Ever had a stripper lecture you based on her high moral values?
I have. I was casually joking about drinking and gave her a total count of the number of drinks I had. I didn't mention over how many hours or that I ate as well. Then she starts going off on me. I'm thinking she's in the wrong business to start throwing stones.
Yes, I've had strippers lecture me about what is right or wrong. Doesn't seem odd in the least. It is like strippers who look down on or feel morality superior to strippers who also do prostitution. For those who think this is silly here is an analogy that might make it clearer:
The government reduces the speed limit to 55 mph down from 70 mph. Some drivers continue on with their old ways of driving 65 to 70 mph and have turned into law breakers and speeders. These speeders may see themselves in a positive light for all manner of reasons. This new "criminal class" may start to feel negatively toward police officers who enforce the law against them or other speeders like them. Talking with these speeders, you can agree right down the line and then just throw out that there is nothing like the thrill of blasting down I-95 at 150 mph. :) Wow, the moral judgment is usually instantaneous: You need to be arrested! Or, at the very least pay a hefty fine. It is immoral to go to 150 mph on I-95. Feeling under attacker you realize that hey you criminals also speed! If I should be arrested or at least pay a hefty fine, then then that goes double for you hypocrites!!!
Yes, the clean stripper is breaking some speed limits. But, she isn't a Charles Manson like the strippers who do prostitution. It is like how you can't compare slapping a baby's hand for punishment with chainsawing off a baby's hand for punishment. Everything in moderation even moderation.
I don't drink, but I do wear a wedding band (I'm a confirmed bachelor). I've had a couple ask me about "my wife", and then they get very confused when I try to explain to them what a confirmed bachelor is. I guess, in their eyes, that I'm just supposed to spend my life pining for the one, or several, who got away.
The moral of the story? Speeders actually do some good.
"So, it seems in her mind that prostitution was wrong but stealing is OK."
Well, stealing can be considered a morally superior position. Robin hood stealing from the tax collector to give to the poor. Jesse James? and perhaps other criminals stole from the railroads who were seen as using government muscle and privilege to steal from citizenry and a fair number of citizens cheered them on.
So, strippers stealing from those who "exploit" and "abuse" and "rape" women for their own sick reasons could be seen as justified payback. The stripper with the "chip on her shoulder" probably felt that if the people support a nasty criminal government, then why shouldn't she be as nasty and criminal as she can get away with. It's good for the big shots . . .
The question isn't, which crime / crimes are most appropriate or not. They can all be either. The question is, why the girl picked some to like and some to dislike, seemingly out of a hat.
Usually, it seems like people are only sympathetic to their own plight. I'd met this very attractive young girl in a drug den who had needle tracks on her arm. She was of the very strong opinion that Johns were the scum of the earth because they took advantage of her addiction and made it possible for her to buy drugs. I said and if they're addicted sex, then you'rer taking advantage of their addiction? She says sex isn't addictive! Not to you perhaps, but look at the risks some of these customers are taking to come see you. Then she starts up with the nonsense (which she believed) that drugs are a universal addiction. If alcohol is addictive, then everyone has to be susceptible to its complete control. Actually, imho, it is a relatively small minority of people who can become addicted to alcohol.
But I'd like to bring up a different question. Why were you IN a drug den in the first place?
I was in a drug den because 1) I like the hos there and 2) I like the hippy counter-culture and 3) you can meet wealthy "squares" there who are often very interesting live and let live people who don't buy government garbage hook line and sinker. Anyway, it has been a long time since I've been in a drug den.
WE had our convention a few months later. She asked Toni, if she was making any money. Toni said about $400. Bitch said, " i wish I could have been a part of it" Toni said that all you would have had to do was apologize to the man. She couldn't do it and 18 months later she still hasn't.
Yes, I have been lectured.
Honestly, I would RATHER have a stripper who is completely honest with me, because you really know where you stand with her, and friendship is all about 'caring' ;)
Seriously though, I don't think strip-clubs environs should be as 'hospital' as they are. Strip clubs with too many rules are like loveless marriages and it's not good for anyone.
Strippers make more money going the extra-distance, clubs attract more patrons that are more relaxed, and customers are happy with the experience when clubs aren't so strict.
One day I'm going to create a Paradise-like club where girls make $$$$$, the club makes $$$$, and customer satisfaction is guaranteed. ;)