Falling off the stage

Yesterday I was visiting my favorite club and all of a sudden one of the more attractive younger dancers (8, cute, thin but sexy) was doing floor work on the stage and rolls over the railing, bounces off the bar stools and nearby table chairs and sits up with a wtf look on her face. The manager quickly put on another girl so she could go to the back, but then he disappeared. I know her so I went over to see if she was OK. She seemed stunned, embarrassed, and a little HIGH, no surprise there. So the question for the group is--how many of you have seen this happen and what stories anc you tell us.
There was laughing in the club, and we were both embarassed. I found a seat in a dark area and tried to be invisible. Offstage, the girl found me and offered a free LD to make up for her oops. This compounded my embarassment because I had less than ten bucks in my wallet, so I declined and fled the club.
Not sure why you would be embarrassed, but that said, "free" means you do not need money. Assuming you had tipped her on stage, then accept the dance THEN move on.
Those stages are actually pretty high and can feel pretty narrow - a friend of mine used to own a strip club, and we used to hang out there when it was closed during the afternoon; I got up on one of the stages once, just for the perspective, and it felt pretty high up. I imagine with fuck-me shoes, it's even worse.
Just think of the last time you fell 3 or 4 feet - it can be a pretty nasty spill.
I also have seen Angus Young fall off the stage at Poplar Creek. That little mother fucker kept right on with his solo even though some dummies from the crowd monkey piled on him. Good times.
And in the crowd, there were the amateur "strippers". All, a great evening!