Comments by minnow (page 80)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How would you define types of clubs
    IMO, trying to categorize/classify stripclubs is an exercise in futility, starting with OP's opening sentence. I'm hard pressed to think of any genre of club that doesn't have some sort of "stage", or pole. Certainly, different aspects of club experience are emphasized, or neglected across the spectrum by all clubs in Tuscl directory. I'll play along by listing the clubs that I feel epitomize the categories listed by OP. "Lap factory": Mons Venus- Tampa FL. While lapdances are the norm in the vast majority of clubs, many others have other things going like alcohol service, big screen TV, and a DJ to lend to a party club/hangout atmosphere. Mons has a sizeable stage with a pole, but none of the other trimmings. No alcohol served, no VIP room, no DJ (dancers pick songs from jukebox.)- its all about watching plenty of naked women on stage, and getting lapdances on wall couches. "Pub Club": Probably half the clubs in Portland OR could epitomize this genre. They're small taverns that have dancers almost as an afterthought. Cliff notes on these clubs- No cover, 1 or more pool tables, cheap drinks, maybe 2-3 dancers working (6 on a busy night). "Gentlemens Clubs": Cheetahs- Atlanta, Lodge-Dallas come to mind. I'm sure some NYC clubs, plus some Mens Clubs locations (Dallas, Houston) could make the list. These clubs have stage shows, and lapdances, but also have a well stocked bar, and meal service with menu. I know Mens Club- DAL has a regular chef on staff. These type of clubs also have valet parking, fine cigars in stock, and VIP rooms. Peep shows are going the way of the dodo bird, what with all this internet porn floating around. Your turn now...........
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Mininum age 30 to get in?
    On second glance, subject club is a hostess club. Meaning more emphasis on drink hustle and convo vs stage show/lapdances.I guess club wants a more mature clientele. But why 30 ? Just so happens that 30 is the minimum age requirement for being qualified to run for US Senator. (25 for US Representative). So if this club is going to be associated with a political scandal, a mere young Congressman won't do- must be Senator or higher. Club has to uphold its standards, ya' know. Speaking of srandards, sclvr5005 has a point. I refuse to pee in the woods, unless there is snow on the ground for me to display my handiwork !
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I need a little help in Florida
    I can't speak for CCB, but Orlando being a Siberian wasteland for contact stripclubs,a drive to Tampa will be worthwhile. Be mindful that nude clubs in Tampa area are non-alcohol juice bars, with topless/pastie clubs serving alcohol. If your time is limited, Deju Vu and Gold Club would be 2 closest ones. Some good ones on Dale Mabry require you to negotiate downtown traffic, which between rush hour and/or construction zones downtown can be a pita.(But no worse than Disney peak traffic.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Memorable Quotes
    Some Vince Lombardi quotes: "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing." "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." "If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you'll be fired with enthusiasm."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My surgery today
    A big Bravo Whiskey to shadowcat. Glad operation turned out well.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Multiple Aliases
    steve: Try sending a pm to "original member" asking that question, and see how many of the aliases answers your pm..........
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT Question
    london guy- Has an atheist ever been PM of GB, or King/Queen of England? For that matter, can you or anyone else name an atheist who has been a leader of any significant nation in our lifetime? (bonus points if you can do so without search engine or wiki.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club Tour Guide
    sc- I'll defer to others on Tampa expertise, as I've only visited a few lately vs some guys that have visited half a dozen or more. I may expand my visits if I get too bored with my core clubs. For other areas, I nominate Samsung for Columbus, OH, racejeff for Indianapolis, and lopaw for Los Angeles area.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Shameful State of Affairs
    Like many tusclers, I view Papi C as a fun loving, good natured fellow with nary a mean bone in his body. As such, it was initially easy for me to view his SW ban as a heavy handed action. However, I realize the "truth" that the world wide web is not a universal democracy, but that many sites exist for the enjoyment of (and facilitation of said enjoyment) for the core common interest of its membership. With that in mind, I think that Yoda did the right thing, for his position as moderator. While Papi meant no harm, he lifted a post from a section where ONLY dancers are allowed to post (but that anyone can view, though viewing some pictures may require a log-in from members-only). Regardless of how Yoda found out about it, he did the right thing to insure some basic site integrity, not to mention core membership satisfaction. (Potential for others finding out about this breach could lead to more fallout over there, if left unaddressed). I'll say one more time that the world wide web is not one big universal democracy. As an analogy, suppose some guy that modded an old clapped out Camaro went on a Corvette or Ferrari enthusiasts forum, and made a bunch of posts over there saying that he could whip their ass in the QM, and that they were a bunch of suckers for paying mucho $$$$ for their (fill in the blank) car. How long do you think such a poster would last on that forum. To some of those saying "grow a pair", I say "grow up." I've had a few posts (out of 500 plus) deleted over there (almost all no foul called), yet it hardly registers on my Richter Scale of indignation. Really now, what is preventing the loudest screamers here from starting their own website, or blog if they don't like how things are going on a particular website ?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are couples going to run us mongers out?
    Although in the minority, I've seen more couples in several different clubs (see my most recent review of Mons Venus). Since 2010, I've seen more couples than I did in the 99-09 timeframe. They've been getting LD's as a couple, too. Witness the spate of threads on DB asking about the best club for couples. For the daytime mongers, couples have been extremely rare, mostly its crowded weekend nights they club. The camels nose is in the tent, how much of the rest of camel will enter ?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Slam Dunked the UAW.
    "In the US company leaders and stockholders fear unions." (para 5) "We do not fear organized workers". (para 6) Which side of your mouth are you going to talk out of today, dallas 702 ? In spite of those seemingly contradictory statements within one paragraph of each other, I very much get that you're anti-union. Moving on, some quotes 2 paragraphs apart demonstrate some ignorance/bias on your part. "Unions representing airline pilots, cabin crews, and ground crews have been very good at representing their members".... (para 4) "criminal organizations like the UAW, or AFL-CIO".... (para 6) d702, do you realize that the vast majority of US major airline workers unions (Alpa-pilots, AFA- cabin crews, and TWU- ground workers) are affiliated with AFL-CIO. You say that you're not opposed to workers getting a fair wage ( fair as in who determines what is fair ?). Yet neither yourself nor others have acknowledged the fact that union workers on average have better salary and benefits than comparable non-union workers. Nor has anyone answered zipmans fundamental question of whether management can be trusted to consider the workers best interests. By design, not with shareholders (public companies) and owner(s) interests in privately held companies being placed first. I'm guessing what you really meant to say was that you don't mind workers being organized, provided that the organization they belong to doesn't have much teeth ( or organizational $$, political power/influence) to it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. Which foreign county do you live in?
    sc- BUT- How much is the per capita number of Waffle Houses in Italy, or the per capita number of KFC's in France. How many Pure Platinum clubs does North Korea have? A fun silly read there- you must be bored in retirement..
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Slam Dunked the UAW.
    It never ceases to amaze me how often the virulent anti-union people forget one thing. Namely, that workers are consumers. What good does it do to make a product or sell a service if a smaller slice of the populace can afford it? Henry Ford recognized this truth by paying his workers a liveable wage so that they would in turn buy the cars coming off the assembly line. Has it not escaped anyones attention that the earnings stagnation (regression ~ last 5 years) of middle class USA since ~ 1980 has coincided with the decline of % workers that are unionized ? As for the argument that unions are less relevant today than early 1900's: I can see where the rationalizing is coming from- "I'm not making poverty wages, so why do I need a union?" Did it occur to some of those folks that their salary wouldn't be where it is if not for unions raising the bar for compensation/benefits ? In a non-union environment, "abject poverty plus a nickel" would be the reference datum for "a good wage." As for the argument that union wages destroy companies: How about subjecting company management to some critical scrutiny? I've seen several cases where unions at distressed companies agreed to concessions only to have company file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. (In some cases, multiple times within a decade.) Substandard costs can't bail out substandard management, who made blunders( too much debt, wrong marketing or purchase decisions, etc) of such magnitude that even some workers working for no pay could erase. That is like a piss poor driver moaning about an increase in auto insurance premiums forcing him to sell his car and take the bus, when his getting in multiple car wrecks by driving drunk caused larger repair bills and insurance premiums. .. Off soapbox, time to soak up some sun, and dream up some lawyer jokes for farmerart.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strippers and Valentine's Day
    Mixed bag for me, depending on where I was, and the night of the week. On a Saturday night in South FL, place was hopping, replete with feature performer. Another year, another place, Tuesday evening visit was dead even for a Tuesday. Other times have been OK/normal. Just don't plan to go to Outback, etal for a bite to eat. Looking over at some club cams, seems slower than normal.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Percentage of American Men who are Regular Strip Club Visitors
    I'll take some guesses: (Educated if I'm right, wild if I'm wrong.) % of American Males that are avid regular stripclub visitors: < 1% % of ^^^ who have ever visited a stripclub (or similar) : 50% % of ^^^ who have visited a stripclub in last 12 months: maybe 5-10% In #2, I'd consider some real old timers who went to a burlesque show, or guys who went to a private bachelor party or 2 that hired strippers.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    transexual dancers?
    007- I'd bet that a vast majority of posters here have zero interest in engaging the services of a transexual dancer/escort/other. While the individual reactions on the subject may range from outright revulsion to live and let other folk live, I suspect that most would view a tranny dancer working at a club passing themselves off as a female in the same light as someone selling counterfeit Rembrandt paintings.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Miami 2AMer
    "strip club at NE 3rd Ave. and 79th St."------------ Say no more! Even 30 years ago, 79th St. was known as an area to best be avoided.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is Seattle gonna beat Denver?
    Answers to my earlier questions: 1) 35 point victory margin 2) Yes- Malcolm Smith, Seahawks linebacker who scored on a "pick six", and recovered a fumble became 3rd linebacker in SB history to win MVP award.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is Seattle gonna beat Denver?
    Looks like "Yes"! Only 2 remaining questions: 1) What will be victory margin 2) Will MVP be a Seahawks defensive player ? (I think there has only been ~ 3 defensive players who won SB MVP)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    **Direct Deposit: when do you get yours?**
    "I don't get direct deposits, I give them."... To the Sperm Bank!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do you have a SC bucket-list for 2014 ?
    Some cities on bucket list: Miami & Daytona Beach (next few weeks), Detroit, Lexington, Atlanta, (Spring through summer). Providence a long shot for summer visit. Possible fall trip to Phoenix and Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Getting Rid of the Perfume Smell
    Actually, glitter or spray tan bothers me more than perfume. The former may not realize it until its too late. Counteract strong perfume with having a strong cologne handy. My suggestion- Dior Fahrenheit. I can attest to several YT reviews contention that the 1st hour has a gasoline/cleaning solvent smell to it. Plausible cover story.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I'm calling BS on rationale #4, unless art would take identical proposed action on the roughneck gang had they not bothered him at all. I think this is far from the first time that art has seen some inebriated roughnecks- if he pressed the button every time he did, there would be a major oil shortage. #3 is a legitamate concern for anyone in a leadership position, even moreso than most in arts environment. As the title of the thread indicates, I'm getting the impression that #5 is the driver behind the ensuing action(s).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Los Angeles
    jack: What are your priorities/tastes ? If availability of extras/high mileage is your desire, go east, young man, to COI and some other points east. "ranky" is right about BE and 4P having the most attractive dancers, but your 2012 review of 4P didn't sound too elated to be there. I haven't been to LA much in last 4 years, but I can tell you that beides higher dance prices, the songs are clipped more ( some as short as 2 minutes vs many other locales 3-4 minutes). Then, too, how much time will you have ? Evenings only, or would day shift be an option ? I would also suggest perusing, or pming L.A. area members. Assuming that you are staying near LAX, I'd wait until after 730p to go to COI and points east.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    clubber & mikey: That would actually be the USAAF (United States Army Air Forces), which was before the Air Force became a seperate service in 1947. Peak number of "props" existed in the 1944-45 timeframe, as there was quite a cutback in numbers after the war.