avatar for duomaxwell
TUSCLers that live in Atlanta, give it to me raw: What are the strip clubs like in Atlanta? I've read a lot of reviews about some of the better-known clubs but they really didn't give me an accurate view of the overall standard. What are the extras clubs and what are the lower-mileage clubs and how low is the mileage? Basically, which clubs don't y'all really like?

I might be relocating to Atlanta in the next couple of months and I've already been told that I'm not allowed to work at Follies.


last comment
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I haven't been in the Atlanta clubs in years, but I was surprised that you're "not allowed to work at Follies". I'm surprised that you are controlled by another. My impression was that you decided what was right for yourself. Another myth shattered!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Ask SC, he's the expert.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I am by no means an ATL expert and I’ve only SCed once in ATL in early 2012.

To my surprise, mileage in many ATL SCs is low – I’m not talking about “no extras” low – I’m talking about no touching during LDs low.

This of course does not apply to all ATL clubs. You may want to do a key word search for the word “touch” when reading the ATL reviews and this may help you zero in on the low-mileage/no-touch ATL clubs.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
May I dare to ask, why aren't you allowed to work at Follie's? If not, it's ok.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
yeah shadowcat has a breakdown of all the clubs in Atlanta...Follies is awesome...I am wondering the same thing slickspic is wondering..
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Here is shadowcat's script

I have lived in an Atlanta surburb since 1987. I thought it was time for some one to write an article on the strip club scene here. So here it is.

Atlanta is not as hot as Detroit or Miami but it is a lot better than Ohio and Virgina and a lot of other places.

Prior to the '96 Olympics, Atlanta was a lot more open but the city fathers thought that we needed to impress the visitors. So they went on a massive clean up of adult businesses. Clubs were raided and closed and street walkers were removed.

The city is now making a slow come back. TUSCL lists 43 clubs in the metro area. They include 21 mixed clubs, 16 black clubs , 2 lingerie, 2 male, and 2 swing. I am not going to discuss the last 3 categories. I have no idea what goes on in them and have no interest.

Basically Atlanta offers full nudity with alcohol and smoking at reasonable prices. I will discuss these items and more as follows.

Nudity - All except 3 clubs offer total nudity. Club Wax, The Crazy Horse Saloon and Pink Pony South. The latter two are in the city of Forest Park and a new ordinance there does not permit alcohol and total nudity. Unles the law gets changed these clubs will probably fail.

Alcohol - Only one juice bar in the whole area. Boomers. It's close proximity to Dobbins AFB may have something to do with that.

Smoking - legal in all clubs. There are signs posted to advise customers that smoke is present.

Pool tables - 13 clubs have them

DJs - all clubs have them although juke boxes may be used at slow times.

Food - 25 clubs offer some kind of food service. Either menu or buffet.

Valet parking - a few clubs have them but it appears that only Cheetah has mandatory valet. However most clubs due charge to park during the evening hours .

Hours of operation - Most mixed clubs open early aftenoon to very late night. About half of the black clubs do not open until after 6PM. Only 5 clubs open on Sundays. What's a guy supposed to do after church?

Entrance fees - Most are free during the day time. Night time prices are generally $5-10. A couple of ripoff joints charging more.

Stage dancing - Varies widely from club to club. Total nudity is the rule but some dancers do not get totally nude until they have received enough tips. A dollar tip is the norm but at black clubs expect to see it rain.

Feature acts - If that is your bag, go to Pink Pony or the Goldrush Showbar.

Private dances - There are two types of dances going on in Atlanta. Table dances and VIP room dances.

Table dances - These are done along side your table. The cost is usually $10 but at the 3 Bikini bars and 6 black clubs you can get them for $5. Atlanta has been know as the home of the "air dance" but things are changing. It varies from club to club and dancer to dancer. I have experienced everthing from total air to cock sucking. Usually you can expect to get a little bit of one way contact.

VIP rooms - All but 6 clubs report haveing VIP rooms. The cost for these trips varies from club to club and dancers set their own prices. Expect to pay $35-50 to the house for a 30 minute session. Hourly rates also available. Dancers usually charge $100-200. Mileage can vary from good two way contact to full service. At some clubs the bouncers are very intrusive and you can't get away with too much shit but at others, they leave you alone.

Take out - I have not done too much reaearch on this because it is not really my bag but I have been offered it at two clubs.

I have visited 17 of the clubs listed on TUSCL including 4 black clubs. 3 of the clubs are in the top 100. Those 3 are:

Cheetah - No arguement that this club has the best looking dancers in Atlanta. It has been in the TUSCL dancer quality top 10 forever. It also has a fine dining restaurant. "Alluvia" But it ends there. I made one visit and that was enough. Table dances are nothing but air and stage nudity depends solely on tips. Not much is said about VIP room prices and mileage. I assume that is because they are high and low mileage. This is where you take your out of town clients to keep them out of trouble. I found the club snobish.

Follies - My personal pick as the best club in Atlanta. The only draw back is that the club is small and is attracting large crowds. The reason for the draw is the high mileage table dances. You can get away with more shit here than any other Atlanta club that I have visited. And VIP does not disappoint. $42/house for 30 minutes and $100/dancer. I have heard of some dancers charging up to $150 but still worth it. The quality of the dancers varies from 5-9. Mostly 6-7's. Good mix of white, black & latina. A few asians.

Oasis Good Time Emporium(OGE) - Don't know why this club makes it into the top 100. It along with Mardi Grad, Pink Pony and Goldrush are also rans. Ok but nothing to write home about.

Black clubs - Yeah, I am white. But I am an equal opportunity employer. Of the 4 that I have been to, I rate Club Blaze the best for dancer quality, price and mileage. It along with other black clubs can get quite thugish during late night. Avoid Shooters Alley. A lot of bad PR for this club, including a shooting not too long ago. Pin Ups sounds like a good club and is on my list of things to do.

South side clubs - Near the airport. Not too many to choose from. Best bet is the Goldrush Showbar which is my second favorite Atlanta club.

My thanks to snowtime, TimboAtl and a few other Atlanta TUSCL vetrans for helping me put this together
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
Duo, why can't you work at Follies?
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Forget Follies, I'm still say Dark Phoenix kicks Emma Frosts' ass. They should've had Christina Hendrix play Jean Grey.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Maybe Duo’s BF/man is the reason for her not working high-mileage Follies?

Or maybe her M.O. is low-mileage clubs only?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Good luck Duo, hope you'll have time to keep us up to date with your sitch.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Seems like my reputation precedes me. Since I don't know Duo personally, I can only guess by her posts on here that she isn't into high mileage clubs but certainly has the looks and personality to make money at stripping.

As much as I would love to have you working at Follies, I'll recommend Cheetah to you. It has a reputation for hiring the best looking dancers in Atlanta and is known as the club you take your out of town clients to, to show them some eye candy but keep them out of trouble. You'd be safe there because I won't go there.:)

FYI you will need a license from either Fulton or DeKalb county that costs $300/yr. Good luck.
avatar for 10inches
12 years ago
Follies -- OK if you don't mind getting your tits, ass and pussy handled
Oasis -- sports bar with tits; no touch on the floor; YMMV greatly in VIP
Pink Pony -- queen of the air dance, but full of great looking girls

avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago

Follies -- OK if you don't mind getting your tits, ass and pussy handled
Oasis -- sports bar with tits; no touch on the floor; YMMV greatly in VIP
Pink Pony -- queen of the air dance, but full of great looking girls
This seems like first hand, good advice. I can't comment much. In from the COI area of things.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Solid advice from Shadow. Cheetahs was going to be my considerably less experienced suggestion.
avatar for JohnSmith69
12 years ago
If I were a dancer, cheetahs in Atlanta is where I would work. Very upscale, very safe, good group of customers many of which have real money. But, they are much more discerning about who they hire as dancers, so you have to be pretty to work there. Also, they prefer no tattoos, or very limited ink on your body. I know many girls who could not work there because of their tattoos.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@JohnSmith69: "Also, they prefer no tattoos, or very limited ink on your body. I know many girls who could not work there because of their tattoos."

Definitely a lame ass place not worth bothering with, then. :)
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Thanks for the info, guys. Basically, my ex is back in the country and we've been talking about getting back together and me relocating down to Atlanta where he lives. There's a certain level of contact I'm not comfortable with (anything going in or around my lady parts) so everyone I know down there said Follies is a no-go. I have a friend that works there and she said it isn't "that bad", but I think we have a different definition of "bad".

I guess i'll try Cheetah and cover up my tattoos if I have to.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
"cover up my tattoos if I have to."

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"I guess i'll try Cheetah and cover up my tattoos if I have to"

GOOD idea.

"There's a certain level of contact I'm not comfortable with (anything going in or around my lady parts)"

So, do you ONLY do Air Dances??
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Alucard, your reading comprehension would appear to suck.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
My question is legitimate. If she is doing a grind, then some "Lady Parts" are having some degree on contact with the patron. So how much of a grind is TOO much? Or is she an Air Dancer?
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
She said "a certain level of contact" she's not comfortable with, not that she doesn't allow *any* contact at all. Read the words that are written.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… my ex is back in the country and we've been talking about getting back together …”

Bad idea Duo. I think this would put a strain b/w you and us your TUSCL admirers – please reconsider :)
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
An out of state move to get back together with an ex who just returned to the country.

I feel like it's a solid plan.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
hey guys, don't hurt this plan, Its much easier for me to get to ATL than it is to get to Richmond. I'm all in favor of this move!

I do feel a little bad for the guy she bought the video game for a while back after he said he loved her...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
What is with jestie and his hatin' today?

Wonder if it had anything to do with that ass-raping I laid on on him in the D-Day thread?
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@alucard - no, I just don't want anyone touching my vagina. I'll put it on people's laps all day long, but I'm not into getting fingered by strangers.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Fair enough duomaxwell. :)

What about your Derriere & Breasts? Are those hands off also? Those are parts that many guys like to touch. Especially Breasts.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@jester214 YOLO
@goodsouthernboy I miss him

@alucard those are perfectly fine with me
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
lol, fair enough.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I may be getting old, I had to google "yolo". After I read what the acronym meant, I felt stupid. After I read the definition, I had to laugh.

As stated by urbandictionary:
YOLO: abbreviation for: you only live once

The dumbass's excuse for something stupid that they did

Also one of the most annoying abbreviations ever....

Guy 1: "Hey i heard u got that girl pregnant"
Dumbass 1: " Ya man but hey YOLO"

Guy 1: "Hey i heard that you broke ur leg falling off the balcony at that party"
Dumbass 1: "Ya but hey YOLO"
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Duo- How do you propose to cover your tats up in a nude club ? (Virtually all ATL clubs nude)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
^^^ A Star Trek Cloaking Device. LOL
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
minnow - They use make up. I know one that did that with a tat on her tit and it tasted like shit. :)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"They use make up. I know one that did that with a tat on her tit and it tasted like shit. :)"

I guess you need to watch out where you Lick &/or Suck SC, or pick one that is KNOWN to be tattooless.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Ok, I can see covering a rose tat on a tit, but an entire sleve tat, and others?? IDK, that would be an awful lot of makeup.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@minnow- I've done it for photoshoots, weddings and when I worked at Delilah's. it's easy. There are make-up lines specifically for covering up tattoos. I don't have any tattoos on my torso and I doubt anyone would be trying to lick my arm haha.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"I doubt anyone would be trying to lick my arm"

You never know! LOL

Maybe there should be a flavored type so SC doesn't have to taste BAD tasting makeup. LMAO
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@Duo how much do you charge for arm licking?

There's only one club in my area that used to try to make dancers cover their tattoos. It's the one that has a bazzillion rules and fines, I don't think it's a coincidence.

You've got a bunch of us crushing on you because you're charming and interesting as well as beautiful. A person's tattoos are an important expression of who they are, so I think it could potentially hurt your chances to get regulars if you have to cover them.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@Papi as long as physical/emotional abuse was not the reason for the break-up, it always makes sense to give things another shot, rather than wonder about might-have-beens. Unlike most of us, Duo is young and free, and doesn't have to make hard choices between her heart and pocketbook.

Fess up, you just want her for yourself.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@ilbbaicnl - I charge nothing for arm licking if you wipe my arm off with a baby wipe afterward. And Aw, shucks :) I think I might actually try Pink Pony whenever I make it down there.

avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Duo - Ya better check this post re Pink Pony.…

If Pink Pony loses it will become a ghost town.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… Fess up, you just want her for yourself …”

No such thing – what – you think I’m some kind of stalker or something?

BTW – I am now considering moving to Atlanta

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
"Fess up, you just want her for yourself."

Don't we all? :)
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