
Reviews: General Statements vs. Personal Experiences

Blue Ridge Foothills
Which type of TUSCL review do you prefer? General assessments that describe what the club has to offer from a detached point of view, or accounts of the reviewer's personal experience on a visit to the club?

I prefer the latter, although I'm glad that some of both styles makes it into the mix. Some have posted in the past that they don't even consider personal accounts to be legitimate reviews. I think they are more interesting to read and cumulatively more informative.


  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    If I'm understanding correctly, you are saying some people prefer to hear:
    "Club XYZ has seating for 250, 80 girls working (45 blondes, 25 europeans, 35 size c breasts), $10 cover charge at night and $20 lap dances, club is clean, girls are polite, lap dances are in a common area and give a nice grind, etc, etc, etc"


    "I was at Club XYZ Saturday and this super hot girl came up to me and she was on fire, she did a fantastic grinding and even sucking on my ears, wow, what a great time. I really thought she was amazing, best dance I've ever gotten at this club."

    The first general club review might be a review of the club but hardly gives a person substantially more information than what appears in the Club description info. The latter is a review of the girl more than the club, sure it might say alot about what goes on in the club but the bottom line it reviews a girl, whether the poster names her or not.

    Both probably help, but for me the latter tells me what happens at the club which is alot more than some basic club information which any club description could tell you.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    The best would be a combination.

    In general, I think an attempt to just state completely objective facts is less useful, and interesting, than a subjective account of one's experiences.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Depends on the club. For instance, I was the first one to write an in depth review of the Mansion, so I went into detail how to get there, where to park, cover charge, stages, etc.

    If someone has already written that kind of review, all you need then is the day, and time of day and the quality of the dancers and experience.
  • CCRiderm
    15 years ago
    I agree that the latter is much more informative and quite frankly much more entertaining to read. However, you have to deal with a lot of "shills" either for the club or in some cases the girl in question. When you see a whole list of "different guys" saying the same exact thing about a particular girl (sometimes with the same incorrect grammar) one has to wonder if it really is a groundswell of appreciation or just a viral marketing ploy. Not any different than any other review site, but just like in the club, YMMV with reviews too.

    I'd say bring on the personal experience reviews and the market will sort out the junk.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I agree with a combination is the best review. Hours, cover charges, lap dance prices do get repetitive if we post them in every review and sometimes even confuses people if maybe someone types $60 lap dance and they meant 3 $20 lap dances. The personal experiences are reviews, but more about a girl than the club and help me know who to go see, what to expect or to ask, etc. I want to know both too, info about the location, the layout, etc is helpful but so is what girls are good.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    CCRidem bring's up another good point, how "reviews" are like newspaper articles, someone writes/posts a review about what they experienced, then the next person, then the next etc with no real discussion of the reviews just one after another first person accounts. Maybe discussions instead of reviews might be more effective than just reviews?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    When I first started doing reviews on here, I got one rejected as being more of a personal account than a review. I cleaned it up and resubmitted it and it was accepted. I believe that the editors are much more liberal now than then. I think that is a good thing.I agree that just nuts and bolts is too boring. I like to hear why a reviewer liked or disliked a club.That necessitates getting personal.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    The "nuts & bolts" type reviews are useful when I haven't been to the club before. If it's a club I already know and just want to keep tabs on, the personal reviews are better. The personal reviews can be quite entertaining as well, even if I'll probably never go to clubs in question - for example see Wallanon's recent reviews from Romania, of all places.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    In the case of clubs that have many reviews and are well known general statements serve litle purpose. I always prefer reviews that sow a degree of personal experiences especially where mileage is concerned, although graphic detail is not required.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    As Dougster stated, a combination.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I prefer a combination. The good thing is that everyone has a different style. If there is too much personal experience when the experience was bad, it might unfairly give the wrong impressuion of the club.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    I'm probably in the minority on this, but I prefer the hard cold facts about the club rather than any personal experiences. While it is noted that the personal experiences can be entertaining to read, everyone's experience will likely be different, so at best they must be taken with a huge grain of salt.

    Just tell me hours of operation, location, dance prices, parking, etc. and I'm a happy girl.

    Just the facts, ma'am.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Most everyone on here will have a different personal experience than yours. So it is easy to see why you would take them with "a huge grain of salt". AS for "Just the facts, ma'am.", those would be awfully boring in every review. It would be better if reviewers update the club information with that data.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Good point, Clubber, about updating club stats. Many are way out of date.

    My experiences are different than most, so it is often hard for me to relate to most other customer reviews. I also found alot of the times my expectations were either too high or too low based on other customers interpretation of the club, so I began to disregard them in favor of "just the facts". I prefer to walk into a new club with no expectations, so at least I won't be disappointed as much if it turns out that the club....well.....sucks.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I like to read about extras, but on the other hand people have to be careful because you never know who will read the review (SC owner, LE, etc.)
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I prefer a combination, and I also prefer to combine the two in my reviews. I think I generally prefer general info more, though, because someone can have a great experience with a given girl and it can be one you have no interest in, or isn't even there anymore. And it can lead to an unfair expectation that all girls are the same in terms of what they do. I think about my favorite club and I know there is a girl who will always try performing an HJTC, but she won't do that for everyone, and not every girl will even do that. One there won't even let you touch her tits in a lapdance. Some dude who's never been there decides to get a dance and chooses her, it's likely he thinks the place sucks. But if he chooses Miss HJ, his opinion is probably much higher.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    See, there you go! Most guys do what a club that is a sucking club! :)
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Re Gatorfan's discussions vs. reviews, I don't mind the fact that reviewers rarely comment on other people's reviews. I'd rather hear what they have to say about the club and the strippers, not other reviewers. However, I do like a similar idea Shadowcat once proposed, and Founder said he might look into: the ability to post comments on reviews - as comments. I don't think it would work if the comments were always visible with the review. That could turn TUSCL's best asset into a boring stripclublist.com-style name-calling contest. Perhaps if a clickable icon would indicate whether comments have been added and, if so, how many. It still might lead to name-calling, but that would be easy to bypass.

    In my opinion, an Amazon-style "Was this review helpful?" vote would be overkill.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    chandler: "That could turn TUSCL's best asset into a boring stripclublist.com-style name-calling contest."

    Strange thing for you say, since seem to spend at least 90% of your time here flaming others.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I really do not think adding comments to a review would add any value. A review is a reflection of your experience for that visit, and everyone has a different perspective. What can be gained by other comments? The next review would allow for agreement or disagreement.
  • how
    15 years ago
    The basic facts are handy, but should be contained in the general club data section. They don't change much.

    The reviews are really about personal experiences. We all know that different people are certain to have different experiences, and that our own experiences will vary per visit. But the personal experiences in reviews give an indication of what may be possible or what a customer might be on guard against at a club, and are therefore valuable. Also, they can be entertaining.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    "What can be gained by other comments?"

    Bullshit detection from readers w/o the need to post a full review, among other things.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    So Chandler, does your response mean that we should have comments so that you can post your response to what you feel is a bullshit review?
    Posting comments really would serve no purpose.
  • chandler
    15 years ago

    Another one: Follow-up questions readers can post for the reviewer for clarification, etc.

    "Posting comments really would serve no purpose."

    You already said that, Tittyfan. So what's your better idea to address the point Gatorfan brought up?
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    To keep the reviews the way they are. Everyone writes with a different style and it is the mix of these that allows for a good picture of the club.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "What can be gained by other comments?"

    Mostly, this idea comes from those that would prefer to try & "shout down" another reviewer's opinion of a particular strip club, especially if there are a shill for said strip club. The club's discussion board, which is greatly underutilized due to its location probably, is really where these types of "discussions" should be had. That's where ole scat has a field day trying to blast other reviewers of the PP.

    has a system like the one that's been proposed here, and it usually (not always though) turns into a pissing match for people to try & say that this or that review is "bogus". That website also is no where near as frequently updated as this website though. It's like pulling teeth to get a new AMP listed or updated there, so the comments are essential to getting any go info on a place to begin with.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    LOL Clubber

    When I wrote "sucks".....it wasn't the GOOD kind!
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Tittyman, so you like my idea to keep the reviews as they are, but not my idea that addressed Gatorfan's point, because, well, just because. Hey, thanks for the constructive criticism, as always.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Ok, chandler, we get it. You don't like the tittyfan. We hear you loud and clear. Would please move on now and grow up a bit already?
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Yeah, those Euro reviews by Wallanon are terrific. I also really enjoy his US reviews, even though I often don't think I get a good sense from them of whether I would like a club. I don't mean that as a criticism. It just appears that Wallanon finds something to like about a lot of clubs that I wouldn't have any patience for.

    Anyway, I think his are examples of reviews that weave a great deal of general info into a personal narrative. I like that type of combination so much better than a review that begins with detached general info, then somewhat abruptly switches to the personal experience part.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Chandler, it is becoming very apparent you just like to argue in circles just for the sake of argument. I have already addressed my view on the issues you presented. Get a clue. Your posts are a good example of why I feel comments on reviews would be useless. You just like making personal attacks.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    tx: As you my know chandler is a failed writer who is generally bitter at the world because he did not get the power life he hoped for. These days, chandler plays out his power/control/superiority issues in strip clubs with strippers, and on strip club message boards with his fellow patrons. I just wish he would get over it all and move on by now.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Tittyfan, I've responded to your nagging. Period. Nothing personal, but "it would serve no purpose" is not addressing anything. If you don't like responses to your inflammatory charges, the remedy is easy.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    And where were these so called inflammatory charges in this thread? And my statement was "posting comments would really serve no purpose" addresses the issue of adding comments to reviews and is self explanatory. I have alreasdy stated that I do not feel comments would add any value to the review. I think you just have a difficult time understanding concepts unless they are spelled out in detail for you.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Tusclllll_Brother is right and I couldn't say it better, a combination that gives us enough information to make an informed decision about the club:

    "Combination for me.
    1) Detached Point of View: Tells me what to expect when I arrive.
    2) Reviewer's Personal Experience: Tells me how much money to bring into the club. What to wear (for easy access). Who (by name) to look for."
  • how
    15 years ago
    gk and T_Bro are correct that "who (by name) to look for" would be very handy; however, that is also potentially problematic. Identifying whom to look for based on the level of extras they provide is generally avoided based on the concern of exposing them to LE scrutiny.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Tittyfan, it's obvious that you attacked my suggestion for no other reason than that It was I who made it. It's no big deal to me whether or not someone else likes the idea or is indifferent. It might have be nice to see some discussion other than that it's a useless idea because of my posts.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Chandler, Methinks you you have either an elevated sense of self importance, or are extremely paranoid. Any reasonable person reading my posts on this thread would see that they are not inflammatory nor are they attacking your position. They are stating a viewpoint. You continually attack points that you make up and infer other people are making. Are you just responding to voices in your head?
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    tx: I don't agree that chandler is paranoid or schizophrenic. On the other hand, he does have an exaggerated sense of self importance, and there is no doubt that he is a complete douche bag.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Then I can expect you to stop pouncing on what I post in every other thread with your coy potshots. That would be awesome.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    You know, chandler, this isn't rocket surgery. If you don't want others taking shots at you then you shouldn't take shots at them. IME, you are the one who usually instigates these things, and then you start crying like a baby once it turns against you. Grow up already!
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Chandler, I will continue to respond to posts as I deem appropriate. It is apparent that you welcome discussion as long as it agrees with your viewpoint. That is just your own limitation. And to reinforce what Dougster just posted, you are the one that usually makes personal attacks and resorts to name calling when your position is ridiculed.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    "to reinforce what Dougster just posted"

    Check, please!
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    LOL...exactly...what was the point of this conversation again?
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