I've been seeing smaller crowds in strip clubs (probably due to a cover charge increase in one club) and I'm seeing customers tip a lot less than they used to. Have you noticed the same thing? Do you get any sense that dancers are feeling a bit worried things are getting worse? I wouldn't be surprised if some dancers and managers are aware how bad things are getting or may be soon and may be more willing to bend some rules.
One night back a month or two ago, it was 10PM Saturday night at one club and there were more dancers than customers in the club and as several dancers swarmed around me, one told me that I was the only one tipping anyone in the club. I do hope all the local clubs in my area stay open as things get worse over the next two or three years.
I should have stated all the local clubs that I visit. Most people don't care about one or two of them even here on TUSCL yet someone still visits and says it's as bad as the previous reviews said it was. :)
Another example, a dancer was asking about business at another strip club. I told her the crowd was actually smaller there or typically was. They had an annual party the night in question. I suppose dancers are always on the lookout for busy clubs especially when business at their club seems to be shrinking.
The recreational dollar is the first casualty of a recession. So managers raise prices and continue to nickle and dime customers. NOW, is the time to cut prices and go for volume. You just might make more money.
I was in Dr. Don's last night. 8 dancers, 3 custies. A few left a couple minutes after I got there. They decided to close the bar early. One hottie was begging the doorman to get a $10 dance so she could pay her tip out. Freaking $10 tip out and she hadn't earned it. Well, I'm always up to helping a Danzel in distress. She did 6 x $10 without any hesitation.
My last few visits have been mixed. On one hand, some dancers are offering more for less, while others are trying to raise their price. I have noticed that it is taking longer in the evening for the club to get crowded.
I have noticed a lot less begging for tips over and above the LD charge. The clubs I have visited lately often have more dancers than customers. This should be a buyers market. Any club that raises prices during this environment is run by morons.
I've noticed the same w/ 2 smaller but good (jack or more) clubs either closing early, and the mileage has been very good which is probably a sign of the times. I also am not seeing any extreme dollar parading by most of the girls, but there's always 1 or 2 who will bug more more than a buck or 2. I think the only thing we can see to tell how strip clubs are impacted by recession is crowd size.
Yes, there are way fewer customers in many clubs. Just the other day I was talking to one of my favs and she told me she had only made $21 and the day was half gone, with hope for only slim results the remaing time based on recent customer traffic.
Sure they are getting desparate. Sometimes to our advantage. My spending level is the same, but my requency of spending is down.
I also think of it as a seasonal thing...who needs to go to strip clubs when there are half naked women walking down the streets and plenty of beaches.
While seasonal considerations are legit, as samsung1 notes, some of us are in beach-free areas, and the half-naked women walking around town are less likely to ride me like a rented mule than are the dancers at clubs I visit...
Next weekend might be an indicator. It's the fifth friday of the Month. In most cases, that usually means an extra paycheck that might go in to the 'fun' money fund. That's if the SO didn't already spend it last week. Even if payday is every 2 weeks, it's a 3rd and extra paycheck. I know I already have plans.
1st question - Yes. 2nd question - No. The dancers in the local clubs that I've seen are making less $, but it is driving them to look for other employment instead of making them desperate. Times are tough but not that tough.
I don't know if the typical customer tips less, but there are indisputably less customers than there used to be. I went to my favorite club last Saturday, and usually, you can count on it being mostly full by midnight, but it was still mostly empty even then. I have no idea whether that makes dancers more desperate, but I'm sure it makes some of them desperate.
Interesting, I have noticed the same thing in Indy especially in the afternoon. The club I visit had sent several dancers home and was still left with too many, outnumbering the patrons. I expect dancers will become more aggressive. How many can afford $100 VIP dances plus tip? and still come away unfullfilled. One dancer I talked with said she was 'broke' so I ended up giving her $50 for a few dances. Another was 'laid off' from her job and was working there until she found another job. She gave me a very nice lap dance but I am feeling a bit sorry for her. Things are tough all over.
I see less customers, less dances and less deals. One thing I never figured out is why they (managers) don't see that when no one is buying dances, a 2for1 always changes that. I see the back get filled everytime they do an announced 2for1 at PP & HB but hardly any at regular times when I go back there.
Would you rather do two cheap dances and make money/tipout or do no dances and not make money/tipout? If I honestly was a dancer, I'd be known for making deals right now. The way the clubs are looking, quantity of customers is more important than quality of the wallet. In an hour, if you can get 10 customers to spend $30 each on 2for1's, that's better than struggling to find five to spend $30 for one (which most girls tell me and I witness that they give a small amount of dances these days).
Lower your price standards and you'll make a lot more money. You don't have to break any rules, just lower your prices.
I'm seeing that the clubs that are not doing anything to promote more business (drink specials,dance specials, etc.) are hurting bad. Less custies overall, and the few that do show up are spending on booze but not dances. There is one club, tho, that is bending over backwards to attract custies with their daily specials, and it seems to be working for them - the club is busy when others nearby are not.
I've never understood why one of the clubs I visit never does 2-for-1 specials, except as part of their Midnight Madness promotion. It would seem to be a way to draw people in early in the night if you have a 2-for-1 special from 6-9, or on off nights like Monday or Tuesday, for example. Every dancer I've ever talked to there always talks about how quiet it is early in the evening, and it would seem to be a way to get people to come in. But they never do, probably because they would then be copying one of the other clubs in this market. The few times I've been to this other club, the only time they regularly have people do dances is during the 2-for-1 period.
Yes, bigtime desperation. I was in a club in the Block that normally charges $70 + tip to get to the semi-private area in the back. I was offered this for $45 + tip, and when I hesitated they made it $20 + tip. That never would have happened a couple of years ago. Plus they throw in a free beer when you buy a small drink for a Blockette, another recent bonus not seen previously.
A related issue is the quality of the customers who are showing up. Some clubs are full of people on a good night, but a close examination will show lots of couples, groups of women, mixed groups, and young guys who are notoriously stingy about getting dances, buying shots from shot girls, and tipping servers. One top of that, they tend to be demanding, rude, and inappropriate. Thus the frustration extends beyond the dancers. One night recently I had two of my regular dancers, a shot girl, and a waitress at my table all at once because I was one of the few people buying anything, tipping properly, and not being a complete dickhead to the girls. I am not sure this is all economic. Perhaps making strip clubs accessable and cool to a wider demographic has ruined them for the folks who understand the game. By the way, a well executed 2 for 1 often leads to more dances (thus a 3 for 2) and is a win for everyone, even with the crappy short songs the DJs always play.
Are dancers more desperate? Hard to conclude, but here's some evidence. A dancer I've met only twice, who has provided ultimate mileage without request and at just-dance price, sent me a message asking me to return to her club. As this is anonymous, I'll share the text unedited: "My pussy is very wet and wants your big cock and my mouth wants to drink your milk umum."
I could not claim to inspire such expressions of desire in nearly-strangers as a matter of course, so some desperation may be out there.
Actually, Steve, it was a personalized message; multiple messages. I quoted the payoff line unedited. Even if it were part of some Stripper Spam via text, that would be another indication of some desperation.
last commentYes, I have, when my ATF "retired" and asked me for investment advice.
Business was good, very good.
Yep, times are tough.
Also, the appreciation for mere stage-tips was way higher than usual. It seemed like actual gratitude...
Sure they are getting desparate. Sometimes to our advantage. My spending level is the same, but my requency of spending is down.
Would you rather do two cheap dances and make money/tipout or do no dances and not make money/tipout? If I honestly was a dancer, I'd be known for making deals right now. The way the clubs are looking, quantity of customers is more important than quality of the wallet. In an hour, if you can get 10 customers to spend $30 each on 2for1's, that's better than struggling to find five to spend $30 for one (which most girls tell me and I witness that they give a small amount of dances these days).
Lower your price standards and you'll make a lot more money. You don't have to break any rules, just lower your prices.
There is one club, tho, that is bending over backwards to attract custies with their daily specials, and it seems to be working for them - the club is busy when others nearby are not.
I could not claim to inspire such expressions of desire in nearly-strangers as a matter of course, so some desperation may be out there.