The Hotel Question

avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
I've been to many strip clubs while on business trips. Girls will ask where I am from, and I tell them I'm from out of town. Subsequently, I've had dancers ask me what hotel I am staying at.

Any insight on this? Are they trying to gauge my potential cash outflow based on what hotel brand I stay at, or are they hinting they want to meet up for OTC?


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avatar for how
15 years ago
Could be either. Only follow-up will tell. For example, "I'm at the Hyatt."
She replies: "Nice. Wanna dance?" She was gauging your potential.
She replies: "Nice. Want some company later?" She's hinting OTC is available.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
It could be otc. Where your hotel located may also be a consideration for them in terms of ease of meeting for them. Usually if they can bump one off on way home without having husband / BF suspect whats up its a win win for them. Contrary to what the bitches on EDN or SW would have you believe a lot of them like the idea of some strange dick along with cash on the sneak. Sometimes I would swear its some kinda instinctive behavior. Remember their primary concern is getting paid so you may have to show the gal the money but do not pay it up front to some third party. She could rush you or cut it short with some Cheap A excuse her granny is dying. Some won't hesitate to rip an out of town customer.

I would suggest being careful when out of town trying to meet strange strippers otc in unfamiliar surroundings.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Lie. Tell them Motel 6 and leave it alone. Too dangerous otherwise.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
I believe you should be able to get more information out of her like a phone number to call if she really wanted to hook up with you.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
I ain't scared of no stripper.
avatar for arbeeguy
15 years ago
I agree with How. It could be either of the two motivations you mentioned, or it could also be just conversation. I recommend not telling a girl your hotel ROOM but I don't see anything wrong with giving out the hotel name & just see where the conversation goes.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
Who knows, maybe you met a dancer from out of town who is staying at your hotel/motel. At this one low-end club in Topeka, KS, I met a lady who was staying at the same motel I was at and it was one of the most fun nights I had.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
It could also be small talk to try to build a connection with you.

Also remember that some strip clubs will give you free admission when you bring hotel key. I know Cols Gold does this and maybe Dollhouse of Columbus still does it.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I'd guess it was mostly conversational.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
About 15 years ago, I was doing a sojourn in Lubbock. Went to a SC called Players, which was pretty much a stone's throw from the club. I struck up a conversation with a waitress, and we ended up spending the better part of four hours together.

It turned out that she had a final precisely at 8 in the morning, Texas Tech was about two miles away, and she would save about 90 minutes if she didn't have to travel to her family's farm 20 miles outside of town.

We ended up spending the night, platonically, in my hotel room.

Not that it really applies to sinclair's question, but every once in a while, a girl wants a break from the ordinary, for whatever reason.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
As a frequent traveler I can tell you there are multiple motiviations depending upon the girl, ranging from simplete conversation starter to measuring ITC and/or OTC potential. Impossible to gauge, so I would not assume anything.

@how: I agree with you on the follow-up assessment, but sometimes it takes a little while before the OTC thing can be put out there. First the girl needs to be sure that she can't take your cash ITC, then there is often a couple drinks as the girl gets to know you a bit. I have had a few make the jump really quickly, but more times than not it takes a little time to get there, at least in my experiences.

Read the article "Maximizing OTC Options When Traveling" for my take on this.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
Of course, I will remind you that:

Everything I post is a fictional portrayal provided for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as representative of the actual experiences of the author.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Followup on the lead to find out if its conversation or business. Use some consultative selling.
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
It's likely all of the above, but normally comes up as part of the meet-and-greet conversation:

D: Are you from around here?
C: No, just passing through/on vacation/here on business.
D: Where are you staying?
C: In a hotel.
D: Which one?

On a recent trip, I had a similar line of questioning from a half dozen girls in one evening. I was offerd take out at my hotel by one. (I declined. Not my thing). But this was after I had bought her a couple of drinks, had a few dances from her, and she was about to leave at the end of her shift and had an hour plus drive home. So she knew I a) probably wasn't a psychopath based on the time we had spent together b) was staying at a decent hotel c) had dropped some money in the club so I wasn't broke and d) was a possible alternative to a long drive home in the middle of the night. But if she didn't do OTC to begin with, none of this would have mattered, would it?
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
"I don't wanna be your friend I wanna fuck you like I'm never going to see you again" Kid Rock - Soo Hott

Some strippers like the out of town guys because they are easy custies...others don't like them and prefer regulars.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
When I was in Cocoa Beach,Fl. back in November for the shuttle launch, I stopped in a few times at the Inner Room, just down A1A from my motel. One afternoon, I was shooting the shit with one of the dancers who asked me where I was staying, I told her some ficticious place because she already had told me she was an out-of-towner herself and she was staying in the same motel as I was. If I hadn't already pegged her as a ROB, I would have had some OTC with her
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
Some girls also prefer to do OTC with traveling businessmen as (1) he is likely to have the money if he is traveling for work; and (2) it is less likely to come back to haunt them in the club.

Point 2 is very important as many of these girls keep their OTC stuff very quiet.
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
One thing I wanted to add is that it is not always in the conversation flow like jackanonymous posted. They may ask initially where I'm from, then a half hour later ask what hotel I'm staying in.
avatar for londonguy
15 years ago
They always know I am an out of towner, that's fairly obvious in my case. I think they ask you this to gauge your affluence and OTC possibilities i.e. how far away from the club it is. When I am over there I'd say about half the girls ask me my hotel. Good news is I am booked up for Vegas again in October.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
15 years ago
Probably the same point as the "what's your job?" question: to try to estimate how much money you're going to spend.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
If a gal is for real and will meet you otc she will give you a real phone number and take yours. When they simply ask about a room number without the former, then its probably SS. They may want to know where your staying to gauge travel time from the club, etc. What they are really thinking is will they have enough time to do you before they have to go home to BF or hubby.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Some of us tend to trust strippers, especially after a few drinks, dances and hints at extras. The hotel conversastion may include information on your occupation, marital status, hotel location, length of anticipated stay and eagerness for OTC. Watch out when the coke head boyfriend is let into the room to rip you off. Are you going to report this and have your wife and boss know about it?
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
SuperDude, good points always about keeping your eyes open.

I would think that the best bet would be to stay someplace where your room does not have a direct door to the outside. Most of these places also require room keys to get in the front door after hours, whcih means that you need to meet them up front.

With how desperate hotels are to fill rooms now, upgrading from a motel to a hotel like this is not very expensive if you work Priceline and Hotwire options. Also may have the added benefit of making your location a more attractive stop for the girl.
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