.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 yrs ago

Maybe gmd would be turned on by the dancer equivalent of Miami Heat’s birdman.


avatar for jester214
11 yrs ago

@GMD does content/location not matter to you? We'll assume that it's well done.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

"Anyone who says otherwise has, by definition, lousy taste"

So says gmd. My tastes & opinions don't answer to his arrogance.

avatar for jester214
11 yrs ago

They answer to your own arrogance? You certainly have enough of it.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

^^^ NOR to your arrogance. :)

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

Tattoos affect my spending only about .00000001% of the time. There were one or two dancers I either didn't or wouldn't get dances from because she had so many tattoos. This was during the last ten years. I thought it destroyed her looks so much, I wasn't interested in her. Most dancers still look good if they already looked good. Maybe I focus on tits and overall form and skin tone and her face too much. Now if a dancer was a ten but she went and got a bunch of tats, I might still think she was a hot 9 with way too many tats.

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

I saw a girl on YouTube get a scorpion tattooed just above her pussy the other day. She might think it looks good but I wouldn't care to see a drawing or tattoo of a scorpion every time I was in that area. Maybe her current boyfriend is ok but if she breaks up and her new boyfriend is not ok, he might just make up an excuse and find someone else.

avatar for MojoDojo
11 yrs ago

While I agree that some ink can be attractive and even be considered art the fact of the matter is tats are by and large whimsy and their long range impact is virtualy never considered. I think that there should be a 1 week cooling off period between contracting for a tat and the actual inking. Furthermore it should be illegal for a tat artist to ink someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, yeah and while we're at it anyone who is determined to get a tattoo should have to sit through a 1 hour video showing the adverse and horrifying effects of injecting colorful liquids into their epidermis and they should be hooked up to electrodes and given a test on the content of the video and shocked every time they get an answer wrong.

or not...

avatar for lopaw
11 yrs ago

I also enjoy well done tats on a girl. To each their own.

minnow - after seeing this thread I made a note to check out the daytime talent today @ Bare Elegance and sure enough I saw maybe 3 tiny ankle tats on the more than 15 dancers working there. I mentioned the general lack of ink to a dancer that I was sitting with and she said that they are still very strict about not hiring girls with large amounts of tats at BE. Sometimes when i feel a need for tats, piercings and general alt funnery, I head down to Jumbo's Clown Room. Boy, you can find anything & everything there....except lap dances :(

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

Yeah, because only one person on this board is allowed to arrogantly spout his own prejudices and preferences as if they were laws of nature...

avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 yrs ago

Hope the stuff to cover tats has gotten better. Been a while since I had to deal with it. Came out of the club looking like I'd been snuggling a turd.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

"While I agree that some ink can be attractive and even be considered art the fact of the matter is tats are by and large whimsy and their long range impact is virtualy never considered. I think that there should be a 1 week cooling off period between contracting for a tat and the actual inking. Furthermore it should be illegal for a tat artist to ink someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, yeah and while we're at it anyone who is determined to get a tattoo should have to sit through a 1 hour video showing the adverse and horrifying effects of injecting colorful liquids into their epidermis and they should be hooked up to electrodes and given a test on the content of the video and shocked every time they get an answer wrong.

or not..."

Sounds good to me.

"only one person on this board is allowed to arrogantly spout his own prejudices and preferences as if they were laws of nature..."

If you're referring to ME, my opinions are no more "Laws of Nature" than yours are gmd. If my opinions were "Law", I'd know EXACTLY what to do with them. LMAO!

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

@jester: No, location matters little. As long as the tattoo is decently done.

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

Only the Tattoed Lady had tats back in the fifties. Yeah, twice.

avatar for duomaxwell
11 yrs ago

I want to be the tattooed lady.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
11 yrs ago

I like a few sexy tattoos, but what's "few" or "sexy" is (of course) in the eye of the beholder. Usually when a club is banning tattoos, what they mean is they're banning ghetto-type tattoos that affiliate a girl to a particular gang, pimp, or neighborhood "concern." But since the clubs can't police the tattoos ultra-specifically, and they wouldn't want to tip their hand as to WHICH gangs or pimps they would prefer to ban or to favor by not banning (since that would serious piss off the set they reject; thus making them disputed turf), the club management just tries to post a blanket-ban on all tattoos. They do the same with gang colors, with hoodlum hats and hoodies, even with low-ride jeans. No symbols of affiliation once you cross the threshold.

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