
SW girls tell you the worst cities & states to dance in

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Saturday, January 21, 2017 6:39 AM
How does this compare to your "worst cities to PL in" list? Chicago All of California, special call-outs to: - LA: compete with thousands of beautiful girls, then mgmt takes a lot of your $ - SF: management takes a lot of your $ All of Virginia NYC: high dancer fees... although a number of girls say the high rewards are worth the high fees Houston: ghetto clubs, police stings Miami: cheap extras New Orleans: ghetto, cheap crowds Detroit: cheap extras Atlanta: high fees Seattle: high fees, cheap crowds All of AZ and NM: cheap dances Louisville: extras, divey Dallas: some girls complain about license fees, but others say once you pay the fee that it's a good town to dance in Some of the descriptions by these girls, don't line up with the cities & strip clubs I know. For example, the characterization of SF clubs all being extras clubs ... that girl probably wasn't hot enough to get into the many non-extras clubs


  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I had read that thread yesterday and saw Miami or FL listed more than once. It seems often times the clubs PLs like are not liked by the dancers - on several occasions I've talked w/ dancers about certain clubs I visit that get a fairly good crowd and often they'll tell me they don't like that club and often has to do w/ the girls working there not being friendly or being cutthroat bitches
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Just like some PLs prefer to visit a slow-hustle club even if it's not the most-popular one, some dancers may also prefer slow-hustle/low-drama clubs
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Pensacola, Fl. High dance prices to suck money out of PL's pockets. Chicago, air dance central. The only club in Michigan's UP, have to compete with Bruno the bear, he's fucking tough !! New Orleans, ripoff tourist traps,
  • sp
    7 years ago
    I would think that they were looking for the direct opposite of us. We want higher mileage for less cash and they want lower mileage for more cash. Speaking of extra or mileage clubs in SF, which are they? I may be taking a business trip out there and last time I went, GC kinda sucked.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Agree, they're looking for the opposite of us, generally. And tuscl and SW represent the extremes of both groups -- tuscl members are far more extras and OTC focused than an average customer, SWers are far more extra-averse (and even touch-averse) than average stripper. It's interesting where there's overlap -- cities like SF and Seattle get mentioned by both PLs and strippers as bad SC cities. In SF, there's a clear and proximate cause: SF went from arguably the best SC city in the late 90s, to one of the worst today, because of a nearly-complete takeover of all SCs by Deja Vu. Deja Vu has made the customer experience terrible, and due to their monopoly power, can extract huge $ from the girls for what is now a tepid business NYC, as the girls describe it, is an interesting one, with some girls loving it and others hating it. The difference seems to be: girls who are hot enough and who know how to work the insiders' system (paying bouncers to direct guys your way, etc) seem to be making serious bank despite the large fees; girls who are not hot enough and can't penetrate the system, end up suffering the fees but not pulling in enough revenue to make up for it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    sp: Just my opinion, you're just going to be frustrated with SF as far as extras. As a general rule, the options are 1. The little no-alcohol clubs on broadway, where the girls are crazy ghetto, and the hottest girl might be a 5 or 6, or 2. New Century theater, which is a den of ROBs that you should avoid, 3. Mitchell Brothers, expect to pay many hundreds of dollars, 4. Crazy Horse, which is more of a limited-extras club (SOME girls do HJ, very few girls do more) and expensive vs any other area in the country. Of that list, if I personally were to go to a club, it would Crazy Horse: it is seedy, and the quality and hustle-level of the girls varies wildly from shift to shift, but IF you get lucky and the right girl is working, it can be very fun... if you're content with a HJ. My fave way of SCing here is more of a regulars' game, so will be hard to do on just a business trip. If I had a buddy coming in, I'd tell him to just go to Gold Club, Hustlers, or Condor, count on low contact, and just plan on spending a fun few hours drinking with a hot girl. If that doesn't appeal to you, skip the SCs
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I agree that Chicago is a bad strip club city. "Detroit: cheap extras" This is what makes Detroit a good strip club city.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Interesting to see it through their eyes.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Virginia, where I live, is awful whether you're a PL or dancer. Pasties (not in ALL of Virginia, but in Richmond which is where I'm at), no liquor AND over-priced dances. :-( What an awful combination. This is why I very rarely go to clubs in my area. I just wait until I'm out of town, which isn't often enough
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    This is a bit startling. Girls citing extras a reason not to like certain cities? According to the TUSCL circle jerk us customers are RICH STUDs that these girls don't doing extras for at all.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Detroit is probably the worst for the dancers, every Detroit patron is expecting to get their dick sucked haha.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Calling Louisville out as "extras, divey" is offensive. Mind you, it's not wrong, just offensive. :) Fortunately, if that means that "strippers" such as those hanging out on SW won't come here, I'm ok with that.
  • sp
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the info Subraman! It looks like it is crazy horse for me. A HJ would be great but I'm more of a PL than most PL's so a LDK would work for me as well. LOL! What will a HJ run me at CH? I don't like using their ATM and want to come prepared.
  • DallasCowboys
    7 years ago
    Dallas has a great club scene I find.. Nude, BYOB, Cheap, and touch with a few extras here and there. I live in Washington state now and the club scene here is terrible and that goes for the entire state. Expensive clubs, no beer, and no touch. They don't get nude in the club I live near. Granted there is only one club in the entire city of Tacoma but it's a joke here. I just save up my money until I go back to Dallas to visit my friends and family and I blow atleast $400 (limit of $700) over the course of a week to 2 weeks (I saved up all year so that's a months worth of saving after paying my 2 bills).. Stay clear of Washington clubs.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    no mention of las vegas?
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    sp: I haven't gotten one there in quite a while, I'm guessing $200+ for the HJ, and add to that $21 entrance fee. You should also bring a wad of singles -- sit stageside for girls you like, tip them a few bucks each song, and they'll climb naked into your lap and give you a little naked lapdance, pretty good deal
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    @justme62- I suspect in Vegas they can make a ton of money with a minimum of extras. I used to have a favorite who had previously worked out there and she said it was the easiest money she ever made stripping
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Don't doubt Vegas can be fairly easy $$$ - probably lots of amateur SCers letting loose, and amateur SCers usually don't know any better and don't demand much - the hardest part for the dancers is probably competing against a large # of other dancers and many hot dancers
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    For Vegas dancers PLs are probably like shooting fish in a barrel
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Ya, I too would guess that Vegas is the opposite of "worst city to work" -- HUGE $$$, no extras. The one caveat would be: the place is dripping with 9s, so for strippers who are 5s or 6s and who could have a decent income in most other cities, Vegas is probably not the place for them
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    I remember the one and only time I went to Rhino in Vegas. It seemed like every dancer was a 7 or higher and there were soooo many of them
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Chicago is bad for PL's for sure, but the dancers love it. They don't have to do extras in most clubs, and PL's tend to spend money.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Well I never want to lose money so I only club in the areas where SW girls state to not dance. Always about value... It's like when I go to Burger King and see Whopper Jr.'s are only a $1, I will order 80 of them because, "I don't want to lose money!"
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Oh, and what's up with all of those Seattle and Portland dancers always dressed up in hiking gear? The granola types are always dressed up like that, because you never know when you'll go to a Starbucks and a hike will break out! lol :-)
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    Papi: "For Vegas dancers PLs are probably like shooting fish in a barrel." In that case, I'd better stay out of Vegas, lol.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Everyone is a pl as soon as you enter the town of Vegas. It's the only way to be. When in Rome!
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Extras in strip club, potentially lead to STDs etc. so, don’t good contact dances fine. But take risk by yourself
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ Champ try writing in English the next time you want to sermonize.
  • TFP
    2 years ago
    @Dugan it seems this champphilly person is just necroposting all of Subra's previous threads where he mentions stripperweb. Looks like English isn't this poster's first language.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    This thread bumping is reminding me it can be pretty fun to mine SW for interesting threads and do a reverse take.
  • TFP
    2 years ago
    That's what I feel like doing with a lot of those r/stripper threads over on Reddit. There are so many that I feel like hearing the opinion of guys here about it.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Tricks like clubs with cheap hookers working them. Strippers like clubs where they can make money stripping. It's very straight forward. High house fees are a turn off but if they limit how many girls are working then they can make a lot at those clubs. Clubs with cheap dances can be profitable if you go by volume. Especially if they attract blue collar guys who get paid daily.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I've heard the same thing from strippers that dance in Manhattan. A lot of fees and sometimes it's slow but if they hang in there the big fish allow the possibility of life changing or so I'm told. Either way I am completely eliminated from that equation.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Another person who has a man crush on Subraman. If this keeps up he’s going to need to hire SJG as the president to his fan club. Er maybe scratch that SJG would chase them all away.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    New guy would definitely eat a whole bowl of my mutton vindaloo. If you're picking up what I'm laying down.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    —>“That's what I feel like doing with a lot of those r/stripper threads over on Reddit. There are so many that I feel like hearing the opinion of guys here about it.” Lol, do it. If feeling extra ballsy, then cross post a post from there into r/stripclubs and see who you can get angry at you. I personally have a hard time believing any city with multiple clubs and is large enough for them all would be “the worst”. It could maybe be “not worth it compared to manager bullshit at most places and the cost of living where I’m at”—which would be fair enough. But the worst has to be somewhere it’s not easy to hop on over elsewhere. But on the flip side, that kind of club has the potential to be one of the best places too.
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