
Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?

Atlanta suburb
Thursday, November 6, 2008 7:11 PM
For the last 5 months I have been getting FS from a stripper. For the last two months this has been lunch followed by an afternoon delight. $140 for 2 hours. I enjoy the hell out of her OTC. We can talk like any two friends. The sex is great because we know each other so well. I know that she is expecting a cell phone call from me next week for a repeat session. I will call.


  • jablake
    16 years ago
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    It's virtually impossible if you are a customer and you don't get out of that mode with her early.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Bobby: I am no dummy. Been at this a long time. I don't expect any long time relationship. I just wondered if anybody besides me can treat them as friends for as long as it lasts. jablake: shortest post ever.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I will. She asks about you. Good whore.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Cute pussy from what I can see. :)
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    Of course. Just separate the job from the person. I have several who are friends and a few have have remained so after retiring.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Been there, doing that.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I think Bobbyl is dead wrong as usual. We forgive others for all kinds of transgressions in our everyday lives. Why not forgive the prostitute too and just accept them as individual people? Bobbyl are you so desperate to feel superior to someone that the best you can do is hate a group for providing a service you so obviously need?
  • rootman
    16 years ago
    Yes, of course. I currently have a couple of them and date one regularly. That's not without some issues but these are real friends. Strippers are people too. hey often just have different baggage.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    Yep. People are people, regardless of occupation. O.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Yeah people are people regardless of occupation. Which is why ozy would be overjoyed if he had a daughter who decdided to be a stripper. And 10x as overjoyed as that if she was one who fucked her customers.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    On the substantive aspect of the topic I agree with Parodyman and disagree with BobbyL However, Mr. Parodyman - I think you totally misinterpreted the logic behind BobbyL's post. Nothing he said indicates he hates prostitutes. Nothing is gained for you or anybody else by your smearing BobbyL. Note: I DO NOT APPRECIATE THE SMEARS THAT BOBBYL CONSTANTLY DELIVERS, EITHER. Just one guy's opinion but I think we would all enjoy this board more if we avoided this kind of generalized smear. Here is the logic behind BobbyL's post: it is pretty unusual (not impossible) for a prostitute to also be a friend. He was stating the obvious -- we all know that! The fact that it is unusual, and probably takes some extra effort, adds to the joy if it works. GO FOR IT but be prepared (as in any relationship) to be disappointed.
  • gk
    16 years ago
    Yes, everybody needs a friend. Go for it as long as it lasts. I do.
  • deogol
    16 years ago
    You can only be friends with a whore/prostitute AFTER they have left the business. It's a lonely profession for a reason.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    I actually know one prostitute who actually refers to herself as a *prostitute*... she's the only one I've known who was so matter-of-fact about it. Most dance around the reality with "provider" or "escort" or "working girl". She's Brazilian, Catholic, and has quite a sense of humor about being a prostitute - from her stories, I will say there are some amusing characters out there seeking feminine comfort. O.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I am going to try a new approach this month. After lunch I am going to suggest that we go to my favorite club for a drink or two before we go to my hotel room. 2 reasons. Get a warm up. She knows a lot of dancers there. Second, let the other dancers know that I am getting good action elsewhere, so don't try any stripper shit on me. Wish me luck...
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I fear that many are so caught up in the fantasy or have become so corrupt themselves that they can no longer see the reality of the strip club world. No girls who suck your dick for money are not your friend. No they are not just like women working any other job. If you can't see that: then you've been hanging around strip club far too long.
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl Well from the macro view you're right, however, that is not always the case. There are some instances, rare I admit, where you establish a relationship where you pay during their "office hours" but outside of that they are a FWB. You hang out and do things together and sometimes you get some and sometimes you don't. Classic FWB.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    "Classic FWB" Um, actually that would involve never paying, but it just shows how distorted reality becomes to some of those who over do it if he thinks that is a "normal" type of friendship. These girls really seem to have some you guys going. It's funny. (P.S. Your story is pretty hard to believe, and you are probably omitting some crucial parts (e.g. perhaps the "sometimes you get some" is after you just spent a ton of money on gifts for her?). But even if that isn't the case then it should be pretty obvious that it's just to insure you keep spending during "office hours" as you put it.)
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl, you are really getting cynical. What it says is there are exceptions to the rule. Oh, and I left nothing out. Recognize that some, again I said some and perhaps a small minority, do view it as a job and are totally different on the outside. As I said, this is rare but it does happen. Life is not all black and white, or in your mind all black. Because you've not experienced something doesn't mean it does not exist.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    clubman2: A while back we had a thread asking "who is going to win?". The OP made it very clear that the question was not "who do you want to win?" Now to someone rather neutral and objective like me it wasclear that McCain had no realistic chance. Nevertheless we had a number of McCain supporters chime in that they, realistically, thought that McCain was going to win. For real. You see they wanted McCain to win, so grasped onto any evidence, or argument that he would, and ignored all evidence to the contrary. They just could not see the world for what it is. Rather they saw it for what they wanted it to be. Same thing, I'll bet with their "friendships" with strippers here. They'll look at the slivers of evidence that they really are friends (e.g. "she says we are!"), but ignore the overwhelming evidence that they are not (e.g. they still have to pay). These men want to believe it so badly that it distorts their objectivity. It's what is known as a "confirmation bias" and is quite amusing. Now as for me seeing the world in "all black". Dude, I've dated ex-strippers, and believe me I never bought dances from them, and definitely did not pay them for sex. That'll make it a zillion times harder. The ones here who truly see the world as "all black", but don't even know they do, are the guys here who go to strip clubs so much that they have been conditioned to think that paying women for sex/companionship/whatever is normal. Even worse, are the ones who have come to think of strippers as "just like any other women". Let me tell you, normal women are much better. To say they are just equal to strippers is to have a really bleak/cynical view of the world.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    I find this discussion interesting and amusing..... When did "friendship" come to mean that you are having sex with that person? Lots of people, myself included, are not having sex with females they consider friends. One has sex with girlfriends, not friends. Or has the media and popular culture reinforced the notion casual sex is so commonplace that is a "necessary" requirement of friendship. And doesn't everyone pay for sex in one way or another? Isn't the whole institution of marriage based upon the premise that women are merely trading sex in exchange for security in some form? Bobby, you have mentioned many times that you have dated ex-strippers or that you have had sex with strippers. I have no reason to doubt you. If that's the case....good for you. We all aspire to that. But you would have to admit, you are in a very, very small minority. Yes, strippers do date and they have sex. But just about everything I've read (not that I believe everything) and everything I've heard from dancers, they dislike guys that come to strip clubs. They would never date those guys. Since you post here on TUSCL, I would assume you go to clubs....like I said, if you have dated strippers, more power to you, but do realize, I think it is very rare for dancers to date guys that are frequent SC customers. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my perception.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    david: "When did "friendship" come to mean that you are having sex with that person? " Well the OP did phrase the question as stripper/whore just to be explicit. I agree that being friends with a stripper is going to be 1 million times easier if you don't pay her for sex. With kids these days it's not uncommon for them to fuck their friends but still be "just friends". As for the ex-strippers I dated. They only worked for a little while. They didn't really have the mindset of strippers, realized it early and got out. Only after they stopped working did I date them. Maybe they don't count as real "strippers" after all. I certain agree that if we are talking real stripper strippers (mindset and all) that it would be extremely rare for them to date/fuck a paying regular. But I also maintain that extends to even being friends with them. (Of course all will tell their regs they are friends, but it's just lies.)
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    "With kids these days it's not uncommon for them to fuck their friends but still be "just friends"." -- Ain't that the truth. I think I was born about 40 years too late.
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    I don't know David. I seem to recall the 'free love' days of the late 60s and 70s as being pretty decent. At least what I can remember of them. lol
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I'd like a "just friends" while fucking type of friendship. With any of a number of people I know. Any hints about the demographics I should investigate?
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    clubman2: I can remember a cartoon from Playboy magazine during that era. The hippie couple was sitting on the sofa. The caption from her reads "The love is free but the sex will cost you".
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