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Joined Sep, 2017
Last Seen Dec, 2018


avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
commented on
Lost my job due to outsourcing can anyone help?
Thank You everyone for providing your comments, I have learned a lot by reading them. I will try by first working on my linked…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
Lost my job due to outsourcing can anyone help?
I just lost my job in Washington DC to outsourcing to India and I am in the technology field. I have two kids to…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
What is the length of your erect penis?
I am at 6 inches, nobody has ever complained to me or commented on it but I always wished I was at 11 inches.…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
Can you sneak alcohol at LA s nude strip clubs
I am reading that there is no alcohol aloud at muse strip clubs in Los Angeles? How in the world is that possible? Can…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
commented on
Best strip club in Los Angeles LA
God you guys are terrible, I can’t get any advice on here. Every time I post, I get attacked on all fronts. This…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
Best strip club in Los Angeles LA
Can anyone recommend strip clubs in LA where they offer VIP rooms?
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
Best place in la where they serve alchohol and have vip rooms
Can someone point me to a nice clubs in los Vegas where they serve alchohol and have private booth for dances
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
commented on
Finally took my wife to the strip club in Vegas
Shailyn she sure awarded me when we got back to the hotel room. I wish we had the VIP experience I am sure more…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
Finally took my wife to the strip club in Vegas
I have been dreaming about taking my wife to a strip club so on a recent trip we went to Las Vegas. Nothing x…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
What is the average readers age on this forum?
Cuts curious, I am 43 and want to know how old are under readers on these forums. ?
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
What happens to the women that's get lap dances in Vegas vipa
Let assume I am witH another girl and I buy her a VIP dance in vegas. What' will the striper do to her? Details?…
avatar for Snowfox6
7 years ago
What happens in the VIP area in Vegas Strip clubs?
Never been to a Las Vegas strip club before. Can anyone share their stories on what actually happens in the VIP area of a…
avatar for Snowfox6
8 years ago
Worried about my wife getting lap dance in Vegas
I am taking my wife to spearmint rhino next month for a visit. I want her to get a lap dance In the VIP…