
Comments by gk (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    G-string, thong, panties, bikini bottom, booty shorts?
    Definitely the g-string, I like to see that tiny triangle up front and that that barely-there string between the ass cheeks. LOL, PAS, 'fit in a shot glass! Based on that criterion, we should be able to scoop it out with a tongue, right?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Success Rate
    I've been fortunate to visit the MBOT before they added the meters to the rooms. Unfortunately, they had previously installed their ATMS. That great sucking sound came from two sources.
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    14 years ago
    Gambinos Busted for Sex Trafficking
    I'm still amazed that these 15 year olds slip slip through the "screening" process (or should we say non-screening process!). Yes you can have a fake ID, but all you have to do is talk to one of these teeny bopper big boobers and you can tell.
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    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    What would you rate this girl as?
    I like to touch them before I rate them.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    What strippers think of us
    Beware of complements. They're a trap. Some are so smooth, but then some are so transparent, for example: .... You're fun. I like your hair. You're so easy to talk to. Your cock is so (whatever).... Then there's the trick of giving a superior dance so afterwards they think they own you. I've had dancers misinterpret the business relationship with hints for gifts ranging from new shoes to boob jobs--reaching for a self-appointed ATF status. I've bought some gifts for certain dancers, but on my terms, not theirs. And dancers do talk to each other about customers, contrary to what a lot of the common theory on this discujssion board. Mostly this talk is among the newer ones. They will talk about easy marks, how much money you spent on them if you've bought dances from more than one, etc. This info is feedback from dancers I've known a while.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    When the ATF flakes on meetings
    Another take on this. Sometimes the dancer just doesn't know how to handle the OTC request she really isn't comfortable with. But she's trained to say whatever we want to hear, so we get all the stripper shit we're used too, even when we're talking real business. My buddies and I once were set up a private party with two dancers and it seems one was willing but the other one was never really going to do it, she just went along for the moment. On the day of the appointment she was a no-show without the courtesy of any warning. She was young enough to be somewhat naive but old enough to know better. I saw her in the club a few days later and told her what I thought of her business practices and kindly suggested that she never promise anything to a regular customer in the club that she couldn't deliver; that in the long run this would serve her better than getting a bad reputation from not delivering something. She never over-extended herself again and turned out to be an OK dancer and a good person to party with occassionally in the club, but I never spent big bucks on her again. She's now out of the business. Another case study. At another club we found two girls who were a lot of fun in the private dance area. They both delivered on their ITC promises. We set up a private party OTC with both of them. One was ready to show up but the other backed out with every excuse in the book. She turned out to be a lying sack of shit so I put her on my shit list and never spent any more money on her. One of my buddies got suckered into her net again but got burned--again. I've had much better results than these two stories, but the lesson is always the same--never reward bad behavior unless it's the kind we like.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    When the ATF flakes on meetings
    Who says just because you have an ATF she will meet you OTC for free? In my playbook, any dancer who's attained ATF status is still a dancer and therefore still working whether ITC of OTC. If you graduate to something on a higher relationship level, then maybe the sex is for real and for free too, but in those cases there's room for jealosy all around, not just a one-way thing. But if a dancer, ATF or whatever, is not following through on a commitment I think you're working with a bad apple. In that situation, the dancer needs to learn who's in control. Spend your money with someone else.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Steve Jobs Reiterates: "Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone"
    I thinks it's a blatant marketing tactic. Every mother out there will want her kids to buy an iPhone and discourage them if not iProhibit them (not that's not a typo) from buying an Android device, not to mention wives and their husbands. That is, if the moral high-grounders have heard all this. It's sad but getting scary that we've come to all this. In the old Soviet Union the government enlisted businesses and even family members to spy and inform on people who didn't have the "correct" behavior. But that couldn't happen here, could it? Too many "police" out there would be a scary thing. Next thing you know they would be telling us we have to wear seat belts, what doctor we have to see, how much junk food we can eat, and that we have to buy health insurance. Uh oh, wait a minute ....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Expensive/7up/high mileage vs. cheap/low mileage
    It's all about the mileage. If all we wanted to do was look, we can buy a magazine.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Married Guys and Strippers
    Decide what you are and stick to it. That's my story. As for whether I care if they are married or not, yes it matters, but it only matters depending on circumstanmces. 'Come on over to my place' has risks if you know the dancer is married. But if the dude is in jail, that's another story. Yes, some dancers prefer the "security" of married OTC customers because they will keep things to themselve, but then again, some dancers have been so kicked around by life that thay may also resent cheating husbands. It's all relative to circumstances. Be consistent but also know what you're getting into, pun intended.
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    14 years ago
    karaoke nights
    The music in SCs can be bad enough without bad singing thrown into the mix. And why bother to mix media? T & A & G yes, singing no.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"
    Re the "Hustle Hut." How many warmed over stripper shit complements do we have to put up with? Dancer: "Hey, you have nice eyes." Me: OK so now you can grind me, suck me, pop me, f**k me." Saves wear and tear on the hip boots.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    The Hotel Question
    Followup on the lead to find out if its conversation or business. Use some consultative selling.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NBA Playoff Predictions: Based On Strength of Stripclubs In Home Team City
    Using strip club data mining techniques to understand the strengths of regional contact and extras (regardless of culture, laws etc.) the Lakers will concede to Cleveland after two games.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Where to go in San Francisco for extras mileage
    MBOT used to have "Green Room" show. Green refers to money, of course.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"
    About a dancer not having sex in siz months. The dancer who says she isn't married, doesn't have a live-in, doesn't have a boyfriend, doesn't have a fuck buddy, hasn't had sex in whatever, is probably ...lying. Let'e try this one: we go into a club and tell our dancer that we have an incurable disease and will be dead by the end of the week, so if she would only consent to have sex it will be the last time before we die. It's only for the memory. That should work, right?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Where to go in San Francisco for extras mileage
    Definitely MOBT. It's more than mileage, it's more like a world tour.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Would you stop going to the clubs if you were not as aroused from lapdances as y
    Talk to your doc about your BP meds. They fucking with your hard on. Now, if you can't get aroused ;in s strip club, why spend the money?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    ink and piercings
    Too many tats can be a turnoff. But they are not always a deal breaker. Personality and outcome can go a long way in overcoming a little ink. A token piercing I don't mind either, especially if it's in a fun place. But otherwise, I agree with the "shrapnel" joke, it can be too edgy. I did spring for a tatoo once for a favorite. It was modest.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How long do you wait?
    I don't mind waiting a short while either. But Gator says is well. It's always situational. If I know the dancer well and I see she's working and finishing up I usualy know she'll be back to me soon. But If I don't know the dancer, I take her measure by how how long she makes me wait. If I'm a new customer or an infrequent customer, it's rude to keep me or anyone else in that customer "category" waiting too long. Why? Because the samrt dancer should be trying to impress a new customer and set things up for the futre. If they make me wait too long I get annoyed and switch my attention to someone else or simply leave if I don't like what's available. I'll wait longer for a fave, but depending on my mood that time could vary. Mood is very important. If I need escape and a dance party very badly, my patience runs out a lot quicker.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Hey there, sexy: Meet the Mariners' scantily clad new neighbor
    Ballgame, ball game, whatever. I'm sure the dancers and the club owners are looking forward to a few millionaire players stopping in from time to time. In the meantime, everybody else will be having fun sobering up on the way home. What a public service!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Drink prices $4.25 instead of $4, $5.75 instead of $6, etc.
    It's definitely a marketing/pricing strategy. And yes, it's a built in incentive to leave the change to pad tips. They wouldn't do it if they couldn't get away with it. It's just business. Don't get too hyper about it. There are many marketing/pricing studies that explain why $4.99 is a more attractive price than $5. And there are reasons why a business would set a price at $4.25 instead of $4. It's the busienss expenses and bottom line that sets the price, not ours. But it's our bottom line that sets the spending budget. That's the American way.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Sort of. When you say you have an ATF, she knows you feel that way. What happens sometimes is that dancers take your interest, dedication, exclusivity. whatever you want to call it, for granted and slip in other business on what you think is your time because they know you'll be there. This may not sound directly like your scenario, but it really is in the larger context. That guy might have thought of her the same way you think of her. The signs are there: "let's go" signifiess an understanding or expectation (on his part), whether immediate or longterm we don't know. Regardless of whether that last sentence applies, the reality always is this, you're "involved", she's working. Go with the flow. You always need to have to have a realistic line of "respectul" expectations. If it's not working and she crosses that line too much, just move on and spread your money around. You'll feel better that way and stay in control.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Only Customer in the Club
    It's happened to me a few times. These can be good opportunities. I usually say 'let's make a party' and make the most of it. It usually turns out to be a big drink day. Of course, this is only fun when you're someplace comfortable. If I were a newbie somewhere, I wouldn't expect to have much fun under those circumstances. But you never know.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I'm a Stripper not a Whore"
    "Whore" is an epithet, an insult. "Dancer", "Stripper" is a job. Most dancers' dislike of "whores" stems from self-defence, I would imagine. Re society as a whole, don't we now have a different perspective on defining sex and sex for hire? It's a contextual one based on location, proposition or lack thereof, intercourse or oral, the list goes on. You could call it the Clinton Effect, but it didn't start with the Clinton/Lewinsky affair, that just mainstreamed the point. Most of us (not all) patrons make the distinction, we want to make the distinction. So do the dancers.