You agree on a dance, she says she'll be "right back" to get you after she freshens up, checks in with the DJ, or some other excuse. How long do you wait for her?
Usually, I make them wait till after their next stage set. Then they can freshen up and come get me. This allows some "talk time" for us before the dances. I have, during this time, changed my mind and told them never mind about the dances.
It's situational, depends how long you know the stripper and how bad you want a lap dance (extras or whatever). Once you feel annoyed is obviously too long and more than a few minutes is too long for first time lap dance.
To answer my own question, I’m fine waiting a couple of dances. A couple more and I start to reach gatorfan’s “annoyed†stage. A recent experience went like this:
Saw a dancer I’d had a good time with on a couple previous visits, so I suggested a dance. She said she had to finish her tip walk, but would be right back to get me. A couple songs go by, then a couple more. I glance around and spot her sitting at a table, talking to a guy like she had all the time in the world. Just then another dancer I like came by and asked if I was waiting for someone. I said, “Not anymore,†and we headed to the back for a series of dances.
The first dancer spotted me as I was returning to my seat and made a beeline for me. She was practically shoving people out of the way to get to me. “I came looking for you and didn’t find you, I was afraid you left.†Uh-uh. I ended up getting the dances from her anyway, and she did put extra effort into them. Apology accepted.
steve229 answered his own post well, some of the clubs here in Detroit still have these, "I'll come back liars" I'll wait a few songs, I know they probably have regulars to to touch base with, but when it's blatantly obvious after a few songs, she ain't coming back. I'll hook up with someone else. Oh well, the first dancer loses money not spent on her. Not my problem.
Depends on how hot she is, how much I want a dance, or how much entertainment there is going on at the club.
At kahoot's this weekend I waited over 1 hour for a dancer while she was back in the dressing room. She had a friendly attitude when she did come back out and there was plenty of other hot dancers to watch for entertainment while I was waiting on her.
Usually though if it is a slow night/day, and I don't know the dancer well I just give up after 20 minutes.
^^^^ I should offer the downside that after waiting over 1 hour for her dances, they turned out to be mediocre. She was tired. She usually lets me play with the kitty but that night she was brushing my hands away. She was probably back smoking weed or just really tired.
Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis has Steve's condition pretty bad. About half the reviews fault dancers for squatting with regulars and ignoring the patrons.
I don't mind waiting a short while either. But Gator says is well. It's always situational. If I know the dancer well and I see she's working and finishing up I usualy know she'll be back to me soon.
But If I don't know the dancer, I take her measure by how how long she makes me wait. If I'm a new customer or an infrequent customer, it's rude to keep me or anyone else in that customer "category" waiting too long. Why? Because the samrt dancer should be trying to impress a new customer and set things up for the futre. If they make me wait too long I get annoyed and switch my attention to someone else or simply leave if I don't like what's available. I'll wait longer for a fave, but depending on my mood that time could vary.
Mood is very important. If I need escape and a dance party very badly, my patience runs out a lot quicker.
I agree with gk. Having been on both sides of the regular fence I will ask for a dance and if its someone I know I'll wait 30-45 min(there are other things to do). If its someone I don't know but asked and they go sit with a regular: 10 min. I never understood that if you have people waiting to dance with you why you won't "move your regular along"i.e. "Lets dance now I've got someone waiting." It can be done nicely and the new guy may be someone with money/potential new regular.
Recent case in point: Saw this one dancer on stage and thought "I *have* to get a dance or two or ten from her". As she was coming down from stage, I asked her and she told me that she'd be right with me. She went over to the guy she had been with before her stage work -- obviously a regular. While she was with him, I was keeping an eye on another dancer who was with another regular -- had already had some dances from her and *knew* I wanted more -- but those two were really the only ones that I wanted (things were slowing down as we approached closing time).
The first girl wound up with her regular for 30 minutes and he bought a whopping 1 or 2 dances in that time. I wasn't interested in wandering the club looking for others, no one came by, and I *was* enjoying the eye candy, so I stayed.
The longer it went, the more annoyed I was getting with him and thinking he was a jerk. Then he finally left and I found out that he wasn't a jerk; he was a dumbass -- she has no personality and her dances are VERY bland.
But in general, it's just a song or two. Then if another dancer comes by and offers, it's game on (if I'm interested in her).
Any girl who I agree to a dance with leaves to go do something else at her own peril. If another girl comes along in the meantime, I may very well go with her instead.
If you know the dancer, then you should also know her credibility. At least you know up front if you're gonna be in for a long wait or not.
The unknown girls are the gamble. Like others have stated - if she's not back to get me within a song or two...I'll either find another dancer or leave the club if pickins' are slim.
If she can't even show up for a dance she promised I may simply recycle to the next girl who will. It is hard to predict what will happen.
At home club I tipped gal on stage and she said she was on clubs website (voluptous Hispanic gal 21). I told her I was VIP. She came to my table and said "I need to collect some money from another girl." I found this odd and she walked off. Surprisingly enough she came back after about 10-15 minutes. We then decided to go to the upstairs VIP and as we were leaving table she said "Did you bring condoms?" We went upstairs to VIP, a manager checked my Id and said "Have a good time Sir." She then took me to a couch against the wall and made a sorta couch fort. Negotiating $150 for sex we ended up doing it and while her technique was a little clumsy I got off real good in her. I got her phone number but never saw her again (about 6 mo ago)bc of main gal I am doing. She seemed like an assemply line girl. She seemed kinda loose but the fuck was rough giving plenty of good friction. There are a coupla others I have had at club that were better.
Moral of story - You never know what they will come back and wanna do.
I was in the club Thursday and Saturday. Both times I went to see a certain gal. She came over said she would be back. Eventually another dancer came over and I spent time with them. The girl i waited for kept looking over, but we never got together. She waited too long and her problem, I spent money on other girls. I went back in today and the first girl ignored me. She must have been mad that I didn't wait for her.
As she sat with another customer, I seen her looking over at me a few times, I ignored her..i had my eyes on other girls. It appeared that she was trying to have a great time with the others and make me want her more. She made 20 bucks and a few drinks the whole time...I had a wallet full of money, her loss.
Even if she came over later I was going to turn her away. I waited too long in my mind.
As others have related, it depends on the girl and the situation. If the girl has been mostly honest with me in the past, then I'll probably believe her if she says she'll be right back, or back after she dances for the guy she promised to, though I can't think of *any* circumstance where I'd turn down a dance from *another* dancer before she got back, unless I knew the original was going to be especially attentive.
On the other hand, if she has a history of just stringing me along, I'll be looking for another as soon as she walks away. If she comes back, great, if not, great.
If I'm really looking for some dances, there are plenty of girls there who will take my money, and "waiting" is reserved for those who will give me value for my money, in proportion to how much value they'll actually give.
The way I look at it is if a girl sits with a guy for a time and doesn't get any money out of him she is too dumb for me to spend time on. My favs will sit with me for a long time as I'm good for about 10 dances on the night and I go to the stage every time they're on it. They will go looking for other lap/table/private dances every once-in-awhile which is okay with me. One will find out quickly if someone wants a dance before she'll spend any time with them. All this is good 'cause I know they're in it for the money, not the lovin.
One thing about dancers is that many of them, if you turn them down for a dance for ANY reason, will be very reluctant to EVER ask you again if you want a dance. Don't know if it's pride or shyness or what, but it seems to be fairly common. I think that may often be what's behind the "I'll be right back" ploy. If the dancer can leave you sitting for a good while, so you turn down a bunch of other girls, she's cut down some on the competition for your money. And a lot of dancers are just plain controlling, they get a charge out of making you wait, or otherwise making you do stuff you don't really want to. So I would say, if somebody else comes along that you like, go for it. If the dancer gripes about you not waiting, suggest that you exchange e-mail addresses so you can make a "date" to come to the club and see her during the times when she's not busy. But only half-expect she'll actually be there when you show up for the "date".
neoguy: Sometimes (although rarely) the dancers who are major a-holes can still give a really hot lap-dance. If she ever does come back, might be worth trying one dance.
Had a hands on experience in Tampa a little while back. Hadn't 'gone' in a few days... well ended up making quite a mess on her a hands/arms/tits oops ;) she was polite but I could tell she got a little more than expected. She left quicker than I did I used a handkerchief for what little was on me. I left VIP area expecting she was still in bathroom...... but saw her with another guy already.... running her hands thru his hair.
last commentSaw a dancer I’d had a good time with on a couple previous visits, so I suggested a dance. She said she had to finish her tip walk, but would be right back to get me. A couple songs go by, then a couple more. I glance around and spot her sitting at a table, talking to a guy like she had all the time in the world. Just then another dancer I like came by and asked if I was waiting for someone. I said, “Not anymore,†and we headed to the back for a series of dances.
The first dancer spotted me as I was returning to my seat and made a beeline for me. She was practically shoving people out of the way to get to me. “I came looking for you and didn’t find you, I was afraid you left.†Uh-uh. I ended up getting the dances from her anyway, and she did put extra effort into them. Apology accepted.
At kahoot's this weekend I waited over 1 hour for a dancer while she was back in the dressing room. She had a friendly attitude when she did come back out and there was plenty of other hot dancers to watch for entertainment while I was waiting on her.
Usually though if it is a slow night/day, and I don't know the dancer well I just give up after 20 minutes.
But If I don't know the dancer, I take her measure by how how long she makes me wait. If I'm a new customer or an infrequent customer, it's rude to keep me or anyone else in that customer "category" waiting too long. Why? Because the samrt dancer should be trying to impress a new customer and set things up for the futre. If they make me wait too long I get annoyed and switch my attention to someone else or simply leave if I don't like what's available. I'll wait longer for a fave, but depending on my mood that time could vary.
Mood is very important. If I need escape and a dance party very badly, my patience runs out a lot quicker.
Recent case in point: Saw this one dancer on stage and thought "I *have* to get a dance or two or ten from her". As she was coming down from stage, I asked her and she told me that she'd be right with me. She went over to the guy she had been with before her stage work -- obviously a regular. While she was with him, I was keeping an eye on another dancer who was with another regular -- had already had some dances from her and *knew* I wanted more -- but those two were really the only ones that I wanted (things were slowing down as we approached closing time).
The first girl wound up with her regular for 30 minutes and he bought a whopping 1 or 2 dances in that time. I wasn't interested in wandering the club looking for others, no one came by, and I *was* enjoying the eye candy, so I stayed.
The longer it went, the more annoyed I was getting with him and thinking he was a jerk. Then he finally left and I found out that he wasn't a jerk; he was a dumbass -- she has no personality and her dances are VERY bland.
But in general, it's just a song or two. Then if another dancer comes by and offers, it's game on (if I'm interested in her).
The unknown girls are the gamble. Like others have stated - if she's not back to get me within a song or two...I'll either find another dancer or leave the club if pickins' are slim.
At home club I tipped gal on stage and she said she was on clubs website (voluptous Hispanic gal 21). I told her I was VIP. She came to my table and said "I need to collect some money from another girl." I found this odd and she walked off. Surprisingly enough she came back after about 10-15 minutes. We then decided to go to the upstairs VIP and as we were leaving table she said "Did you bring condoms?" We went upstairs to VIP, a manager checked my Id and said "Have a good time Sir." She then took me to a couch against the wall and made a sorta couch fort. Negotiating $150 for sex we ended up doing it and while her technique was a little clumsy I got off real good in her. I got her phone number but never saw her again (about 6 mo ago)bc of main gal I am doing. She seemed like an assemply line girl. She seemed kinda loose but the fuck was rough giving plenty of good friction. There are a coupla others I have had at club that were better.
Moral of story - You never know what they will come back and wanna do.
As she sat with another customer, I seen her looking over at me a few times, I ignored her..i had my eyes on other girls. It appeared that she was trying to have a great time with the others and make me want her more. She made 20 bucks and a few drinks the whole time...I had a wallet full of money, her loss.
Even if she came over later I was going to turn her away. I waited too long in my mind.
On the other hand, if she has a history of just stringing me along, I'll be looking for another as soon as she walks away. If she comes back, great, if not, great.
If I'm really looking for some dances, there are plenty of girls there who will take my money, and "waiting" is reserved for those who will give me value for my money, in proportion to how much value they'll actually give.
neoguy: Sometimes (although rarely) the dancers who are major a-holes can still give a really hot lap-dance. If she ever does come back, might be worth trying one dance.
Had a hands on experience in Tampa a little while back. Hadn't 'gone' in a few days... well ended up making quite a mess on her a hands/arms/tits oops ;) she was polite but I could tell she got a little more than expected. She left quicker than I did I used a handkerchief for what little was on me. I left VIP area expecting she was still in bathroom...... but saw her with another guy already.... running her hands thru his hair.
Was her name Mary?