What's more common, Good Face/Bad Body, or vice versa?
North Carolina
Barring the "high quality" clubs I've seen, I think it's pretty common to see a lot of Good Face/Bad Body, or Good Body/Bad Face. Which do you think is more common? Or do you think that's not really true.
So, I'd say a good body/bad face is far more common, at least in my experience.
Really take a look at porn stars and strippers - how many are actually "beautiful"? Not many. How many have bangin' bodies? Plenty.
Now, in the "real world" it's reversed - nice face, bad body - because "normal" women don't "need" great bodies to do their job.
But then, what is a bad body? I know I am probably in the minority here because I tend to like "thick" women. Not fat - but I do like a big butt and some meat on the bones. And I like small breasted women too, as long they are not too skinny. So maybe I am more forgiving of what some guys think of as a "bad" body.
Bad body is definitely more common.
"Let's see.... I gave a dance to this fat old fart, but she sure had a big cock."
Good, I've gotten this off my hairy chest.