
Comments by gk (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A website we can all enjoy
    By the way, CW, this is a great public service you've performed here. OK, find my typo.
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    15 years ago
    A website we can all enjoy
    A great diversion. Got some right, some wrong. And this changes periodically? Interesting. Does anybody recognize one of the featured "contestants"?
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    15 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist
    Im'm not knocking any service that provides a good time. But wouldn't it be better to go to a SC and preview your talent live and in person, then take hjer for a private dance test drive so you could also interview her about possibilities, boundaries, fetishes etc?
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    15 years ago
    michael jackson music in the strip club
    I've heard Dirty Diana.
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    15 years ago
    EXTRAS - Your definition.
    For me, anything beyond the line of the basic lapdance (which I define as including contact.
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    15 years ago
    Are you planning on spending more money, the same, or less in strip clubs in the
    I'm trying to spend less, but it's hard to do.
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    15 years ago
    You just arrived at your favorite club, then one dancer comes up to you and says
    Hmmm. "Maybe later" seems to be the best answer. That gives you time to discretely inquire as to whether she is: drug adict lesbian bisexual strung out HIV positive has good hygiene habits has any noticable sores on her body has good breath beats her kids beats her boyfriend has a warrant out for her arrest would carry drugs in her purse when she is in your car ---whatever!
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    15 years ago
    Married ???????????
    JudyJudy, a smart stripclubber know to be cautious about what he is told by a dancer. A smart dancer should do the same with what she is told by a customer --that's on a one-time basis. When you become a regular, the rules change, requiring some disclosure. When/if you do OTC, the rules change again requiring a little more openness perhaps. Go with your gut feeling. I personally don't like to get into those types of conversations right at the beginning.
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    15 years ago
    Married guys--Why do you go to strip clubs?
    "The SC is Disneyland..." Hey, I like that! But I think they are Disneyland for everybody.
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    15 years ago
    Pussy juice
    I think pussy juice is high in antioxidents and lycopin. I also believe a lot of what we see is stagecraft. I do have one dancer who I know gets wet when I play with her and she always tells me to be carefull so she doesnt have to change too often. We customers have so many issues to deal with sometimes...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sould the following be classified as a review?
    Agree, it's not a review and it was probably a mistake to let it be published. But complaining about something is certainly not new to the discussion board. But I would hate to see our discussion board become filled with dancer complaints. I like it skewed more toward the customer.
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    15 years ago
    This club is kinda different
    That must have been along cab ride! And I don't mind shooting a wabbit once in a while.
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    15 years ago
    Extras .........and the time it takes
    When you make this negotiation, there should be a common understanding of what you want and what is going to be charged for it. Clock watching/dance counting should not apply unless there is a club rule that you must factor in. I know there are a lot of dancers out there who agree to a service price and then want you to pay for whatever number of dances on top of the fee but don't always make that clear. IMHO they should be avoided if at all possible.
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    15 years ago
    Fabric Abrasions on My Member
    Yes, beware the dancer whno thinks her job is to grind it off with the full force of her..."personality."
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    15 years ago
    SC Technology
    Tx, I like your virtual reality concept. It's creating your own fantasy environment. Good thinking. In your virtual reality room I would like to create my own dancer by pulling in the best best physical and mental feature of past favs. And since it's virtual reality, I assume we could create lapdance encounters with dancers from the past and even dancers from other clubs. Now here's an idea, TUSCCL members make a recommendation from anywhere in the country and we create it in your VR room. All you need is some investors and a mad (horny?)scientist!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Extras or a really good LD....which do you prefer
    There's nothing like a good lap dance. And there's nothing like good extras. It's what you're in the mood for and what the girls does best. I've paid for some extras that were not worth it and I would never go back for seconds. In those cases, a good lap dance would be preferable. A great lap dance is one where the girl knows you and what you like, knows you want to get off and makes sure you do, in the most seductive pleasing way possible. I've had many lap dancers say, OK, let's get to it and things fall apart from there. And extras with lapdance foreplay aren't fun either.
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    15 years ago
    The 10 Stripper Commandments
    Wallanon, you're wasting our time with this sh*t.
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    15 years ago
    Did any of you guys notice this?
    "...notice this?" All the time, where have you been! I love it. But who cares why they do it. I usually find out the various reasons after a while, but I usually don't care. Except if I'm considering some OTC, then I want to know preferences, cautions, etc.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Economics
    Tittyfan-- You've got it backwards. A corporate owned club has little incentive or flexzibility to cater to truely changing customer satisfaction iusues because it is tethered to the rules of absentee owners and on-site management always plays "by the boobk" because that's the corporate way--don't rock the boat. On the other had, the privately owned/loocally owned club that can make addjustments on a whim is more likely to achieve a higher l;evel opf customer satisfaction thaan the corporate variety--because they acttually can create a copmfort zozne. In a corporate club, everrything is kpre-fabricated, nothing is "created." Noce I said CAN. It doesn't always happen this way. But common sense and plenty of club evidene says that it should. Back to Steve229's point about club owners and "the finer points of economics." Well, from my observations, most club owners don't understand the finer points of economics. Thatg's why we seee so many absurdities in clubs.
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    15 years ago
    The SC Soundtrack
    A very young dancer I know is crazy about Patsy Cline. So on those rare occasions that I might hear one of those songs it always makes me think of her. And in her club, the girls will sometimes slect play Patsy Cline on the jukekbox (no DJ in this particular place) as sort of a tribute to a friend. Another retired dancer and friend loves anything by Jim Morrison. So when I hear anything by The Doors, I always think of her. What's ironic in both these cases is that the music is so far afield f;rom what their generations prefers. Another music acecdote--in clubs that let dancers choose their own music, and if you know the dancers well enough, you can tell who's danceing by what's playing.
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    15 years ago
    Hmm. I prefer bare, but under the right circumstances, the rightr colored thigh highs and coordinating outfit can be a real turn on for me. I actually like the feel of them against my skin sometimes. It's when you see too much of them in a club or when a dancer wheres them all the time that it becomes...unbecoming. Dancer advice, if you know your favorite customer is coming in on a certain days,find out whether he likes them and work them into your dancer outfits. But remember that variety is always nice.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Credit card use for Champagne Rooms.
    Re "The question." My observation is that it varys from club to club. One chain in particular requires a credit card, a drivers license and a thumb print to enter the CR, all to ensure that you will pay. (This place is very anal in a business/sociological sense, I don't like it.) In these circumstances, many times it's a "fixed price" arrangement with the CR charge and the dancer's fee all rolled into one charge. From my experience, these are bad values and should be avoided unless you can expense them or just don't care. In another favorite club where the so-called CR is just a semi-private area, you can pay with cash to the bar and deal with the dancer separately. This is a good value CR which I don't hesitate to use. Another factor, some places may actually require you to buy buy a bottle of bubbly to use the CR. If it's moderately priced, you might choose to pay cash. If it's more expensive, you might want to charge it. Other places may only require a drink minimum up front--if it's reasonable that's more incentive to pay with cash. I'm certainly no all-around expert, these are just some of my personal experiences. But as we've generally concluded, the typical high end CR is a rip off.
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    15 years ago
    In the Summertime, when the weather is fine...
    I'm trying to cut back across the board. But, as to the question, would I cut back because it's summer and business is slow. No. Because SC Business is slow in the summer that's the time to go, they will appreciate you more. Also, they may be more open to after work drinking/dining get-acquainted parties.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I kiss a lot of regulars on the cheek and vice versa. On some occassions I'll kiss a dancer on the lips. On some occasions when a dancer and I are really getting into it we'll do some DFK. I like to thinks it's a matter of what we think of each other and how much I trust her. But in reality, unless I really know her, it's a matter of how carel;ess I will get in the process of having fun.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Didn't we just talk about this? Jessica Alba, Penelepe Cruz, Selma Hayek. I'll talke them in alpa order by last name please, or naked order fcfs.