It seems odd that you guys all ask each other questions about how dancers feel and think. You should just ask one. I may seriously regret saying this...ask me. I promise to be brutally honest.
In general we find that if we ask strippers about strippers they don't tend to give the most objective, dispassionate answers. They try and put an overly positive spin on the culture so as to not make themselves look bad. They themselves may not even be consciously aware of their own motives and agenda as this happens.
They represent a sample size of one. What they say, may, in fact be true about themselves but not relate to the vast majority of strippers out there.
The spokespersons who often show up on these boards (customer oriented sites: contrast with SW) and stick do seem to tend to be more articulate in general, and have a higher conscience than we see in the clubs. Again a sample size of one, and from a biased (self-selection) choice.
Strippers do not interact with strippers as customers often and even whent hey do, probably have vastly different objectives so may not be fully aware of how strippers treat their customers as opposed to each other. Also they are female, so are bound to be treated differently than males.
That being said, you may have interesting insights, and be objective after all. Let's see how you do...
about 5 years ago, I used to have a feature on here where you could ask a dancer questions. After going through 3 dancers (they got burnt out), I finally gave it up. Would you be interested in having your own advice column here? Drop me a note and let me know.
Well, I will say this, strippers discuss EVERYTHING in the dressing room so I know some things I don't really even WANT to know. I go to strip clubs off duty with friends and I usually end up protecting their credit cards so I can relate to the customer side a bit. As for being objective, I am not on a one woman crusade to make dancers appear God-fearing and innocent...just like everything else in is what it is.
I was thinking in terms of frequence of visits. It is a bit of a fuzzy set, of course. I'm not sure where girls cut it off in their minds. But let's say a regular is someone who visits the clubs more than a couple of times a month, on average. But while we are on the subject, do you think their is an inverse correlation between social skills with women and frequence of visits?
Visiting more frequently means getting to know dancers better and get updates on their personal life, financial situation, etc...I have found this to have a negative effect on a persons social skills when they become weary of updates and a positive effect when they use this knowledge to relate to dancers better. In other words you end up with someone who is either difficult to interact with because they are tired of your story or easy to interact with because they know your story.
As far as an inverse correlation is concerned I do not think a persons social skills would decrease as the number of times they visit a club increases if thats what you are asking.
Is it ok for dancers to blatantly steal (pick pocket) from customers?
Believe it or not, some dancers think it is ok. Arguments:
a) customers should expect that sort of thing in a strip club and protect against it. If they don't they are so stupid they don't deserve their money. b) customers are just losers anyway, who are going to waste it all on whores instead of their families. the pick pocket, at least, well use it to feed her screaming babies, and deadbeat boyfriend.
I have a personal policy not to steal from anyone because I believe in karma. I also believe in the value of a return customer and ones who get ripped off usually do not return. Yes a lot of dancers do steal from customers but the logic behind it isn't as complicated as what you think...they simply do because they can.
Good point, missfrankiexxx, about the strippers rationale for stealing from customers. To tell you the truth, I don't see much difference between stealing from a customer by taking money out of his pocket and stealing from a customer by promising certain things will happen in VIP when you know very well they will not happen. But there is a BIG GRAY area along the contiuum of truth, implication, and false promises.
A few years ago, I was really infatuated with a certain dancer, and I desperately wanted to play with her pussy. So I posed a hypothetical: "Sweetie, if we did a private dance would you let me play with your pussy?". Her answer was priceless: Well why don't you just try a private dance and find out? Such a simple answer. In fact she DID let me, and after having broken the ice in this manner, she quickly became one of my favorites. But several other dancers have said "yes" in various ways to that same question, and then in VIP have demonstrated that the truthful answer was "no". And they have used various versions of stripper shit to explain/rationalize their betrayal. It only takes one dance to find out for sure if the stripper was being honest or not.
So, missfrankiexxx, I would appreciate the insight on this topic from the other side of the fence, so to speak. Thanks.
Ok, I'll ask a question. If a dancer asks you for a dance and you've already told her "no thanks" and "not right now" including "maybe later". What's the best way to get her to leave? For the second time in a few days, I had another dancer who wanted to stay with me and argue and then ask rude questions.
If I've been at the club for a little while, I could lie and say I'm out of cash and that works pretty good. However I already said that I just arrived.
Or should we call you Paul Reubens? You are talking to missfrankiexxx not Nurse Nancy. Do you ever think you are going to get a positive response to a question like, "Do you mind if a guy whips it out and jerks till cum?" You are nearly as bad as Shadowcat.
missfrankiexxx, hello there, I am a fellow dancer, and have been around here for a good while.. I have learned alot even though being in the biz 10 plus years, and have met a few great people along the way as well... AS for Dain's question, and once again, the whole body fluid issue, if someone can bust a nut why wouldn't they..
Miss Frankie, thanks for your offer, and here are a few questions: Do you ever offer a customer OTC time (paid time, that is)? If so, is there a particular kind of customer that you are likely to mention this to? If not, are you ever offended if a customer asks about that possibility? Thanks!
Arbeeguy: My insight on what you posted is this...either they tell you what you want to hear to get a dance OR if they are like me, I never know what kind of chemistry I am going to have with a customer...I have done things with one customer that I would not do with the next...quite simply I do not do anything I don't feel comfortable doing. I would guess the dancer you were talking about that became one of your favorites was into you sexually and you guys probably have a good time now...that is always good to find.
Dain: If we didn't have some prior agreement about that I would get up and walk off...that would be just rude....If I knew you or something and knew you liked to do that it may be a different story...maybe.
Casualguy: I do not use this aggressive's not that I am too good...only that I despise would ruin my whole night and self confidence if someone told me no. Lucky for me, I work at a busy club and I generally get approached first or start up a conversation with someone at the bar who ends up making my night. However I can still provide you with advice based on my guy friends and ex boyfriends that have come in the club trying to just hang out and gotten harassed by pushy dancers.
Don't lie about not having cash cause when you do go back with another girl she will see that and create drama...I would tell her that she is wasting her time to sit with you because you aren't going to dance with her no matter how much she bugs you. Then if she does decide to waste time she could be making money in...that's just weird I don't know. I tell my guy friends to tell dancers their girlfriend works there...girls usually don't want to waste time with another dancers boyfriend and consider it a courtesy to let them know you are such. However, if it is a small town type club where everybody knows everybody's business and significant other that won't work either. If all else fails I would go to a Manager and let them know you will spend money but not on her and she has an attitude...believe it or not, managers will say something to dancers about their attitude in most clubs although either way is going to cause drama. On a lighter note, one of my regulars gives this older lady 20 bucks every night to leave him alone...and claims it is totally worth it. LOL
Zorro: I get an OTC offer every night I work. I see it as nothing to be offended over. I have never offered OTC to anyone because I assume if that's what they want and they are serious about it, they will bring it up. I have customers that pay me to go out, but I have known them for years and we actually like each other and have fun. I am not so sure I would even talk to someone I just met about that kinda thing cause (1)they may be a cop and (2) I am not interested in being dead in a dumpster somewhere. LOL
My stage name used to be Frankie...that is pretty obviously not my real name so I usually gave out the real one anyways...I dance by Anna now...but every regular I know calls me by my real name and has my real number and e mail and myspace and such... Honestly, most dancers have a hard enough time remembering stage and real name...especially when we are drunk. I really don't see them adding to the confusion with a fake real name...I have only come across that once the whole time I have been dancing I just doubt that would be the case.
Evilcyn: Hi! I can't figure out if you are asking me if someone could bust a nut why wouldn't they? or if that is a rhetorical question...just didn't want you to think I was ignoring it if you were.
missfrankiexxx: Strippers actually try and pick-pocket customers? O_O I may be young and naive (25), but if one of the girls I admired STOLE from me, my feelings would be hurt, and that is unwise.
I would DEFINITELY report it to management, LEO, my attorney, the BBB, USASexGuide.Info,, and I'd have the other strip club owners I know call the strip club owner to get the girl's name and have her black-listed from the clubs that I'm friendly with.
Stealing from a patron could have DISASTROUS career consequences...
I have seen girls give customers GHB before just to pick pocket them...we are the same age how about that? LOL If the girl shares money with management in some cases...good luck getting her "black-listed"...that's the sad part. of the first nights I worked at Platinum Plus in Memphis...I had 1400 dollars stolen from me while it was in a bag ONSTAGE with me...cameras later showed the thief to be a customer sitting at the stage...but girls steal from each other a lot, I couldn't however, knowing how I felt going home that night with 40 instead of 1400 ....not a good feeling at all. I can't tell you how many iPhones I have lost from girls or even hair straighteners in the back...LOL one time I set my shoes in front of my locker to set my bag on the counter and turned around and they were gone...10 driving home barefoot...but learned my lesson.
Ok, sorry that wasn't a question, I just couldn't believe a stripper would lower herself to the level of a common pickpocket.
Here's a real question:
What's a good way to get into a girl/stripper's head who you are into?
I have one girl in mind who 'supposedly' wants to go to med school at a college that I graduated from, I'm thinking about having her put her cloths ON, and having her make out with me with no fondling involved other than playing with her hair and maybe caressing her face. Also I'll mention taking her to the college to get registered, sign up for classes, apply for fin aid, ect.
To get in a girl's head...scary. LOl I'm kidding(kinda) be yourself...cause if you do things out of character and be someone you aren't she will be looking for that person later and all she will find is the real you.[if she doesn't like you the way you are what's the point right?]
Hm...I think strippers lie about wanting to go to school A LOT. I guess it would depend on how long you have known this one. Assuming she finished high school and all and wants to stop dancing. Everyone needs help at times and it can be overwhelming to stop dancing but I want to say my advice would be to not "carry" her through the process...have her show some initiative. I have a four year degree...I graduated a while back and STILL haven't applied to Law school even though I took the LSAT's and everything because...I am not ready to make the commitment to full time studying and whatnot...make sure she is ready for that... Also, would you still be comfortable for her to dance while in school...stuff like that
Misfrankie, when you say you 'spent an hour upstairs' with that guy you met, do you mean, Bow-Chica-Wow-Wow?
That's really cute that you both agreed it is silly to see each other in the club.
Do you offer extras and if so, do they affect your relationship with men?
Actually, the unusual request isn't out of character for me. My favorite thing is getting into people's head. You can tell you're in someone's head when you hear them say a phrase you say as if it's there own. I'd rather a girl want to spend time with me than have sex with me, because if she spends time with me, she will want to have sex with me, if that makes sense. The best lovers are friends.
Spent an hour upstairs means just that. It's just 500 an hour for the dancer and a bottle to go up way did we do anything but make out and talk... I do not offer extras. This is not to say I have never done anything naughty, I am not saying I am an angel. However when I am into someone it's different.
Aw, all you did was made out and talked? That's sweet. So you act more conservative when you're in a relationship? That's good to know, although it seems you might be the exception to the rule rather than the norm. Don't MOST strippers have a constant or on-again-off-again BF?
Not really I would say fifty fifty...but I would also say the ones that look nice...probably have a bf, fuckbuddy or sugardaddy or all of the above. A lot of them and I have also been in this position, date guys without jobs just to have someone keep the same hours as them...or have someone that can get drunk, stay out late etc and not have to worry about going to work the next day...I would hate to try and say "most" have this or that. Everyone is different.
I there anything a guy can say during the "want-a-dance" talk that will cause you to provide a better private dance?
There are certain things that I really like. I like it a lot when the dancer stokes me, or lifts my shirt for tit-to-stomach contact. How do I encourage this behavior?
Don't act like a jerk...for one...don't haggle over money...I think someone you dance for is just like going on a are not likely to get a good night kiss if the date doesn't go well. I'm really not sure what you mean by "stroking" so I am going to leave that one alone but as far as the shirt thing...if you move her hands to do it she probably will. If a dancer sees this is what you like and you reward her by getting more dances she will likely do it for you is really comfortable when you already know what someone likes.
missfrankiexxx: The Memphis PP was my favorite club 7 years ago. I have a lifetime membership to all of Ken Woods clubs that was issued at the Memphis club. 4 questions. (1) did you know a dancer named Little bit? (2) did you know a dancer named Crystal? (3) did you know a DJ with the last name Flowers? He has emailed me. (4) were you ever involved in a vice bust?
I don't have any really personal questions. I do ask my favorite dancers and get good results.
Thanks for the answer Frankie. I don't always log onto this site every day so my posts can be spotty. As far as talking to the manager, I prefer not to go that far. As far as why a dancer would sit down with me and decide to argue with me rather than just leave, I thought she must be either desperate or thinks she can change my mind. This used to not happen at all but twice in a couple weeks seems to be unusual. A couple of years ago I had one dancer trying to pull out all the stops. She didn't get rude though unless you call pulling on your arms and pulling your chair (it had wheels) rude. I put my foot down. Literally. One time she even offered to do free dances. She wasn't my type and I wasn't interested in her. She left me alone after that.
Hi, mfxxx, welcome to site- My 1st general ?? Tell us about your dancer/club background, eg- Yrs. dancing, clubs danced at (general types if you don't want to name specific clubs), if clubs were nude, topless, pastie, level of contact/mileage,etc. I've already surmised that you've worked at a nude no contact club in MS, and PP-Memphis, a supposedly naughty club. Thanks.
Shadowcat: The Dj are speaking of is Jacob Flowers...he is now a Dj @ The Pony... which used to be P.T."s...and is owned by Jerry Westlund. Do I know Crystal...yes...two of them and they are both on my was from Mississippi and one from Tampa, was my roomate. Never involved in a vice bust there and never have been...knock on wood...I'm a good girl. I do not know a Lil' Bit...but worked at PP Memphis two years...have any other names for her?
Gossip in the dressing room...puts you in a bad mood before you hit the floor. By this I walk in, tipsy from a restaurant and ready to have fun, but along come three dancers saying the guys there are being "dicks" and "it sucks in here". It can really make you apprehensive to even go out there. So, i wear my iPod while I get dressed and do most of my make-up before I even get to the club...I have a good time regardless. i love to drink, where else is it possible for me to do so?
OK! Lol...general experience and platinum Plus..... I began dancing in 2003...a place called Danny's Downtown in jackson, Mississippi. dated the DJ there who had been at that profession for 10 years and got the 411 on dancing as a whole. moved on from there too several small clubs in mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. After that went to memphis[2004-2005] worked at Platinum Plus...traveled to Missouri, New York, Florida, Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Georgia, and Nevada...when Platiunum Plus was closed i was out of town....granted Memphis was the place to be [we had nude stage and girl on girl shows which yes I did]Was it naughty? Hell yes. we had sometimes 70 girls on the floor...all7-10's and as much as 1400-1500 patrons. I have yet too visit a strip club that even compares. I went in 2006 to Houston Texas. Treasures is less of a stage venue and more of a VIP oriented place. Right now i float between The Men's Club houston and Centerfolds.
Sorry about the spelling on the last three posts... I am at Buffalo Wild Wings in Houston trying to make sense of this Brett Farve scandal. . I have had a few Grey goose and diets so many apologies.
Frankie: Just one more question. Read my post under the topic of two outside the club. Favorite dancer was Crystal. Hotel was Red Roof Inn on American Way. Were you the car pooling friend?
No, it wasn't me....never did OTC but def know American Way and that was like three streets from out townhome. Crazy...private message me maybe I can e mail you some pics of the one I know...see if we are talking about the same one.
My questions are - Do the dancers generally consider guys who go to strip clubs, especally guys who go a lot, to be pathetic losers; and When you go back to a club that you've been to many times and a girl acts as if she is happy to see you, is she really happy to see you or just happy to see your money? Thanks
large: we don't think guys are pathetic losers until they act as such...meaning, we are there too-so just being there doesn't make you a loser, however, being there and treating strippers like shit to make your own creepy existence seem better than it really is...thats what makes you a pathetic loser. If you are a nice guy and you spend money...she is probably happy to see you. I have been known to sit with a customer who pays slightly less because the time passes faster and I am enjoying myself rather than sit with one who is mentally exhausting. HOWEVER of course she is ALWAYS happy to see your money, after all, she is at work...and who wants to work for free?
Alisa I went to your myspace page. You are hot as a firecracker! Wish I was in Houston to visit your club. Thanks for taking the time to give us your perspective.
Yes she is very beautiful, and apparently not afraid of cyberstalkers at all either. lol Not that there are any guys on here who get a girls real name and then look up her home address, phone number....*CoughShadowcatCough*...
Although if the stories are to be believed, this particular individual Sleeps with his stripper friends on a Regular basis, and then goes and hangs out with them at work??? So the question then is: If you're sleeping with your stalker, are they actually stalking you? Or...hmmm...???
Do you know any Escorts and have you discussed your work situations, the pros the cons? What do you think of Escorts? Have you ever been lured by the siren's call of Escorting? (i.e. $300 - $700 AN HOUR, easier work, shorter shifts) Have you ever talked to a Street Prostitute? What did you say to her? Did you try to convince her to be a stripper instead?
Do you believe in the Hierarchy among Adult Entertainers?
JMel: "Do you believe in the Hierarchy among Adult Entertainers?"
Ever strippers believes that, no matter she is doing, she is not a whore. (Even if she fucks customers she'll rationalize she is not because she charges more than a street worker and/or is more discriminate.)
OTOH, she'll believe that any girl who does more than her/is less discriminate/charges less is a whore.
So there is definitely a hierarchy in their "minds".
How do you feel about other dancers offering 'Extras'? Does it annoy you because then other customers want 'extras' from you? According to the Tampa LEO (and you're friend the strip-club owner's detractors) they enforced the whole 'regulation' BS because it's unfair to the professional dancers who are just there to dance. When other dancers offer 'extras' it puts pressure on dancers who do not do that to offer 'extras' as well and creates an unprofessional work environment.
I don't know any escorts but i think anyone could be an escort...what do I think of escorts...I think everyone has to live their life and exercise free will...I also don't judge them anymore than I judge my guy friends that go to massage parlors and get a hand job from some stranger when they have a wife at home. There are several reasons i feel this way but mainly...I have better shit to do than worry about other people's sexual/financial fact, if I am dancing for someone who wants extras I will usually refer them to a dancer i know does for the rest of the night.
Other girls do extras and it used to upset me because it "lowers the bar' in other words...why get a dance from me when the dancer next to me would suck your dick for a lower price...but as time went by i realized the answer to that...that is, the kind of guy that is happy hanging out with me talking about sports and politics will choose that over sitting with a dancer that offers extras and wants to talk about her pimp and how some bitch in the dressing room stole her newports. Lucky for me, i attract the exact kind of guys that appreciate my i really don't care what other dancers do or judge them, as long as they don't directly interfere with my cash as far as girls rationalizing that they aren't a whore because they charge more, well, that happens, but who cares as long as they are happy with their choices why do you care?
In addition, using the term "unprofessional work environment" when speaking of a strip club is perhaps the ultimate's not like a regular talks and if you don't tip managers they tend to favor/fire you over a dancer who fucks up more but tips...I have seen many do drugs in the office, keep the club open an extra hour for certain guests and accept personal tips for it and even let girls's like martial law. If they did that in tampa though it's a good idea...but I'm sure there were exceptions.
and do bobbyl i pose this you really try to be such a disagreeable, overly opinionated jerk or does it just come natural.
dirk4444....thatnks babe. I been thinking about traveling to other places though so if you have a suggestion...and your welcome for my perspective even though you guys may not always agree =)
Thanks for the Answers! You are very enlightening, and I think (at least I hope) it helps a lot of people here to see that strippers are people with feelings and not just sex puppets to be discarded.
There's another Stripper who sometimes weighs in on stuff under the name Banana I think.
You mentioned Tampa. What clubs have you worked at in Tampa?
Jeeze, frankie. I personally know Dirk. If he says your hot, I believe him but the free room and board is still gonna cost you. It wouldn't hurt you and would do me so much good. lol ((not).
Maybe a 20 year hiatus makes a good time to bring back the "ask a dancer" section. Then again, with the amount of nofaps, incels, and awkward losers posting here it may be even worse this time around. Maybe just limit it to verified users. Maybe if one of the dancer panel feels that a questioner is abusive, she can just ignore him. A feature for the new site!
last commentAs long as he keeps his bodily fluids to himself it doesn't bother me.
In general we find that if we ask strippers about strippers they don't tend to give the most objective, dispassionate answers. They try and put an overly positive spin on the culture so as to not make themselves look bad. They themselves may not even be consciously aware of their own motives and agenda as this happens.
They represent a sample size of one. What they say, may, in fact be true about themselves but not relate to the vast majority of strippers out there.
The spokespersons who often show up on these boards (customer oriented sites: contrast with SW) and stick do seem to tend to be more articulate in general, and have a higher conscience than we see in the clubs. Again a sample size of one, and from a biased (self-selection) choice.
Strippers do not interact with strippers as customers often and even whent hey do, probably have vastly different objectives so may not be fully aware of how strippers treat their customers as opposed to each other. Also they are female, so are bound to be treated differently than males.
That being said, you may have interesting insights, and be objective after all. Let's see how you do...
about 5 years ago, I used to have a feature on here where you could ask a dancer questions. After going through 3 dancers (they got burnt out), I finally gave it up. Would you be interested in having your own advice column here? Drop me a note and let me know.
How would you say most regulars are when it comes to social skills/understanding of women? How often do regulars score well in this department?
Club regulars meaning the guy who sits at the end of the bar everyday or personal regulars like someone that comes in only to see me?
As far as an inverse correlation is concerned I do not think a persons social skills would decrease as the number of times they visit a club increases if thats what you are asking.
Let's take an example:
Is it ok for dancers to blatantly steal (pick pocket) from customers?
Believe it or not, some dancers think it is ok. Arguments:
a) customers should expect that sort of thing in a strip club and protect against it. If they don't they are so stupid they don't deserve their money.
b) customers are just losers anyway, who are going to waste it all on whores instead of their families. the pick pocket, at least, well use it to feed her screaming babies, and deadbeat boyfriend.
A few years ago, I was really infatuated with a certain dancer, and I desperately wanted to play with her pussy. So I posed a hypothetical: "Sweetie, if we did a private dance would you let me play with your pussy?". Her answer was priceless: Well why don't you just try a private dance and find out? Such a simple answer. In fact she DID let me, and after having broken the ice in this manner, she quickly became one of my favorites. But several other dancers have said "yes" in various ways to that same question, and then in VIP have demonstrated that the truthful answer was "no". And they have used various versions of stripper shit to explain/rationalize their betrayal. It only takes one dance to find out for sure if the stripper was being honest or not.
So, missfrankiexxx, I would appreciate the insight on this topic from the other side of the fence, so to speak. Thanks.
If I've been at the club for a little while, I could lie and say I'm out of cash and that works pretty good. However I already said that I just arrived.
Or should we call you Paul Reubens? You are talking to missfrankiexxx not Nurse Nancy. Do you ever think you are going to get a positive response to a question like, "Do you mind if a guy whips it out and jerks till cum?" You are nearly as bad as Shadowcat.
AS for Dain's question, and once again, the whole body fluid issue, if someone can bust a nut why wouldn't they..
Arbeeguy: My insight on what you posted is this...either they tell you what you want to hear to get a dance OR
if they are like me, I never know what kind of chemistry I am going to have with a customer...I have done things with one customer that I would not do with the next...quite simply I do not do anything I don't feel comfortable doing. I would guess the dancer you were talking about that became one of your favorites was into you sexually and you guys probably have a good time now...that is always good to find.
I do not use this aggressive's not that I am too good...only that I despise would ruin my whole night and self confidence if someone told me no. Lucky for me, I work at a busy club and I generally get approached first or start up a conversation with someone at the bar who ends up making my night. However I can still provide you with advice based on my guy friends and ex boyfriends that have come in the club trying to just hang out and gotten harassed by pushy dancers.
Don't lie about not having cash cause when you do go back with another girl she will see that and create drama...I would tell her that she is wasting her time to sit with you because you aren't going to dance with her no matter how much she bugs you. Then if she does decide to waste time she could be making money in...that's just weird I don't know. I tell my guy friends to tell dancers their girlfriend works there...girls usually don't want to waste time with another dancers boyfriend and consider it a courtesy to let them know you are such. However, if it is a small town type club where everybody knows everybody's business and significant other that won't work either. If all else fails I would go to a Manager and let them know you will spend money but not on her and she has an attitude...believe it or not, managers will say something to dancers about their attitude in most clubs although either way is going to cause drama.
On a lighter note, one of my regulars gives this older lady 20 bucks every night to leave him alone...and claims it is totally worth it. LOL
I get an OTC offer every night I work. I see it as nothing to be offended over. I have never offered OTC to anyone because I assume if that's what they want and they are serious about it, they will bring it up. I have customers that pay me to go out, but I have known them for years and we actually like each other and have fun. I am not so sure I would even talk to someone I just met about that kinda thing cause (1)they may be a cop and (2) I am not interested in being dead in a dumpster somewhere. LOL
Honestly, most dancers have a hard enough time remembering stage and real name...especially when we are drunk. I really don't see them adding to the confusion with a fake real name...I have only come across that once the whole time I have been dancing I just doubt that would be the case.
or if that is a rhetorical question...just didn't want you to think I was ignoring it if you were.
I would DEFINITELY report it to management, LEO, my attorney, the BBB, USASexGuide.Info,, and I'd have the other strip club owners I know call the strip club owner to get the girl's name and have her black-listed from the clubs that I'm friendly with.
Stealing from a patron could have DISASTROUS career consequences...
Here's a real question:
What's a good way to get into a girl/stripper's head who you are into?
I have one girl in mind who 'supposedly' wants to go to med school at a college that I graduated from, I'm thinking about having her put her cloths ON, and having her make out with me with no fondling involved other than playing with her hair and maybe caressing her face. Also I'll mention taking her to the college to get registered, sign up for classes, apply for fin aid, ect.
Hm...I think strippers lie about wanting to go to school A LOT. I guess it would depend on how long you have known this one. Assuming she finished high school and all and wants to stop dancing. Everyone needs help at times and it can be overwhelming to stop dancing but I want to say my advice would be to not "carry" her through the process...have her show some initiative. I have a four year degree...I graduated a while back and STILL haven't applied to Law school even though I took the LSAT's and everything because...I am not ready to make the commitment to full time studying and whatnot...make sure she is ready for that...
Also, would you still be comfortable for her to dance while in school...stuff like that
That's really cute that you both agreed it is silly to see each other in the club.
Do you offer extras and if so, do they affect your relationship with men?
Actually, the unusual request isn't out of character for me. My favorite thing is getting into people's head. You can tell you're in someone's head when you hear them say a phrase you say as if it's there own. I'd rather a girl want to spend time with me than have sex with me, because if she spends time with me, she will want to have sex with me, if that makes sense. The best lovers are friends.
I do not offer extras. This is not to say I have never done anything naughty, I am not saying I am an angel.
However when I am into someone it's different.
I there anything a guy can say during the "want-a-dance" talk that will cause you to provide a better private dance?
There are certain things that I really like. I like it a lot when the dancer stokes me, or lifts my shirt for tit-to-stomach contact. How do I encourage this behavior?
Are you bothered by the constant gossip in the dressing room? Or do you participate therein?
I don't have any really personal questions. I do ask my favorite dancers and get good results.
Tell us about your dancer/club background, eg- Yrs. dancing, clubs danced at (general types if you don't want to name specific clubs), if clubs were nude, topless, pastie, level of contact/mileage,etc. I've already surmised that you've worked at a nude no contact club in MS, and PP-Memphis, a supposedly naughty club. Thanks.
Do I know Crystal...yes...two of them and they are both on my was from Mississippi and one from Tampa, was my roomate.
Never involved in a vice bust there and never have been...knock on wood...I'm a good girl.
I do not know a Lil' Bit...but worked at PP Memphis two years...have any other names for her?
I began dancing in 2003...a place called Danny's Downtown in jackson, Mississippi. dated the DJ there who had been at that profession for 10 years and got the 411 on dancing as a whole. moved on from there too several small clubs in mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. After that went to memphis[2004-2005] worked at Platinum Plus...traveled to Missouri, New York, Florida, Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Georgia, and Nevada...when Platiunum Plus was closed i was out of town....granted Memphis was the place to be [we had nude stage and girl on girl shows which yes I did]Was it naughty? Hell yes. we had sometimes 70 girls on the floor...all7-10's and as much as 1400-1500 patrons. I have yet too visit a strip club that even compares. I went in 2006 to Houston Texas. Treasures is less of a stage venue and more of a VIP oriented place. Right now i float between The Men's Club houston and Centerfolds.
Do the dancers generally consider guys who go to strip clubs, especally guys who go a lot, to be pathetic losers; and
When you go back to a club that you've been to many times and a girl acts as if she is happy to see you, is she really happy to see you or just happy to see your money?
If you are a nice guy and you spend money...she is probably happy to see you. I have been known to sit with a customer who pays slightly less because the time passes faster and I am enjoying myself rather than sit with one who is mentally exhausting. HOWEVER of course she is ALWAYS happy to see your money, after all, she is at work...and who wants to work for free?
Although if the stories are to be believed, this particular individual Sleeps with his stripper friends on a Regular basis, and then goes and hangs out with them at work??? So the question then is: If you're sleeping with your stalker, are they actually stalking you? Or...hmmm...???
Do you believe in the Hierarchy among Adult Entertainers?
Ever strippers believes that, no matter she is doing, she is not a whore. (Even if she fucks customers she'll rationalize she is not because she charges more than a street worker and/or is more discriminate.)
OTOH, she'll believe that any girl who does more than her/is less discriminate/charges less is a whore.
So there is definitely a hierarchy in their "minds".
I can see this issue from both sides.
Other girls do extras and it used to upset me because it "lowers the bar' in other words...why get a dance from me when the dancer next to me would suck your dick for a lower price...but as time went by i realized the answer to that...that is, the kind of guy that is happy hanging out with me talking about sports and politics will choose that over sitting with a dancer that offers extras and wants to talk about her pimp and how some bitch in the dressing room stole her newports. Lucky for me, i attract the exact kind of guys that appreciate my i really don't care what other dancers do or judge them, as long as they don't directly interfere with my cash as far as girls rationalizing that they aren't a whore because they charge more, well, that happens, but who cares as long as they are happy with their choices why do you care?
In addition, using the term "unprofessional work environment" when speaking of a strip club is perhaps the ultimate's not like a regular talks and if you don't tip managers they tend to favor/fire you over a dancer who fucks up more but tips...I have seen many do drugs in the office, keep the club open an extra hour for certain guests and accept personal tips for it and even let girls's like martial law. If they did that in tampa though it's a good idea...but I'm sure there were exceptions.
and do bobbyl i pose this you really try to be such a disagreeable, overly opinionated jerk or does it just come natural.
There's another Stripper who sometimes weighs in on stuff under the name Banana I think.
You mentioned Tampa. What clubs have you worked at in Tampa?
i don't care what they think, i just care how they act.
some never do it. some seek it.