
gridget gets SHIT on.

Atlanta suburb
This was not included in my just submitted review for the Columbia SC Platinum Plus. In spite of what some posters accuse me of, I do know what constitutes a review.

Back ground. I have known gridget for about 7 years. I have seen her through a divorce and other tradgites in her life. She has made a serious effort to turn her life around. I have many friends on TUSCL but 2 are really special. She and TUSCL_Brother. Do not go looking for her in the club. The only time she is there is when I am there and then you or she has to get my permission for a private dance. Many of you have met her and know where I am coming from. As part of her turn around, she has changed careers. She is now working in the EMS field. She has educated me. There are 3 classifications. EMT, EMT intermediate, and Paramedic. Your classification depends on what services you are allowed to provide. She is an intermediate working (training)to become a full paramedic. She had told me that she knew that one day her training would come into play at a strip club.

Now the SHIT. It happened. A customer, George (real name)and well know as a regular fell to the floor. She rushed off stage and went to attend him. Another customer told her to get out of the way. That he was an EMT. She replied to him that she was an intermediate, had rank, and was taking over. He obliged and assisted her. They got him conscious again. He was suffering from a low heart rate induced by too much alcohol. This could have lead to a heart attack. I later learned that George had been drinking at the club all day on Thursday until 8AM on Friday, went to the Waffle House, 3 blocks away and returned to the club when it reopened at 1100AM and continued drinking. This was confirmed to me by a Champagne Room hostess. She volunteered this info to me in a casual conversation. Back to George. They got him conscious. He refused medical attention. They got him into a chair and wheeled him into the managers office. That is when the shit the fan. She got into it with the manager. His name is LINDSEY. A former bouncer that got promoted to the illustrious position of manager. He objected to George being brought into HIS office and demanded that gridget stop attending him and get out. She replied that she could not stop until another EMS person had taken over. He said that he was and EMT. She called his bluff. That was when she got kicked out of the club. KICKED OUT. When we were saying our good byes a manager had another talk with her. I protested to him about the way she was treated. He surprisingly agreed with me. I found out later that I was talking to Sammy, the day shift manager and not Lindsey the ass hole night manager. One of the other dancers was going to drive George home. Bro you know her. The mother of the mother/daughter duo but he kept passing out. He was finally taken away by ambulance.

This piss ant has NO manager skills. What do you expect in a strip club? Aljo,now deceased, and Eric were the only managers that seemed to care. A customer comment "They should have been kissing her ass" This ass hole did not take care of his business. The club could have been busted for letting a customer get that wasted and he certainly did not foster good dancer/management relations.

There are some very nice people working in strip clubs and some very bad ones. Chose wisely. My next post will be to club management(Ken Wood CEO)it will probably fall on deaf ears but I have to get it off my chest.


  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Well cat, SC "Managers" aren't really known for ther managerial skills. They are often selected because of who they now as opposed to what they know. A Manager in a customer service oriented company is trained to do many things. A SC Manager is only trained to do a few things.

    Gridget acted admirably. In my company, she'd receive recognition and some kind of financial reward. The difference between level I and II EMT's and Paramedics is that Paramedics are allowed to dispense drugs and Paramedics also have wider latitude in heart attack cases.

    I find your attitude towards Gridget to be....interesting. I wish her luck in finishing her Paramedic skill level and hope she gets on with the Fire Department soon (she would be wasted working for a private ambulance company).
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    "My next post will be to club management(Ken Wood CEO)it will probably fall on deaf ears but I have to get it off my chest."

    Why not actually send it to Ken Wood?
  • kalel15
    15 years ago
    I think writing to Ken Wood directly is definitely the way to go. This type of behavior shouldn't be tolerated in any business, strip club or otherwise. It may still fall on deaf ears, but at least you'll know it got there.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I am a little confused by this post. It appears to be written in anger, and I wonder if all pertinent facts are being presented. It appears that Gridget did an admirable job. Was it within the rules of management to allow dancers to assist customers with a medical condition?

    Your most recent review states that Gridget is only allowed to dance for others with your permission. Does management agree with that? Maybe there are other reasons why management treated her the way they did, and we just do not have all the facts.

    You state that you are well known by the staff, but yet you did not know the name of the manager you were speaking with. Maybe in your anger, you meant something else.

    Anyway, Gridget appears to have helped in Georges situation, however management has rules for their employees/contractors and we may not have the full story.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Can only go on what S'Cat posted, but I find his account and assessment of the manager credible. Many SC managers are buffoons.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have emailed Ken Wood. His office is located just next door to Heart Breakers in Columbia SC. I have been there before. I doubt that he will respond or any body. If they do, I will post it here. gridget will survive the experience. She is tough nailed. And has her head on straight. Platinum Plus will also survive but I would hope without Lindsey.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Sounds like some real cocksuckers working the management there.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    when you say she was KICKED OUT do you mean just for that night or does getting kicked out of a strip club mean you are fired?

    That was a good idea to write Ken Wood but my last two emails to strip club management never got a reply. Although the one dancer I complained about is no longer working there so maybe they did read it.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    And if George had died, (God forbid!) you can bet a jury would have found the bartender, manager, owner and club liable for serving him until he drank himself to death, despite Gridget's admirable best efforts.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    samsung, I should have said "sent home". She called the club on Saturday and spoke to Sammy, the day shift manager. He said that he had no problems but asked her to leave by 7PM before shift change and the ass hole would take over(not his words). We had a nice lunch together and then hung out at the club until 7PM. This not your ordinary ATF relationship. It goes way beyond that. In my email to Ken Wood, I brought up his annual golf tournament. A supposedly charity event for "Kens Kids". Who are you kidding? This is a slime business and I contribute to it. There are some gems in the rough. I have found one.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Bro, I did manage to get his business mailing address from their web site but after thinking about it. I do not want to give him my real name and address. Miranda said that she should not have gotten involved. But you know that gridget is not that way. She told me that she would do it again.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, yes, I've also found some really fantastic persons with surprising life skills working in strip clubs. None of them were managers--no surprise there!
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    If Gridget reads this as I just did, Congratulations on doing the right thing! I know I wouldn't feel right if I let something bad happen to someone nearby if I had the power to stop it.

    The manager who seemed to care less about a customer possibly dying of a heart attack in his club should be fired and never work at a strip club again in my opinion. It should be easy enough to find a better manager with millions of unemployed people in this economy. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if the uncaring manager had a different spin on things. Probably something like a drunk customer passed out and one of the dancers was tending to him instead of working. I'd rather visit a club where someone would call 911 or see if something was wrong with me rather than leave me lying on the floor. What goes around can come back.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    For those interested:
    Ken Wood,
    CEO KWE Group, LLC
    800 Bush River RD.
    Suite B
    Columbia SC 29210

    Mr Wood, I am appalled at the event that I witnessed at the Columbia Platinum Plus on July 17,2009.

    First of all I am a lifetime VIP member (card #992229). This has been my favorite club for 8 years. Before that it was the Memphis club. I have also been to Heart Breakers. I know that your business office is located just next door. I have been there on another matter. I am well know in this club by the dancers and wait staff on the day shift as the candy man. I have know some of these girls for 7+ years. I knew Aljo and former manager Eric ( I do believe that he was taking pain killers). I was also well acquainted with a dancer named Carter. You may remember her.

    Late in the afternoon of July 17, a well known customer, named Gordon, fell to the floor. A long time dancer (7+ years) rushed off the stage to assist him. She was brushed aside by another customer that claimed to be an EMT. She informed him that she was an intermediate EMT and was taking charge. He obliged and assisted her in bringing the man back to consciousness. He was suffering from a low heart rate caused by excessive alcohol. I learned from her and confirmed by a Champagne Room hostess (BTW she was sweet. You need more like her), that the man has been drinking in the club all day on Thursday until 8AM on Friday. He went to the local Waffle House and returned to the club when it reopened at 1100AM and continued drinking. They finally got Gordon into a chair and wheeled him into the managers office. The manager, Lindsey, Objected to him being in "HIS" office and demanded that the dancer stop attending him. She replied that she couldn't until another EMS was taking over. Lindsay told her that he was an EMT. She called his bluff. He then sent her home. Another dancer was going to drive Gordon home but he kept passing out. He finally left an hour later in an ambulance.

    I protested to the manager about the way she was treated.He agreed with me. I was talking to the wrong manager. I was talking to Sammy. Not Lindsey. Another customer commented to me that they should have been "kissing her ass". She called Sammy the next day to see if she was allowed back in the club. He did not have a problem with that but asked that she leave before 7PM when Lindsey would be taking over.

    The club was guilty of letting a customer get that wasted in the club. Do you know the legalities involved? I am sure you do. I know that this is a slime business but there are some good people working in it. She is one. Lindsey did nothing to foster good relations between management/employee/dancer. He let his promotion from bouncer to manager go to his head. What rock did you find him under? As for the dancer, she is only working part time. Has been an EMT for the last 2 years and will soon be a paramedic. She didn't need or deserve the harassment she got from Lindsey but said that she would do it again.

    Send this jerk back to being the outside door man. Hopefully by the time cold weather returns.

    BTW if you are familiar with TUSCL.com, I am also known as shadowcat and have promoted this club through my club reviews for 8 years. I have even been called a shill. I hope that this does not fall on deaf ears. My fellow strip club patrons on TUSCL are waiting for the response.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    dudester. You are correct. She started with a private company but is now working for the county EMS. Normal paramedic training takes 2 years after becoming an EMT but she is on an accelerated program that only takes 8 months. She is also considering moving to Atlanta from Columbia SC because the pay is better here. That would make for big changes between us. I consider her my adopted daughter.
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    Will be curious to see if Ken Wood responds to your comments and what his reaction is. I suspect the manager will offer a different view of the events so it may turn into a "he said, she said". Keep us posted on any reply from him.
  • ssecca
    15 years ago
    Gridget, you are a gem.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    For those interested. It has been 10 days since I emailed Ken Wood. My Budweiser account indicates that the email has not even been opened yet. Don't waste your time bitching to club owners/management via email. For that matter not even in person. I have tried and I know others that have tried and failed to get their gripes resolved. They don't give a shit. gridget is alive and well. I am looking fore ward to lunch with her soon.
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