SCENTS, Fragrance, Cologne

ConundrumHeaven! (Why is it so hot in here? And why does the bouncer have a trident?)
Reading about Jaco2762's experience has raised a curious maybe off topic question, when out clubbing, do you find certain colognes or fragrances essential or helpful in attracting the ladies into your lap for dances or cuddling ? Any preferences on cologne when clubbing as opposed to daily work wear? Favorite successful colognes that seal the deal or provide memorable moments?
last commentThis is how I prepare to go to the strip club:
I always mix old spice, Brut and old leather together
Pulls all the pussy
Real answer
Cool Water
Javon Musk
Lauder Pleasure
Used sepertnly of course LMFAO
All these calgones have served me well with the ladies...even just being out in public and having ladies tell me I smell good
Cheap body spray that has served me well and got me attention in the strip club or out in general public with females giving me a positive comments has been
AX body spray
Are the main ones that have received the most comments and attention
Real Answer: In 1979 I used Aramis. Since 1980 Right Guard. No need for fragrance.
-->"do you find certain colognes or fragrances essential or helpful in attracting the ladies into your lap for dances or cuddling ?"
The problem, of course, is that this is all show biz, and it's not easy for a customer to tell what's helpful in attracting the ladies. Strippers, at least the smart ones, will compliment and nuzzle many scents, because they know that if you took the time to put on cologne, you're probably proud of it, and a good hustler knows to stroke you about it. So I'm cautious about taking seriously feedback from random strippers. That said, I tend to ATF, and often end up in a "tell me how you like my cologne, and be honest, because I want to know if I should wear it on dates", and then I believe they're more honest -- which I know, because I start getting less enthusiastic responses on colognes they don't like, although "oh, it's ok" is about as negative feedback as any ATF has ever given me.
My general experience has been that strippers love the kinds of mass appeal, derivative, synthetic smelling colognes that many high school and college girls love: Nautica Voyage, Le Male, Sauvage, Bleu de Chanel, Gucci Guilty, La Nuit de l'homme, Rochas Man, Acqua di Gio. I wouldn't wear them but actually don't doubt Juice that those hyper-synthetic body sprays are popular with strippers, they're synthetic, unchallenging, and have been scientifically designed to appeal to young noses. But you can raise your game with things like Dior Homme Cologne or Xerjoff Uden and many strippers will love those too, pretty often -- you can go with high quality colognes, just stick with unchallenging themes like fresh & clean (DHC, Aqua Universalis, etc.) or simple & sexy (Uden, Reflection Man, etc).
"do you find certain colognes or fragrances essential or helpful in attracting the ladies into your lap for dances or cuddling?"
No. Just smell clean. If you smell clean, don't act like a crazy person (or a dick), and can back up your desires with cash, then that's the Pareto Principle applied to going to a strip club.
A funny thing happened to me on my very last SC trip. I showered and hit the club, didn't bother with cologne. Hung out with my CF for a couple of hours, then met a new girl. New girl smelled my collar and immediately starting telling me how great I smell and nuzzling my collar. Of course, what I smelled like is: CF's perfume. I've had this happen a number of times; to the extent that they're not just playing it up, the girls love each others' perfume
Sub, that happened to me recently too! I smelled like the previous dancer I took to VIP, and she said she liked my cologne!
In all seriousness, the most popular fragrance I ever used was Gillette lotion aftershave. Too oily for my skin type, but girls lived it; especially when I lived in Chicago where it was cold enough to wear a leather jacket on dates. It's weird how natural scent can interact with colognes and aftershaves. Experiment, and see what kind of feedback you get.
Ya, the one thing I'd say is: I know in my head, the girls just compliment as part of their hustle. On the other hand, some colognes get waaay more compliments than others, which doesn't seem like it would be true if it was just by-rote compliments. Nautica Voyage is a stripper compliment magnet in a way many colognes aren't ... I hate the stuff, screechy and abrasive, but it's a well-known compliment magnet among civilians (at least high school to early 30s) too.
Really the best scent is a fresh shower and fresh clothes.
But if you must, use EDT (not cologne) and apply 2 sprays to your pulse points (neck or wrist, but not all 4, just 2). The heat activates it, it lasts longer because it's EDT and not cologne or broke-ass body spray, and the dancer has to get closer to you to smell it. So with the closeness, it is sort of like a shared secret. Better IMO. Plus it's FAR LESS LIKELY to rub off or transfer onto her versus you bathing in cologne.
The truth is, most fragrances smell pretty good (leather, tobacco, wood, oriental spices). Brut is good, too, but you need an old batch, like pre-1982 or something. Sephora has some trial sets (like 12 different ones in a box), if you want to try a few different varieties out on your skin to so how they do with your personal body chemistry for not too much money spent. You need to experiment.
gammanu reminded me of something. It's worth switching to a lotion based aftershave (instead of the alcohol ones), if you haven't switched already.
Tuscl: best metrosexual advice on the internet.
Cologne is one of my few metrosexual interests, and I definitely own it, and if any of you guys make fun of me for it, I'll hit you with my leather carry-all.
Been wearing Burberry lately, sometimes CK as well. Also use Axe Phoenix body spray. On most club visits at least one stripper will give a positive comment. I don't put the stuff on just because I'm going out to a club, it's part of my normal routine.
Just don't over do it. A stripper was telling me last night she was sitting with another customer and was literally gagging from the smell. lol.
S-man, I agree that almost any fragrance will get compliments in that strippers appreciate that you're even bothering to smell good in the first place. I've received stripper compliments from over half a dozen different fragrances, though it seems that the aquatics fare better. Just for amusement, type in "best pantie dropping colognes" in you tube search. "My Mickers" actually did a top strip club colognes clip.
I will say that there are some good clones (inexpensive substitute for the pricey houses like Creed out there). I've had 3 different dancers ask me if I'm wearing Creed Aventus. Nope, just the $25 bottle "version." (I'm not saying which one).
@Subraman you carry a Murse. )
It's not a murse, it's European!
Whoa, 3 strippers who recognize Aventus (or its clone). I'm kind of impressed!
For myself, I've found Rochas Man to be incredibly well received by the floozy set
You mean it's a Mandbag !
S-man; Wrt "Rochas Man"- do the strippers like the scent, or the bottle ? For those unfamiliar with RM, it's bottle looks like a dildo.
Never been big into cologne nor jewelry, I'm kinda a au-naturale type PL.
A few years ago a GF at the time gave me a bottle of "Eternity for Men" by Calvin Klein and I have tended to get compliments on it from strippers and civilians - I'll wear it on nightshift visits but these days most of my visits are dayshift and I don't like wearing cologne during the day, kinda more of a going-out thing.
Wearing cologne doesn't hurt on top of being freshly showered and wearing clean clothes. I wear cologne because maybe she may find me attractive enough to allow more touching.
Always mixed with your smell, not covering it up. And same for the girl. And taste and smell go together.
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Scene 3, girl in black, Harmony / Holly Spence
Creed does work well. Had no complaints with Tom Ford either. I wonder whether the rarer scents get better mileage? Though figure in the price of the scent compared to Ax and then the price of the girl... Which is money better spent?
Armani Black Code they love it
-->" I wonder whether the rarer scents get better mileage?"
IME, absolutely not. People like Creed because it's basically just a high quality, more natural smelling version of clean, unchallenging designer scents. "Smells like the stuff you get at the department store, only better", in many cases. Hell, look how many people think Green Irish Tweed and Cool Water smell alike. It's not the same with older women, but at the strip club, you'll get as much enthusiasm for a $25 bottle of Nautica Voyage as you will with a $250 bottle of Millesime Imperial. Anyway, IME if you're looking for enthusiasm from a young woman, no reason to go niche, any number of under-$50 colognes will generate all the neck sniffing you want
I doubt any fucking cologne will get better-mileage - sure dancers may appreciate the fqlact one smells nice but MONEY is what get a stripper's pussy wet.
Too many PLs seem to blur the lines b/w the real-world and strip-club bizarro-world.
Subraman --> "Anyway, IME if you're looking for enthusiasm from a young woman, no reason to go niche, any number of under-$50 colognes will generate all the neck sniffing you want."
I agree. I've observed most women find most male fragrances to smell nice. It's kind of hard to find one that smells bad.
It shows that you put forth the effort and understand how things work. Hygiene, manners, you know what's expected, etc. Don't read into it the wrong way. And what's expected is money, manners, and hygiene. The hygiene just shows her that you understand what expected of you and what you of her. So you can get to the meat of the matter that brought you together today. It's a sentinel cue, nothing more, albeit a pleasant one. :)