Platinum Plus in Greenville - customer dies

South Carolina
Last night an alledgedly unruly customer was ejected from Platinum Plus in Greenville by bouncers. He ended up dying from the choke hold one of the bouncers inflicted on him. News reports say that the 36 year old man was asked to leave but refused and was thrown out. Do you think the bouncers were justified in physically removing the customer? Has anyone ever withnessed a customer being physically thrown out of a strip club?
I used to thenk PP was more of an up-scale club, but now I wonder.
I used to thenk PP was more of an up-scale club, but now I wonder.
Police say they are checking our surveillance cameras to check out what happened.
He died as a result of asphyxiation due to pressure on his neck, Selfridge said. Any number of outside forces could cause the blood flow to be cut off and the sheriff’s office would need to determine what caused the asphyxiation, he said.…
Basically, the upscale clubs with uptight rules are the ones that have quick-trigger bouncers. If you are at a bar, there is always the potential for a customer to get loud or obnoxious. Smart bars and strip clubs just let these loud dudes mellow out. But the more anal ones, typically the chain/corporate variety, don't like any behaviour outside their narrow definition of the norm. I usually don't like those type of clubs. They may be doing it for safety reasons, which I can appreciate, but overall the vibe in those places is just not rigbt.
So that's my theory--that, in general, the more high-end the club, the more likely it is to have trigger-happy bouncers and a tendancy to eject. What do others think?
Those female bartenders won't be much help in an incident. If there's beefy guys working in the back (doing what, exactly?) the incident may have escalated greatly by the time they get there.
Can't believe some of you claim to have never seen anyone asked to leave/escorted out of a club. Seen 'em "escorted" in dives and gentlemen's clubs. Don't know where you've been hanging...
That being said my sense is the frequency of such incidents is less than in a typical club or bar.