Seen At The Club Tonight

avatar for AnonymousJim
A guy with a pen and a small notebook, observing from the back of the room and taking notes. Casual dress. Younger. Was standing against the wall. Kept his pen above his ear when not writing. Wrote in his notebook, put the book in his back pocket, then went to another part of the club.

A reporter? Club employee evaluating things? TUSCL'er taking notes for a thorough review? No idea. Was tempted to ask, but thought that would have been just as weird.

Didn't see him at any other point, so not sure if he got dances or not or whatever. But interesting in that moment.


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
Ok, I'll fess up, it was me
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
I saw a woman doing that at the Columbia Platinum Plus many years ago. I found out about 30 minutes later when I and a dozen other customers got cited for smoking.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
LE sting, I'm glad she wasn't in the room with me and Gwen. :)
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Maybe he's taking notes because he's inventing a New System? (Little does he know RickyBoy already invented the perfect one and there is no room for improvement.)
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Maybe it was Little Larry fish sticks doing his math homework.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Notes from the Strip Club:

8:10pm: Took out my notepad to write a note to myself to pick up butter and eggs on the way home. Some guy watching me from across the room. Why is he so interested? I'm going to move.

8:30pm: That guy is still giving me the stinkeye. He's visibly following me from place to place. Psycho, or gay? Not sure which; maybe a little of both, he's wearing a sweatervest with a striped shirt. I'm going to move again.

8:45pm: If I die tonight, it was that guy who keeps staring at me like a nutcase. I moved to a position where his view of me is obstructed by a pole, and he actually shifted position slightly. Also, who wears an argyle sweatervest to a strip club?

9:15pm: I don't have anything to write, I just feel like freaking out that guy who keeps watching me. Amma pretend I'm taking notes about everything that's going on.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
^^^ ROFL!
avatar for minnow
8 years ago
I take notes after each visit, via a hotel notepad, or newspaper in my car right after leaving club. On a few isolated occasions, I've taken quick notes on a cocktail napkin.

Legend has it that this was the genesis of Southwest Airlines in the late 60's. The initial route and ideas were written on a cocktail napkin. If it's good enough for Southwest, it's good enough for me.

Subra, I don't think it was AJ gving you the look, since all of his reviews are in the Midwest, no SF reviews from him.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
lol @ subraman
avatar for likes2look
8 years ago
It might be Papi. How else does he remember all those details he puts in his reviews?
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
I think Subraman has taken motorheads place as funniest on TUSCL.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
It was me.

I was keeping score to see how many guys will approach a girl without the girl doing something to encourage it.

Very few.

avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I used to work for A.S.C.A.P. ( look it up) and I would have to record the songs being played and at what time. Not every place pays the royalties they are supposed to if they use commercial or paid broadcast signal. On the other hand we were taught to be discrete so this guy was to obvious or careless.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
He was writing a rough draft of a TUSCL review, when he goes home, he'll type it up.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I would just use my phone to take notes.
avatar for Daddillac
8 years ago
Years ago a buddy of mine was trying to keep his budget by writing down everything he spent.... He told the dancers this and wrote their name down and would put a tick mark every time he tipped them. The dancers started making a game of it
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I keep notes but I write them down the next day. That reminds me, I need to publish some reviews. Our moderator, Desertscrub gave me some homework.
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