
RE: andersonsc's "hide your wood or not? and do they like it or not?" The flip s

avatar for Clubber

Have you ever been with a dancer that could NOT get you off? Has happened a time or two with me. Hard, yes, but she couldn't complete the deed in the allotted 1/2 hour. Twice it was in a club where my regular VIP dancer had left and they were auditioning as replacements. Neither got the job!


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avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

I can't get off if the girl scratches Mr. DuketheDick up while stroking away without lube. On this subject I would recommend bringing KY lube just in case. Another helpful tip, dont jerk off 24-48 hours before going to get jacked off helps make sure the chambers fully loaded and sufficiently sensitized to complete the mission. I've had some challenging moments in the past, but not all strippers are hand-skilled.

avatar for how
15 yrs ago

KY lube might be alright, but I recommend "Wet! Platinum" as the best sexual lubricant yet devised.

avatar for wallanon
15 yrs ago

Walking around with a packet of lube just sounds like it could go very wrong.

avatar for Clubber
15 yrs ago

Agreed, wallanon.

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

KY comes in small tubes which can easily fit inside your pant pocket or socks.

avatar for wallanon
15 yrs ago

Dude, as much as the world might want to know your kinky secrets, I'm just not that into lube. Since you're a regular at PL in NJ, though, I can get why you'd carry.

avatar for gk
15 yrs ago

It's happened to me a few times. I just figure it's part of the learning curve if you want to deviate from the tried and true. Just talking lapdances--some dancers know just how to combine grind with hands to get you to the edge and over and they know exactly what they are doing. Others not so skilled just sit seem to sit on youf lap and squirm and then when they use their hands they tease instead of complementing the grind, or sometimes too mechanical or just not really into it.

On the going the extra mile side, I've found that if she is a little paranoid/concerned about being caught, it ruins the experience because she is more into being a guard than being sensual. When I find these types, I just write them off the bad investment as a learning experiences and never repeat the mistake. That's why I like to stay with favorites.

There's a dancer in one particular club I go to regularly who talks a good game at the bvar. I'll buy her an occasisonal drink and do a lot of party/dirty talking with her at the bar (that's her style) but I've stopped buying dances from her. I've explained why but she can't make adjustments. Slow learner I suppose.

avatar for judyjudy
15 yrs ago

ok here is my take on the subject.........being that the dancer is providing the service it is up to her to carry a bottle of ky or some type of lube with her. As for not being able to get off from the extras.......we have a few different scenerios here. just as gotorfan stated you may have a guy who chooses to get off 3 or 4 times before walking into the club....that can certainly prolong the completion. Another scenerio is that the dancer may not be doing a good job or simply they are just not clicking together. Most important to talk and set the expectation before entering into a agreement.

A while back I had a similar situation where the guy was not able to complete for me.....I thought the chemistry was good but just couldn't finish.I was working quite hard on this guy and after 3 songs ......STILL nothing. OMG............

I simply gave him a bit of of a lick and the rest was history....and I am not kidding it was one lick from the bottom to the top.................not bad actually!!!

avatar for shadowcat
15 yrs ago

The only time I see KY used in a porn film is when anal sex is involved. Good dancers just use saliva. Same is true in Porn films.

avatar for casualguy
15 yrs ago

I don't really get off in strip clubs so the idea of bringing lube is something I never thought about. I did hear on a youtube video one girl made that KY might increase the chance of a girl having yeast infections and she recommended something else. I can't remember if she said that because it has sugar or something else in the KY. One of those videos I clicked on because I was curious what the girl was saying.

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

Wallanon- It's no kinky secret, bringing a tube of KY and a condom is just basic preparedness. Have you ever had a stripper rub your dick wrong so much it caused a cut from so much scratching? When your dick gets all scratched up by these unskilled latina strokers in NJ, it hurts like a m-f'er. I also bring a condom with me every time. This is all covered in Jack-Joint Preparedness 101.

Saliva works best for a BJ but for a HJ some dont know what the f they are doing, I say make the slope as slippery as possible!

avatar for txtittyfan
15 yrs ago

In my area, the girls are well prepared for anything and have everything they need in their purse/bag.

avatar for wallanon
15 yrs ago

gator - I'm going to treat your post like a joke. Just like you could've read mine.

avatar for andersonsc
15 yrs ago

I was talking about sporting wood during a public lapdance. The exact scenerio was in a "vip" room with 10 couches but no privacy

avatar for Clubber
15 yrs ago


I think your statement, "Another scenerio is that the dancer may not be doing a good job or simply they are just not clicking together.", might be correct. I never did feel a real attraction to the others, and neither talked to me in my previous VIP dancer's way.

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

Wallanon- half's comedy, half's true (a scratched up dick really hurts!)

avatar for curiousgeorgefun
15 yrs ago

Casual guy: I have no idea what what other lube you may be talking about. what "she" wants is a water soluble type. All others throw off her normal stuff. Yeast is normal and comes from a lot including going to the gym to work out hard. for "YOU", just clean off really good afterwards, and you dry off, and you wont worry about yeast.

Ive asked several dancers who carry those little purses whats in them... they are usually carring KY. funny how those same dancers use saliva... they are using the KY for other stuff you would need a condom for.

avatar for lopaw
15 yrs ago

In answer to Clubber's question: no, thank goodness. When a happy ending lapdance is offered, I always finish.

No lube required ;)

avatar for lopaw
15 yrs ago

^^^^LOL T-Bro!

Given the choice between peeing standing up or multi's.......MULTI'S WINS HANDS DOWN!!! ;)

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

Done a multi, if we're talking about staying at the club an extra hour and getting jacked or blown a second time! The whole PMS thing has to be a total pain in the ass (or should I say pussy) and sometimes (probably more than we know) used as a damn good excuse.

avatar for potheadpl
15 yrs ago

I've never gotten off in the club. I wrote about one experience in another thread I started. Another time I got VIP and the girl tried to give me HJ and titty fckd me to no avail. I pretty much spend 95% of my time in the club fully erect. Had a dancer notice while we were sitting together. It was cool when she put her vibrating cell phone on it... :-)

avatar for lopaw
15 yrs ago

PMS is one thing I've never had, so I couldn't tell you how bad it is (guess I'm one of the lucky ones).

With most other women that I know, I would say that 40% that claim they suffer from bad PMS actually do, while the other 60% use it as an excuse for bad behaviour - so you're on to something there, gatorfan.

avatar for Clubber
15 yrs ago


I've been with the same woman for 42 years and never found it a problem. Of course, she is always a bitch! Just kidding. She is a saint to put up with me! So I think, mostly just an excuse that some idiot gave women!!!

avatar for judyjudy
15 yrs ago

TUSCL_Brother- Adam go wrong..................how about trying to deal with bleeding once a month?....

not easy on either side of the coin....

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

I think multi's would be less of a mess than you'd think, ever notice how the second round is always less than the first. Load up on round one!

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