Basically why are they so hostile towards players? Is it bc they are geared towards selling their Dancer's Wealth Program. If you are a custie you can get kicked off for any little thing by this AH mod there.
Well you've been in strip clubs and know what strippers are like. Ask yourself what it would be like if strippers ever go to run anything. Oh wait, they do. It's called stripperweb, perfect confirmation of what you thought would happen, no?
Haven't been to SW, but if in this context "players" are those who get what they want from strippers, I can see those bitter strippers exerting any authority they may have over "players."
p11- Yeah, I noticed your banned status over there for a few days. The last I looked, you're "back". SW's sensitivity/reactiveness pales in comparison to EDN's. Curious which mod you had problems with- pm me if you don't want to post it here.
If stripperweb site ever advertised for us customers/users we would probably never go to a strip club ever again after reading some of the attitude and crap on that site.
I believe - believe - that attitude and crap is catching up to them. When money is flush and easy to come by, one will go "ah fuck it." But when one has to really think about choices with that money - a movie - a road trip - a hotel with a nice pool - or a bunch of greedy attitude filled bitches... the choices become pretty simple.
Stripperweb is a site for dancers and it is moderated. I've been there for years and never had any problems. You have to respect whatever venue you are posting in. It's just that simple.
Sure Yoda if you have completely absorbed everything that strippers would like you to believe, no matter how ridiculous, then you shouldn't have any problems. Those who can think for themselves might find the site ridiculous.
Last Wednesday I was sitting with my special friend (ok, gridget)badcat988 joined us. He was there looking for his ATF. gridget said she is here. Do you want me to go get her? "yes". They were back in less then a minute.We talked.His ATF said that she had read my reviews and liked them. I checked. She does have a TUSCL registered nickname but no reviews or posts. Point is "fuck the pink site".
Dougster it's simply a matter knowing what is acceptable behavior on a web site that exists for strippers, not for customers. The "thinking for yourself" is deciding if you want to be on the site or not. Guys are always complaining that not many dancers come here. Guess why? because most of the posters here treat dancers like crap! For folks who are actually interested in interacting with dancers SW is the place to go. The price of that interaction is behaving yourself on a moderated forum.
SW is what it is. It's a web site, not a strip club. I know how to get what I want in a strip club and I am perfectly capable of independent thinking.
SW, TUSCL, SCL, they are all just another form of entertainment.
Yoda- I'm hard pressed to name anyone on this site who has "complained" about lack of dancers coming here. Much less anyone who has done so repeatedly.
To be fair, there are plenty of idiotic "customers" on SW that are there just to start trouble with the dancers. Most posts in Customer Conversation (and even on the blue side) may start off civilized, but soon erupt into a war between the sexes. Even if most people are playing nicely, all it takes is one moron to ruin a good thread. Lately there seems to be an influx of asshat's over there.
I have not been popular on SW. The strippers on there who do not fuck don't like some of us telling it like it is. I started a thread asking the girls if they ever fondled Mr Happy during either a stage tip or dance (as this is what my ATF did when I tipped her on stage - we then went to CR and fucked and now a yr later I have fucked her 64 times). Things got heated (those gals over there are in a state of denial), I was attacked by another custie (who isn't getting any), the thread was deleted, and I was supposedly temporarily banned; but haven't been able to log on. The mod said my post was not the purpose of Customer Conversation (where customers ask dancers questions). What an AH reason!
last commentThey are not to kind to pl's there either.
SW is what it is. It's a web site, not a strip club. I know how to get what I want in a strip club and I am perfectly capable of independent thinking.
SW, TUSCL, SCL, they are all just another form of entertainment.
I've never seen any evidence of this, but keep telling yourself that enough and maybe you, even if no one else, will come to believe it.
These women like to think of themselves as seductresses - not whores.
Why are you asking these questions if you already know the answer from your own experiences?
What are you attempting to do? Stir up shit? And now you are surprised when you do?
There are two ways to stay on SW good graces: 1) Don't get involved in controversial stuff or 2) Brown nose their egos.