Seen At The Club Tonight
Scanning the room from the back
A guy with a pen and a small notebook, observing from the back of the room and taking notes. Casual dress. Younger. Was standing against the wall. Kept his pen above his ear when not writing. Wrote in his notebook, put the book in his back pocket, then went to another part of the club.
A reporter? Club employee evaluating things? TUSCL'er taking notes for a thorough review? No idea. Was tempted to ask, but thought that would have been just as weird.
Didn't see him at any other point, so not sure if he got dances or not or whatever. But interesting in that moment.
A reporter? Club employee evaluating things? TUSCL'er taking notes for a thorough review? No idea. Was tempted to ask, but thought that would have been just as weird.
Didn't see him at any other point, so not sure if he got dances or not or whatever. But interesting in that moment.
8:10pm: Took out my notepad to write a note to myself to pick up butter and eggs on the way home. Some guy watching me from across the room. Why is he so interested? I'm going to move.
8:30pm: That guy is still giving me the stinkeye. He's visibly following me from place to place. Psycho, or gay? Not sure which; maybe a little of both, he's wearing a sweatervest with a striped shirt. I'm going to move again.
8:45pm: If I die tonight, it was that guy who keeps staring at me like a nutcase. I moved to a position where his view of me is obstructed by a pole, and he actually shifted position slightly. Also, who wears an argyle sweatervest to a strip club?
9:15pm: I don't have anything to write, I just feel like freaking out that guy who keeps watching me. Amma pretend I'm taking notes about everything that's going on.
Legend has it that this was the genesis of Southwest Airlines in the late 60's. The initial route and ideas were written on a cocktail napkin. If it's good enough for Southwest, it's good enough for me.
Subra, I don't think it was AJ gving you the look, since all of his reviews are in the Midwest, no SF reviews from him.
I was keeping score to see how many guys will approach a girl without the girl doing something to encourage it.
Very few.