Comments by minnow (page 108)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame
    For "HOF", I'll nominate a poster who hasn't been active as of late: chitownlawyer. His Mar. 2009 post of pissing BJ had me rotfl.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Hookers looking for clients in clubs
    Not quite the same as LG's, but: Barely 10 yds. outside the then Pure Platinum(now Deja Vu) in Honolulu, I was accosted by a streetwalker asking if I wanted to party. As I was taken aback by the forwardness of her approach, I blurted out, "no thanks, I've shot my wad already". Not much further down the street, I saw a cop car sitting in wait.
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    15 years ago
    Butt Plug
    Yes- see my review of club 2-3 yrs. ago- another Tuscler noticed it too. Not really turned on by it.
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    15 years ago
    ED Magazine
    Never subscribed to it, saw a few isolated issues that had monthly featured club writeup. Mag was geared more towards industry insiders & ads for lighting equipment & dancer costumes. Not worth it, imo, though club writeup might be a bit interesting. However, in pre- Tuscl days, I was a regular annual buyer of their "Club Directory". It listed clubs, and basic info (venue, cc$$, hrs of operation, add. & ph.#). Except for a writeup 1 yr. by John Stagliano on his top 9 fave cities & some of their clubs, no article gave the lowdown on clubs like Tuscl does.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    16oz T-bone...$7.25.
    I'm pragmatic minded like lg. I view the lunchtime buffets as a time saving device, provided both food & dancers are basically good. I can eat, and evaluate the talent at the same time, in the 1st 20 minutes. Eating lunch at hotel or "regular restaurant" would kill 30 minutes or more, on top of talent evaluation time. My bufet recs would be Friday lunch buffet at Bare Ellegance- LAX, or Mens Club Dallas lunch specials on certain afternoons. Their (MC) Friday evening buffet is also good. I'm not a big fan of combining dining & club visit on a busy night- service has been very slow, in those cases.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Srip clubs in the movies...
    I recall brief "Dirty Harry" scene where Harry trails "Scorpio" into stripclub- I think area was Broadway St. with Condor Club sign visible. No obvious nudity in club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Female "O'dior"
    Luckily(?), downright rancid smelling pussies have been rare for me. It may be a random "time of the month" thing, or she may have just been banged. There was 1 quasi reg that smelled rank one time, but was OK on prior occasions. I tried her on future visit with no problems. If not for the ok prior times, I would have nixed future dances with her. lopaw- Is your quiz going to be oral? Or is there a interactive quiz website in the making?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any clubbing is good clubbing?
    I really haven't encountered any clubs that don't have some sort of "private dance" option. I don't think that I could enjoy myself in a no- contact club, unless it had some offset like attractive dancers & nudity.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the best stripclubs in the whole country?
    I nominate Tampa, with honorable mention going to Dallas/Ft Worth, & Phoenix. Prior mentioned cities are also good choices.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the worst stripclubs in the whole country?
    Prior posters have posted a pretty good list. My choice would be Cincinnati. Other major cities that I'd add to "dishonorable mention" list for combination of paucity of clubs, mileage, and/or poor bang for $$ would be Chicago, Washington DC, San Jose, & Charlotte. In the lower tier, but not total "Siberia", I'd place Boston,Orlando, Seattle, & San Francisco. One standard of measurement I'd be considering would be the quantity/quality of clubs that a business traveler could get to for < $15 cab fare from downtown or major airport hotels.
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    15 years ago
    Bad Things
    T_B; "you should have seen the cashiers face"... Did you splooge that far??? Seriously, I would have thought she'd ask: "Would you like some cream with your coffee, sir?"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    had an amazing time at platinum plus last night (shes still here)
    Would the 89 Honda have "fartcans", & big wing rear spoiler, a la "Fast and Furious"?
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    15 years ago
    Whats with Strippers Web
    Yoda- I'm hard pressed to name anyone on this site who has "complained" about lack of dancers coming here. Much less anyone who has done so repeatedly.
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    15 years ago
    Ever wonder how much strippers actually make and where the money goes?
    Yes, and yes, though don't dwell on it that much. There were 2 polls on "pink site" (circa 2007-2008), one on how much they made, and one on how many shifts(nights/days)/wk. they danced/stripped. Median annual income was in $40-$50K range, median nights/wk. was 3-4. I vaguely recall ~ 10% of respondents indicating that they made >$100K, in other threads, many dancers have had shifts over $1K, though not always on consistent basis.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer changing her look
    If I were paid $1 for every time a fave/semi fave changed her hair color/do, got a boob job, etc, I'd have enough $$ to buy a stripclub. I'm mostly neutral on changes, because I look for other attributes besides hair color/style on dancer. It can be real fun when dancer changes hair color, style, club, and stage name. Like Shadowcat, 3 boob job cases were positive changes in that they didn't go too overboard.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Whats with Strippers Web
    p11- Yeah, I noticed your banned status over there for a few days. The last I looked, you're "back". SW's sensitivity/reactiveness pales in comparison to EDN's. Curious which mod you had problems with- pm me if you don't want to post it here.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Sticky Fingers?
    Maybe once or twice. I keep ones in shirt pocket for tips, ammount lost was <$5. In last case, 1 of possible suspects might have been a masseuse. I could have sworn I had tip money, only to reach in pocket and find it empty.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Thanks guys
    lg- Wow, 10 clubs in how many days?? (Guessing 5-7 days) Good, actionable summaries, including taking a few for the team. I'm curious which clubs have sane cover charges for drive in own car vs taking a cab? (I don't relish arguing with cab driver). Did you reach the saturation point at any time?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Fussy girls
    lg- Can you say "princessy"? Any place with 2 tiered dance option will likely have some saying- "I only do-----".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Vegas - where to go?
    "london guy" recently gave a good synopsis of 6 diff. clubs or so, even did a thread on it.
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    15 years ago
    Fishnet Stockings
    My thoughts on hosiery are much the same as Dudester, except I find the old time "stocking & garter" arrangement to be a visual turn-on, but once in to tactile activities, they are O-F-F, or my interest in further spending is O-F-F. Fishnet stockings don't do anyting for me, however, I like fishnet tops with nothing on underneath.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your Strip Club Resume
    Admit it , Steve. You're going to hire the applicant with the big tits, regardless of what hers, or anyone elses resumes look like.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you know what they want?
    php: Did you ever consider calling them up and asking them? The worst they could do would be to say no. p11- Like your football analogies, esp. talk about wide receivers & tight ends. lp- You really need to catch up with s-cat on # of pics posted. Looking forward to many more like the ones you have. TB- Is avatar that of a guy with a big dick getting a BJ, or is it a woman with a long tongue teasing a guy with a tiny pecker? Was scene shot at sunrise or sunset? Would you know what time of the day the "longest shadow" would be cast??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever misjudge a dancer's attractiveness?
    Yeah, once. Many yrs. ago, a dancer with a cute looking face, and sweet sounding voice came up behind me, rested her head on my shoulder, and asked me for a dance. Turned out to be a "pregger". From that point forward, I was permanently cured of saying "yes" to dancers that do the "sneak up from behind" technique.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you inquire about "extras"
    cgf- There's always craigslist & ter as fallbacks.............