There's been a lot of the "favorite" threads going around lately so I thought I'd jump on it too, even if I'm late to the party.
So who's your favorite comedian? Dave Chapelle is the man in my book for current, but it's hard to beat George burns from back in the day. Two completely different styles but love them both.
Bill Burr is great, it's tougnh to just go with one. Jim Jefferies, Robert Kelly, Rich Vos areall must see. Patrice O'Neal was great I saw him on pretty much his last tour before he got sick and passed away, no one worked a crowd like him.
Great list of comedians. A deceased comic who is amazing yet doesn't get his props is Richard Jenni. Patrice really did have some of the best crowd work around. One of the best out right now is Joey Coco Diaz.
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Dead: Richard Pryor and Sam Kinneson (sp?)
--> Richard Pryor
Deceased- George Carlin, Sam Kinnison
Tom Lehrer was also fuggin' coo-el
Dead: George Carlin
Dead: Mitch Headburg
I listen to the Joe Rogan podcast once in a while and its great if Joey Diaz is on. His stories are nuts, and he's funny as hell