
Strip Club Consultant

You've just been hired as a strip club consultant for your favorite club. After an in-depth study of club operations and a rigorous, hands-on evaluation of the available dancer talent, what changes do you recommend?

(Actually saw an ad for a SC consultant on another site, which gave me the idea.)


  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Of course it would depend on the club. I've been in some that I would just burn it down and start over, as well as some that would require little more than a better music selection or lower volume. This topic will become "What makes a great club?" and you will get a million opinions, many opposed to each other.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    - Fire the manager. Tell his replacement to keep his dick in his pants while at work.
    - Tell the bouncers to stop harassing people getting table dances.
    - Do away with incentives & penalties that encourage dancers to push VIP dances over table dances.
    - Turn the main floor lights back down from Denny's level.
    - Fire the DJ. Tell his replacement to keep his mouth shut except to announce the dancers.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I would replace the bathroom attendant with Hooter's girls type attendants.
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    I think with the information and experiences that I have had I would be a very good manager at a strip club.

    Maybe this is a new topic, do you guys know any clubs that are owned and/or operated by a female?


  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    chandler's was pretty comprehensive, but I have one...regardless of any local ordinances, dancers CANNOT SMOKE while on the clock...no exceptions. Smoking OK if dancers not working, in civies, etc.
  • how
    15 years ago
    To the managers, I offer this feedback, as SC Consultant:

    - Pay the dancers a wage. Forcing them to pay to work at your club diminishes your right to enforce even the most basic rules. (And you should enforce some basic rules: Be on time, don't bring narcotics into the club...)

    - Eliminate the dancer-bonus per drink. Sell drinks at a comfortable profit for the club, but don't make the customers feel like suckers for buying drinks.

    - Allow dancers to name their own price for their private dances, and don't tax them per song. They're making you money by bringing in customers.

    - Charge customers for entry into the private dance area (or "VIP Area"), but only charge once. Give a wristband upon payment, so there is no contention about who has paid the toll.

    - Do not patrol the private dance area. The attendant/bouncer should remain near the entryway to that area, and should only intrude if called upon.

    - Don't hire a DJ; save your money and let dancers select their playlists on a simple music server. Almost all DJs are obnoxious buffoons anyway, and you can have a sign posted for the dancers to remember their rotation order.
  • steve229
    15 years ago

    I know of one club that has a female manager (of some sort) and she is a former dancer. I don't know how good of a manager she is, but the dancers there are always telling me how much they hate her!
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    then she is probably a good manager........lol
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    At the club I most frequent, the managers are all guys, but the bartender I know runs the show.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    St. James bought the adjacent property to keep a school out (would've forced the closure of St. James and Houston Dolls. With that said:

    The club should expand out. There should be a topless area for those who want to drink and a nude area for those who prefer pussy over booze. Also, there should be in the border area an option for:

    Regular small rooms for lappers

    A larger room for couch dances

    "Jacuzzi rooms"
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I would tell the DJs to stop cutting down the length of the songs..I refuse to buy lap dances at a club that cut down the length of the songs unless I am getting a 2fer1 or the dancer is a 9 or 10.
  • Fibber
    15 years ago
    1) No DJ's - i like the music server id - though no song shorter than 3 minutes and none longer than 5 (have to be fair to the girls)

    2) Alternative start charging lapdance area for time and not songs - ie 10 minute, 20 minute, 30 minute then no one cares if you play Freebird.

    3) No smoking in the club by anyone (mostly so i can go home and not have smelly clothes to alert the wife)

    4) No dancer perfume (same reason)
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    "then no one cares if you play Freebird."

    I care.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "do you guys know any clubs that are owned and/or operated by a female?"

    There's a couple in northern MA. I think I noted which in my reviews from there.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    In order that customers can freshen up before leaving, I would install co-ed showers. Lap and suds.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    For my favorite club, I would reinstate the old champagne rooms, get rid of the whinier dancers, and don't play so much rap all the time. For my #2 club, LOWER PRICES and add two-for-ones, and utilize the shower stage more (have regular shower shows). For my #3 club, tell the dancers they can't linger around the bar just because no one is buying, and also tell everyone they can't smoke (and get Pepsi products, but that's just me). For my potential #4, decide whether you are a BYOB club or a bar and hire a lot more dancers.

    For the person who mentioned "Freebird", I've actually been in a club when a girl played that, and it was one of the nicest dances I've ever had. In that same club, I also had a dance to "Stairway to Heaven" which was also good.
  • 10inches
    15 years ago
    1--eliminate tip outs for the girls; sc only place you have to pay to work; puts to much pressure on the girls to hustle drinks/dances

    2--lower VIP price; club takes to much money and really does nothing for it

    3--turn down volume so you can at least hear yourself fart!!
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I'm the manager, here's what I do if I have the authority.

    1. No drink hussle/don't force dancers to drink. Just regular bar prices.
    2. No premium drink price when dancers want us to buy them one.
    3. No DJs, replace with an MC, (master of ceremonies) type of person (man or woman) who would announce dancers, have occassional banter with the crowd to create a sense of transition, but would not be not be obnoxious or try to steal the show. Free jukebox or Ipod for dancers' personal music selections.
    4. No cameras to invade customer privacy and liberty.
    5. Offer free food from the menu to the dancers to keep them happy and as an incentive to show up on time. Dancer arrives late, no free food.
    6. No VIP should cost more than $100. Most should be around $50. This would depend on type of club.
    7. Full length songs. Ban oldies that are short.
    8. End stupid promotional give aways.
    9. Set up a fund for "retiring" dancers so they can leave the business with some dignity at the right body moment/age etc. Portion of cover charges would go to this.
    10. Fire all mafia-looking types or enforcer-looking types. Have all remaining staff be focused on customer service. Hire a uniformed security officer for every shift to replace the staff goons whose job is to do nothing unless some physical harm or theft is occuring. And then, be courteious about enforcing rules.
    11. No birddog lpatrols of private dance areas.
    12. Partition off (out-of-site) any private dance areas that are not already situated in that manner.
    13, Hire a cleaning service and use it daily, especially in restrooms.
    14. Provcide larger/adequate space for dancer changing.
    15. Add a dancer lounge area where they can eat by themselves if so desired or call their kids in a area outside of a dressing room.
    16. Provide drug and alcohol counseling to dancers who need it.
    17.Price dances and drinks to the market, not to a corporate policy or a small-owner's whim.
    18. Implement a marketing plan to bring in customers.
    19. Support a public affairs effort to protect the industry.
    20. For $300, offer the customer an opportunity to "buy out" his (her) dancer for the entire day or night (defined as 4-5 hours or so). Requires a variation of a drink/food minimun or cover charge not to exceed $50.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Some great ideas, gk, but #20 would certainly draw adverse attention to your club from the local LE, as someone would claim it is prostitution.
  • how
    15 years ago
    T_Bro, that "payout" line is possibly true at some clubs, but is more likely just a ploy for more $.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Also at some clubs the tip out can be as high...so if the dancer has not yet made a certain amount she would need someone to pay her "payout". Some clubs require girls to sell a certain number of drinks or else charge them for them.
    I agree though that it was probably just some BS ploy to get more $.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I would look into installing drive through windows at strip clubs. It would be nice sometimes to just pull up and get some tits rubbed in your face or watch an erotic stripper dance. Or even better would be to pick a girl off the menu to come in your car to give a LD.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I doubt this pertains to many dancers or clubs, but I know of dancers that do not have to follow the same monetary rules as other is the club. IE: Those that are the cash cows that always bring in a lot more than others. Few and far between, but they do exist.
  • gatorjoe2
    15 years ago
    I think a lot of the ideas would end putting your club you are consulting for out of business or in trouble with the law.I think chandler though has a lot of the right ideas.

    I have no problems with a bouncer peering down a long row of booths, chairs,couches, etc.

    I also think the girls like it for safety reasons and it at least makes it seem like you are trying to prevent the drug dealing/prostitution that goes on. For clubs that extras are not common place, it makes sure that the girls have a reason to say no, which again I am ok with. Remember not every guy goes to a club looking for extras.

    Cameras, well that is another issue. No guys want to think they are being watched and video taped becaue of how the tape may be used. But, a dispute, a battery, drug dealing, etc happens in the club, it is a great way to prove it.

    Perhaps the best way if you don't want the bouncers eyeing what is going on is to have the super cameras like we see in the casinos in Las Vegas. The eye in the sky sees all. Obviously, the camera is not in plain site.

    Drink prices should be lowered. I hate paying 5 dollars for a beer, hate it even more paying 7.50 for a lemon drop martini. Reasonable prices make everyone happier.

    The issue isn't the DJ, but rather what he does. I think the girls' input for the song is fine, but choosing the song is bad. You are going to get a lot of rap/r+b stuff that middle aged white males (the guys with the real money) don't want to hear. Allow the DJ to announce the girls, announce 2 for 1s, and if there happens to be a bachelor party, let him do his thing. Other than that, stay quiet.

    GK's 12-14 are great ideas (#15 would be taken care of with 14).

    I believe in a flat tax for working at the club (5-10% of whatever you make). You make 1000, i get 100, you make 20 dollars, I get 2. That way we avoid the "I have to make 60 dollars just to be able to walk out of here"

    Again not all clubs are 'extras' clubs, not everyone goes to clubs looking for extras. Mons Venus is not an extras club, but still does really well.
  • curiousgeorgefun
    15 years ago
    great idea txtittyfan, trade the bathroom troll for a Hooters type girl
  • motorhead
    15 years ago
    Interesting topic because for several years, I have had this very conversation with a dancer friend of mine. Somewhat jokingly, but seriously too, we have talked of forming a SC consulting service. But our thoughts were to focus more on helping the dancers make money for themselves. She is a former stock broker/securities dealer who danced in college, then after building up little nest egg while working a real job decided to return to dancing. Now she only has to work 2 days a week (Sat and Sun) and had a pretty compfortable life and has time for her kids.

    She sees so many young girls who don't know the basics of personal finance and wants to help. I've been going to clubs for 25 years and have a pretty good idea of what works and doesn't work from a customer's perspective as far as getting guys to spend money. I think it's a great idea.
  • how
    15 years ago
    That's a great plan, motorhead.

    Meanwhile, I think I'll start a different consulting business, advising customers how to get the most bang for the least buck. Everybody wins!
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    In another thread, I volunteered as a SC consultant; I am a consultant in real life, just not for SC's...darn!

    Anyway, I agree with some of the suggestions, but some are unrealistic. So a few points:
    1) The local and state laws will prevail. So you must run a place that appears to conform to the law.
    2) That means you may have to maintain management control and line of sight with every position in the public area of your club, including VIP lounges. That is the law in Phoenix.
    3) The girls are typically not on a salary or have any benefits because they work as independent contractors. The clubs like this because doing payroll is a pain in the ass. The girls like it because most of them cheat on taxes.
    4) I like the payout policy. Charging girls a set fee (say $25 to $50) by time of day ensures the girls are making a decent time commitment each time they work.
    5) I agree with many of the comments about pricing. Clubs really thrive when they are almost full during peak periods. High cover charges, drink prices and VIP prices drive customers away. I would price drinks at the prevailing local bar rate plus $1. VIP area should be $50. These pricing levels would get butts in seats.

    Hey, let's form a non-profit corporation, the American Strip Club Improvement Association, and start lobbying the industry (and local politicos).

    Or not ;-)
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