Stripper Perfume: Yes - NO

I for one would rather have a dancer that does not wear perfume for many reasons:
1] They always wear to much.
2] Most usually get by the 5 gallon bucket at Wal-Mart(stinks).
3] It get all over your clothes and make my suitcase and hotel room stink.
4] I had a dancer who most have just put it on her very nice tits rub them in my face and my skin and eyes started burning.
5] Makes me wonder what smells she is trying to cover.
The Ideal alternative is:
1] She smells freshly showered (almost never happens)
2] She wears a little deodorant and smells pleasant
3] She wears nothing and you smell healthy girl without nasty
The bad alternative is:
1] She reeks even though she is a 9.9. (like Megan Fox(before plastic surgery) was reputed to only shower at home and would go months without bathing)
The usual Alternative:
1] The does not smell 'bad' but when up close she has that slight perspiration scent girl.
I guess that is why they usually keep the clubs cold so the girls do not sweat.
What is your preference??

Bonus question:
Is there such a thing as her pussy being to odor free? Pussy in real life does have a scent either healthy or not . Rotten or not, hot latex or not !


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    If you have a significant other perfume is very very bad. I travel like you and that smell can linger like no other. I hate cigarette smoke and I'd take that over perfume smell anyday. I go to casinos so there's nothin suspect about my clothes smelling like cigarette smoke, but there is when it comes to perfume.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    I will lilelh be in the minority, but I love to smell perfume. I'm not hiding anything from anyone, so I don't care too much if I notice the smell when I do laundry
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago

    I love it
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I prefer no perfume. I had a shirt that was ruined by some particularly heinous stripper perfume. Even after washing it a few times and soaking it in vinegar, it still made my eyes water to wear it. I was able to salvage a different shirt by soaking it in baking soda and water overnight a few times between washes.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I wear a little good quality perfume. Guys seem to really like it, but it's light and you have to be close to smell it. I agree ab the cheap stuff.

    Pussy smell and bo has more to do w health than bathing. Girls on drugs, who eat bad, and expose their pussy to a lot of forgein bacteria can be stinky. I've been grossed out before when I've put my face down there for a little girl/girl show. Same w bo. Ppl on meth are unbearably smelly. It's like a chemical/dirty smell. If a girl eats a lot of fruits and veggies and doesn't have bacteria issues, her pussy probably won't have much of a smell.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I can't remember the last time that I ran into a stripper that smelled like a french whore. I think most of them know that leaving scent or glitter on their customers can cause them problems.

    Of course I don't have to answer to anyone. So it is a moot question for me.

    I did have a dancer apologize to me for smelling like weed. She had just smoked some. :)
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I prefer a very light (or no) scent of perfume on a dancer. I understand that they are working - and moving all about the club - so they can get sweaty at times. I know they need to "freshen up" from time to time - so a light scent works perfectly for me. It's the perfume showers that can cause irritation.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I enjoy a very small amount of fragrance but many strippers way overdo it.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    I'm with TT on this one. I prefer a clean smelling dancer with no perfume. I actually like a light, high quality perfume, but don't want to get it on my clothes. I also don't mind perspiration. I have many girls apologize for getting sweaty while dancing, but it's OK with me. If she's clean, it doesn't smell bad, and it shows she putting in an effort which I appreciate. Plus, I find a light sheen of sweat on a hot girl sexy, especially if she got it by entertaining me. As for pussy smells, they come in three categories for me. There is of course the nasty rotten fish smell (gross), the freshly washed no smell (good), but also the normal, healthy light musky odor, which is also good to me. It's probably loaded with pheromones, for obvious reasons.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    No. I prefer clean/odor free.

    The only thing that bothers me more is cigarette odor.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    No perfume.

    The after clubbing smell is my number one turnoff to clubbing.

    If a stripper has BO or a smelly twat... there is always another to choose from.
  • CouldBe
    7 years ago
    Not a fan of perfume. I always feel like I can smell it on my clothes when I'm driving home or back to a hotel afterward. If I'm traveling, I try to air my shirt out before I pack it, and even then I use the hotel's plastic dry cleaning bag to keep clean clothes and dirty clothes separated as much as possible.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Stripper perfume, is there more than one kind? Had some dances at a BYOB all nude club recently, and one girl kept insisting on putting her ass in my face even though it smelled like she just dropped the Cosby kids off at the pool and didn't get cleaned up afterwards :/
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I like it when I can barely tell the stripper is wearing perfume until I bury my face into her neck or hair, and she smells amazing. I find many strippers are pretty good at applying this way, fairly moderately. Mercifully, it's also the case that most strippers were super cheap bodysprays instead of actual perfumes, and those bodysprays evaporate quickly, unless they get into your clothes.

    Speaking of clothes, when I was married (and even before then), on the way home from the club, I always had a change of clothes in the car. At minimum, I'd stop off at my gym or even a local starbucks, change my shirt and jeans, and run some soap and water over my arms, face, and neck. Over decades of SCing, I've never been caught by a girlfriend or my wife, never so much as a "are you wearing cologne" or whatever... I think you guys who are married are INSANE for not at least changing your shirt and having some baby wipes in the car to wipe down arms/neck/face
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    At least she didn't smell like dog Shit!
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I do like a little perfume scent. It adds (IMO) to the whole experience. I don't mind a little transfer, in fact a tiny bit of lingering scent is a nice for the drive home.

    What I don't like is when it seems like she douses herself is a gallon of cheap stuff. Luckily that is rare. Most dancers are smarter than that.

    Part of my in town post-clubbing ritual is /1. immediately upon returning home I soak my clothes in a laundry tub /2. while I hazmat scrub myself to remove any residual stripper scent off of me. Better safe than sorry, I say.

    I've found that even though my wife knows and is supportive of my clubbing activities, that any residual stripper-fumes as she calls them cause her to react irrationally. So I wash up and everyone's happy.
  • lotsoffun201
    7 years ago
    Perfume, strong scented lotions, bright colored lipstick and worst of all GLITTER! Like another poster said, if you have an SO, you're going to have a lot of explaining.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I agree with Tiredtraveler. Stripper perfume is usually too strong and they use too much. No perfume or a light amount.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Been strip clubbing for a long time and have developed an affinity for stripper perfume. I like it even though I have to wash my clothes before I return home after a trip and take extra clothes fo a night out.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Actually I find more dancers using body sprays than perfume.…
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago

    yeah, one time I complemented the perfume my CF was wearing....and she went on to mention that it's actually body spray
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Soap and water only.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I figure most use body sprays just due to costs and how frequently they need to reapply it each shift. That's just the reality. Not like any of them are getting rich from stripping.
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    I like perfume on strippers provided it's not overdone. The last few years, the overdone encounters have been extremely rare, and thus a virtual non-issue for me.

    As some prior posters have pointed out, many dancers probably just use body spray, which is hardly noticeable after several minutes.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Nobody has mentioned the bane that is self tanner, which I learned about the hard way. One of my fave shirts got tanned, but in my inebriation I didn't know until the next day.
  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    I hate the smell of smoke.
    I love the smell of a woman. Some perfumes if heavy will cause my allergies to go off. But OMG a sweet smelling woman with a scent of shampoo in her hair.

    BJ99 is right. The one that got away and hates me to no end. She ate good and didn't touch sodas. I swear she tasted like strawberries. I was young, She was bi. As in polar :(

  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Yes! I love it when a girl smells good I actually cut a stripper recently for refusing to wear perfume
  • ime
    7 years ago
    7 out of 10 strippers smell exactly the same, almost too sweet of a smell perfume mixed with body spray, baby powder and something else, you all know the smell, your clothes smell like that and smoke and that shit doesn't even fade away until you wash the clothes. Once in a while you get a different dancer who puts everything together and smells great and not like the other girls.

    I have one dancer who always comes and asks for dances but she always had terrible B.O. I don't have the heart to tell her, but it is always prevalent and noticeable early in a shift not even a few hours after dancing.
  • ndnman
    7 years ago
    I can't stand the smell of some of the cheap perfume they use. Seems to be restricted to the Mexican girls in my experience. There's one hot Latina spinner I really want dances from but her perfume is overwhelming and I'll pass her up unless the significant other is away. Often times it's lotion that's too scenty also. I've even gone to the lengths of tipping those I'm interested in on stage and getting a whiff to see if they're lap dance worthy. Another thing is makeup or foundation they use that will leave all kinds of light colored smears on black attire. As Subraman mentioned I've taken to having a shirt and pants at the office that I change in and out of when I visit the club. And I rinse my face and wash my arms as well, lest you leave that telltale glitter on you. Pathetic I tell you. :) Oh well that's the pastime we all love.
  • loper
    7 years ago
    Being married I prefer no perfume, and have even rejected advances because of it, but I have to admit that it turns me on.
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