
What strippers think of us

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I always have a good laugh when reading the Hustle Hut on SW and other sites for strippers. The strippers share their best methods for soaking the rubes and saps.

It leads me to believe that they tend to think of us as pretty stupid.

Having said that, we all (particularly when we were newbies) got caught up in the game at one point or another.

Have you ever gotten caught up in the game (I will admit that I have a couple of times, once as a newbie and once when I was older)?


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Yes, but fortunately, it was before I had too much money to waste. :). Now that I *do* have enough money to waste, I mostly have the smarts not to waste it.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I was taken down once as a newbie - the classic shit, the soft touches, how much she enjoyed dealing with me over the "other guys" in the club, etc. I was young and ate the shit up.

    Another time when I was older, though I was able to limit the damage to small $$$. Read my most recent article - she was truly the best I have ever seen at this - LOL
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Their income is tied to our stupidity.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Beware of complements. They're a trap. Some are so smooth, but then some are so transparent, for example:

    .... You're fun. I like your hair. You're so easy to talk to. Your cock is so (whatever)....

    Then there's the trick of giving a superior dance so afterwards they think they own you. I've had dancers misinterpret the business relationship with hints for gifts ranging from new shoes to boob jobs--reaching for a self-appointed ATF status. I've bought some gifts for certain dancers, but on my terms, not theirs.

    And dancers do talk to each other about customers, contrary to what a lot of the common theory on this discujssion board. Mostly this talk is among the newer ones. They will talk about easy marks, how much money you spent on them if you've bought dances from more than one, etc. This info is feedback from dancers I've known a while.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    Strippers KNOW (not just "think") that any one of us can fall for letting "the little head" do the thinking for us......
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    They think of us as their source of income.
  • how
    14 years ago
    I don't begrudge them trying to schmooze for cash, but they need to figure out that they will only get some of my money if they provide FS.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    It is a fun dance we do with the other side.

    The hard core "clean" dancers see us as sheep to be sheared, running a variety of gimmicks designed to separate the newbies and saps from their cash.

    The hard core clubbers see the dancers as one step removed from fucking and sucking, and the game for us is to find the dancer hungry, willing or dumb enough to be separated from her panties for a little cash.

    The hard core types on both sides consider the others predators, even as they themsleves are looking for fresh prey. ;)

  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    "What strippers think of us"

    Well we know from fetish_dancer that strippers think MisterGay is a "moral jackoff".
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Strippers compare notes about all of us w/ each other, especially the strippers that "share" customers. It's hilarious to listen to them size us up and report to each other who is spending how much on this night, who has stopped getting dancers from Dancer X, etc. I've had groups of them sitting at my table in the club, comparing notes on their regulars in full earshot of me. Since I'm female, maybe they thought I wouldn't care what they said. When I asked them what did they say about ME when I wasn't there, they all said pretty much the same thing - "we talk about when you're supposed to come in and who do we think you will spend your money on. Then we take turns, in a prearranged order, hitting you up for dances". At least they were honest about it.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    @lopaw, I suspect that there are a number of these girls that would happily do things for/with you in or out of the club. I have read enough posts from and about you on SW to think that you may have some admirers :)
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    lol rick
    I have met a few dancers in person from SW, and they turned out to be good people. But no matter how much a dancer compliments us, we all know that it is the only the bulge in our wallets that really excites them ;)

    BTW - congrats on not getting kicked off of SW yet! Your posts have definitely generated a good bit of interest over there...keep 'em comin'!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lol lopaw, fair enough but don't sell yourself short - I think that FBR's comment about you being the great corruptor are not so off the mark ;)

    I think that since I moved to blue I have been in much safer territory. Also, though some of my opinions may not be popular with the dancers, I have never abused anyone who has disagreed with me, despite how damned easy it would be given their headcase posts in other parts of the site and how tempting it was in light of the names they thew my way, lol. I just cut through some of the BS and avoid the cat fights.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    It is easy to get caught up in the game. Many strippers are masters at manipulation and SS, their goal is to drain the customers money. The key thing is to be in control.

    IMO their basic view of customers is that they are PL's to be ripped. Many of them resent Players. What I find amusing about all this is the Stripper BF / SO's (Cuckholds in their own right) I have met or had the gal tell me about were bigger losers than the paying customer, especially if she was supporting the BF.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    ^^^ Good insights, Payer11. I agree with nearly 100% of it. However, I still think it is pretentious for those who pay women for sex to consider themselves to be "players", i.e. highly attractive to women but who manipulates them in their own right.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Ask me if I care what they think of me
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