
Somebody's Watching Me

Strippers and stalkers – got any stories?

Mine: New fav wants to know why I didn't text her like I promised. I pull out my phone and show her the text I sent. “Oh, that was you? I thought it was “Stalker” Steve.”

Seems there's this other Steve who keeps texting her, leaving voicemails, etc. asking a date. I told her it might be time to change her number, or at least stop giving it out to guys named Steve.


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Once you get a real name (first and last)and are familiar with using the internet, you can find them. My 1st ATF let it slip by sending me flowers. I knew what city she lived in but only had a P.O. box address. I asked her "is this you". At 1st she said maybe then admitted that it was. She was shocked to learn that I could find that out. A trust was built and I was able to go to her apartment.

    There are many sites that will track down a person for you. For a hefty fee of course.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    One of my faves once had an obsessed customer whom she'd never seen outside the club show up at her doorstep out of the blue one day. After she freaked, she asked him how the hell he found out where she lived. He told her matter-of-factly, step by step. Once, in the club, she had mentioned offhand the town where she grew up. He made a mental note, then traveled there and went to the library, where he looked through old high school yearbooks until he found her picture and got her real name. With that info, he was easily able to get her current phone and address. He told her all this as though he expected her to admire his determination and invite him inside for coffee, not shiver in terror and tell him to please keep far away from her, which of course is what she did.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    The IP of these posts can be tracked and linked back to the computer of the poster so law enforcement can find and track individual posters if someone on this site starting posting a lot of creepy posts if there was a reason to investigate. I believe the NSA even has certain encrypted hidden keys within Windows operating systems that allow them to monitor any internet connected pc if they so choose. They wouldn't need to look at your pc anyway since the internet service provider already has a lot of information on every user if someone skilled in such matters were to look. I believe some hackers sometimes follow someone on the net and can play games. I guess if someone wanted to follow a dancer online and had lots of info on her already, he could stalk her in that way. Some hackers believe leaving no evidence of a visit is the best way to hack someone so in that case, someone could be watching and you and you would never know it. In my case, I once had someone keep nuking my screen or blacking it out for a second or two at a time until I mentioned it. I guess you could call that casual online stalking. I used to visit chat areas that apparently had lots of hackers within them. Some hackers were friendly, others were not so.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    A long time ago this type of thread came up before. Someone even posted a thread talking about a dancer leaving a club the same time as one of her customers even though she must not have realized it. He said he followed her for a little while and a bit later starting honking his horn at her. Creeped her out big time. He told a manager about the misunderstanding the next time at the club and he got asked to leave and was upset about the whole thing especially since as he said, he didn't get a chance to explain this to the dancer.

    Never follow someone at night unless they already agreed to it. That is creepy. I once had someone who must have been on drugs or drunk follow me one night after I passed two unusually slow moving cars. I found out he was following them. I didn't lose him until I slowed way down and someone finally passed me. Then he took off following whoever that was down a quiet dark road.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    If someone really wanted to stalk a dancer, I believe they could watch them and get their license number and from there get information off the internet and if they really wanted to creep out the dancer, they could show them a satellite photo of their home and if it's been purchased, the property tax value of their home and car. He could also show her cell phone records and other information all of which probably isn't legal to obtain under false pretenses but if you're talking about stalking anyway, I guess we aren't talking about stopping at legal boundaries. Of course what would be the point of all of this? You would get banned from the club and might even get a restraining order put on you besides all the laws you broke stalking and getting information under false pretenses.

    Now if you're considering dating her and already have some information, a background search may reveal if she's ever been convicted of drug charges or other offenses. However I believe that costs money to get all that information. I still don't know if that is legal or not either. I believe it may be.

    I'm not an expert on the subject of collecting information on an individual either. Any decent hacker probably could tell you a lot more.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Some customers are just wackos and I can see someone unstable not being able to separate strip club reality from real reality, so I tend to believe there are stalkers.

    One club I frequent has a bouncer walk the girls out to their cars when they're leaving. One got attacked with a knife a few years ago, but of course it was a jealous bf, not a customer.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    steve, I am aware of the pre paid cell. I just have no use for it. Unless I am convinced that the dancer sincerely cares about me, she is not getting my number.Only been two.
  • steve229
    15 years ago

    A tip I got from this board - use a pre-paid cell as your "club" phone. Untraceable and disposable.

    BTW, whoever posted that tip, thanks.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Only one has called me repeatedly, but only through my bartender friend. The dancer never had my number. Always looking for money.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    gk: "I've encountered a few bipolar dancers as well. "

    Once you start digging into it, you'll find that nearly 100% of strippers are crazy.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    There probably have been strippers who have had legitimate stalkers. I'll bet 95% of the time, however, it's just the stripper's own paranoid imagination and other mental problems out of control. Makes here feel important to dream that she is complete focus of some loser's imagination.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I've encountered a few bipolar dancers as well. Sometimes they admit it, sometimes deny it. But if they deny it, their co-workers usually acknowledge it.
  • Harrydaves whore of a girlfriend stalked me actually. I played hide the sausage with her when I was in AZ and she was hooked. She likes it in the pooper but I had to cut her off. Her puss was loose.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    I think his name was brownvegas or something like that.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have only given my number to two strippers. Currently only gridget has it. She has my cell number too but knows not to call me there unless I am expecting a call. It is not turned on except for emergencies.

    I had a dancer a few weeks ago, on our first meeting,ask for it. I declined and told her that it was too personal but I gave her my TUSCL email address. I have not heard from her.

    Just in case you didn't know unlisted numbers can be bought from your telephone company. I pay AT&T $3.50/mo to not sell my number.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    My GF worked in a club in Phoenix. One day, a 20-something guy walks in and she gets to him first. He proceeds to spend $200 on her. He asks about her schedule. A couple days later, he is back in and waits for my GF. He spends maybe $250. Third time, he comes in with shopping bag full of gifts. They are appropriately directed toward some of her interests. She takes a couple of the lesser gifts and declines the rest. He insists. She reluctantly takes the shopping bag. FOr some reason, she has given him her email. He sends a long email expressing his interest in her. She sends back an email saying she is uncomfortable with his sudden excessive attention. She decides to return the gifts; she has his address (he provided it) and I act as the "bag man", leaving it at his apartment door. Next day, she gets a scathing email from him, accusing her of lying and beinga whore. He has copied a friend. I email the friend and alert her to his extreme behavior and ask for her advice. She replies! She says he is bipolar, this has happened before (manic phase behavior), and she will try to get him to back off. He disappears. About 6 months later, he is back in the club and does not recognize my GF!
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    If she's really interested in you, she'll call you. Everything else is just a game to get you to want to see her and buy dances.
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