A club in town is promoting the grand opening of their shower shows at 9:30 pm this Thursday and I was wondering if it is worth going to check out...what is this shower show all about? Is there just a shower area on stage where the girls shower...just wondering if they then give lap dances when they are wet (and lickable!) I am probably going to check it out to see for myself but any insight or advice would be appreciated.
by the way, the club I am talking about is Dreamgirls in Columbus, OH, which has not really been a favorite of mine but I am thinking about checking it out just for the shower show.
A club I used to frequent in Phx a few years back used to do shower shows. They are pretty hot when done by the right girl/girls. However, no dances while wet.
Many years ago The Alley Cat in Miami had a shower area out back. You could pay to have a girl or two shower for you. I was there once when a small bachelor party was going on and saw the groom shower as well. Only time I'm seen the shower, and as I said years ago. Perhaps as many as 20.
I know of three places that have shower shows. Two are in Canada and one in the U.S. The two in Canada had girl on girl shows and the one in the U.S. was solo.
One in Canada was a nude bar with the shower built on the second level with a glass floor so you looked up at the action. The other was also a nude bar with the shower in the back of the stage. Lately I have only seen them used for bachelor parties. They strip the bachelor down to his under ware and do stuff to him in the shower. Several years ago there used to be girl on girl shows but not so much anymore.
The one in the U.S. had a shower that rose out of the center of the main stage. I haven't seen them use it for at least five years but I'm sure it is still there.
To me it seems that shower shows were a thing of the past.
I am familiar with two clubs with shower shows. One of them has it set just to the side of the main stage. Mostly, they do bachelor parties, and they always have one regular show with two of the dancers, but at least one time, they called out for 5 amateurs and the amateurs showered in the shower show. I've tried going back, hoping they will re-enact that scene, but I've never seen that happen since that time.
The other club, the one my ATF dances at, also has a shower show, but this is set in the corner of the club, and you have to pay (I believe $100) for them to run it. One time, I'm making my ATF do one.
The Phx club I referred to is now closed. The shows while good were more spur of the moment by a dancer than a planned show. The one nice thing that added to the appeal is that the stage was done up in a jungle motif.
My longtime regular club had shower shows, usually for bachelor parties. One or two girls would get in with the bachelor. It was done as much for laughs as anything, mainly for the rest of the party. Afterward, the girl would go around the room allowing patrons to slap a tip on her wet body. Not a huge turn-on unless I guess you have an extreme water fetish.
Not long ago at Vixens in WV, I had two girls, who apparently work as a team, try to sell me on a private shower show they wanted to do together. They were trying to get enough guys to put up the money. I think they needed 8 guys, and something like $100 each. I didn't bite.
Two places in NE Ohio offer shower shows with either one or two girls, usually for a $10 ticket ($20 for 2 girls at Diamonds)that gets you into the show. Both are in separate rooms and are supervised by a bouncer at all times. At one place, the customers get to use a long handled sponge to massage the girl's lovely bits, but beyond that, no direct contact. The two girl shows can be pretty hot with the right pair, although neither place allows any "serious" contact between the girls or any with the audience. There is often some mutual soaping, rubbing, spanking, and other delightful stuff between the girls, who are totally nude the whole time. It's worth checking out if the fee isn't too high. Don't forget to tip, since a lot of folks just leave the room without adding anything to the pot.
Samsung1--go have fun, it's a grand opening. I'm a sucker for anytime you get two girls together like that. But I'm spoiled after the shower shows we used to have up here in Cle: nude, tongues, soap, hands and some Big Os. Haven't been the same since, but when I get the chance, I'll still go see one. Except maybe for Diamonds, which is a place i despise on philosophical grounds. (Doctor, convince me otherwise.)
JJ:"...off the beat" Isn't that why we're out in the first place! Gatorfan: Like you, I highly endorse the "real" shower show at my place (wherever that may happen to be on anay given night) Jackanonymous: I'd get a pussy licking guarantee before I WOULD bite.
I'm, with my Bro on this. Fuck the shower show. I want it real. I keep taking a bottle of strawberry bubble bath with me on my trips to my favorite club. No takers yet but I have not given up hope.
a club (juice club) in south jersey use to have shower shows.. they still may. but the best part was being a 'soap handler' i think it cost 10 bucks. if you were lucky, you were picked to be an honory soap handler!
I never did end up going to the shower show grand opening...but I did see their ad in Night Vision Magazine and it claims that every hour a lucky audience member will be selected to shower up on stage with the dancer.
last commentOne in Canada was a nude bar with the shower built on the second level with a glass floor so you looked up at the action. The other was also a nude bar with the shower in the back of the stage. Lately I have only seen them used for bachelor parties. They strip the bachelor down to his under ware and do stuff to him in the shower. Several years ago there used to be girl on girl shows but not so much anymore.
The one in the U.S. had a shower that rose out of the center of the main stage. I haven't seen them use it for at least five years but I'm sure it is still there.
To me it seems that shower shows were a thing of the past.
The other club, the one my ATF dances at, also has a shower show, but this is set in the corner of the club, and you have to pay (I believe $100) for them to run it. One time, I'm making my ATF do one.
A real shower show is bringing the stripper home and in your shower with you for a show.
JJ:"...off the beat" Isn't that why we're out in the first place!
Gatorfan: Like you, I highly endorse the "real" shower show at my place (wherever that may happen to be on anay given night)
Jackanonymous: I'd get a pussy licking guarantee before I WOULD bite.