
Comments by gk (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    RE: andersonsc's "hide your wood or not? and do they like it or not?" The flip s
    It's happened to me a few times. I just figure it's part of the learning curve if you want to deviate from the tried and true. Just talking lapdances--some dancers know just how to combine grind with hands to get you to the edge and over and they know exactly what they are doing. Others not so skilled just sit seem to sit on youf lap and squirm and then when they use their hands they tease instead of complementing the grind, or sometimes too mechanical or just not really into it. On the going the extra mile side, I've found that if she is a little paranoid/concerned about being caught, it ruins the experience because she is more into being a guard than being sensual. When I find these types, I just write them off the bad investment as a learning experiences and never repeat the mistake. That's why I like to stay with favorites. There's a dancer in one particular club I go to regularly who talks a good game at the bvar. I'll buy her an occasisonal drink and do a lot of party/dirty talking with her at the bar (that's her style) but I've stopped buying dances from her. I've explained why but she can't make adjustments. Slow learner I suppose.
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    15 years ago
    Civies vs. on-the-clock
    It's been said that this happens all over, and I agree. But here's what all of us can learn from it: It separate stripper ship from real, believable conversation. It separates your true dancer friends and ATFs from everyone else. "Everyone else" may pretend to to be interested in you, may give the the stripper ship talk about how it's always nice to see you or the BS about being interested in what you've been doing, etc.--but it's often SS. But when you've truly established a relationship with a dancer, there's no stripper shit, so you can count on her being basically honest with you. And the true dancer friends that you have a relationship with will always acknowledge you at the least or give you a hug and a kiss in this situation. So if you're ever wondeering where you really stand, this is one clue. Steve229-- re "a sypathetic ear...leads to hot dances. Absolutely. The hottest dances I get are from girls who know I take an interest in what's happening in their lives. One even remarked recently she noticed how I shut down dancers who who I really don't care for but who nevertheless try to make that personal break through. You just can't do that with all of them! Back on the specific question--I do think it's OK to be off-the-clock. It's just fun to be around enough to catch all these habits and nuances.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who the heck is Mr. Happy?
    I know Mr. Happy. He's a friend of mine. So perhaps it's time we brought this topic to a happy ending.
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    15 years ago
    whats the worse sc experience youve ever had?
    Bought a dance once from a girl who I thought was a good flirt and tease. I'm not talaking about sonmeone I knew. Took her to the private dance area and it turns out she's a pshcyo-bitch. I had the feeling she was capable of makaing up all kinds of stories about what I did or didn't do or didn't pay for. Worried me for a while because I was not in one of my regular establishments.
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    15 years ago
    Have you ever caught a stripper's cold during a dance?
    Yes! And I hate it when that happens. But most times it's usually been a fun experioence. Worth it--I don't know given the germs etc. If I sense that it won't be fun however, I used to make every effort to dodge the come-on. However, recently, I just try to avoid anyone who seens sick.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club after club, after club?
    My max comfort level is 3 local clubs in one day. But it's possible here to do four. But why? I can see 3 for getting a range of experiences. But again, why diminish the experience unless you know you're getting into a bad one, and if that's the case, why? So when I go out it's usually limited to one, occasioonally two places--but the second would only be because the first was disappointing.
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    15 years ago
    Somebody's Watching Me
    I've encountered a few bipolar dancers as well. Sometimes they admit it, sometimes deny it. But if they deny it, their co-workers usually acknowledge it.
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    15 years ago
    Civies vs. on-the-clock
    Just wondering about one of the comments above. Is it not so much that the dance from a dancer friend would be demeaning to to her, but rather the dance from a stripper friend would no longer be necessary. There's a big difference between the two and perhaps that might be a better description. I know in my case that became true in one particular instance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers who are only 16 years old. Should they be working as strippers?
    There was a new dancer in one of my favorite clubs. At first she was intriguing. But after observing her I noticed that she didn't give good dances, was a whiner, couldn't hold her liquor and simply could not hold her own in any kind of conversation. I found out she was 19 years old. Thaqt explained it for me. I don't want any part of her now (pun intended). At a visit to my second favorite club once this past winter I noticed a shapely new dancer. Curvy, perky tits, cute smile, very flirtatious. She was fun to party with at the bar/table and could hold a conversation because she seemed (and later confirmed) was well read and well-traveled. I bought some dances from her--they were OK in terms of basic contact, ie,no airdance, nice grinding, basic hands-on, some teasing stick shifting but not to extreme. But for me it was still just too conservative. Found out she was only 19. That explains some of the reserved deportment I suspect. Now I'm still intruigued with her but I am trying to enforce my personal 21 and over rule. This was off the 16 age topic, but I wanted to share my personal teenmager experience. I normally preefer late 20s to 30 somethings, not teenagers.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Reviews: General Statements vs. Personal Experiences
    Tusclllll_Brother is right and I couldn't say it better, a combination that gives us enough information to make an informed decision about the club: "Combination for me. 1) Detached Point of View: Tells me what to expect when I arrive. 2) Reviewer's Personal Experience: Tells me how much money to bring into the club. What to wear (for easy access). Who (by name) to look for."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Consultant
    I'm the manager, here's what I do if I have the authority. 1. No drink hussle/don't force dancers to drink. Just regular bar prices. 2. No premium drink price when dancers want us to buy them one. 3. No DJs, replace with an MC, (master of ceremonies) type of person (man or woman) who would announce dancers, have occassional banter with the crowd to create a sense of transition, but would not be not be obnoxious or try to steal the show. Free jukebox or Ipod for dancers' personal music selections. 4. No cameras to invade customer privacy and liberty. 5. Offer free food from the menu to the dancers to keep them happy and as an incentive to show up on time. Dancer arrives late, no free food. 6. No VIP should cost more than $100. Most should be around $50. This would depend on type of club. 7. Full length songs. Ban oldies that are short. 8. End stupid promotional give aways. 9. Set up a fund for "retiring" dancers so they can leave the business with some dignity at the right body moment/age etc. Portion of cover charges would go to this. 10. Fire all mafia-looking types or enforcer-looking types. Have all remaining staff be focused on customer service. Hire a uniformed security officer for every shift to replace the staff goons whose job is to do nothing unless some physical harm or theft is occuring. And then, be courteious about enforcing rules. 11. No birddog lpatrols of private dance areas. 12. Partition off (out-of-site) any private dance areas that are not already situated in that manner. 13, Hire a cleaning service and use it daily, especially in restrooms. 14. Provcide larger/adequate space for dancer changing. 15. Add a dancer lounge area where they can eat by themselves if so desired or call their kids in a area outside of a dressing room. 16. Provide drug and alcohol counseling to dancers who need it. 17.Price dances and drinks to the market, not to a corporate policy or a small-owner's whim. 18. Implement a marketing plan to bring in customers. 19. Support a public affairs effort to protect the industry. 20. For $300, offer the customer an opportunity to "buy out" his (her) dancer for the entire day or night (defined as 4-5 hours or so). Requires a variation of a drink/food minimun or cover charge not to exceed $50.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers who are only 16 years old. Should they be working as strippers?
    Besides being illegal, who wants them that young? (Well, there is a subculture that does, but they are abnormal.) Anyway, give me a dancer with experience and confidence anyday over a teen. That's what it takes to be effective. The young teens just can't deliver on that. To each his own, I guess. But not for me.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers real names
    SYGSYG, trust and a different sense of intimacy in the crazy drama world of strip clubs. Well said.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Phobias
    Since the original post was about outie navels I don't think we need to be too concerned about the finer points on this one. But according to the American Heritage Dictionary, the two levels of phobia would include abnormal and irrational fear OR dislike or aversion. So...everybody wins on this one. Shadowcat: what I really fear: 1) Being robbed in the parking lot (happened) 2) Being present during a raid that focuses on the customer (never) 3) A psycobitch dancer making a false legal claim against me (never happened to me, but has to others)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Muftis vs. bikinis
    Seeing dancers in their civies is always a turn on for me. It puts them into a real context, which I like. Sometimes they look fashionable and treny. Others times/other girls are just ordinary. it doesn't really matter. With clothes being a part of how people take care of themselves it is a good measure of someone's true character and self-image. It's an fascinating insight.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    Yes, there are way fewer customers in many clubs. Just the other day I was talking to one of my favs and she told me she had only made $21 and the day was half gone, with hope for only slim results the remaing time based on recent customer traffic. Sure they are getting desparate. Sometimes to our advantage. My spending level is the same, but my requency of spending is down.
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    15 years ago
    Rookie Mistakes
    Late with this--a girlfriend (who wasn't into clubbing) once asked why I have a shirt with two (woman's) legs embroiderdd on the chest. (A club handout thank-you for buying a private dance.) I now refuse all gifts unless she has two legs.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer Drama - Got Any Stories?
    Let's see, there is home drama and club drama. Home--"My baby is sick and I don't have money for medicine. I'm working a double just to have extra money to buy all his meds...My rent is due...I need to buy a new car... My boyfriend got busted for (fill in the blank)...My husband is in jail and I'm realy bummed out right now..." Club--"So and so is a thief, she's always looking though everybody's bag... Yesterday i caught her with my cell phone.... And so-and-so uses heroine, so she must be dirty (probably true)... Another one is getting a divorce and is constantly drunk because of it... Another one has just completed her divorce and is celebrating by being constantly drunk. Another one is embarrassed that her kids have seen her drunk too many times so she is cutting back on her drinking--this week. Life goes on. Jerry Springerr could have a lifetime of shows focusing on one theme: "Strippers who (_____). I'm not really negative--this just fits the topic. But it does get heavy in the clubs sometimes/all the time.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    gridget gets SHIT on.
    Shadowcat, yes, I've also found some really fantastic persons with surprising life skills working in strip clubs. None of them were managers--no surprise there!
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    15 years ago
    Strippers real names
    Gatorfan--right, real names are for regulars. I admit it, I'm a regular and I gfet real names. But the few I get are usually offerred to me. I don't ask for them. And excuse me back up near the top, it IS a business relationship and if you are a real regular those business relationships can be somewhat social relationships to an extent. But I suppose that is a factor of the club: in a small club, definitely. In a big GC, not likely. Uh, Delicious is a real name, isn't it?
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    15 years ago
    shower shows
    Samsung1--go have fun, it's a grand opening. I'm a sucker for anytime you get two girls together like that. But I'm spoiled after the shower shows we used to have up here in Cle: nude, tongues, soap, hands and some Big Os. Haven't been the same since, but when I get the chance, I'll still go see one. Except maybe for Diamonds, which is a place i despise on philosophical grounds. (Doctor, convince me otherwise.) JJ:"...off the beat" Isn't that why we're out in the first place! Gatorfan: Like you, I highly endorse the "real" shower show at my place (wherever that may happen to be on anay given night) Jackanonymous: I'd get a pussy licking guarantee before I WOULD bite.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Phobias
    GKs strip club phobias: 6)Needle marks anywhere. 5)Excessive tatoos. 4)Heavy goth look (a cultural disconnect). 3)Psycho-bitch strippers who take everything the wrong way (but know exactly what they are doing). 2)Spaced out/strung out, whatever --they start out fine but then lose it and you never know what they are going to do or say about you (they don't really know what they are doing). 1) And my number one phobia, leaving without a smile. P.S. to P.A.S & TUSCL Bro-- up here in sophisticated N.E. Ohio, we don't have hillbilly head. We make those types go get dental implants first!
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    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    Dain, I like those ambidexterous dancers too!
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    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    Clubber, you're right. I like the approach, but you have to take a goo look and be comfortable with what you get. I always try to be polite when I sy no thank, however. Never been burned, but one or twice I've regretted being too polite and not saying no and then had to shut something down later.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    We all know the stripper handshake. That's too direct. What I've encountered and like are these: --sitting at the bar and dancer passes behind me and runs her finger up and down my back once then waits for me to turn around. --as Drippy says, running her hand up my leg after sitting down with me. --the polite "would you like some company" is a great contrast to the pushy "wanna" girls. It makes yes easy if "I do" and I like what I see.