SW Thread ... As If She Really Didn't Know

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Kinda of a slow night on TUSCL so reading some Pulitzer Prize winning threads on SW.

Came across this:

“… What happened in the VIP room

Okay so this post is all explicit so watch your eyes....reading...

So today, for the first time I got somebody who wanted VIP with me...like the legit VIP room. Not the half private room..
The FULLY private room. for like almost 2000 bucks...

Needless to say I almost shit my pants because I heard about what girls do in there.
So I tried to keep my panties on as much as I could....My boss gets mad if I say No to drinks because it makes the club more money so I have to say yes. So I was drinking...
so I was giving him the lapdance and then we started grinding ....like dry humping and then he took my panties off and started like touching me and shit....and I said no but he was like "Come on I paid almost 2000 dollars" and I admit I felt like..what the fuck am I supposed to do in here?!!!
so I'm like okay fine. He kept kissing me, and I saw other girls kissing in the other champagne room so I let him but it was gross...I closed my mouth th whole time and while he was looking away I put sanitizer all over my boobs and my mouth where he kept sucking my boobs....

and then he took his dick out and I was like 0_0 and he kept grabbing my neck like to suck him and I said I dont do that...and he was like "aw okay, I get it"
but like....

I keep freaking out cuz he tried eating my pussy I pushed him away....then he tried sliding his fingers in my pussy and I was like "No" and he kept saying why why...I paid

so I was like fuck it, I let him u know rub around but not slide them in....but I keep freaking out cuz afterwards he took his dick out and started jacking off ...I was next to him when he was jacking but like....after he cleaned up...he touched me a little and and Im like OMG
STD , OMG IM GONNA GET PREGNANT, what if like some random sperm rolled onto my ass or something and into my vagina....I didn't have sex with him but it was such a chore to be like GET OFF of me... 0_0

-_- I'm like about to go to planned parenthood and buy the morning after pill just over the thought of sperm being around me at all... outside of his pants... 0_0

I feel retarded...so what the fuck am I supposed to do in there, i mean its so much fucking money...it cant be the same shit you do on a couch for like 15 bucks...but I aint sucking no dick Im not a hooker. God Darnet



last comment
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Lighten up Francine its only Bonesbrother.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh, the plight of these poor whores!
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
"God darnet"?

avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Sounds like an innocent young woman being preyed upon by an immoral lecherous man who feels he can buy whatever he wants.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
No woman can be so dumb and naïve as to think the guy will spend $2k for “conversation” or “just company”.

She said she has been dancing for a while and doesn’t have an issue with contact dances.

So really; if the dancer does not want to do something; by all means – but don’t expect $2k for nothing.

avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
She like sounds like a Valley girl. :)
avatar for cky2k827
12 years ago
She should feel like a retard.as she so eloquintly put it. She even said herself she knew what girls did in there.She should have made her boundries clear to the guy before he purchased.If she is unable to do that then dancing isn't the right job for her.

And if she does get pregnant she will be one of those chicks who doesn't know untill she goes to take a dump and the baby falls out into the toliet.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"and I admit I felt like..what the fuck am I supposed to do in here?!!!"

Are you telling me this adult woman didn't realize that the customer expected to FUCK her for his $2000. Was she that NAIVE???!!!


The little sperms aren't likely to walk or squirm halfway across your body & into your pussy. And then she must be ovulating. I don't think she mentioned that did she?

"Sounds like an innocent young woman"

Innocent? I doubt it. Perhaps some other words can be used to describe her.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
I sympathize with the OP if she's being honest. New, knew what went on but didn't want to do it, also didn't want to pass up the money. All that's understandable, hell she even seemed to accept that for a guy dropping 2K she did need to do a little more. Some idiocy in there for sure but none that was surprising.

The responses were what killed me... Hell they tried to convince her she was sexually assaulted.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Yeah – w.r.t. the responses – I didn’t see too many say give him back his $$$ and tell him you are not that type of dancer.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
If you want sex for money, the only legal way (in the non-Nevada US) is to give the money over, then ask for the sex, and hope the target of your horniness will give you the sex in the hope of getting more money in the future. But even in a Nevada brothel, you can never use violence or force to get your "service". Have to go to court if you feel you didn't get what you paid for, or ask for a criminal prosecution for fraud.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Is she an idiot? I've sold a $2500 room that I didn't HAVE to do anything but sit, look pretty and do what I usually do. AND the guy came back the next night. There's nothing that pisses me off more than girls that act like they have no agency and then cry about shit that they let happen.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
With all due respect to you duomaxwell, for $2500 I would expect more than just you sitting there looking pretty. I can observe you looking pretty out in the club for the cost of the cover & a soft drink. For a closeup view, well...I wouldn't pay $2500.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Neither would anyone else on this board, I'm sure!
avatar for ime
12 years ago
"Is she an idiot?"

I think it's pretty clear she isn't very smart. The thing I don't get did she not sell him the room? Did he just walk in tell manager I want her in the room here's $2500, if she sold it she must have made some pitch that prompted him to pay and act as he did
avatar for how
12 years ago
No stripper nor any other woman must do anything sexually they do not choose to do.

But neither should anyone have to pay for what they don't want.

He should have apologized for the misunderstanding once it was clear she was only teasing, and requested a partial refund and termination of the session in VIP.

And she should have acknowledged her mistake in assuming that which made her feel "retarded," and agreed to the partial refund.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I agree with @how and duomaxwell . But she claims to have known what 'other girls do in there' and yet she is surprised when she is asked to do the same thing.
We have all heard the line "we can do allot more in the Champagne Room Wink, Wink, nuzzle, nuzzle, rub, rub, ..." from a dancer knowing it is usually SS.
She should have been more up front about her limits and he then must respect those limits.
If she did not make her limits clear up front then she had no right to be indignant when he tried get frisky BUT, he should have BACKED OFF when she said no and learned a lesson in false advertising.
She has every right to say no but she should not infer much more than she is willing to do and he has no right to infer more than is actually agreed upon.
It also reads like they had both been drinking so they both had impaired judgment and she may have thought she her limits clear and he only heard what he wanted to hear.
She wanted the money and did not realize that he expected more than she wanted to provide. Sounds a bit like sobering up sellers remorse.
She should treat this a lesson learned and be clear what she will do or not do in the Champagne room or avoid it altogether.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
I don't know which one was the most stupid, the dancer or the customer who was willing to pay $2K to spend time with this airhead. I don't understand the appeal of paying this kind of money when an outstanding P4P can be had for much less, including a nice hotel room.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Agree with Otto 22 post, plus several other comments on "value".

The later can be very subjective. I'm assuming SW and Duos cases included a grossly overpriced "champagne bottle" or 2. Still, how much would grossly overpriced bottle enhance the experience?

To use a restaurant analogy: A steak dinner is desirable to many people, but there is a vast difference in prices between a chain like Outback, and Ruth Cris, 4-5 star local establishments, etal. Probably same meat, but different atmosphere, presentation, and preparation.

Yet as patrons don't go to RC just to quench their hunger, some patrons don't go to VIP just to bust a nut- they like the company of a beautiful/charming woman. But, yeah, the whole setup is like getting a good salad, wine, but only 3 oz of steak. Or else buying a sports car that is advertised as being very fast, but finding out that dealer has installed a fuel cutoff switch that is triggered whenever one goes over the posted speed limit.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Sounds a bit like sobering up sellers remorse"

This is what intoxication will get you if that was the case. If not, well...?
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
$2000? I've never seen anything remotely close to that in my area. That must be in New York or something. That thread is pretty interesting though, maybe I'll check out Stripperweb. I might even create a profile.
avatar for jack0505
12 years ago
I blame the customer here... If looking for extras you gotta confirm it before paying.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Many people on this board successfully use strip clubs as brothels. I think your mistake is assuming that everyone understands and accepts that strip clubs are now effectively the same thing as brothels. A non-idiot customer has to be aware that, when he gives a lot of money to a dancer, she may just see it as an attempt to seduce her, and she may not be seduced.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Yeah, if you're going to shell out that much money you might want to discuss what you'll be getting in advance. You may think that I am a prostitute, but I do not share your beliefs and have no problem asserting myself and my boundaries. I also don't lie to people though, and whenever someone asks if I'm going to blow them in the champagne room I'll tell them no. Girls like the one that made the SW post annoy the hell out of me, it's like they want back pats for being a victim of something that they could have easily walked out on (according to the post).

avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@Duo you and some other dancers go above and beyond in the honesty department. I think this customer is the naive one. In my experience, even in clubs where the norm is two-way contact, a few girls only allow one-way. That's why you start out song-by-song with a dancer you don't know.

First of all, some of those Wall Street fuckers need to get held down and fisted in the ass for ruining the world economy. Then maybe I'll agree a dancer deserves to get a finger forced up her pussy in the VIP cause she didn't warn the custy she wasn't down with that.

Since the place is a hellhole that pressures the dancers to drink, maybe she didn't feel she could walk out without risking getting fired.
avatar for dabiggtipper
12 years ago
The comments on the SW post are just as stupid as the girl who wrote it. $2000 really,and you thought no sex was involved. She must be really a head case or thinks that she is so beautiful that one must pay that kind of money to look.

Once she realized she should have stopped it and gave a partial refund. $2000 means "im gonna fuck" in any language and maybe ten times in some languages.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@ilbbaicnl - Yeah, I'd rather be honest and potentially lose out on moneh than be in a situation where I could end up being sexually assaulted for a couple hundred bucks. While I am a total ass beater, someone could just squish me ;(

As an aside, while clubs do pressure dancers into not refusing drinks... You can usually get the waitress to water them down. Or, in the case of champagne rooms... Just act all sexy and pour it all over yourself and let another dancer/the waitress lick it off. Works every time.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Lol SW never fails to disappoint in the stupidity dept.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Lol SW never fails to disappoint in the stupidity dept.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Funny the differences b/w the sexes.

We often complain about dancers on this site and how “intellectually challenged” many of them are.

Funny thing – dancers on SW often cite how dumb and gullible the male custies often are.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@papi: And we're both right. :)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@Duo I think your choice is a smart one from a personal point of view. My point is that, in our society, it's the exception that people are honest in business transactions. The rule is that they are deceptive. If people start to feel like violence is the way to stop that, all hell will break loose. Strippers should not be singled out as the target for violence for being a part of a society-wide problem.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Carry a knife and cut his Johnson. It'll be $2,000 he'll remember.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
No means no, Jack.
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