Comments by minnow (page 109)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Customerspeak-to-English Translations: What We Really Mean
    I'll second TB & BG posts. Additionally, I leave the door open for dancer to elaborate on her past dancing experience. If she says- "I danced in (Tampa, COI, etc) but quit because I couldn't stand the contact" is a sign to "suddenly develop an eye problem"[ I can't see getting a dance with her], retreating to mens room for a quick rinse, thence returning to seek Stevies from another dancer as a "cure".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    DJ- Unless her name was Lorena Bobbit, or she had a lighter with a bunch of lighter fluid nearby, I would have suggested sticking around until she either satisfied you,ran away in horror, or otherwise terminated session.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers win class action lawsuit
    10 inches- Funny you should bring up subject of unionization, seeing that you spend a lot of time in Atlanta, home of union-busting law firms.
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    15 years ago
    Need Drink Advice
    Did you develop/discover ethyl alcohol allergy on the "drunkest night of your life"? (RE: Vegas 30K Charge thread post). Hey, that means you should probably avoid self service pumps (and putting gas in lawnmower & cutting grass) and cold climates ( its tough to see out frosted windows without scraping ice & spraying Prestone on it). Just ask your date what her favorite drinks are, and happy hunting.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What They Really Mean: Stripperspeak-to-English Translations
    Stripperspeak: "I'm going back to freshen up a bit". Translation: She's going back to do some texting/cellphone calls, drugs, do her GF Dancer, or all of the above. g-fan: As long as your Spanish strippers don't say "coma mi mierda", I guess you'll be doing OK.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you feel about single girls going to clubs?
    bvr99- Have you considered joining a health club or an aerobics class??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When is a Lap Dance not a Lap Dance?
    Any more, OP ? is like asking "when is a gas station not like a convenience store" or "when is a convenience store not like a gas station".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club after club, after club?
    sc- Why don't you pm the reviewers in question, and ask them? I don't pay that much attention to recent reviews, focussing instead on cities that I have an upcoming trip to. I agree that 6 in 1 night is excessive. There's the possibility of a "buddy membership"- eg roomates, frat bros etc- whereby 1 guy hits Club a, b, & c, other guy hits Club x, y, & z. Nothing wrong with that as long as reviews are accurate/insightful. My shortest reviewed club visit was 20-30 minutes in Deja Vu- Lexington, it was a DEAD Friday afternoon with only 3 dancers. One can often get the flavor of a club in that timeframe, though a truly good club will want to stay much longer. Three club visits in 1 day/night is the most for me- those have generally been 1st time in city in "club rush" mode.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Foreign-born Dancers
    My scorecard thus far: Eastern European have been the most numerous of all European regions. The total distribution % of hot-mediocre-subpar dancers have not been much different than those of US dancers save for maybe less princessy tendencies. The few Spanish ladies that I've met have been very good. English (I'll put Australians in this batch) tend to be lower mileage. Germans have mostly been good, but a bit more serious as prior poster alluded to. Swedes/ Finnish are in the middle of the spectrum here. I've encountered very few Middle Easterners, but the few I have were very H-O-T. ( 1 Iranian, another part Egyptian, another part Morrocoan/Italian. Most Latinas have been Mexican or Puerto Rican, I've encounted a few good ones from Venezuela & Argentina. I made a prior post several months ago on Asians. Much of what I said still stands, except I'll move the Koreans further up, almost even with Japanese, or French Vietnamese for overall desireability. More recent encounters have been very good, with less of a hard edge personna than prior encounters. **Note- These remarks should be considered inconclusive, with research an ongoing project. Monetary donations to fund this research are gladly accepted.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Bathroom Attendant's Reading List
    "Rising To Great Heights For Dummies"- by Hugh G. Rection "Urinal Cleaning Tips"- by Harry P. Ness "How To Be A Porn Producer"- by E. Jack Ulate "Better Gardening Tips"- by Pete Moss
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    ttf- I thought STJC was nicknamed "The Chapel". If I'm getting the sense that "slutty dancer" is merely looking to "clean me out" in 5-10 minutes, and move on to the next guy, that's a turnoff for me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    (Off Topic) The Girl Who Was A Boy
    No, and No!! Also +1 on P11's sentiments. Judging by the TS ads, "they" are "out there". A lot of the pictures are very difficult to tell the difference.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Another bizarre chapter in my neverending quest for extras
    DJ- Keep trying, dude. When you tell us that you got 2 waitresses to meet you in mens room, and proceeded to use "Three Mile Island Sauce" as a lube with one ravaging your ass with a strap-on, and the other giving you a HJ, then we might start taking you seriously!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Top 10 clubs
    I've visited 3 in T10, 12 in T40. #19 DV-COI, imo is way overrated. ss- News flash- BBF got knocked down from #1 to #2. A lot of times, its the intangibles that add up.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are Texas (DFW) strip clubs all the same?
    275WM; No offense whatsoever taken on your "calling out". My eyes are/were completely dry/unwatered when reading the entirety of your reviews. I travel a lot for business, thus relying on Tuscl for deciding which club(s) to go to. When considering factors, I really couldn't give a crap about potential patron interaction ( hey I know that I can tell when a bar patron is lying- watch their lips move). I am interested in potential patron/dancer interaction, your club reviews provide me with very little/no insight into this. That was my point. (PS- fwiw, I do notice a bit more BS/phoniness in TX clubs- eg cowboy boots/hats while having Lexus valet parked. I tend to forget about all that while in the company of f-i-i-ne TX dancers)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club "Injuries"
    Chandler- would therapy for your middle finger CPS consist of leaving it motionless in wet,warm moist place with a gently squeezing motion massage???
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are Texas (DFW) strip clubs all the same?
    275WM; Could you enlighten us on stripclubs near Ft. Benning, GA?? While you're at it, could you tell us as much about dancer attractiveness/attitudes/ethnicity breakdown/ammount of silicon boobage, club hustle factor, lapdance cost/mileage, stageside interaction, etc, that you've been telling us on several club reviews about BS conversations amoungst patrons?? This isn't, or
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Short trip advice
    Offhand, Los Angeles, Phoenix. Both cities have a shitload of non-stop flights, and its close. Ditto for clubs close to airport hotels. Dallas would be a good choice, except that gate-gate time >2hrs, and has a fairly good, if not overly generous ammount of non-stop/direct flights.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ditto on prior posters "HOF" nomination for T_B, and other general sentiments. My guess is he'll stage another "cumback" under a different name- maybe "OneJackOffInCards"???
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Wingman or Solo?? Looking for Suggestions from Dancers as well as Customers
    E-D: Solo flyer here. I recall an old Indian saying; (paraphrasing a bit): "A man is a man, 2 men are half a man, 3 men are no man at all".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Foreign-born Dancers
    Addendum to 9-17 post: I am remiss for omitting some French-Canadians: have had some f-i-i-n-e ones here. Indians(the SW Asian kind): Only 2 encounters here are inconclusive- One @ SF club was very liberal, another at LA club had pronounced "NFZ" limits. Chinese: Very few encounters, seem to be more stolid/stoic than most others. My best encounter- dancer didn't complain, or upsell when I opted for lower tier test drive option. During the fractional song initial downtime, her 1st words were- "Tell me the things that you would like me to do to turn you on"..........
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which Clubs With Alotta Sexy Asians
    If I were paid $1 for every time I've seen that ? asked (usually asked by a guy in area with very small % Asian population base, doh!), I'd have enough $$ to own a stripclub. DUDE- try googling "cities with highest Asian population" ( clue- there's a lot in CA), then jump on Southwest out of STL, & have fun.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    what happens to the reviews of closed clubs?
    I'd suspect that closed club would be deleted, along with sequential reviews. However, if you know which members reviewed closed club, the review still might be in members profile review section. Just a guess (educated if I'm right, wild if I'm wrong.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The one that got away...
    I recall many, many posts ago a thread about "Truisms/Rules". I recall one truism being that "the likelihood of encountering dancer on subsequent visit is inversely proportional to the hotness or fugliness of the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    EXTRAS - Your definition.
    My minimum definition: At least a handjob. As often utilized, implies "job to completion".