Comments by minnow (page 116)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip Club Tour of USA, Help me pick!!!!!!!
    I'm presuming that you're shooting westbound on I20 towards Dallas, then picking up I-10 by way of Houston, or a little East of El Paso. For starters, those are the only 3 worthwhile cities west of Columbia & east of AZ that I can think of on that route.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    SD: Which club used to be Jack Ruby's old club?? If still in existence & same location, probably different name.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you ever watch other dancers in the couch room?
    Unless my dancer is a "top 10 percenter", my answer is yes. Even then, my eyes may wander. Doncha know that male species has eyes on the back of the head and/or 360 degree swivelling necks, lol!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    best club in Tampa for "extras"
    Yeah, the Tanga. Recall the waterfront view, and the fishy smell. Also, please let us know if you sampled nearby Mexican restaurant,with its' unique coin toss funnel. Please let us know how many quarters you were able to swipe. While you're at it, could you let us know if tipping dancers in quarters gets you higher mileage, or not?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dude, I got kicked out of my favorite stripclub tonight...
    syg(2)- T_B's advice is "spot on". Additionally, I have some other thoughts on how to avoid a recurrence of "kick out" 1) Be proactive: The picture I'm getting from narrative is that you are "stuck" on your ATF (very easy to do), and when ATF became occupied for great lengths, you apparently moped around nursing your beer ( nothing wrong with nursing a drink). A lone wolf in the mope mode practically screams "patsy". (not saying that you are 1, but)... However wrongfully, bullies like to pick on patsies. When a waitress bugs me for drink, I say, "I don't want another drink now, but could you please bring me back 9 ones", while proferring a 10. That tells her that you're not a cheapskate, and that you'll at least be fairly active tipping dancers on stage. I also get the impression that interaction with subject waitress could result in more bad blood. You could flag down another waitress for initial drink & refill. Or if you don't want refill, just flag down other waitress for a Pepsi or cup of coffee.(gotta have that caffeine). 2) Avoid fixations- if not for ejection avoidance, then for your own enjoyment of club visits. In short- keep an open mind, and be willing to go with flow at times. Having ATF involved with other customer within 1 hr of closing is not best recipe for good time with ATF.(were YOUR sessions with ATF only 10 minutes???). Aren't there other potential hotties around? OK, new dancer may not be as good as ATF, but still be good enough for a good time. Sometimes, new dancer can surpass ATF. There was 1 LA area club where I had a customarily good PD with a popular & well reviewed dancer. Afterwards, I met another prospect that I thought I'd try for the hell of it. Well, new dancer raised the good nuances of prior dancer to an entirely new level. (Alas, never saw her again on subsequent visits). An ATF that keeps me waiting is on temporary suspension of ATF status. 3) Consider a Plan B- Like, arriving earlier at less crowded time, or a less crowded night. Or even going to other club- though that's a somewhat tall order, seeing that "KOD" is most highly rated club in area. Good luck, "luk" how it goes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Female Customers
    lp: In extremely rare cases have I seen female customers on day shift. You, and a "reluctant" SO are the only female customers that I have ever seen in all of the dayshifts I've been to. Night shift- I've seen a bunch in all categories.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Forgive my ignorance, what is a ROB?
    Two "hints": 1) ROB= Rip Off Bitch- generally applied to dancer that gives subpar VIP mileage after paying upfront. Other variations include overcharging/miscounting dances, or "steering" one to a pricier area that doesn't really give that much more value. 2) On bottom of Tuscl home page, there are several links, 1 of which is a "Glossary of Terms", and explains several acronym terms, including ROB. Welcome aboard!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Better/Nastier Dances: Black vs. White?
    I hereby nominate o-mans 418pm post for a "sticky post". For that matter, this thread as a sticky thread. O-man: I'm curious where you'd place Fillipinas in the sexual "food chain"??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    No! To further elaborate, there are variations of "shemales", trannies, whatnot. I break them into 2 groups- those with dick still attatched, those with dick surgically removed. In the later group, I'm wondering if they have a cosmetic vagina/clit. One reason I favor nude clubs is for less likelihood of being fooled by tranny [some pics in ads are very hard to tell]. Yet, myself, and a few other zbone posters have kinda wondered about one particular dancer of a few yrs. ago at a COI club. I never saw dancer dance nude (had "distractions" with other dancers), but if indeed "shim"(??) did dance, what the telltale signs would be. In topless clubs, looking for "Adams Apple" takes some concentration. Judging by the ads out there, some people do have a hankering/preference for trannies. I am not amoung them. I've heard that there are some "fringe/underground" clubs that cater to those tastes. Live & let live there. I do have a problem with trannies (and clubs that would hire them) who aim to pass themselves off as a female- I put that on the same level as a counterfeiter selling a fake Rembrandt to an art collector.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What dancer tactic or approach turns you on the least? (Or off the most?)
    T_B came up with good list- agree pretty much, with these exceptions: #2- Being "pounced on"- Don't mind that approach if I happen to coming fresh off a subpar visit to some other club- works if the dancer in ? is much above average, which was the case 2 times. #4- Don't mind that approach too much, what I do mind is if she continues to sit there after I've indicated that I'm not going to be getting dances right away, thus effectively "cockblocking" some more favorable prospects.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How did you vote today?
    By paper ballot- had the quickest line over electronic ballot. Clubber- If that happens, mainstream won't matter. Can you imagine winning candidate being the one with 30% of ELECTORAL VOTES, and the Habla Espanol Party and Uno California Party coming in 2nd & 3rd??
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What the fuck time is it?
    Cellphone or nav unit should have right time, or you try calling the Pink Pony.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Florida trip
    E8G; Hmm, 5pmish Fri- quick detour to Tampa on I4 can be an oxymoron. (Think Wally World). Depending upon where you're staying, going part toll road may be worthwhile, but it sounds to me like you may be a Google Earth ace, so I'm sure you could find a plethora of alternatives. Seeing that you're apparently an MBOT/HT kind of guy, S-YS sounds like your best bet, plus being closer to Orlando than most Tampa clubs. If you're a smoker, you'll like it, b/c "Dale Mabry Duo" (Monz, 2001) are non-smoking clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Hi, mfxxx, welcome to site- My 1st general ?? Tell us about your dancer/club background, eg- Yrs. dancing, clubs danced at (general types if you don't want to name specific clubs), if clubs were nude, topless, pastie, level of contact/mileage,etc. I've already surmised that you've worked at a nude no contact club in MS, and PP-Memphis, a supposedly naughty club. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold. My angel is a ...
    steve- Are you a out of work DJ, or a Walter Mitty-ish rock star? I don't get wrapped up in whether or not dancer is a centerfold or pornstar. I've known 7 different house dancers who are listed in database. Involvement has ranged anywhere from maybe 4-6 vids with Lez Only/Non-Sex to over 100 flicks, several of which involved Anal or DP. Mileage didn't always directly correlate with past porn nastiness.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    jj- All of the above. Most dancers are a compromise of the 2 extremes. I appreciate both traits in their place. I don't want a 40 yo, 200lb. welfare mom dancer with 3 kids & 3 fathers, but neither do I want a 18 yo hardbody that just isn't into her time with me. For the record, one of the best dancers I've met was in her mid 30's, claimed/admitted to having 3 kids, was 99% as good as many hardbodies 15 yrs her junior, yet very solidly a jj Category #1 mature instinctive/intuitive pleaser.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats for dinner tonight"
    Don't care as long as there is pie for dessert.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Eve - Ybor
    RTF- That ?? might be better asked in club chat section. To answer your ??- No, I haven't had any dealings with Eve, or any other Asian for that matter @ YS. However, several months ago, during a 2 for 1 special, there was a redhead that didn't get fully nude until well into 1st 2fer song. Otherwise, dance was solid experience that I extended beyond the 2fer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Platinum Plus vs Mons Venus
    wondergirl- The point is that shadowcat is absolutely convinced that he's found stripclub nirvana at Platinum Plus (Columbia). Futhermore, he feels strongly that PP-C should be rated #1 club, and has so stated on many occasions ever since I've been a Tuscl member, and likely even well before I joined. He will eagerly drive nearly 4 hrs. 1 way, and probably $100 gas roundtrip, while eschewing a chance to catch 1 out of a dozen free pass 1.5 hr. non-stop flights to Tampa, and a $7 cab ride to inexpensive hotel(s) within walking distance of club, & several eating establishments. shadowcat- Of all the clubs I've reviewed, I've rated the Monz the highest on average. I may make it to PP-C, yet. The Monz is certainly very good place to achieve a cornucopia type of feeling, chiefly a parade of many hot babes, unencumbered by club BS. I've never felt the need to wear Dave Clark headset, or Walmart gun range ear muffs in the Monz. There's no obnoxious DJ's there, in fact, there are NO DJ's @ Monz. Ditto for "bird-dogs", or bathroom trolls, save for peak hrs. Monz has "slipped" in 1 respect, lol. A long time 24 hr. Waffle House located near club was taken over by a 16 hr. Subway. I aim to enjoy a club, whether or not its in Top 10 list.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strange combos of wills and won'ts
    RE: "lowpay"- The Cat used to live in LA area, & knows very well that $$ doesn't go very far there! As for the less carnal unusual combos: In the same club, there was one dancer that was ok with inner thigh caressing, but breasts were strictly NFZ. The next dancer that I tried rubbed my hands freely over her breasts, but inner thighs were off limits.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Ratings have been modified...
    Offhand, hard to tell. I'm guessing that you weighted reviews in the past yr. more heavily than those submitted in '04. My other guess would be factoring all reviews, not just no. of reviewers- eg if club has been reviewed by 2 different people, but 1 person has submitted 9 reviews vs others 1, are you now dividing total review score by 10 vs the single reviewers & average score of multiple reviewer by 2?? Also, current practice of grading 3 factors allows 1 to evaluate strong points- suggest allowing an overall grade to overide individual factors. There are dinky clubs that might get a 5 grade in club facilities factor, yet have hot babes & high mileage. Then there are clubs with impeccable facilities & 9 grade barbie dolls, yet are too sterile to truly have a good time. Thus, some tweaking of factor grades to get the grade that 1 really thinks club deserves.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Opinions Wanted
    2 yr. look-back on reviews OK with me- do like to see older reviews by individual reviewer member profile, though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Women club owners
    wg- Which women/clubs might those be? I'm generally not cognizant of who the owner is, I have vague recollection of 1 Dallas area club in the 90's that had female owner, and maybe 1 in Denver area.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Best SC City??
    h_g: After reading your reviews, it seems to me that your real question is "where can I find $10 dances with good mileage? Answer- good luck finding them. Phoenix has plenty of clubs and hot babes, but $10 dances there are floorside & not very private. Phoenix isn't that strong on the mileage scale, imo. Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis has $10 lapdances & $100 per half hr. VIP. Stageside interaction is good here, too. Other Indy clubs are mostly $20 dances. Tampa is certainly a serious candidate for best city, with plethora of clubs with nude 2-way mileage, and their good share of hotties. Test drives aren't cheap, but Mons Venus often offers volume discounts for multiple dances, and some clubs VIP rates are effectively less than single per dance song. LA is a good area, with downsides being weak stageside interaction, and tendency of many clubs to clip songs short- meaning that you'll have to buy 4 dances to get the same level of satisfaction that you can get in other cities for 3 dances.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's more common, Good Face/Bad Body, or vice versa?
    Depends on if you look at the body, or the face first!