Comments by minnow (page 117)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bored with lap dances?
    Getting bored with lapdances may very well be in the same category as moving beyond dial up, non ABS/AH cars, call-only cellphones, non-digital cameras, CD/cassette/8track players, paper road maps, etc.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How far do you travel to visit a fave?
    This may be urban legend, but I vaguely recall "hearing" that the marathon distance (~ 26 miles, 385 yards) was the distance that a certain Greek runner ran to visit a lady of his choice. If so, maybe certain stripclub visits should be part of a "Cannonball Run", or even a Grand Prix event?? Atlanta to Columbia anyone?? Tampa or Miami for finish lines??
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Normal to call in and see if a dancer is working?
    I've had mixed luck here. It depends on the club. Some clubs have a recorded hotline that is accurate/changed daily, some not. Where it gets to be tricky are those times when its 8pm,(dancers wander in between 8 & 9) club is an hr. or so away, you've only got a 1.5-2 hr. time window. Guy on phone says "she's not in yet". Not a word or clue if she's even on the schedule or not. Or, you're in town for a couple of days, could go 1 of 2 nights, but want it to be on the night fave dancer is in- guy doesn't have a clue beyond current shift, or doesn't want to share info with you. Concern about stalkers, I guess. But, the times I've called in the middle of shift, phone answerer has generally been good about saying if dancer ABC or XYZ are in.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I asked how often a guy gets off...
    Rest easy , turtle- you're in the same boat as 41-45% of Jun.2002 poll respondents. That poll asked if one has EVER come to completion during a lapdance, not how often.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Top and Bottom clubs.
    7 t40 clubs, 3 b40 clubs. To further elaborate, I've been to 9 nude t40 clubs, and 8 topless t40 clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    More tales from the Bottom 40...
    Yep(Yuk), I've been to 3 clubs on B40 list. Club #11, & #12, went there for the 1st AND the last time in 2000 & 1991, resp. Does that tell 'ya something?? Two other thoughts on why some people might like B40 clubs: 1) Beer Goggles 2) 100 people could go to fishing hole all day & not catch anything, but the 1 guy that catches a big fish there will think its great!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    $50 Lap Dances
    Dudester- Which club would that be??
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    novelty features
    I personally don't seek out feature shows, but I could see how an out of town traveller (or an infrequent local clubber) would peruse the newspaper (likely sports or A&E section) for places to go to. wg- How far away from your club is "rival club"? The only comparison basis that I have would be large metro areas where I've gone to clubs NOT having a feature act that night when another club, say, 3-5 miles away having 1 didn't seem to affect crowd levels that much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers doing pornos...
    SC- I have known 4-6 "house" dancers at equal # of different clubs who are in data base. Afaik, 4 of those dancers aren't features, 1 has kinda dabbled in featuring, & 1 may have dabbled in featuring. Porn involvement has ranged from a few token flicks to dozens of flicks doing various "conventional-plus" acts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Golden" oldies
    Sounds like my kind of club- Over 50 different dancers to choose from, DJ/jukebox playin' Golden Oldies........ OH, WAIT, you're talkin' AGE (no dancer would ever lie about her age, would she??) and apparently the appeal of an "average" dancer dancing past 50. Aside from Blaze Starr media clip, I can't say that I've had a confirmed case of seeing an "over 50" dancer dance. I have had enjoyable LD's with 1 who "admitted" to being 45 (she was in well preserved realm), and another who I would peg as being north of 40 (but not too north) having the attitude/mien that FONDL alludes to ( and almost well preserved). My personal sweet spot is young enough to still be young, yet (old, mature, seasoned) enough to be un-stuck on herself. As with used cars, there's always buyer(s) for something.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Survivor Island
    Be wary about speaking too soon- that's the time that they come back .
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Am I spending too much money for nothing?
    p1290- I read your review, and have to wonder which other club(s) you went to to proclaim SFCF as your favorite club. The national average for lapdances is $20, nude lapdances outside of SF go for $20- $40. Even with todays gas prices, you'd be better off driving to "the ranches" just outside of Reno/CC. Clubs in SF in general, & your reviewed club in particular are very overpriced.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    better than google?
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wg- How did you find That's a cute one:"go fetch" vs "search". I did type in "stripclub reviews", and lo & behold, tuscl was 4th listed. (Consumers Report was also listed, 1 downside when multiple key words are used). Really, most people are going to type in key words & be directed to google, or else they'll type in on Yahoo or msn homepage search.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    better than google?
    1) I've been just as happy with Yahoo & msn search as I have with Google. 2) I've been just as happy (maybe even more so) with links section on another similar websites general area of interest (example- stumbled upon, then found tuscl link) as I have at the prospect of wading through dozens of google searches.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's in a rating?
    OK, cg, I got the picture that you "took 1 for the team" after your 1st post. Yeah, when choosing clubs in new city, I give weighting to best scores, but I also peruse recent reviews to read between the lines, or spot recent negative or positive trends.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waffle Houses...
    lof: I've seen WH's in AZ, NM, & CO.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    The day that you stop looking is the day that you should start worrying.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waffle Houses...
    WH's are a southern fixture, but also have a presence in some midwestern & southwestern desert states. I can't say I have seen confirmed cases of strippers eating there before/after their shifts, though I've seen some that could be. A few yrs. ago, the long time 24hr WH on Dale Mabry a block or so from the Monz became a 16 hr. Subway. We'll see if similar changes take place elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Can a teenager join TUSCL?
    ANYBODY with an email address & registering an original handle can join Tuscl, be they a net savvy child, or a sr. citizen in the early stages of Alzheimers. Said "member" (non-VIP) can now post on db. Whether or not anyone takes them seriously is another matter.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    SCORES gets hit where it hurts
    Either make a go at being a BYOB/nude juice bar(may not be viable option, if at all), or close up shop.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ how- Seeing as most of your reviews have been on US/Mexico border clubs, or in areas with a good % of Latina dancers, that observation isn't too surprising. But, yeah, I've experienced my share of fave Latina dancers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    I try not to fixate on any group/nationality- have met the spectrum from good to bad in 'em all. Even a petite black dancer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    #3 US Club, Hot Lap Dance Club busted for prostitution. 19 arrested.
    Reporter obviously got some of her story from club website. Reading the website- makes reference to "RSVPing" for "event", adding that RSVP not required for cardholders. This IMPLIES that 1st time visitor needs to email club to get membership card- njfans experience proves otherwise. Club website also claimed typical clientele of white collar professionals, which can be stretched to imply high rollers. I guess that would sensationalize article far more than 20 something tourist suckers. Although, a yr or so ago, 1 executive in a publicized case dropped 5 figures @ Scores(I think) in a few hrs, & charged it to company. There ARE some idiotic execs out there. To further analyze income, conservatively guessing njfan referring to 2 peak nights & remaining off peak nights=~ $ peak nights would equate to $4.16M/yr. $1M profit not too far fetched??
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    Read Wilt"The Stilt" autobiography- he claimed a bunch!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WB to WG!! Awaiting pic links to recent BA. I could say what the fuss is about, but it might take 9999 words (hint, hint- look under this posters posts & topics for a clue)