Strippers real names

avatar for Drippy
We all know that strippers use stage names when working at the club, you know, names like Destiny, Ecstasy, Jasmine, etc. Have you every tried to get their real name?

Here's what I do and its kinda fun. A stripper comes up to you and asks if you want some company. You say, "sure". She sits down and offers you her hand and says, "Hi my name is Destiny". I know its not her real name so I come back with "Hi, I'm Brad Pitt" (or Tiger Woods, Bill Gates, or any familiar famous name). This throws her out of her game and then I say, "You didn't give me your real name, so I didn't give you mine". 90 percent of the time she offers her real name and then I give her mine. This shows you know how things work and are in control of the conversation. From this point on, you can build the relationship from there. Naturally she could be lying about the name she gave you, but its a different alternative to the usual small talk. Have you every tried anything like this.


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avatar for 275WatchMan7tre
16 years ago
Ummmm, seriously? Why would even call the dancer/client situation a "relationship"? It's an exchange of money for a service, not dating. Usually the girls don't have any problems giving their real name once they feel you out and realize you're not some lonely psycho, looking for more than they are willing to do. Most even go home to their boyfriends once they're done emptying pockets. Wow, some people put way too much thought and effort into just going in a strip club. Enjoy it for what it is! Drinks complimented by the viewing of naked women.
avatar for Player11
16 years ago
I have them on occasion give me their real names when giving phone number or hooking up (for otc session). I don't probe for their real name or pry into their personal life (what they usually volunteer is more than enough info anyhow). I use a stage name myself and even have a business card for it. Even after they have learned my real name they will call me by my stage name LOL.

A dancer is not a GF, she is a sex provider giving a service, or providing a fantasy whether a dance set or some extra. Consequently I don't believe in calling what I do with them a relationship, a friendship might be accurate - they sell a fantasy which I expect them to perform to completetion. Certainly I have had a number of girls which I have had many sessions with (up to 75). But in the end, like a college QB, they are going to graduate (or be replaced) and go onto something else. I keep a photo archive for rememberance, so photographing them in bikini or nude is important to me. The guy that has the idea a dancer is going to be his GF is running a fools errand, especially if he is considerably older than her. I have had a number of them as mistresses (many were married) and will probably continue this hobby until it is disabled by the aging process or death.
A while back a dancer introduced herself to me using the name of my daughter. I said that I could not get a dance from some one with that name. She said I could call her anything. I asked "how about bitch"? She replied "that will work"!

I don't ask for real names but if they make it to my favorites list, I usually get it. Knowing both names can get confusing. If you are talking with a couple of dancers. Which name do you call them by? Do they know each others real name? I also get confused on which is their real name vs stage name. Bro is it Natalie or Nicole?

Then there are ones that also have a TUSCL name and others that have a yet different name in their email address. If I swap telephone numbers, I usually get a last name as well.

I prefer dancers that I know well to call me by my real name and most oblige me. However I am still known as the candy man. I guess that is my stage name.
avatar for deogol
16 years ago
What is the purpose of this? Simply trying to break the fantasy and make something a reality? What if she turns out to be the fucking wacko, like those Duke boys had to contend with?
avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
Real names are for regulars, and like deogof said, what's the purpose? why are they using stage names if not to keep most customers from knowing to much PI.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
16 years ago
I suppose you're right Gator. I'm a regular at two clubs. I don't try to find out real names but I know a lot of them. I don't try because it doesn't serve much of a purpose. I sure it makes some feel like an insider. To me, it's like knowing a coworkers home address. It's useless information.

In the club I've been going to the longest, I know most of the strippers' real names. Funny thing is I go by a nickname and very few of them know my real name. I don't hide it but I don't offer it either. I had to show my ID to one of the bartenders to prove my real name.
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
The reason that dancers don't use and give out their real names easily is stalkers. If you know any dancers then you know that stalkers is a real problem.

To Drippy if you think that you are tricking them into giving you their real name then you are kidding yourself. My question why do you need to know their real name? What possible difference would it make?
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
I don't bother trying to find out their real names. I don't consider it important to know. On the other hand, most of my favorites have given me their real name and in a couple cases, their real name matches their stage name.
avatar for steve229
16 years ago
Years ago, when I was young and naive, I remarked to a dancer that it sure was a coincidence that so many dancers were named Destiny, Ecstasy, Jasmine, etc. She stared at me and said, "You do know those are our stage names, don't you?" I tried to pretend I had been making a joke to cover my embarrassment.

Anyway, I never ask, but several have told me their real names. Of course, I have no way of knowing if it is their actual real name, or a fake "real" name they give out to good customers to make you feel special.

I do like to ask how they came up with their dancer name. Most just picked it at random, but some have an interesting/cute story behind it.
avatar for Drippy
16 years ago
Good thoughts everyone. I agree "relationship" is not the right word, chemistry is probably better. I certainly understand that the purpose of my visit to a SC is business for a sexual fantasy. But in my case, I like to add a little fun to it, and getting the girl out of her normal routine is part of that. Cheers.
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
I do not really care if I know their real name. My favorites only know my first name. No matter how well you think you know the dancer, in most cases you really don't know her. You only know the image she is projecting.
When a stripper tells me her real name, I don't see it as any great breakthrough. I've had just as good a time with girls I only knew by their stage name. In fact, I'm fine with keeping it that way, since I want her to play the role of a fantasy nymphomaniac with me, not the ordinary person with bills to pay, babysitter problems, etc. With that said, I have to admire Drippy's ingenuity.
avatar for how
16 years ago
Most give me their real name. Some even introduce themselves by their real name, and add "But my stage name is ____." If they don't offer their real name, I don't pry for it.

But I relate to several dancers more personally than professionally. They are regular folks, and with some, there is no fantasy left between us. I don't therefore discard them, if we have things to talk about or do together. I find nothing wrong with having some of them as friends in the "real world."
avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
Always keep everything in perspective. I think better words he could have used than "relationship": interaction, conversation or game. But I disagree in thinking we customers control any aspect of the interaction with a stripper aside from how often we go and how much we spend. Its a revolving door of customers coming and going, like at a supermarket. Sure customers who go there regularly make an impression/are memorable and can be friends, but we hardly control the game. Most strippers could care less if we say our real name or call me Ben Franklin.

I'm not being cynical, it's either keep it fantasy or keep it reality, but never both.
avatar for ChoclatDiva_1
16 years ago
Um, for some of us, our stage name IS our real name, no matter what we tell you lol. And bottom line, unless you actually see an ID, you don't know what a girl's real name is- DUH!!!
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

I once taked to a dancer that said her name was "Star". I said sure, but then she said her parents where hippies in the '60 and showed me her drivers license. Star it was!
avatar for ChoclatDiva_1
16 years ago
Unless she's your gf, aren't you still "buying the fantasy"???? I've never let a custie know my real name. Never been to bed with PLs either, though.
robofan, Please explain how you can stalk a person just by knowing their first name. That is not enough information to even start a person search on one of the many internet sites. Now I have one favorite that has given me her first and last name and told me that there were only two people in the town where she lives (got that name too)with that name. Not likely, I will be stalking her. I already have a working cell number and know her too well.

Also some dancers have to use stage names and also sometimes have to change them because another dancer is already using that name. I once witnessed two dancers working at the same time, with the same name. The DJ/club management is supposed to prevent that. It did cause confusion. Who was supposed to be on stage? Most unusual name I ever heard was a dancer using her mothers maiden name as a stage name. I thought that pretty unique.
avatar for SirenOfTitan
16 years ago
LOL. You do realize that most of us have fake "real" names that we use to pacify customers who insist on knowing our real names. You can call yourself whatever you want, as far as I'm concerned. If you introduced yourself as Brad Pitt, I'd simply address you as Mr. Pitt for the remainder of our transaction.
avatar for SirenOfTitan
16 years ago
And Chandler, there's no ingenuity to Drippy's "game." I encounter at least one customer a week who introduces himself with an obviously fake name in an attempt to find out my real one. It's annoying. Usually the conversation goes something like this:

Customer: My name's Brad Pitt.
Me: Okay, Brad, are you ready for a dance?
Customer: You know that's not my real name right?
Me: If you want to be Brad Pitt tonight, that's fine with me. You ready for that dance now?
Customer: Only if I can get your real name.
Me: *walk away*
Well, Drippy never claimed it worked on every girl. Like he said, it's a kinda fun alternative to the usual small talk. If it helps screen out the types who don't pick up on that and just keep pushing for a dance, I think I admire it even more. A stroke of fucking genius!
avatar for Dougster
16 years ago
Siren: wow, real brilliant strategy for making money. We are impressed!
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago
I used to get a kick out of finding out their real names, but nowadays I'd prefer not to know. It takes the fantasy/illusion away.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
I can't see any reason you'd need a real, fake, or ANY name should you wish to stalk someone.
avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
"I got her real name because I wanted to make sure I was stalking the right girl, she told me her name was Ivanka Fukalot, did I stalk the wrong girl again?"

This topic has me asking, why??
Man, some of you guys would make lousy stalkers...

They need her name in order to find her. Even if they have just her first name, that makes her easier to find in combination with any other info. For example, if a stalker heard that an ex named Tina might be stripping in a Columbia, SC, he could call all the clubs there and quickly find out where a Tina who fits her description dances.
avatar for Mandalore84
16 years ago
I think the concept of a stage name is quite fun. I agree that it does take away the illusion if you find out their true names. That being said the only time I've ever tried to get a real name it was only because there was chemistry of some sort there. Both times I succeeded I ended up becoming friends outside of the club. So I guess what I'm saying is I prefer the stage name, and only choose to sacrifice the illusion if I am in fact going to get to know the person behind the illusion.
"To Drippy if you think that you are tricking them into giving you their real name then you are kidding yourself."

Agreed. A smart dancer will have a line of SS with a fake "real name" attached to it. Most of my former ATFs had one ready to go at a moments notice.

A lot of dancers in Canada seem to dance under their actual real names for some reason. Who knows...or cares for that matter.
avatar for how
16 years ago
I enjoy the comically-fake names, like "Passion," "Desire," "Mystery," etc.

avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
I think we have stage names, we just call them "User Names"

How and Drippy due up next on stage, lmfao.
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
16 years ago
When I encounter one of the "comically fake names" I will sometimes reply something to the effect of "your mother really named you that?" I usually get a quick, well my real name is response, but I really don't give a flip. I would rather know what it is going to cost me to play than to know her name.
The strippers I like tend to have ordinary, girl-next-door stage names like Katie or Julie. However, two different girls who've gone with laughably fake stripper names like Diamond or Fantasy (despite their girl-next-door image) told me the reason they chose them was partly so that customers wouldn't ask if it's their real name. I guess they haven't met Drippy or Wanderer.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
I once was sitting with two strippers. I asked the one why she choose to pick her real name as her stripper name and she said because she did not want some stupid BS name. The other stripper sitting with me had the name "diamond"...and looked at her when she said that. The first stripper then went on to say "well, diamond is a sexy name but I was talking about names like bambi or mermaid.."...needless to say the stripper named "diamond" walked away.
I also met an asian stripper who told me that her real name is too complicated for most men to pronounce so she not only changed her stripper name, but also her real name to something more american.

avatar for DoctorDarby
16 years ago
Here's a twist on the subject. I have had several experiences where I knew the girl in an other context before I encountered her as a stripper or ran into them in real life after getting to know them in a SC. These encounters were awkward at first, but once I reassured them that I was not going to pass judgement on them for dancing, it was usually pretty cool. However, I would have to agree with most of you that there is nothing really to be gained by getting them to reveal "real" names while they are working. Once you see them outside the job, whether just by coincidence or as part of a relationship of some sort (sexual or otherwise), its a different game altogether. By the same token, I do not get offended if they do not remember my name, even if I am a regular. If I get a decent conversation, a good attitude, and some hot dances from my regular girls, I am pretty happy overall.
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago

If a dancer ever introduces herself to me as "Drippy"....I'm SOOOO outta there.

(Nothing personal, Drippy!)
avatar for FinalLap
16 years ago
Occasionally, I've found that after a few dances, while talking, the dancer will ask something about me. In turn, I'll ask her real name. Sometimes, there seems to be a slightly closer connection after that "transaction". A few times, after some nice two way give & take, I've had a dancer volunteer her real name. While it really doesn't change anything, it feels good at the time. And if you remember their real name for the next visit, they are usually impressed. All part of the game!
avatar for gk
16 years ago
Gatorfan--right, real names are for regulars. I admit it, I'm a regular and I gfet real names. But the few I get are usually offerred to me. I don't ask for them.

And excuse me back up near the top, it IS a business relationship and if you are a real regular those business relationships can be somewhat social relationships to an extent. But I suppose that is a factor of the club: in a small club, definitely. In a big GC, not likely.

Uh, Delicious is a real name, isn't it?
avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
A stripper named Drippy might be a bad name but Sloppy would be fine.

Other things which we really shouldn't get so over excited about at strip clubs: promotional club giveaways, kisses on cheeks, paying for her time for her to sit next to you and I'd conditionally go so far as to say sometimes getting something for nothing (drink, cover waived, etc) can be plotted to get us to spend more money at the club.

GK is correct, business is the operative word here and everything we do with a stripper is just an interaction, it's fine to enjoy the fantasy.

If you go to the mall and a hot girl walks up and says "I want to ride you so hard in the restroom", well that would be an excellent reality, feel free to post about it, there are some inquiring minds here.
Honestly, I don't remember if I've ever asked for a girl's real name, let alone getting one. I believe I know the names of, say, a half-dozen strippers in one of my favorite haunts. And I admit I love that because, to me, it's a sign of trust and an invitation to intimacy -- not necessarily sexual, but one of giving me the privilege of knowing the truth about a stripper when others are denied it because of the usual bullshit that goes on in a club.
avatar for how
16 years ago
Spot on, SYGSYG. If a dancer makes you feel "special," that's typically a good thing.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
SYGSYG, trust and a different sense of intimacy in the crazy drama world of strip clubs. Well said.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

Sort of like having the hot dancer always sitting with you. My ATF would almost only sit with me. Every great once in awhile she would sit with this other guy. I found out later that he was a sort of bf, but she ended up moving in with him. It was better for me since he no longer came into the club. That relationship didn't last long.
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