
Comments by gk (page 17)

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    15 years ago
    Hard times push more women to strip clubs
    CTQWERTY, a thread gone horribly awry, yes. But all to our benefit from your insight and sharing. The facts trump all the cultural and partisan biases we've heard.
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    15 years ago
    The L Word
    Yes, I'm in lust with a stripper. Told one I loved her once and she told me that would cost me $10,000. Lust is cheaper. Told another one I loved her but when she got really drunk she said something about bankrupting me. Lust is safer for the long term investor. So stick to fun "LUV" because real love and stripper shit don't go together. Can you love a stripper? Yes. Do you REALLY love a stripper? Probably no. Does she love you? Probably no.
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    15 years ago
    Hard times push more women to strip clubs
    This was one of the more realistic articles abut the SC industry I've seen. No bias, just reporting. And it does reflect the downturn that most of us are witnessing and/or benefiting from, depending on your circumstances. This Angelina Spencer used to be in Cleveland and was married to the guy who owned the Circus in the Flats, which eventually became a Larry Flint's Hustler Club (now torm down for a development project). I've heard some people question her educational credentials, but regardless of that, obviously they've funded an economic impact study her trade group can use to advocate for/defend (??) the industry. Seems they could do a better job, given what's going on in Ohio and other places.
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    15 years ago
    SC and Coffee
    Sure, most of my favorite clubs always have doffee made. It's usually free if I know the bartender. But some new bartenders or others I don't know have charged me once in a while.
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    15 years ago
    Mattress Development Co. launches Playboy line
    From a marketing standpoint, I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. There is a definite niche market among young women for things bearing the Playboy bunny logo. I'm thinking bartender, club scene girls etc. Now if a player-type young guy invested in one of the Playboy mattreses, it might turn out to be a great pick-;up move. But I think it would be mainly something that appeals more to the female set. Successful? We'll see.
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    15 years ago
    Are Burlesque Dancers Strippers?
    Taking clothes off can be very sensual. Some dancers understand this, some don't. Not so much for the tease, which I don't like, but maybe more for the voyeurism. I've always thought it would be fun to require all of them to put their makeup on at the start of their shift but keep their street clothes on, then take them off on stage during their first set and then get into their dance costumes--onstage. Done the right way it could be fun, but also challenging to the girls. Some are capable of handling this performance challenge, some not. Burlesque is burlesaque. Strip clubs are strip clubs. But then there's that Darwinian factor, analogous maybe to a dinosaurs and birds. Even tough disrobing can be sensual, I like the interaction of strip clubs. But I wouldn't call dancers sex workers as a blanket description. They are still entertainers in general. And that's usually what many clubs call them, right?
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    15 years ago
    "Do you want to tip me a $1?"
    I've run into this at a few places, but they tend to be more of the bar-club places where there is little "value" delivered or maybe a novelty place like the Private Dancer mentioned above. It always strikes me as a sign of desperation. If it's a small place and uncrowded, I'll usually go along with it. But if it's a bigger place with lots of customers, it's annoying. It does seem to be the cultural norm is some places. Go along, get along, or get out I guess. "Get out" has a lot going for it sometimes!
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    15 years ago
    Ever "see" only one dancer @ the club?
    Most of the time I go in to favorite clubs with the intention of spending my time and money on one dancer. I'll be social with other dancers because I know a lot of them at my favorite clubs, but they usually know or I tell them who I'm there to see. That doesn't stop other fraternization, it just puts boundaries on it. It is fun taking stock of the stripper shit lines some dancers throw out, like the one you mentioned. I've found that if we know each other well, the dancers don't use any come-ons with me. But the ones who don't really know me can sometimes try too hard. Ran into a near psycho bitch yesterday who says I "owed" her because on my last visit to the club I said I would spend some time with her "next time." Of course, I meant to leave "next time" for me to define. Yesterday this dancer was buzzed when I came into the club and was really obnoxious about tryng to stake a claim on me. I sent her on her way telling her I was with so and so, but she kept bouncing back LOL. She has a cute ass, which I like, but the stupid attitude is hard to put up with. But the focus on an intended target from the outset was a good tool to fend off her shitty behavior.
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    15 years ago
    strip clubs in USA
    Every city and state are different. Some places are very liberal and others look for any excuse to clamp down on clubs and dancers. So find out what the culture climate is where you intend to visit. Reading these discussion posts and reviews is a good way to do that.
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    15 years ago
    Fakes for looks, real for feel?
    Organic is much better. Otherwise you might as well go get a mannequin.
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    15 years ago
    Paying in advance for dances?
    It depends on the club. No one should pay for lapdances up front, that should be pay as you go. But many places will collect in advance for a VIP room because they've had too many guys stiff the house and the dancers. Just know what the deal is before you get sucked in because anything paid in advance is risky. I remember going to a "sure thing" private dance room once with a fixed price/pay in advance arangement, but it turns out the dancer wasn't in the mood (even though she was known for being in the right mood previously). Didn't find out until after my money was sucked up. In her case, the wrong mood was hungover and sober. She prefers buzzed and partying apparently.
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    15 years ago
    Rejected by a dancer---seriously!
    If I see a dancer I want to come over, I go tip her at the stage and ask her if she's busy with someone else. You'll usualy get a straight answer if you ask the precise question that defines the moment. Otherwise, you'll always get strung out with yes, I'll be right over, no matter how many she's got lined up ahead of you.
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    15 years ago
    If a strip club owner got busted for prostitution would you visit his new club?
    If he's got a record like that, he's going to have company, and that means customers are going to have it too.
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    15 years ago
    A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When the Stripper is . . . Talkin'?
    That's happened to me a few times, it's relatively rare, but still bad. Personally, I like to have a nice conversation at the bar, with one and two sentence answers. If I like them I'll let things get deeper. But I don't like it when dancers don't know when to shut up.
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    15 years ago
    How many first at bat home runs?
    That's what's fun about Detroit. No singles, just home runs at most places. That's why I always try to make a road trip that way once in a while.
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    15 years ago
    from ATF to ROB in 15 minutes
    Back in for a couple more comments. Yes, she wasn't your ATF. You got caught up in a fantasy of what might happen instead of knowing what would happen, which is normal, it can happen to all of us. But an ATF is pretty dependable and consistent, the term "ramp up" wouldn't apply to an ATF, not because she always does your bidding, but because she's predictable. Does a dancer really need the drama of a distraction to move on to someone else. I don't think so, she just takes a time out to freshen up and makes the shift. So be easier on the stupid shot girls (even though they are the parasites of strip clubs). I just don't see this big conspiracy.
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    15 years ago
    Obama's State of the Union: Narcissism!
    The real state of the union--I loved this when I first read it here or maybe somewhere else, just a short while back. It pretty much sums up Obama and liberals with this great anology: Two kids young kids are running for elementary class president. The first student says: "vote for me and I'll represent you fairly and make the best decisions for all of us." The second kid said "vote for me and I'll give everybody candy." Obama, oops, I mean student number 2, won the election.
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    15 years ago
    Percentage doing "extras"?
    Be realisatic. Who would reallly know that? Of my two favorite clubs, extras are not guaranteed as the norm, but they are available from the right dancers. At certaain other local clubs, don't even think about it. But I've always said on this forum that it's possible to have fun just about anywhere with reasonably high expectations as long as you are flexible in your definition of what that is. Other than the sure-thing places that are known on this forum, I would venture that it's safe to say that the custom everyplace else is a cultural factor governed by group attitudes. If the dancer group accepts it as a legitimate option to make money, there will be extras, but not necesarily from everybody. But if the majority of the group frowns on extras, they are going to rat out the ones who start going the extra mile. I've seen this happen many timessssssssssssssss and seen the cullltural flow back and forth like the tide. I've also found it's easy to discover what the cultural vibe of a club is--sometimes you can pick up on it right away, sometimes it takes a few visits. (Now I'm not talking Detroit here!)
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    15 years ago
    Worst strip club ad ever
    Looks like some big ego club owner walked into a TV station with this idea and the advertising sales rep said, 'sure, we can do that.' Another statement on the economy and the desperate state of the media.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    No, I don't think two girls in the private daance room or VIP is worth the time or money. You usualy end up getting less attention and contact than you wouuld prefer for yourself and what they do with each other is probably going to be tame relative to what your expectations might be. The club and other facts on the ground affect this too. If you're into girl-on-girl, ask if they want to do a private party with you, your place or a motel--then see how serious they are about working together.
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    15 years ago
    from ATF to ROB in 15 minutes
    Nothing out of the ordinary here. She was done. She moved on to someone else to make more money. All dancers want you to stay after you've finished a lapdance or private dance session. That way you're always a backup if business fizzles later in her shift. If you tell her where you'll be sitting she might try to hit you up for a drink and possibly more money--but later, after she's worked the room for regulars and others who catch her eye. She's not an ROB, it's just the way business is done. Get used to it. You just didn't know her well enough to have expectations beynd her acting normal at work. It was business, it wasn't personal.
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    15 years ago
    Spike TV Blue Mountain State SC episode
    Yep, it's another sign that the media culture is at least trying to make them mainstream. But I agree that until LE leaves them alone, they never will totally be mainstream. Personally, I prefer they remain somewhat on the edge of mainstream. I would define the best scenario like this: clubs the way we like them should be legal, but not necessarily accepted unanimously across the culture. That way there's still the element of something edgy about them. I like that.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers falling asleep on the job
    During a very slow afternoon (me and maybe only one or two other customers) in one of my favorite clubs, there was a dancer who sat in a bar stool, put her feet up on the bar and took a nap. I think she was tired from drinking too much on the job the day before. Seconed story: Took a fav out for OTC. Had some dinner and drinks. We were really partying, drink-wise. Went to a motel to sober up and have some fun. We took a shower to get our senses back, crawled into bed and then she fell asleep. I laughjed my way thourgh her short nap and wrote it up to a hard day and a strong buzz. When she woke up about 15 minutes later we had fun. Was it drugs, I don't think so. She's a binge drinker and I think the day just caught up with her. We've been out again, but no more naps.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best club visits - planned or spur of the moment?
    I klike to plan. That way I'm always prepared for possibilities. That doesn't mean I won't stop in somewhere at the spur of the moment for the ambiance while having a drinbk.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Interesting discussion. Does it really matter what the asnwer is? Or does it ruin your fantasy--or ruin your reality? Any response to this twist on the question?