
Platinum Plus vs Mons Venus

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, October 4, 2008 6:43 PM
Since my favorite club has just been jolted into the #3 spot on the TUSCL top 10 and since I am the biggest shill for the club. I posted comments from Platinum Plus's discussion board. I see as much pussy in PP as any totally nude club club. I just see it up close and personal. Never a free parking problem here. These comments and other reviews that I have read for Mons leads me to believe that the only better club is a Mexican whore house. Posted by: catman988 Send Private Message to catman988 [ ignore ] I visited "The Mons" a few weeks ago and I have to say that the all nude feature is the only way that they could be rated over this club. No and I mean no privacy at all. The only other plus for Mons is you never sit by yourself, they always greet and sit with you if you want. Platinum vs Mons Venus 09/30/08 4:34 PM Posted by: shadowcat Send Private Message to shadowcat [ ignore ] Those are the reasons that I would not go out of my way to see Mons. Platinum vs Mons Venus 09/30/08 11:29 PM Posted by: Shekitout Send Private Message to Shekitout [ ignore ] Can't beat Mons for the best looking dancers tho' No privacy is a bitch. You feel like EVERYBODY's watching! Platinum vs Mons Venus 10/02/08 9:31 PM Posted by: stoliOand7 Send Private Message to stoliOand7 [ ignore ] Mons is a hole in the wall and good luck finding parking in the 7 spots they offer.


  • rob0411
    16 years ago
    I've been to both and prefer PP. MV, to me, is impersonal. Nice scenery - no doubt, but it's more the slam bang, thank you ma'am approach to entertainment. You can at least get a little personal interaction and a little privacy at PP.
  • JC2003
    16 years ago
    Mons Venus is an incredible strip club for eye candy and two-way lapdances. Mons has been consistently excellent for years. Decades even. It's a lapdance factory though. No actual sex acts, just friction with the some of the hottest girls in the US. Folks like shadowcat will rate PP higher because they get mileage that really makes the club a brothel rather than a stripclub. That's fine. People go to clubs for different reasons but for being "just" a stripclub, Mons deserves to be rated as highly as it is and is clearly a better stripclub than PP (in my humble opinion). Adelita's is a TJ brothel. 'nuff said.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Point please?
  • snowtime
    16 years ago
    I too have visited both of these clubs many times and now prefer PP over Mons. I haven't been to Mons in several years but I always found it to be fun but too impersonal. Also most of the Mons' dancers were enhanced compared to the natural look of most PP damcers. Parking is next to imposible at night at Mons while PP has plenty and is easily accesable. The cover at Mons is around 20 while PP charges around 6. I prefer secluded lap area offered at PP to wide open laps in Mons. Extras are probably very limited at Mons but available with many dancers at PP. I also like the laid back atmosphere of PP as opposed to "McDonald's" like approach at Mons. All of the above being said, you should definately check out Mons Venus if you are in the Tampa area as it is still a fun place with high energy especially on weekend nights. PP is a lot better value and more fun in my opinion.
  • gatorjoe2
    16 years ago
    Simply, they are two different places with two different clienteles. Mons is McDonald's. Lots of plastic, blonde hair in the air, no privacy, good two way contact, but no privacy, no extras, no alcohol. 20 dollars to get is true, but after that, you don't have to spend a dime, no sleezy bathroom guy, no smoking are also pluses. Is this a place for me though? It's a good introduction to strip clubs. The ladies, in general, are what we want in a stripclub (they are all 7+, even if some are plastic). As for PP, PP is fun and great, and has a great stable of young ladies, but one of my favorite places, Cheetah Palm Beach, is similar in many ways. You can go in there spend 10 bucks to get in, and spend less than 50 and still have a great time. It is a strip club, not a pretend gentleman's club, it's not seedy. It's what we hope for in a strip club. Different strokes, different folks.
  • wallanon
    16 years ago
    Both are quality clubs. Hard to go wrong with either one. Mons is currently ranked #18 on my list, PP is #32.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    wallanon: Your personal list seems to conflict with TUSCL's ratings. Are yours based upon personal experiences with specific dancers? Let the majority rule. wondergirl: The point is, which is the best club out of 5,00+ in the US. At least for customers. BTW, I hear from our mutual friend weekly.
  • wallanon
    16 years ago
    shadowcat: Didn't yours? Isn't that how this whole ratings overhaul came about in the first place? Let's not take the whole thing too seriously. All: Back on point, PP was rated an 8 when I visited earlier this year. Mons was rated an 8.33. Both solid ratings. Both quality clubs. As for the rankings I put together in my article, it's pretty well explained there why the rankings were done. Basically, it's how the clubs I've seen are kept straight in my own mind and I posted it for public consumption as a courtesy. All are more than welcome to check it out (and to post their own). [view link] As for what's in my reviews, occasionally read and commented on, if I just wrote whatever popped into my head I'd certainly crank them out a lot faster. Experiences with dancers do factor in on some level because it speaks to how the place operates on the whole. But since this is a thread about the Mons "vs" Platinum Plus, the way my list would read is: In the opinion of wallanon, there are 17 clubs he would go to before heading to Mons Venus and 31 clubs he would go to first before Platinum Plus, including the Mons. Pretty simple. There are about 200 clubs on the list so being #32 isn't that bad. Could do a head-to-head breakdown between the Mons and PP, but it's still just one guy's opinion. The club where I spend the most time and is my preferred club of the moment is ranked below #32, so the extent of my objectivity is what it is and open to interpretation. That's why there's a list, because taking any one review won't give a reader the information about one club compared to another as I called it. Once upon a time I rated Showcase Theater a 10, which is what I thought at the time. It's ranked #42. Notwithstanding those who claim an experience mixed with a top flight club can't rate a 10--but that's a different thread.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I don't know about the whole rating clubs highly because of the ease/availability of extras thing. IME, MOST girls will do OTC irregardless of how awesome looking they are or how supposedly classy the club they work at is. In fact, the better looking they are the more likely it seems. And the "classier" the club, just means that they would want to take it outside rather than risk getting caught at work. I tell you: No matter what the the apperance or what they say, most strippers got a little whore inside of them. You just gotta bring it out.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    And it gets even more interesting... Some very skilled hobbyists I have read about/know enjoy trying to recruit "civilians". Some claimed up to a 25% success rate. BS? Possibly. But perhaps strange but true.
  • wallanon
    16 years ago
    Here's some of what I wrote and didn't post above, so there's no confusion: Mons Venus is a better club than Platinum Plus because the girls are more accessible. PP is clearly a club that caters to regulars as a rule, and this site is really for people who are trying to get familiar enough with a place to decide whether or not to visit. At least that's the way I've always treated it. So that's who I write reviews for. The regulars are going to be there anyway, so they can read what I post for giggles or a different point of view. Sometimes they agree. Sometimes they seethe. Depending on my mood, I'll write about one particular thing or another because it worked (or didn't work) or whatever. The Mons is a better club than PP because it is easier to figure out and easier to get what you're looking for (taking extras off the table because I don't base reviews off those either). As for parking, I didn't have any trouble parking there when I went. It was sometime late, early to midweek and there were still plenty of girls and customers. Got approached by girls and both places, got dances at both places. Dances were fine at both, but I preferred the Mons even if the mirrors and open air seating were a little funky. The girls are good looking at both places, but the Mons has better looking girls across the board and it isn't that close. Sorry. PP has alcohol, though. That's a good thing. PP is a place where it is easier to kick back and relax, which is something I appreciate in a club. So even though PP isn't necessarily a better club point for point, if I had a few hours to kill I'd probably rather be at PP than Mons Venus because the environment there is better for just plain socializing. Enjoyed my time at both clubs, but did like my time at the Mons better. Gave PP a pass on that for my review because I getting tired by the time I got there and didn't really want or need to stay long. All that said, there's another club in Columbia, SC I'd go to before either one so at the end of the day it's a matter of personal preference and nothing more. If you are lucky enough to have a decent club near you, by all means enjoy it.
  • Crosscut
    16 years ago
    Interesting discussion of two clubs, each close to my heart. I first became intrigued with the possibilities of this hobby at Mons, but these days PP is much closer to home. The salient points have been well covered above, with availability of alcohol receiving scant mention. I used to rationalize my visits to the "pop shop" Tampa clubs with the excuse that at least I wasn't out drinking. Tough to maintain the same discipline at PP. I find that I stay there longer, spend more money and am more susceptible to the outrageous offers by the ladies. (I guess that's a good thing.) All in all, if they were across the street from each other. I'd be more inclined to hit PP. However, I might drive fifty miles to get to Tootsies in Miami.
  • minnow
    16 years ago
    wondergirl- The point is that shadowcat is absolutely convinced that he's found stripclub nirvana at Platinum Plus (Columbia). Futhermore, he feels strongly that PP-C should be rated #1 club, and has so stated on many occasions ever since I've been a Tuscl member, and likely even well before I joined. He will eagerly drive nearly 4 hrs. 1 way, and probably $100 gas roundtrip, while eschewing a chance to catch 1 out of a dozen free pass 1.5 hr. non-stop flights to Tampa, and a $7 cab ride to inexpensive hotel(s) within walking distance of club, & several eating establishments. shadowcat- Of all the clubs I've reviewed, I've rated the Monz the highest on average. I may make it to PP-C, yet. The Monz is certainly very good place to achieve a cornucopia type of feeling, chiefly a parade of many hot babes, unencumbered by club BS. I've never felt the need to wear Dave Clark headset, or Walmart gun range ear muffs in the Monz. There's no obnoxious DJ's there, in fact, there are NO DJ's @ Monz. Ditto for "bird-dogs", or bathroom trolls, save for peak hrs. Monz has "slipped" in 1 respect, lol. A long time 24 hr. Waffle House located near club was taken over by a 16 hr. Subway. I aim to enjoy a club, whether or not its in Top 10 list.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    minnow: you know me well. You know that I can fly free to damn near any place in the world and have done so for over 40 years. I some times want to kick myself in the ass for not checking out more strip clubs but they didn't use to be my hobby. I think that I have found nirvana. Almost every month One or more Tusclers join me at my favorite club. They leave as believers. You will too, some day. I have known two TUSCLERS that have been at the top of the 40 members with the most reviews. ShotDisc and Bones. I am still in contact with both of them by email or PM. I was once #3 but I no longer care. I just want to enjoy my favorite club/dancers with my TUSCL buddies. Last month One of my top 3 favorites said that I was selective and that was the reason that she let get away with more shit.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I believe I prefer the Platinum Plus club in Greenville rather than in Columbia. However a big part of that may have to do with the time I visit. I have weekends off instead of during the afternoon. I find the Columbia club to be a bit of a hassle if I visit on a weekend night. I don't really care to have no seats available or the only seats available in a super loud area that requires hearing protection. Plus the sister club is just a little bit closer. The sister club seems to be a lot bigger (I'm not sure of the size difference). This is not a problem when the clubs aren't crowded.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I haven't been to either. But I'd pick Mons over PP based solely on the fact that the Mons has a better clientelle with the absence of Shadowcat.
  • Tucker40
    16 years ago
    Can't speak on Platinum Plus but as a longtime Mons veteran (been going there off and on since Joe opened it and it used to have restaurant booths for the bulk of the seating) the only way it ranks as No. 1 is if you're strictly interested in eye candy. They're the only club in Tampa where the girls can actually hustle up a decent amount of cash just on the stage dancing -- especially on a packed night. They're average at best for lap dances. Used to be better, back when there were fewer options in term of other clubs and lower lighting (ITC activities were actually possible). Even today, girls there routinely will accept or initiate OTC meetings. All that being said, it's a great place to go when you're in the mood to NOT spend a lot on lap dances. The McDonald's parallel is accurate but a little low rent. Think of it as, say Outback Steakhouse and all the restaurants in that chain. Always packed, decent food -- occasionally exceptional -- but no bargain.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    I have made the Mons Venus an annual destination for the past 10 years. But I have never been to PP. Agree with Tucker. I have been offered OTC from Mons girls more than any other club. (I have always politely declined - do not trust girls I just met.) I like afternoons best. Don't even try to go on a weekend night. Incredible looking eye candy, but difficult to find parking and even harder to get a dance from the girl of your choice. And I have had extras in the afternoon...not FS or BJ....but some of the girls know how to be discreet.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    Made a trip to Tampa several years ago with a longtime friend who had gotten into going to strip clubs in Myrtle Beach, SC area. I was not into strip clubs but did accompany him to a couple of clubs in MB-really didn't see what all the excitement was especially with bird dogs watching you like a hawk and ejecting you if you so much as touched one of the dancers while getting a table or couch dance. One day he told me we had to go to Tampa as he had heard about a club there called 2001 A Space Odyssey so off we went & we couldn't believe what we saw-totally nude dancers on stage and nude lap dances in the back room. We were defintiely not in Kansas anymore! Never even had heard of Mons Venus & it was right across the street! Well word got out to us on it so on a trip to Tampa, we wet MV. Holy shit! Unbelievelable good looking girls mostly totally nude making their way thru the crowd trolling for dances. We were in heaven! Went back to 2001 maybe 1 or 2 times after that. I was satisfied with a biannual trip to Tampa for my strip club fix until I made the delightful mistake of checkin out PP in Columbia. It was a good as MV but without the full nudity but at PP, plenty of touching was allowed & there was lots of touching by the dancer. It didn't take long to know who would allow you under the bottom & who wouldn't. I no longer needed to drive to Tampa every other year as nirvana was in Columbia, SC! I saw the best-looking dancers at MV but there have been some outstanding dancers at PP, just not as many as MV. You sabe $20 cover charge & don't have to spend a lot on gas & drive a long way & there is more privacy in the dance areas.
  • ChillinTheMost
    16 years ago
    I've been to both clubs many times and they are both two totally different places as many mentioned above. To get a different point of view I asked a few dancer friends that work at both clubs to see what they thought. The first dancer said Mons, hands down. She said she made much more money and the crowd was a cooler bunch of guys. The second dancer said she made about the same amount of money at both clubs, but liked Mons better because there were less drunk fools since it's dry. She also noted that the DJ at PP annoyed the hell out of her. The third dancer liked PP best, because they served booze and the ES across the street where she stayed had free booze at happy hour (she's the most fun btw). Result: 2/3 for Mons. I'll also note that all three girls are from Tampa, so the hometown club had an advantage.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Hey, You guys remember Toni. She was from Tampa. what a great cock sucker she was. Her mother and Aunt both worked Tamps clubs. I met her brother twice. what a useless piece of shit. Bet he would suck your dick too.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat, Do you need to be reminded that this is TUSCL not the "Old man's guide to homoerotic fantasy?"
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    No! Do I have to remind you that this site is for grown ups. Not silly little kids. FUCL OFF ASsHOLE.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I've spent the whole of a minute trying to figure out what "FUCL" is. I wish to hell that Shadowcat could speak and write in English. Pity he hasn't the brain power to communicate.
  • JMelbourne27
    16 years ago
    I've been trying to initiate OTC with girls, I'm not sure what the trick is? I've asked for numbers, talked about how I'd rather spend generous amounts of money on JUST the girl, not the girl AND the club. I've even suggested that the girl add me to her list of 'personal clientele' that she no long shares with other girls at the club. No dice. Looking into other girls. Next time maybe I just need to keep asking different girls similar questions about numbers and meeting outside the club. Could someone please message me about the 'tricks' of the trade? ;)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    "I've spent the whole of a minute trying to figure out what "FUCL" is." Well, parody, that's because you're a dumb sort of fellow. Everyone else would recognize, within a second or two, and especially within that context that it was a typo for "FUCK". Duh!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    JMel: I think the main is know that they would rather not do it and just string you along for more money ITC. If they think you'll settle for that (and their radar will be very keen on this) that's all you'll get. OTOH, most have whoreish in them, so if they think you won't settle for less than OTC, and will cast a net wide enough to find it, then they'll do it rather than let the money go elsewhere. But you really do have to be serious about it. They are good at spotting weakness.
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