What's more common, Good Face/Bad Body, or vice versa?

avatar for jester214
Barring the "high quality" clubs I've seen, I think it's pretty common to see a lot of Good Face/Bad Body, or Good Body/Bad Face. Which do you think is more common? Or do you think that's not really true.


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avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
In my experience in non "high quality" clubs, it is most common to see Bad Face/Bad Body.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
I'm assuming by "high quality", you mean the gentlemen's clubs. I could be wrong, but anyway, I see far more good face/bad body types than vice versa. Then again, I don't know what you mean by bad body. I don't see a lot of girls who are huge, but there are always a few who could stand to lose a little weight, but its not like they look like the Wicked Witch of the West or anything. I actually don't mind these types of girls, because usually, they love to party.
avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
A good body is easy - hit the gym, leave the fries on the plate. A nice face pretty much comes down to genetics.

So, I'd say a good body/bad face is far more common, at least in my experience.

Really take a look at porn stars and strippers - how many are actually "beautiful"? Not many. How many have bangin' bodies? Plenty.


Now, in the "real world" it's reversed - nice face, bad body - because "normal" women don't "need" great bodies to do their job.

Depends on if you look at the body, or the face first!
I find it interesting that there is not one opinion. I would say good body/bad face is more common. Ozy is correct - a good body can be achieved.

But then, what is a bad body? I know I am probably in the minority here because I tend to like "thick" women. Not fat - but I do like a big butt and some meat on the bones. And I like small breasted women too, as long they are not too skinny. So maybe I am more forgiving of what some guys think of as a "bad" body.
Definetly Bad Face/good Body is more common IMHO. For me it's all about attitude! A positive attitude is far more important than a good body or a good face. I've had girls who were legitmate 10's but they made me feel like they were too good for me... on the other hand I've met girls who weren't 10's that made me feel like a king.
avatar for wondergrl5
16 years ago
what are you?
"Bad" bodies on women are at an all-time high in my strip-clubbing experience. I don't believe that faces have changed all that much -- same percentage of goods and bads -- but bodies are just bloating beyond reasonableness in all venues, high-end and low. What, men are blind now, merely because we live here?

Bad body is definitely more common.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

"Let's see.... I gave a dance to this fat old fart, but she sure had a big cock."

avatar for imnumnutz
16 years ago
lemme add 2 cents worth on related issue. I see so many good face/good body/BAD HAIR dancers. Very frustrating for a hair guy like me. Got to Mons in Tampa and so many of the girls there had not washed or otherwise cared for their hair. I love burying my face in soft hair, BUT NOT IF IT'S DIRTY, SMELLY OR UNKEMPT.

Good, I've gotten this off my hairy chest.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
I can agree with imnumnutz on bad hair. It's not so much it smells, but the fact that its the wrong hairstyle for me with some girls. One of my would-be favorites can't keep the same hairstyle from one week to the next and frankly, it irritates me, and I've let her know it. I suppose I could be more forgiving if she kept the same one every time I see her, but it would be nice if a girl who was a blonde would stay a blonde (or whatever her hair color may be). And hair extensions are the absolute worst. That is one of those ideas that only seem good at the time, but after the fact, it just looks stupid, but a number of dancers have them.
I have to agree with TUSCL_Brother but it is like asking are you a leg or tit man? I go for the total appearance package and the only thing that interferes with that is her personality. It carries a lot of weight.
A lot of cute looking high school girls, with no real body shape to brag about, are trying to be dancers. So the face is cute and teh bod is so-so. Then the drinking, French fries, drugs and laziness kicks in. Cute face, a little chubby, with a flabby bod and a lot of complaints about no money.
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