
I was very tempted to sign up on SW today thanks to...

Rick Dugan's hypocrisy.


Come on now, Rick. You post so much shit here about how it's nice to pursue desperate strippers on the last day of month when their rents are due. You hoped for more OTC opportunities in Florida thanks to power outrages and weather conditions. You mentioned how recession made OTC possible with girls who wouldn't do anything like that until economy went to shit. Etc etc etc

And then you wonder why strippers cry after banging you? And you really think your behavior is not predatory?


  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Have any of you felt as honored as me by being paced on Rickyboy's ignore list?
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Calm your tits, Dancer95, it's just TUSCL
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    My behavior is absolutely predatory and I never said otherwise. Strip clubs are, by their very nature, predatory environments.

    I also don't deny the fact that I bitched about the first two girls in that story on this very board about a month ago. Here is the link: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=4…

    But the stuff with the third girl is what really made me wonder if I crossed a line. I didn't elaborate too much about this on SW, but she was a sweet kid who I was probably too predatory with. Very uncharacteristically, I have felt so guilty about it that I haven't been in the clubs since. Three weeks may not seem like a lot for some people, but for me that is quite a hiatus. It also then made me question whether I did wrong by the first two girls. Hence the SW post.

    I would have liked to have posted this here too, but the troll activity has been so bad here for so long that any serious discussion about strip club ethics is likely to go off the rails before it even gets started.

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Just wait till Dougster sees this.....
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Strip club ethics are an oxymoron. No honor amongst [hooligans].
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    A little over analyzing for a man who enjoys paying for sex. I agree that crying women are a buzz kill but it is post not pre sex I assume we are talking about. I avoid drugged and/or drunk girls for this very reason. Emotional vulnerability is a two edged sword. it makes 'em easy but then it also makes them fragile. Ethics in an amoral enterprise are a mere gloss to hide what is really going on. Feelings of nobility are misplaced. Keep up the good work and don't ruin them for the rest of us.
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Do you admit you're creepy? Do you agree that you're taking advantage of them?
  • Chili Palmer
    8 years ago
    quote from Rick Dugan above:
    My behavior is absolutely predatory and I never said otherwise. Strip clubs are, by their very nature, predatory environments. /quote

    Except of course for this thread: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=4…, where you state, rather clearly,

    "Those of you who view this as predatory are either utterly ignorant or hypocrites."

    So, in your own words, and completely in context, you now admit to being either ignorant or a hypocrite.

    Again, I will reiterate, I don't care about your OTC activities, and that the fact you actually share both the good and the not-so-good with us is actually appreciated by me. Because, as much of a hypocrite (and a predator) as you may be, at least you're actually going to clubs and [posting about your experiences, and not just filling up this board with nothing but either off-topic BS or just plain idiotic tripe, unlike 90% of the other regular posters on this board.


  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    ^^^ good answer
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    RickDugan is a piece of shit
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Glad he has me on ignore also.. fuck him
  • BumHip
    8 years ago
    I don't think strip clubs are predatory. They are a perfect example of a 2 way street. If a stripper is there on her own free will, & agrees to do things, that's her business. Just like getting off with them is your business. As long as everyone is doing whatever they are doing by there own free will, then there's nothing to feel bad about. No one took advantage of anyone. Morality is up to you. If you feel like you have crossed a moral line... then that is another topic all together.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    CP, I guess I took more objection to the term "predator" back then than I do today. Fair enough, then feel free to insert "leveraging financial need" in its place. I still feel exactly the same about it now as I did back then. So your issue really boils down too semantics, not hypocrisy.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dancer95, your presence here is most valued.

    Please understand that most of the guys who frequent strip clubs and post on this forum really are quite creepy. I'm not justifying it, I think it just comes from the life desperation which so many people feel.

    As I see it, the biggest issue is the negative ways in which they see the very same dancers which they are engaging with sexually.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Jeez - that SW thread was depressing - looked more like a thread for a message board of people dealing w/ psychiatric problems.

    The link in the OP takes you to the last page of the 6-page thread; you gotta go to the first page to make sense of it:

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Fox News Alert! RickDugan shown once again to be the faggot that he is.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    RickyBoy: "any serious discussion about strip club ethics"

    ROFL... Serious discussion where you and all your circle jerkers here just mindlessly recite Ayn Rand? ooookkkkkaaayyyy...
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    RickyBoy: "if it wasn't for the latent guilt that I am starting to feel after having 3 different girls crying on me in a two week stretch, I'd start to wonder if I was becoming a sociopath."

    Explained it to you before, RIckyBoy. You are not a full blown sociopath just a narcissist which a near neighbor condition.

    So you do feel guilt but not like a normal person does. For example drinking and driving is no big deal to you: Hey, you get to home and people should know to be careful late night because they should know drinking drivers are out there right? But then you sometimes force yourself to say in a strip club you don't like for two hours because you have a rule that you need to do that before you can write a review, whereas most people won't feel a fuck about leaving and writing the review that just said the place sucked ass.

    No back to the sociopath/narcissist being neighbors things. Yep in that origin post you reveal in how great a predator you are. That's a sociopathic trait inherit in your narcissism. Even though finding girl for OTC is a real non-accomplishment. Well except to someone with your "personality damage" who thinks it is a big accomplishment due to your confirmation bias which feeds your fantasy. (Remember guys like you are only able to think by four means: fantasy, confirmation bias, splitting, and projection. )

    So get it right, RickyBoy! You were always crying here that you would never understand yourself and your motives for going to strip clubs. Are you starting to clue in finally?
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    I just read the op's comment!? Dude...WTF!? Ricky boy there's a limit and your way over it. That's borderline sick man.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Dugly catches someone in a mistake and they're a "liar", "sociopath", "faggot" etc....

    Catch Dugly in a mistake and he was just kidding or it was a typo or just doing it "get" someone...

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Oh, jestie! One little problem with your observation (actually there's a few but I'll just mention one for now) I explicitly said above that I don't think RickyBoy is a sociopath. You really ought to work on your reading comprehension so you don't make mistakes like that.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Actually I can't think of any sociopaths we've had on this board except maybe that guy who shadow said got sent to prison. SW, OTOH, has many.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    "not a full blown sociopath"

    Just sort of a sociopath? Nice try Dugly.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Is it just me or does rickdugan actually come off better than Chili Palmer in this?

    rickdugan may be a d-bag. The first story of his I read was his "I know this former addict and I hope she backslides so I can get cheaper sex" story. But he actually tells stories.

    Chili Palmer just excoriated rickdugan but I've never seen a crazy story from him. I've taken the position that a fair proportion of rickdugan's stories are exaggeration or outright fiction. But they're entertaining. Like a glimpse into the mind of a seriously sex-obsessed d-bag.

    I try to be a positive guy but, I'm sorry, what we have here is an entertaining d-bag vs a boring d-bag. Entertaining = brilliant! So I'm on rickdugan's side on this particular thread.

    Saying that made me feel a bit dirty. :(

    I think I need a shower!
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    No disrespect to Dancer95. I'm just saying that I view this thread as Dancer95 > rickdugan > Chili Palmer

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Geee, jestie, all you had to do was to quote the full sentence and it all would have been there in black and white. Wonder why you only choose to quote the few words you did?

    Lol! What a dumb fag.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    My take on the original RickyBoy post is that it's just him bragging about his predatory ability. In the past the guy was probably taken by a few strippers: like that time he drove a girl around from drug dealer to drug dealer and held her purse while she was shooting up in the washroom. So now he wants to show us that he is beyond on that and now this brilliant "super predator" who has such strong predatory powers that he almost feels guilty about it. Even then he is exaggerating because he knows he's taken alot of heat for in the past for the times when he didn't know better than to be more ground. So he'll throw a few crumbs as it were.

    Like I've always maintained the guy is the most total faggot imaginable.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    "more ground" should be "more guarded"
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    That thread has some of the worst aspects of SW on display. Among them, the insane hypocrisy of girls who routinely encourage and celebrate acts by strippers that are not just predatory, but often outright illegal acts of robbery and worse, furious that any customers run any game on them. The dogpile mentality. The douchey, glib, asshole-y tone that's universally used there to lecture about topics that most of the dummies don't understand at all.

    The lesson I hope some guys here take away from that thread: SW is beyond a cesspool, of women who (to the extent that they're not just posing) truly horrible and miserable human beings. Stop sending strippers over there to get advice -- yes, there are some helpful threads in Hustle Hut or whatever, but how is the probability that a stripper will also look at other threads? How easy is it to get angry and radicalized by what they read there? Sending a stripper there does a disservice to all of her future customers (which could be YOU), and a disservice to her.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Subraman: "SW is beyond a cesspool, of women who (to the extent that they're not just posing) truly horrible and miserable human beings. "

    Yep many. Some "full blown" sociopaths there.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I would never be predatory towards strippers. Just mutually cooperative. It snowed in Greenville SC today so instead of visiting the strip club, if I had phone numbers, I could invite any local ones over to my house tonight for a strip party while I watch. If I had enough advance notice, I could even add a pole in my living room. I do have about 20 to 25 feet in the middle of the room to the ceiling. I don't have much parking space unless they drive up a hill and park in the back. Roads are clear where I live but it looks snowy over in Greenville.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I might go to the strip club anyway. The SCDOT said to stay off the roads unless it was necessary and I don't know what is more necessary than seeing some tits.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I have read most of this thread on SW and my take on the whole thing these folks deserve each other, Rick Dugan, in my book has never been what I would consider a good guy, especially if his posts here are true, and they do ring true for the most part, but these women posting on SW are a bunch of poseurs, and if I were to come across most of them in a club or clubs, I wouldn't pay much attention to any of those posters either, since based on personality alone, these girls are my definition of a bitch !
    Anyway @Dancer95 do what you want my view is it ain't worth it.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    "My take on the original RickyBoy post is that it's just him bragging about his predatory ability."

    Yes, of course, this is the correct interpretation. It's not so much that Dugan gives a shit one way or another about making strippers cry -- it's a "humble brag," a way of stating something self-deprecating when the real motive is to call attention to himself.

    And worrying whether Dugan is predatory or creepy really misses the point. The real comical aspect is the spectacle of a middle-aged guy who's based his entire identity on paying strippers for sex. With 10 thousand posts on two websites over the course of nearly a decade!!! When Dugan's time has come, we should bury him with that white suit and his voluminous posts from TUSCL and SW. Something meaningful he can take with him in his afterlife.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Well the good news is that faggot RickyBoy is definitely posting less lately.

    He blames it on the level of "troll activity" but reality is that people are just generally onto him and faggity ways.
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Meanwhile Rick is getting his ass whopped on SW aaaand rightfully so.
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Of course, he does. He posts there a lot too.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The SW pinks are really trying to give him a Come to Jesus Meeting. He seems to be trying to deflect and redirect most it though. Though I'm not so convinced he'll be able to charm his way out of this one this time. I think might have really finally fkd up and finally gone too far with with it all. At least it didn't take a dancer dying from mixing drugs and alcohol in his room to do it. (https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=4…)

    That worst part, is I've actually stuck up for this guy in the past! If I was manipulated, I can definitely see how he does it to dancers .. or greases bouncers or strokes managers.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Finally started reading the link, and damn Rick ol'boy, your a monster haha.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Too funny. The thing he actually cares what the pinkies think of him too. Kissed some major ass over there. He is so clueless he probably thought that thread would win him points from both sides due to his "tactical wording". Looks like the super sly super predator screwed that one up.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    What I don't get is, if he really doesn't give a shit, why does he keep posting there. Kind of validates the fact that he does want the attention. Same with his stories here.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Booooom! Sippycup wins again!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Rick is getting killed over there, they're posting all his comments from TUSCL.
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    This is hilarious. I wonder if he will ever come back to posting over there.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I got understand it takes a special breed to swim with the Sharks, and Rickyboy loves any attention no matter the intent.

    He has much in common with attention seeking bipolar strippers, therefore he's comfortable in those environs, and any affirmation he can get, albeit it negative is a score in his book.
  • magicrat
    8 years ago
    Proof that one shouldn't use the same profile name on different websites!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Dancer95: "I wonder if he will ever come back to posting over there. "

    Well we don't want him. Unless you're talking like a having SJG to use a punching bag type thing.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Actually txtittyfag(dot) and jestie214 probably do want RickyBoy here. For (homo)sexual reasons. I shouldn't speak for everyone.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    And that's the thanks I get for not exposing SippyCup's fake dancer persona a long time ago. Sheesh. ;)
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Huh? Is RickyBoy saying Dancer95 = sippycup? Or is he talking about someone else?
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    You're retarded,Rick, if you were talking about me. Both skibum and estafador have met me in the clubs I worked at and can vouch for me,being real. I just asked them not to disclose names of those places.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    I have no idea who you are Dancer95.

    Anyway, I do a guy a solid by treating him as a "her" for over 2 years now on SW and this is what I get. Ouch on the gratitude bro. ;)
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Lol, care to elaborate?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Actually RickyBoy took it a step further a few years and said there were no female members on here, just men pretending to be dancers. Even if I rattled off the names: Judy, fetish_dancer, Stiletto, Carolynne.

    A propensity to readily conspiracy theories is due to the "splitting" aspect of his "personality damage".

  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    ^ Not really. He knows. If he thinks really carefully, he should be able to remember exactly where he mis-stepped. And what did I get for being a standup guy? There's no gratitude I tell ya' ;)
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Sooo Rick is not just a nutjob. He's a paranoid nutjob.
    I still don't understand what's going on though so would love to hear his conspiracy theory.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    A conspiracy requires more than one person. ;)
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Okay, now Rick is trying to derail this topic by posting nonsense, nice. My request to explain what he means is ignored which only proves that he's talking shit, lol.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Well Rick she said Estafador and Skibum met her, so if they confirm that, then your theory burns to flames.
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Yup. I'm gonna message both of them right now to make Rick shut up so that we all could come back to discussing his debauchery.:)
  • My guess is that there's a longtime TUSCL poster that has been posting on SW for the last two years pretending to be a woman. Rick knows who it is and is a little pissed because the guy/fake SW girl is piling on Rick now, even though Rick has protected his identity. Go ahead Rick. Out the TUSCL poster and the SW poser. Why not? Everybody is tearing you a new asshole, so go ahead and out him.
  • Rick isn't saying Dancer95 is fake. He's claiming some TUSCL poster is pretending to be a dancer on SW.
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Ahhhhh, lol. I mean I asked him to elaborate for several times but his replies were confusing.
  • Yeah, he was trying to act all coy, but that's just Rick being Rick.

    Dancer95, I'll be in the NYC area this spring and would love to buy a bunch of dances from you. I saw your photo on here a while back and you are just my type. :)

    I'll pm you before the trip if you'd be willing to tell me what club you are at. Thanks.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    "Out the TUSCL poster and the SW poser. Why not? Everybody is tearing you a new asshole, so go ahead and out him."

    Eh, this will blow over. It isn't the first time that a handful of girls on SW have taken strong objection to something about me and it won't be the last. They turn over on SW about as frequently as in the real strip clubs. I won't ruin several years of careful identity building over a momentary tiff. I'm not saying that he's been building it for two years, only that I've known for two years now.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Sounds like something Juice would do
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    @Clearheels, I'd love to but I'm going to another state soon. I'll message you which one,perpaps it's where you live or will be visiting at some point too.:)

    Rick, nice try to distract our attention.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    No distraction intended. Fire at will on the debauchery front. ;) That was really just a side message for him.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    LETS PUT HE DANCER 95 BULLSHIT TO REST. Before i do I would like to point out that predatory behavior never has a damn thing to do with the victim. You are either a predatory scumbag, or you're not. I don't supply sympathy to the dancers because its too tedious to figure out if what they say is true, so I just ignore the issue with all. having said that I never take advantage of anyone in distress, or in a tough place. It simply isn't who I am and not necessary. Feel free to do otherwise and be a douche. As far as Dancer 95? Based on her posts and our emails I went to meet her, assuming she was an borderline, Milf, American with fake tits. Wrong. Very young. Very real breasts, foreign born, lovely, charming and a great conversationalist, especially for a non-native born english speaker. Great full contact dances as well. Smooth as silk, beautiful and sexy as hell. A little tall for a spinner, but a true spinner, with an incredibly small waist. She is very real and I have gotten dances from her as recently as Christmas week. She works at club: Nunya Bidness.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    skibum, nobody was questioning dancer95. We had this resolved long before you arrived.

    But hey, I'm sure she'll nonetheless appreciate your belated yet still gallant attempt to ride to her unneeded defense. ;)
  • Dancer_
    8 years ago
    Sheesh, Rick. I asked him to do so. If you weren't so goddamn weird in your wording, then perhaps no confusion would occur.

    Anyhow, since you won't wanna tell us, then nobody cares about whoever you're talking about. Let's come back to your persona.:)
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    How did Rick know I met someone?
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Nvm, fully caught up with the thread. Yeah I know it's redundant now, but dancer95 is real.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I think we should have an "all RickyBoy weekend" here on TUSCL some time where we just bump and discuss his most classic thread and the (self-confessed!) "personality damage" behind the guy's behavior.

  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Looks like they deleted @Dugan's thread over on SW. Holding to true form, SW is a boring, over-moderated, cesspool of stripper gibberish.
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    No, its still up. Looks like rick may have made poseur nervous as some newb (who was summarily banned) bumped a bunch of old threads to move rick's thread back umpteen slots.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    ^Yup. The primary perp has stopped the direct trolling, but continues to thank anyone who says just about anything in the thread. Then there is another screen name with a decent timeframe and thanks count under her/his belt who also keeps referencing my name in an unrelated thread. This is what I get for playing nice in the sand box. :) Normally that couldn't have happened since cross posting and attacks would have been squelched if CC was still moderated, but they know that the Moderator for that section has been MIA for some months.

    I can only imagine how much fun they had in the "Ladies" only section as well. ;)
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Who fucking cares about such douche subject matter in Rixk Dugan?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Another thing people have to keep in mind is that RickyBoy is hanging around just paying to talk to these stripper waiting for the "desperate situation" to happen. With one girl he confessed to paying $3000 over 18 months just to talk. So if it is costing him $3000 and 18 months per OTC got think it is pretty obsessive behavior!

    Lol! What a dumb fag.
  • Daddillac
    8 years ago
    SW is a different beast all together.... As far as the clubs and strippers, I used to think hunting deer was the only sport where one side did not know they were playing a game but the sport of clubbing is very similar. There are predatory PL's and there are predatory Strippers then there are regular people. I was a regular person until I got burned by my own stupidity in dealing with a predatory stripper, now I avoid the clubs or I am just as much a predator as I can be.

    As far as the two sites.... on here we will disagree about how we treated a stripper, we will call each other out for being a predator, we talk about helping them out. At SW the super predators are idolized. It is a sad world we live in
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Like I said before RIckyBoy is only "predator" in the dipshit/in his own mind sense. Since pay a hooker for sex is not accomplishment. And if it takes him 18 months and $3000 to do it, only he can think that is something to brag about.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    It took me 18 months to f*** my favorite hooker and way more than $3,000 :)

    But then the dumb bitch stop making me pay for it. Lost its appeal after that...
  • Lil_Baller100
    4 years ago
    Dat so cold
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    I fail to see the reason for bumping this 4 year old thread which I don't even recall originally seeing but just skimming through it I see that at least half of the posters in it aren't around anymore.
    Member turnover
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ Obviously it was done for trolling. But 4 years really seems like a lifetime now. I can't believe that I was having a momentary crisis of conscious about some of the relatively benign things that I do now we've all been treated to way too much despicably depraved stuff that a few old sick fucks on here think is just peachy. Comparatively I feel like a damned saint now, lol.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Bringing up a 4 year old thread is so childish, it must have been a progressive.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Lil_Bumper strikes again 😁
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    rick my brother, bumping this thread may have been done for the purpose of trolling but you have to realize the benefits of any thread that contains rick posts: rick posts bring enlightenment to the hoi polloi.

    ricklightenment, if you will.

    And ricklightened masses are a beautiful thing. ROAR!!!
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Don't know about you guys, but I LOVE these bumped threads. I always learn a bit of TUSCL history in the process.

    Keep on bumpin!
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Although I must say, after reading page one of that SW thread it's a lot tamer than I expected. When exactly do they start tearing him a new asshole?
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "When exactly do they start tearing him a new asshole?"

    There may be some "code switching" going on when certain TUSCLers wander over to SW lol. At least when I still logged in over there the ban hammer fell fast on the blue team. I thought the non-man hating chit chat was interesting, but it was a lot of work trying to have a substantive discussion that didn't regress into "us vs them" in tone. Even when some of the girls were game, inevitably one of the presumed queen bees would try to divebomb it.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Wow, finally finished reading and that was entertaining as fuck. Like a movie, started off slow but then once it picked up it really got going!

    Seems like the main girl to get all in Rick's ass was the Genoveve girl. I mean once the cat got out of the bag about Rick's posts over here that's when she really did damage. She had all the dancers wanting to ban him by the end of the thread, the name Rick Dugan may as well have been Richard Ramirez as far as they were concerned.

    Funny part for me though, was seeing that Rick even posted something like that there. I'm relatively newer to these strip club forums, so I've only been reading them since mid 2017. But even since then I noticed that Rick's posts on here were much more abrasive than his posts over on SW. Which is why it surprised me to see he would even post that type of thread on there. A couple of folks in that old thread alluded to an almost Dr. Jeckll and Mr. Hyde type thing. Well maybe due to that thread, the disparity between his SW and TUSCL posts has magnified even more so.

    Still after all that, it seems Rick was mostly right. He still posts over there but is now squeaky clean with all his posts. He still gets a bunch of likes on a lot of his posts and it seems they've mostly forgotten about this whole ugly incident. I guess now all his humble brag threads will be strictly for the locker room that is TUSCL.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    He’s a big pussy here, and an even bigger pussy whipped pussy on SW.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago

    I post some stuff there, others here. Fascinating. 😁
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