Comments by minnow (page 57)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Info requested for Phoenix AZ visit
    Beershoes: How challenging is it to look up Eve's Tease phone number, and asking them if your fave dancers are still there ? Or to check their website to see if they publish their nightly dancer lineup ? OK, I know that club employees aren't the most forthright/honest people around, but if there hasn't been a review since July, and this DB has several active reviewers on it, what made you think that you could glean some info from the board ? How many threads can you recall about Eve's Tease in the last 6 months ? Hell, I can't recall any in my 12 years on Tuscl. If you spend any time reading the DB, you should know that there's several Detroit, South FL, Atlanta, TJ, SoCal, and, yes a few Phoenix regulars who post. You should be able to glean from the discussions the hottest club of choice, which for PHX is HiLiters, with BSC a distant second. Your apparent lack of awareness literally invites being on the receiving end of a shit barrage. Please let us know how your PHX club visit(s) go. PS- In all the posts about clubs, I don't see that many that blab about dancers by name.I'd give the odds of 30-50% that your fave dancers are still there one year later.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I'm Fucking Drunk
    flag- I hope that operating any kind of machinery is not in your immediate future.
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    7 years ago
    I've discovered something else that I like about SCing
    I get the impression BM is someone who would enjoy : A) Watching a train wreck in slow motion B) Pulling the wings off a fly, and watch fly walk around till it dies. C) Going to NASCAR event with hopes of seeing a multiple car crash. D) A, B, and C.
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    7 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Bluetooth headset in the club?
    He might be expecting a call from Henry Kissinger................... ~2:11 - 2:38
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Retirement Investing
    Two of mark94's posts drives home the adage that past performance doesn't guarantee future results, as his Dallas experience was almost the total opposite of his MB landlords experience. I'm guessing the landlord sheriff bought the MB property somewhere in the 1975 to 1977 time frame. I'm further guessing that he could have sold property at virtually any point between then and now and made a tidy profit. What do you think the odds are that somebody buying a property most anywhere between 2005 and 2007 could say the same thing ?
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    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Retirement Investing
    Looks to me like you're in a good place. The only suggestion I might add would be to put some into tax exempt bonds, either individual positions in bond(s), or via mutual fund.
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    7 years ago
    Attitude is everything
    Once a certain acceptable level of attractiveness/hotness has been met, dancer attitude starts to play a more prominent role in choosing dancers.
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    7 years ago
    Scanning Driver’s License
    For the umpteenth time, driver license scan is a deal breaker for me. No club is worth having my license scanned into a dubious data base. Where it might be tough for some people to take this stance would be if every, or most worthwhile clubs in area adopted this practice. Afaik, this is the case in ABQ, and maybe some metro NC areas. What can I say, but "ROAD TRIP". The 2 common reasons for this are either clubs must maintain a charade of being a "members only club" for continued operations, or they're super nervous about being burned for letting an underage patron in, and losing their liquor license. That is a legitimate concern, but how about some discretion there. Does the idea of a doorman scanning a patrons license who has been of legal drinking age since long before the doorman took his first crap in his diaper at least register a flicker on your asinine sensing meter ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thanks for letting us know, snowtime. Wishing shadowcat a full speedy recovery. When I met him at Follies nearly 2 years ago, he looked better than a lot of 70 somethings.
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    7 years ago
    Would like Tampa help
    Not familiar with IR, but reading the gist of reviews indicates that it has a very casual atmosphere, booze, $10 dances, and a possibility of a happy ending of sorts. Sorry, can't think of a Tampa club that would be a carbon copy of IR. If alcohol in club is an issue for you, then topless club would be the way to go. Thing is, the main ones (Doll House, Penthouse Club, Scores) all try to project an upscale image to some extent. Doll House would be the most laid back of the bunch. Also, dancers there wear mini-pancake size nipple covers there. If lack of alcohol not an issue (isn't for me), nude juice bars the way to go. Scarletts/Ybor Strip is the most casual of my 3 nude Tampa choices. While best of the mileage possibility, dancer attractiveness is down a few notches from 2001 and Mons. Dances are normally $20 each, though 3 for 50 can be had. You have to pay a (5? 10?)$ fee each time you go back to dance area plus be hit up for a dancer drink. Mons has most attractive dancers, but rules aren't going to broken or bent that much due to open dance areas. 2001 has good mileage possibilities in a semi private area, but you'll pay for it. $5 each time to go to Launchpad (basic lapdance area), and anywhere from $25 per dance and up. 3 for 60 is as good as the value is going to get. The dates you are considering going (not sure if 12th is a Bucs home game or not.) are crowded, the later not so crowded if no Bucs home game. I'd suggest going to either Dale Mabry club before 10p, and wrapping things up before 1130-midnight. The peak nights have the highest percentage of ROB's/ Upsellers vs other nights, so I'd get the pricing straight prior to getting dance. Please let us know how your visit went.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    RIP- and a very appropriate memory song, sc. I'll remember "Blueberry Hill" every time that I eat a blueberry.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    RickDugan: 10 Questions Resurrected
    What is SAP related job ? Software and Programming ? Rick never struck me as a tech geek. I got the impression he cut his teeth in the financial sector. (Wall Street) prior to owning his own business. Great answer for #2, that's what supervisors do. You "help" your employees do the right thing for continued viable employment. (Shailynn did ask for a "vague idea."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Phoenix clubs
    +1 on desertscrub. This guy is as phony as a $3 bill. In his review, claims to be 1st visit to KS club. The guy he claims to be (Jayhawk) has submitted multiple reviews on this club. Even the guy he claims to be is a bit of flake. All except 1 of jh 40 some reviews are on the same KS club. He has started many threads asking for detailed info on clubs in a dozen or so different cities, yet , with 1 exception, has not reciprocated. I doubt he has even traveled.
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    7 years ago
    Whhat is your net worth?
    Congrats, CD, on your dick measuring contest entry on pensions. Judging from club reviews, you're a MA LEO. Anyone who doesn't live in a closet knows that private industry pensions (DB Plans) are on their way out being replaced (but not necessarily "fully") by DC plans like 401K match, etc. Many companies are freezing pensions for existing employees, or in worse cases using bankruptcy as a tool to terminate pensions. Which leaves govt. employees as the last bastion of a good pension. (Both in terms of $$, and as a percentage of Final Earnings Average -FAE).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    I avoid this at all costs!
    Like most prior posters, I'm not too crazy about taking a dump in places other than my own (or hotel room) bathroom. Yet sometimes logistics, dearth of nearby alternatives, and urgency of need dictates otherwise. I've taken maybe half a dozen dumps or so in my 3 decades of clubbing in the clubs. I managed to leave my calling card in a club that shall remain nameless. (Happened many years pre-tuscl). My internal pressure was building up at a rapid rate that left no alternative. I walked at an Olympic medal winners walking pace into the clean restroom replete with multiple stalls and a bathroom troll who gave me a patronizing smirk. My pants had barely started down when my trigger happy internal regulator released the load with a bazooka like velocity. Trouble was, the expected plops did not occur. I looked back, and saw a sizeable mud pie deposited on the rear of the toilet seat. Thanks to the stall door, nobody had any idea what happened, including the fact that I wasn't sitting down. After wiping the Hershey Highway exit ramp, I debated cleaning up my mess. Buttttt, the combination of the perfect positioning, the realization that this placement/aim combo was a once in a decade if not century event, and the trolls patronizing smirk led me to the conclusion of "screw it, I'm leaving my calling card here." Upon flushing, I strolled over to wash basin replete with piss monkey ever ready to hand me the towel, and the expectant look for my handout. Slightly more than a hint of a patronizing smirk was there. Here's your dollar, buddy. I then beat a hasty (but not too obviously so) retreat out of the bathroom and out of the club. Fortunately, there was a different bathroom troll when I returned to club several months later on another road trip.
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    7 years ago
    Philadelphia, Pa
    Before Audition Questions
    Go to the pink site-
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    You forgot to add "title says it all"...........
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    As beekers and bubba say. Many years before "making it rain" became the rage it is today, I saw a 30 something white guy businessman type peel off $20 or more in singles , laying them out forming a line from the onstage area, down the steps to the floor area with the obvious expectation that dancer would crawl on her hands and knees to pick up the tip. Upscale club dancer blurted out "I'm not fucking going to do this", refusing to take a single dollar of this guys tip, and going on with her set.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    N68- Aren't you aware that much of Tuscl consigliere are part of the $350K club, and can set their hours. Some travel as part of their job. Chili Palmer and Subraman pretty much sum things up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Top 40 rated clubs, how many have you been to?
    I've been to 8 of the T40 clubs, though only 2 (Follies, Dancers-Indy) in the last 2 years. IMO, several clubs in the T40 list are only there because they happen to be the best available option in the area. There are a lot of clubs not in the T40 list that I'd visit before I'd even think of considering some that made T40 list.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any of you guys ever have a stripper offer you a massage in the club?
    p75- You can chalk that up as a learning experience. Dancer is at least the ROB 202 level or higher. One ROB trait is that they are often lazy on stage, only grudgingly doing the minimum effort required. Some don't even get to the desired level of undress. I see massages as a nice appetizer/nightcap. The norm at a couple of recent clubs is $10 per song. Like many, I've had a comp mini massage on the floor by dancers as part of their sales pitch.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Shooting a Chrome .50 Cal Machine Gun on the Vegas Strip
    Thanks for posting, js. I just might visit this place first the next time I go to Vegas. @25- Do you mean like this ? 1:54 on, esp. 2:24 on. Fellas, this is the way to take care of trolls.........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper Perfume: Yes - NO
    I like perfume on strippers provided it's not overdone. The last few years, the overdone encounters have been extremely rare, and thus a virtual non-issue for me. As some prior posters have pointed out, many dancers probably just use body spray, which is hardly noticeable after several minutes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the average readers age on this forum?
    I recall a saying that the ideal age of a prospective SO for you is half your age plus 7. The ideal woman for me would be a thirty something. What age bracket does that put me in ? Let's make this a timed test. Do it every year on your birthday. Taking longer than prior year would be indicative of your declining mental capacity and cognitive abilities. To those who correctly guess what age bracket I'm in : If I run into you in my clubbing, I'll see if I can find a free pass to a closed Cincinnati Deja Vu Club for you.
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    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Quick personal update post-Irma
    BG- Glad to hear you and other central Floridians dodged a Irma bullet. Best wishes getting your power back. According to Tampa Electric website on Monday noon, over 300,000 Tampa area customers lost electrical power. As for clubs, I know website shut down (and presumably club closed) early Saturday evening, in anticipation of Irma, which reports indicated a bullseye on Tampa. Website was down until Tuesday.