
Any of you guys ever have a stripper offer you a massage in the club?

I went to Bucks Dallas the other day and pretty soon after I arrive a really hot dancer approached me and introduced herself to me. After that she asked if I wanted a massage. My first thought was that it was weird. I'm still kinda new to the game but I've never been offered a massage and never read about stuff like that happening in clubs. I chalked it up to her way of warming me up for a dance and accepted the massage. It was about 95% shoulders and really not that great. Anyway, she stopped and asked me if I wanted another one. I said no and she asked if I wanted a dance, which I accepted. After a couple of dances, I stopped her (dances weren't good either) and gave her $40. She told me it was also $30 for the massage. I said "You never said there was any charge for the massage" and just let the words hang in the air. She kept a forced smile on her face and she said "You didn't know you had to pay for it?". I repeated that we never agreed on a price and I wouldn't have accepted if I had known they were $30 (way overpriced for sure). She said she would take $20 but I said I wasn't paying anything and that we could just go talk to the manager.

When it became clear to her that I wasn't budging, she said "OK, let's talk to the manager". She clearly thought they would be on her side. The first guy we talked to just asked a couple of questions before be deferred the whole matter to another guy who was clearly higher up the ladder. That guy quickly told the girl "We don't do massages here!", "You don't have a license!" and he apologized to me, shook my hand and the matter was settled. A waitress, an older Asian lady (who seemed to have some authority) also apologized to me and said she "had my back" and wouldn't have let the dancer get away with that.

Anyway, just wanted to share my experience and see if anyone else had anything similar happen to them. The dancer in question looked in her mid 20s, is black, and had size C or D breasts. I'd rate her an 8 or a 9. Its a shame someone so hot would be so shitty. Oh, another thing...shortly after all this fuckery, she gets on stage for her circuit around the club. She never took her top off. And she just kinda swayed a bit with the music. No energy and no enthusiasm at all. Its a damn shame.


  • ndnman
    7 years ago
    There are two ladies at Hi Liter in Phoenix that almost exclusively give shoulder massages. One is an older looking Latina and the other is perhaps a tad younger whitish female. Fantastic bodies on both of them but they prefer to give massages. I've partaken only once I think since I'm not looking for a massage when I go to the club. I recall them making it clear that it costs the same as a dance so there were no issues in regard to that.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Yes, you should always be wary when a dancer starts massaging you or offers to massage you. She is almost certainly intending to receive a fat tip for it. Now some higher end clubs will tend to have dedicated masseuses or massage therapists (often certified and/or licensed, but not always) and all they do in the club is offer massages for a fixed price, usually less than a lap dance. They often dress in pretty sexy gear, but not always and they'll always have some lotion or oil with them.

    All the places i have seen these, they were $10 a song compared to $25-30 a dance, and one of the girls said she would do 3 for $25, but i gave her $30 anyway; i tip on top of these massages if she does a good job and/or looks hot. If she wasn't much to look at and/or friendly, i definitely don't want her touching me. They also usually don't wait for the next song to start but will usually do at least a full song, so i haven't really encountered any masseuse ROBs. i wonder how many other clubs have these.
  • clubdude
    7 years ago
    Interesting. The massages strippers that have given me at clubs (Detroit) have all been free ( they were alwas at the bar or table-just the shoulders).
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I occasionally get massages from strippers if they are good at it, which a few are. But I don't get how you can expect not to pay if a dancer gives you a massage. I agree that $30 per song is steep, but what you should have done is to ask up front about the cost. And yes she also should have told you so you are both to blame. I personally think her offer of $20 was reasonable.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I've been to clubs where they have either a dedicated massage lady - or a bartender who gives massages. It seems to be a nice service - but I've never gotten one. In my opinion, this is another way to separate you from more of your money. The relaxation that I'm seeking isn't going to come from a neck or shoulder massage.

    You were fortunate (Purple75) that the situation worked in your favor. The simple truth is that any service provided in a club will have a price attached to it. Simply having a dancer sitting with you requires an investment (buying her drinks, passing her cash, etc). I'd call it a learning experience (for you). I doubt the dancer will learn anything from this (based on your description) as she simply seems to be going through the motions.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    They used to have one at the Columbia Platinum plus but I was told they had to stop the service because they weren't licensed for it.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    There is also a black dancer at Hi-Liter who does massages. I've never seen the white lady. But they charge $10 per song the same as the dance cost. I took the Latina, Selena up on it once. I generally want to save my money for dances.

    I respectfully disagree with JS69 on value. Even $10 per dance is steep compared to what you pay a professional. You pay $60-80 at massage envy for an hour massage. With 3 min songs on average you've paid that much in under 30 min at the club and it's only your shoulders.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    That's why I always wear shorts and go commando. I like getting a massage while sitting at the bar.
  • RTP
    7 years ago
    I am in Las Vegas and got a massage at the bar last night. I was at a casino, not a club. The girl circulates and does a 10 minute massage for $20. She was very good and cute. No hint at extras though.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    There is a girl (unattractive to me) at a club I go to, where her hustle is to sit down next to you and start massaging you. She gets my hand, forearm, shoulder, neck (it's theater-style seating, so she's right next to me). She is so good at it, that my eyes practically roll back in my head. After a couple of minutes, she offers to continue this in the back. I've always refused -- like I said, I don't find her attractive -- but I've already decided that next time she does her schtick, I'm going to offer her $20 to just sit there for however long she thinks is fair, and massage me. It is really outsanding, with the only downside is that it takes me out of horny old goat mode, into jelly mode.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    $20 for 10 minutes isn't bad at all. Wish some girls offered a ten minute dance for $20 =D Most club masseuses are also usually quite flirty and physically affectionate. What's crazy is at the Admiral Theatre in Chicago, the massage girls there offer (besides their $10 massages on the floor) basically 10 minute massages (3 songs) in a booth for $75! ($25 goes to the club) I'm almost certain there are no happy ending type massages in that place, but i've seen people (suckers?) get them at least with the cutest masseuse there. Through the partially open curtain, i could see the guy had his shirt off but that's it. The booth benches aren't long or wide enough to lie across comfortably and since their backed to a wall the girl can't really get behind you if you were sitting on it.
  • samsung1
    7 years ago
    In Akron the table dances are five bucks a song. I'll pay five bucks a song for a massage but at clubs with 20-30 per song dances it's a rip off.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ For a shoulder and neck massage, I agree.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago

    but a couple weeks ago, i saw a PL give a stripper a massage at the bar. i was sitting right beside both of them. based on how she greeted him, he was a regular/guy she's met before

  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    Several times dancers have offered massages, but never have they even acted like they expected any payment for just a neck or back rub. (Other "massages" have included agreed compensation.)
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    During my visits, they generally just start massaging me without even asking about it or sometimes after they start, ask "is this OK"? Some of them are quite good at it and I tip the dancer if I won't be getting dances with her.

    I have asked one over before specifically for a massage in the front room. I also had one specifically say that I didn't need to tip her anything, but, of course, took the $ when I insisted.

    I treat questions that start with "would you like a ..." in a SC as someone trying to sell something. E.g., if the waitress says "would you like a tub of ice for your beer?" or "would you like another Red Bull", I ask how much the ice service is or how much the Red Bull costs rather than assuming it was supposed to be free and calling a manager over it when she expects payment.

    A graceful way to handle a post-massage tip before dances could be to say something like "wait, let me tip you for the massage before we go back" and give her a $5 or $10. That way, your account is clear for the massage, and you have set the tone that if she goes above and beyond unasked, a tip could be involved. She probably won't want to blow the chance of possibly selling multiple dances by getting into it about the massage. If she does, though, less money wasted.

    It doesn't sound like anything you might have done would have resulted in a good experience with that dancer you encountered, though.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "Any of you guys ever have a stripper offer you a massage in the club?"

    Yes. A lot of the time they're at no charge and sometimes they're pretty good.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    Yes. Some just start doing it, others will see me roll my shoulders and then just start.

    Most of them aren't great at it.
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    p75- You can chalk that up as a learning experience. Dancer is at least the ROB 202 level or higher. One ROB trait is that they are often lazy on stage, only grudgingly doing the minimum effort required. Some don't even get to the desired level of undress.

    I see massages as a nice appetizer/nightcap. The norm at a couple of recent clubs is $10 per song. Like many, I've had a comp mini massage on the floor by dancers as part of their sales pitch.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i'll never forget the massage one girl did on me....
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    I have had dancers come up and start giving me massages a number of times. I've never had one ask for payment for the massage--it's always just been part of the lead up to selling a dance. If she's not my type, I'll cut it off quickly so she doesn't waste her time or mine. If she is my type, I'll let her do it, then buy a dance or two for the the effort. I've never had one ask first--they always just started massaging my neck or back. If she asked first, my antennas would probably go up and I would probably inquire about payment.
  • purple75
    7 years ago
    It was definitely a learning experience for me. I'll be sure to ask in the future. Thanks for all the input guys.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    Had an Asian older chick at Coli Dayshift massage the fuck out of me. Her hands were soft and she was a pro. She couldn't dance for shit and the more we talked the weirder she became talking about fuckin aliens. Eventually it led into her groping me then turn around and say she wants $150 for a HJ. Told her to stop doing drugs and handed her a $20 for the massage. First and only time I've ever seen her
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    My first ever trip to a club had a dancer offer me a massage. I said fine, and I tipped her $5. Congrats to the OP for standing up for himself!!! For $30 I'd want a happy ending!!
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    There is a cute little Asian dancer at one local club, with the sweetest little East Texas drawl, whose day job is physical thereby for disabled folks.

    I've known her for a while, and every time I see her, she just walks over to me and starts massaging my shoulders and neck. It's sheer bliss. She probably does it primarily because the first time she did, I just gave her $10. Without being asked.

    I really wish she'd see me "professionally". I'd really like to get the whole body treatment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Can't recall a dancer asking me if I wanted a massage, although I suppose it's happened - more often than-not is along the lines of what others have posted, they'll starrt massaging me unsolicited as part of them breaking-the-ice or trying to soften you-up for some dances.

    As dancer "duomaxwell" once posted on TUSCL, "strippers don't do anything for free" - even when it's "free" is all part of the hustle - as DoctorEvil posted, whether it's a massage or w/e else, if she's not my type I often cut her off pretty-quickly to not waste her time and her wanting some kind of tip for her time - to me a massage is along the lines of the girl sitting on your-lap and putting her arms around you and maybe giving you some GFE; part of the sales-pitch and if I'm not interested I cut her off b/c in the past I had issues w/ dancers coming up to me unsolicited and start grinding on me (fully clothed) then expect me to pay them for it.

    As others; I rarely spend on anything beyond dances (or the occasional VIP) - in the recent past there's only dancer I let massage me for multiple songs and I tipped her for it - she's a black-girl from some island in the Caribbean who came to the US on a track scholarship - she is very strong w/ very strong hands and gives a very-good deep massage which I sometimes indulge in (but she's never asked me to tip-her).

    IMO this girl was a ROB - the equivalent of her sitting on your lap then wanting to be tipped for it - that's part of the job - as duomaxwell posted, "strippers don't do anything for free" - thus next time dot your i's and cross your t's so there won't be misunderstandings - and getting a manager involved is often a crapshoot b/c many are douches that will take the dancers' side automatically; particularly at lower-end/dive clubs.
  • Janos
    7 years ago
    My massage therapist normally throws in a release at the end. First time it happened she was massaging my legs and she noticed I was a bit excited and she just pulled the towel back and started stroking it.
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