Comments by minnow (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Heaven! (Why is it so hot in here? And why does the bouncer have a trident?)
    SCENTS, Fragrance, Cologne
    S-man; Wrt "Rochas Man"- do the strippers like the scent, or the bottle ? For those unfamiliar with RM, it's bottle looks like a dildo.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Heaven! (Why is it so hot in here? And why does the bouncer have a trident?)
    SCENTS, Fragrance, Cologne
    S-man, I agree that almost any fragrance will get compliments in that strippers appreciate that you're even bothering to smell good in the first place. I've received stripper compliments from over half a dozen different fragrances, though it seems that the aquatics fare better. Just for amusement, type in "best pantie dropping colognes" in you tube search. "My Mickers" actually did a top strip club colognes clip. I will say that there are some good clones (inexpensive substitute for the pricey houses like Creed out there). I've had 3 different dancers ask me if I'm wearing Creed Aventus. Nope, just the $25 bottle "version." (I'm not saying which one).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Car Update
    Rick: Several of the newer models use a so called synthetic blend oil that recommended oil change interval is every 7500 miles. I personally change every 5K with those cars, with oil remaining life indicating in the 60-70% range still. I've hardly ever had to add any oil between changes, maybe 1/8 qt, if that. While doing expensive repairs on same car may look good on number cruncher, I agree with your philosophy on car replacement. Chasing down too many mechanical issues at random unpredictable times defeats the purpose for having a car in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    can the middle class afford to go to SCs?
    I'm curious where rick got his figures from (top 6% income level.) I just finished reading a article that featured 21 US cities telling what it would take to be in the top 1% and the top 5% income earners. For the top 5%, ranged from a low of $180513 in St. Louis to a whopping $349693 in San Francisco. Majority of the 21 cities featured needed in the $180K to $220K range to be in the top 5%. Getting back to original article: It considered a range from 2/3 to double the median household income ($55755 in 2016) to be the income required to be considered middle class. That works out to a range from $37170 to $111510 per year. I would suspect that a good plurality, if not majority of middle class falls within this range. Adjustments were made depending on size of household between 1 and 5. I'll close by saying that not all income is created equal. The average salary Joe would likely be taxed 28% to 33% (plus 3% to 6% more on state/local taxes) for any raise that he got. Meanwhile, a business or property owner (or key management with stock options) has some income earning vehicle that he can tap into in addition to regular salary he may be getting. Most likely will pay only 15% on the gain (assuming it was held for more than 1 year),, plus aforementioned state taxes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Daylight savings time.
    I guess sc, ws, and gmd would hate living in AZ, and g95 would love it. AZ doesn't even mess with Daylight Savings time. The clocks there now match the clocks on the west coast. One clock I didn't have to reset was one in a late model Caddy with Nav. One of the things I'm learning to like in the newer model cars.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Pussy aesthetics
    So long as it doesn't look like a bad grilled cheese sandwich, I'm good with it. (See "Sam Kinison vs Dr Ruth" on YT)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Headed to Follies
    LF- "I wouldn't count on juice making it"...... Nor would I count on any of the dozen or so aliases/sock puppets making it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How many countries....
    @skibum- Smartass lawyer ! I guess I should have concluded my query with "without them telling you where they're from. Almost anyone with a 2 digit IQ or higher but a lawyer would know what I meant, and would have come up with some good witticisms on how to tell the differences. You just jogged my memory of some good lawyer jokes. @Che- I'll humor your request via PM later. If you want to hear some good lawyer jokes, it will be over dinner and drinks on you......
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How many countries....
    SC- I got AK, HI, and UT crossed off my to do list over 2 decades ago. skibum- Why don't you enlighten us as to how we can tell the different nationalities apart from each other, particularly the ones in the same region ? You're just begging to be the "butt" of the Long Island duck joke, or the blindfolded wine tasters joke.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    After reading OP's reviews, I'm frankly surprised that newb chose to PM him for detailed club info. His reviews aren't exactly a treasure trove of useful info. Hello kettle, meet pot.........
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: NFL combine 40-time record broken
    SC- The 40 yd. dash times have been a staple of football, at least since the late 60's when I first entered High School. Rationale being that vast majority of plays are under 40 yards, and quickness of running down plays is valued as highly, if not more so than flat out speed. It was done on a football field, being that there were no specific 40 yard markers on the track. Did you run on a dirt, or a paved track in school ? rs666- We shall see. Chris Johnson (previous record holder) hasn't done too bad.(3 All Pro seasons, set several rushing, and all purpose yard records). Bob Hayes (Dallas Cowboys) is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. He also was the first to run a sub 10 second 100 meter dash, and won a gold medal in the 100 meters at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. So it "can" happen.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Seen At The Club Tonight
    I take notes after each visit, via a hotel notepad, or newspaper in my car right after leaving club. On a few isolated occasions, I've taken quick notes on a cocktail napkin. Legend has it that this was the genesis of Southwest Airlines in the late 60's. The initial route and ideas were written on a cocktail napkin. If it's good enough for Southwest, it's good enough for me. Subra, I don't think it was AJ gving you the look, since all of his reviews are in the Midwest, no SF reviews from him.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where Will Tony Romo Land?
    Screw the speculation on where a cast off millionaire will go. I'm more interested in how to get the kind of exchequer that the guys who will actually make the call have in their back pocket.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Recommendations on where to go in Tampa for extras
    D-scrub, I wasn't aware that you have a 2nd place in FL. 5100 ps1!!! You must be feeling real mean, seeing that the psi range for gasoline engine powered pressure washes are in the ~ 2000-3100 psi range. Power washers in the ~ 3100-4200 psi range are intended for stripping paint or removing graffiti from buildings. OTOH......... OP submits a single BS review just before coming on here, and asking us detailed/specific information on which dancers at Scarlett's will suck his dick. Spray away, D-scrub................
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dancer Hygiene
    TT- Are you the newb on the pink site who wants to be a bouncer ? Either that, or some dude who wants to be a bouncer just plagiarized your thread starter over there. (Lounge section)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Favorite Nazi and WWII German General
    Favorite Nazi: A dead one. Favorite General: (tie) Adolf Galland, Irwin Rommel
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Watching a strip club show without even being at the strip club!
    DC- The Mons shut down their webcam about a week ago. Good one, shadowcat. The 2001 cam is a good supplement to cam visits as one can see how well stocked each dancer shift is for potential club visits.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Book Title for Your Monger Tales
    "Extras In Clubs- An Oral History", "What Is Behind A BUTT-- Lovers Mind: A Complete ANAL-ysis" "Keeping A-BREAST Of Natural vs Enhanced Preference Trends"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    JS69- Give the cat a break! VS doesn't carry "I support single moms" T-shirts, so he never goes shopping there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    SW girls tell you the worst cities & states to dance in
    Papi: "For Vegas dancers PLs are probably like shooting fish in a barrel." In that case, I'd better stay out of Vegas, lol.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Money For Nothing Censorship
    Wtf, if a bunch of thread bumping is going on, I might as well bump my own thread. Wrt original subject song: Yes, the version without the "little faggot" lyrics is still played, and is the most prominent version on YT today. There may still be hope in the PC overboard world in that I saw multiple YT versions of a classic rock hit still having 2 words in the song with common nicknames for people in the LGBT crowd. I haven't heard it on radio station lately, but I don't recall those being bleeped out. I hesitate to name the song, because some PC pinhead might decide to censor it out. This second example isn't played on radio, but there's a "Good Morning Vietnam" soundtrack out that mixes some Robin Williams schtick with some songs played in the movie. His play on the term "protective dike" is one of many classics in the film: "Can't say lesbian anymore, it's women in comfortable shoes."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Jester nailed it. Here's something to chew on: I'm a member on 3 other public forums, all of which are moderated to varying degrees. (I'm also on a closed forum of sorts with moderator, but I'm not counting that.) Combined ignore list on those 3 forums: Z-E-R-O!! As in bold cap ZERO. Tuscl ignore list: 75. Obviously, founder doesn't want moderation, or he would have done so a long time ago. Discussing stripclubs, broads, dames, booze, juvenille hijinks, etc. is not on the same level, as a board on how to advance one's career, overhaul a V8, build a Heathkit (anyone remember those), or design a control panel for a RC model or drone, there comes a point where one needs to say enough is enough. Today, Tuscl looks more like a junior high chat board than a germane DB on stripclubs, and how to get the most enjoyment out of them. I recognize that moderation is an inexact science, with a degree of personal discretion the watchword. On a site like this, some degree of tomfoolery should be tolerated. If I were moderator (I'm not interested in being one), I'd wink at desertscrubs "greetings" to 0-0 newbs trolling for intel on best extras clubs. I would not tolerate posting/bumping multiple threads calling other members a faggot. Nor creating multiple aliases to spam the board. Nor too much of other nonsense that outnumbers the reviews that a member has posted. If you want to post about every time you took a shit in a fast food restaurant, or every time chicken fangers made you fart, gtfo this board, and start your own blog about those subjects. Yes, the ignore button is a wonderful thing, but one shouldn't have to keep pulling up weeds. A weed killer is needed, just as long as it doesn't kill the grass, or good plants.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Happy 75th to me.
    Happy 75th, on Friday the 13th, no less. Sounds like you got lucky. Isn't it an interesting coincidence that both your 70th and 75th birthdays fell on Friday the 13th ............
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What's the best strip club in Dayton Ohio?
    So you worked at a dealership all this time without getting a pulse on the local scene wrt to such elementary things as the best club to go to ? Either get a job at the Golden Arches, or get out of your Mom's basement.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I was very tempted to sign up on SW today thanks to...
    No, its still up. Looks like rick may have made poseur nervous as some newb (who was summarily banned) bumped a bunch of old threads to move rick's thread back umpteen slots.